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/lit/ - Literature

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21475542 No.21475542 [Reply] [Original]

What's some literature that will make me FUCKING HATE SCIENCE?

>> No.21475546

Evola, Guenon. My degree was in STEM and I can't stand science now.

>> No.21475554

any STEM textbook lol

>> No.21475566

This. Why is science so fucking hard? It’s truly for the privileged brains

>> No.21475573

science literally means knowledge

>> No.21475582

same retarded energy as
>well ackshually philosophy means love of wisdom
yes bro everyone knows. you're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.21475603

then OP hates knowledge? wtf how does he get anything done?
also, wisdom and knowledge are about the same thing

>> No.21475609

Just ignore him. He’s just another midwit on his little triade against science and modernity because he can’t get a gf.

>> No.21475612

The Bible if you're an idiot.

>> No.21475616


>> No.21475656

I am reading them both while pursuing a degree in molecular biology. My cognitive dissonance is growing each day that passes and my sanity is hanging on a thread

>> No.21475664

pick one

>> No.21476673

Taking Genesis literally is the most common mistake Christians make, don't ya know.

>> No.21477109

retard alert