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/lit/ - Literature

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21472902 No.21472902 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of reading fiction
Who cares
It's so fucking dull
None of it is real

>> No.21472912

It may have taken them 150 pages to finally go to the lighthouse, but it was still an interesting novel, anon

>> No.21472917
File: 24 KB, 259x400, 5B12CA5D-9B01-46AB-89C3-A48D9E6A9B6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point of reading fiction
>Who cares
>It's so fucking dull
>None of it is real

>> No.21472920

What's the point of watching movies
Who cares
It's so fucking dull
None of it is real

>> No.21472926

You opinion is literally a symptom of autism.

>> No.21472939

OP's post reminds me of the fact that something like half the population can't imagine an apple and see it in their mind's eye. Half of the population experiences little to no emotional reaction to music. Half report having no interior monologue.

>> No.21472948

>something has to be real to be interesting
Unimaginative NPC-tier logic

>> No.21472952

nothing is real you stupid fucking frog. second hand non-fiction doesn't exist. neck yourself

>> No.21472969

Yes, I agree completely
But I do and have all those things, I just don't care for fiction

>> No.21472974

If you don't care for fiction then you're fundamentally missing something that most people have and no amount of attempting to reason with you will have you accept you are N-1 from wherever you thought you were

>> No.21472983
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Kill all frogtroons

>> No.21472987


>> No.21473006

>what's the point of working jobs
>who cares
>its so dull
>none of it is yours
>what's the point of playing vidya
>who cares
>It's all the same shit
>none of it is real
>what's the point of learning an instrument
>who cares
>it takes so long to master
>it's just fucking noise anyway
>what's the point of having sex
>who cares
>it's so repetitive
>post-nut is empty
>what's the point of raising kids
>who cares
>it's so much work
>once they grow up they don't give a fuck
>what's the point of talking to you faggots
>who cares
>you're so fucking dull
>none of you are real

>> No.21473011


>> No.21473016

desu I think my brain might just be fried from too much vidya/4chan/etc.
I need to reset that shit so I can enjoy reading again

>> No.21473050
File: 407 KB, 1395x1080, Dalí Atomicus, Salvador Dalí and Philippe Halsman collaboration, 1948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cultivate the fire in your loins, pup! Give those boys a smack! Do it! Tap 'em! Breathe life into your heart till it burns white-hot with passion! Go on! Beat your chest a few times! Stand up! Push your chin out! Give your life meaning!
>Secret Answer:
You were made for God's pleasure. You will be happiest when you are living out of the gifts He's given you.
>Super Secret Hack That Everyone Knows and Nobody Does
Don't jerk off, watch porn, or sleep with women for sport. When you lie with a woman she should be your wife, at least - at least someone you love who loves you back! Yet even then your land's waters are leaking out! That's your strength and fire you're shooting out of your nuts, Jack! That's your genius! Those are your powers clacking in those marbles, kid! It isn't mere ejaculate! You're spunking off your destiny, Jack! That's not your tally-wacker, pal, that's your ruling rod! When you shove it in you're pronouncing judgement! It's a royal scepter, not a bar of soap! Don't lather it up! Decree a lineage! Sew a dynasty! Topple the seven kingdoms! Pillage the eleven houses! Ravage the 13 dynasties! Do all this from the mighty seed strewn forth from the fertile depths of one mighty woman!

>> No.21473229
File: 86 KB, 405x720, 16-01-41-03d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21473370

I really like this poem anon


>> No.21473388

can't fucking stand non-fiction desu

>> No.21473469

this is true though

>> No.21473510

Many fiction novels are thinly veiled non fiction. Usually more of it is real than fictionalized

>> No.21473518
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1659526171809636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't like this thing
>let me just go into the hobby board dedicated to this thing to let the people who like the thing know that i don't like it
Feeling a little starved for attention?

>> No.21474076


>> No.21474079

It's fun

>> No.21474111
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>> No.21474126
File: 76 KB, 828x828, deerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's /lit/ not /fic/

>> No.21474132

What's the point of posting cartoon frogs
Who cares
It's so fucking dull
None of it is real

>> No.21474148

>I now see how retarded my post is so instead of growing a pair of balls and admitting I'm retarded I'm just gonna infinitely regress to total nihilism and pretend like I just don't care about anything

For the love of GOD have sex

>> No.21474157
File: 120 KB, 682x416, 3A00AA4F-6A55-4C1B-9985-8996FC7C865E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are asking questions like this, I think it’s best you don’t even attempt to read fiction. It’s goals are simply beyond you, anon. Picrel.

>> No.21474335

We've already been over this >>21472969
most, if not all, of those points are true though

>> No.21474344

Actual autism.

>> No.21474359

And that is why you will forever be a low-IQ retard who reads pop-philosophy and pop-history books.