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21472724 No.21472724 [Reply] [Original]

>The Many Lives of Timothy McVeigh
>By Wendy Painting, PhD.
Anons, I'm not exaggerating when I say this book is the best work in English written by a US national in the past hundred years+
One of the best parts is how proficiently the author integrates so much else: MK-ULTRA and DARPA, secret military and intelligence groups, deception and misinformation, heroism and evil, law enforcement and militias.
Aberration~ gives readers methods of analysis and lucid frameworks by which you can approach these difficult subjects which in almost every other setting are presented as to maximize fear and mystify readers.
Anyone else read this?

>> No.21472732

This post gives off fumes of a federal nature, not sure why. It's different from most fedposting.

>> No.21472773

youre all feds to me. :]
when Wendy submitted her manuscript to Trine Day, the editing, proofing and publication process suggested outside forces were interested in curtailing the book's reception.
Some issues, like editor turnover, may be less conspicuous examples of this. But when Trine Day's word documents came to Wendys inbox with exploits, viruses, it does make one wonder.
The printer is said to have bungled the first edition such that there's maybe several versions of it out there, print and ebook.
That CNN's Jeffrey Toobin, post-fap cam scandal, was given an OKCB debunker book deal is also instructive to this point.
To read Aberration is to engage directly with an ongoing operation. Mark Pilkington's "Mirage Men" also gave some great frameworks for approaching Ufology, deception, defense grift and largesse. But where his book contended with the AFOSI gangstalking, Wendy is documenting the most evil menaces in the United States.
The Oklahoma City Bombing's perpetrators are likely still alive, e.g. any of the half-dozen career CIA explosive experts who were social with McVeigh.

>> No.21472787

The book also stinks of psyop, partially because of the subtle stealth shilling that celebs do, partially because of "rumors" like that.

>> No.21472790

Sounds awesome actually. Just ordered my copy.

>> No.21472809
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maybe read a book before pretending youre savvy to anything

>> No.21472812
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>> No.21472854
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recommend reading pic related alongside Mirage Men

>> No.21472857
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>> No.21472860
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>> No.21473560

I enjoyed this book and found it to be an extraordinarily well-sourced and balanced account. The author doesn't make any conclusions, but presents all possible narratives

>> No.21473698

I read this book and it's incredibly mid. She mentions a more in-depth followup forthcoming, I might hit that up too but found aberration quite underwhelming. Gulf War stuff was most appreciable element. stg many on this board have that syndrome lmfaooooooooo

I also went to the bombing memorial in OKC. very moving little park in a fine city

>> No.21474217

Just ordered my copy from Amazon™. Very excited to read it.

>> No.21474765

This thread GLOWS

>> No.21475626

Why haven't you ordered your copy from Amazon™ yet, anon?? :)

>> No.21475786

Just put my name down for the next available copy at my local library. It's a very popular book.

>> No.21476456

Just did the same and ordered my copy. Thanks for the rec, gents!

>> No.21477430

No it doesn't.

>> No.21477456


>> No.21478583
