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/lit/ - Literature

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21472387 No.21472387 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading, ladies?

>> No.21472392

Yes... Fellow ladies... And you know how to prove you're a lady... Give your most heartfelt opinion and take on one of the /lit/ 2022 top 100 works and we'll know.

>> No.21472396

You know, a book

>> No.21472403

>white girl holds a brown book
>black girl holds a white book
Interesting color choice, they are almost like yin and yang.

>> No.21472407

>he didn't notice the shoes

>> No.21472411

I honestly, earnestly think, that The Old Man and the Sea is a piece of trash. I picked this book after seeing it on last year's list, and it's status as one of the great classics, but somehow, I've started doubting this whole 'Classic' thing, seems like a gimmick. First, 'The Great Gatsby', and now this. It was such a pain to read through each page, random boring description of catching a fish. Call me naive or anything, it didn't find any meaning in the book, there are thousands of books out there, much better written, and communicate with the reader easily. This one was a waste of time and money.

>> No.21472412

Ladies of reddit. What are the best things a plus-sized gamer has said to you that made you all hot and bothered and wanting to have sex with him?

>> No.21472414

True, I gather it's because I'm not gay.

>> No.21472415

Are you all fat and ugly?

>> No.21472417

You're fucking good at it holy shit

>> No.21472436

no, I'm fairly fit and solid looking, I actually lost my virginity to a girl I found on /x/. I still talk to her, she browses crystal cafe as well

>> No.21472437

A lot of classics are like that. Some of the other ones listed that made me want to kill myself out of boredom include Moby Dick and Mein Kampf. Infinite Jest was pretty assy as well.


>> No.21472442

>are you all fat and ugly?
It would be a little awkward if that were true, since my hobby is rock climbing

>> No.21472458

Doe he not fuck you right? Why do you feel the need to read and talk to strange men?

>> No.21472486

This is a girls only thread, silly. Strange men aren't allowed.

>> No.21472499

Hemingway publicly said that he intentionally wrote it as a story with no deeper symbolic meaning. It is, by design, just a story of an old man fishing. You either have to find symbolism in it yourself or just simply enjoy reading his prose; if you don't, then of course you are going to find it extremely boring. It is not really a good choice by which to judge classic literature.

>> No.21472501

I'm a guy, btw :p

>> No.21472513
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>amoral, sensuous, soulless and unfree

>> No.21472522

Sis...are you mansplaining right now?

>> No.21472531

Agreed, men pretending and claiming to be women should not be posting here.

>> No.21472656

I'm reading "Average girl gets raped by a BDSM vampire daddy" and "How misogyny ruins your f*cking life"

>> No.21472661

They're the same book and you're reading Lacan.

>> No.21472697
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abortion herbal recipes for my etsy

>> No.21472699

Trying too hard.

>> No.21472704

Girls, my bf's bepis is the too smol.
How to get bf with bigger bepis. Where do they congregate?

>> No.21472706

They congragrates in my pands

>> No.21472713


>> No.21472716

Hit the treadmill girl.

>> No.21472718

I met two girls at uni who browsed /lit/ and they were the most shy and awkward girls you could imagine. Not really ugly, but certainly not pretty and so bad at dressing themselves that they looked like incompetent art hoes more than anything else.
I was disgusted by the thought of a girl who browses this shit hole in her free time, so I literally ignored one of them when she tried to be friends and talk to me in class and she never mustered up the courage to try for a second time after I must have just not heard her hello and seen her wave.

Lesson is: any femoid who browses here is disgusting worthless trash and just like the incels here you need to work out, find some routines and gain some confidence.
Plus the two girls’ personalities were just terribly uninteresting.

>> No.21472741

>I met two girls at uni who browsed /lit/ and they were the most shy and awkward girls you could imagine.
>I literally ignored one of them when she tried to be friends and talk to me in class and she never mustered up the courage to try for a second time after I must have just not heard her hello and seen her wave
Ask me how I know you're lying.

>> No.21472751
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I just finished this. It wasn't very well written, but I thought it was interesting to note how the psychology of lowlife criminals doesn't seem to have changed much in 70 years. Next up I'm thinking of reading Hunter S. Thompson's Hells Angels book.

>> No.21472757
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We all look like this.

>> No.21472759

good bait

>> No.21472760

Her cuteness is marred by the fact that I know she's a megawhore irl.

>> No.21472761

You wish I were lying.

>> No.21472768

>two girls browsed /lit/
>you ignored one right off the bat
>yet somehow knew the other browsed /lit/
Sorry anon, and don't give me the "I looked over her shoulder" garbage. Women aren't going to advertise that they browse incels-r-us

>> No.21472801
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my yoni keeps yipping like theres a keebler elf krystalnacht in there

>> No.21472803

>i should hit on the shy girl in the back of the class
Meanwhile she’s having orgies with billionaires. You can’t fucking win. The pussy market is more overvalued than bitcoin and tesla.

>> No.21472807

Aw man, it awfully resembles the situation between me and some other guy who probably thought the same way as you and deliberately ignored me.
Just like the girl you mentioned i could not come up with the courage to talk to him again

>> No.21472818 [DELETED] 

This thread is so fucking cancerous

>> No.21472845

naruto fanfic. the grandmaster of demonic cultivation got to me, so I have to take an emotional break from it

>> No.21472879

Kek, seethe

>> No.21472895

>he doesn't think that us girls deserve a place to talk about literature
you're the one that should be banned for misogyny, creep

>> No.21472899

Normies can’t understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. A night spent chasing an over amphetamined Caroline around the bean bag forts, her squealing and gibbering and twitching within her moist skin on the verge of seizing. Friends build up the intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Caroline-toy with brooms if she tries to escape. Sam would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure harmonize with the droning hebrew verses. He runs through the bean bag maze fat and portly, his viagra powered penis a divining rod for the weasel. Sweat pouring down his face, around his unfocused eyes, as he laughs and chortles until he gasps: “Found you!” The weasel screeches defensively but Wankman Bankman is upon her in milliseconds--his penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach, ribs; unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendipity finds her mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Bankman’s dehydrated dick.

>> No.21472960
File: 75 KB, 1100x619, 211205737-02-ghislaine-maxwell-jeffrey-epstein-su.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>us girls deserve a place to talk about literature
You already can do that without needing to announce to everyone that you're a WahMan. Fuck off with your safe space victim olympics you fucking gaping ReddiTLard holenigger.

>> No.21472961

Man feet

>> No.21472967

start calling each other nona instead of anon like the dykes on crystal cafe do, that's actually kinda cute

>> No.21473024

Scrotes get the rope.

>> No.21473039 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 338x363, 338px-James_Joyce_by_Berenice_Abbott_1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are James Joyce's books as dirty as the letters he wrote to his wife? I'm ashamed to say it but I find them kind of hot even though they're about scat.

This is also bizarrely hot.

>> No.21473128
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My ex gf got me into reading

>> No.21473131


please fart

>> No.21473184


>> No.21473336

any here read any Lisa Taddeo I'm really quite the fan

>> No.21473365


>> No.21474143
File: 232 KB, 720x1085, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ex-gf read me poetry.

>> No.21474153

Who was her favorite poet?

>> No.21474221

She'd read from 'the Eternal Well', the classical anthology of German poetry, which is sorted by theme (she is German). I don't have my copy of the book here or I would find her favourite poems rapidly. She liked the book (chapter) of bravery and courage and some others. She was very well educated, played in the local theater troupe, and could read Goethe and children books like no others. I would sing her folk songs in return.

>> No.21474227

What happened anon

>> No.21475404

I would 100% have gay sex with you if you can role play this well irl

>> No.21475423

one was in a cafe openly browsing 4channel.org/lit/catalog kek
and the other had /lit/ saved as a bookmark in her browser and when she sat next to me I asked her about it which freaked her out.

>> No.21475527


>> No.21476003

girl coworker called me over to tell me that she finished this and this was her thought process. she also said she put it in "book jail", which is a separate shelf where she puts books she doesn't like. I agreed with her because I also did not like Old Man and the Sea.

>> No.21476237

Filtered by fucking Hemingway? You're either a real woman or this is a good LARP.

>> No.21476240

tonight i dreamt of emptying an entire magazine into some roastoid's dome

>> No.21476966

>random boring description of catching a fish
alright, i 1000% believe women post on this board now

>> No.21477023

These threads always give me the impression that there are real girls lurking here but they're all too fucking shy to say anything even in an anonymous bengali scuba diving forum

>> No.21477037

Am I the only one who hates most chick lit? With a few exceptions. I enjoyed the sisterhood of the traveling pants even though it was very shallow.

What do you mean? We say things all the time, we just don't announce our gender every time we post.

>> No.21477052

Whenever there is an unironic effortpost of a political or literary sort with a horrifyingly shit take that betrays a total lack of self awareness and abstract thinking, it is absolutely guaranteed to be a woman.

>> No.21477068

ok, since you're a woman, answer me this:
1. why are you never to be seen in "women are dumb and evil" thread of the day? don't you like dunking on mysogynists?
2. do you care about philosophy?
3. if you don't like chick lit, what do you like?
4. why /lit/ of all places? aren't there a million other friendlier forums for women? do you just like agressivity like we do?

>> No.21477297

They're ruined women who've had a thousand dicks in them. They don't feel shit.

>> No.21477377

kekked too hard at this

>> No.21477436

1. There would be no point.

2. Not particularly.

3. Books about science, books about history, books about anthropology. Occasionally I read fiction but it needs to be well crafted. I like Agatha Christie a lot.

4. I like the aggressivity and lack of political correctness. On other sites it feels like people censor themselves.

>> No.21477445

Are you attractive?

>> No.21477464
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>actual women itt

>> No.21477472

I've been reading "King, Queen, Knave" by Nabokov.

Not that anon but I've been posting in 4chan for a long ass time, in any other site people is either dumb or SJW. Aberrations.

>> No.21477475
File: 244 KB, 640x1024, Things-Have-Gotten-Worse-Social-Cover_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished reading this novella. agnes is literally me

>> No.21477477

Are you're not? Why? From Alabama?

>> No.21477480
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Rate me, trannies.

>> No.21477485

>Believing that murrica is the whole world

>> No.21477486

>oy vey a woman who doesn't follow the globohomo anti-human groupthink, she must be a part of this marginalized group that i hypocritically think it's ok to discriminate against
Leave now, foul dike.

>> No.21477489

Would reading Conan help me understand the male mind? I want to understand your thirst for sex and violence.

I look like >>21477480 without the penis. uwu

>> No.21477492

actually i didn't like it very much, the horror element was lacking and i skimmed the gory parts (luckily there were few). it did make me consider how the culture of online relationships has developed from the time period of this book (2000) to now and how normalized certain things have become. take a brief look at /soc/ and it becomes clear just how desperate people are for some connection and understanding. the possibilities that come with online relationships keep them there are essentially just a self-made carrot and stick approach. granted, this is true not only of /soc/ but other platforms as well, it just seems to be the most obvious on there. whole swarm of agnes's looking for a zoe.

>> No.21477493

Hardcore Por- Oh, sorry, I mean the latest Colleen Hoover :)

>> No.21477496

Do you really think there could be a productive debate on sexism on here?

>> No.21477500

Foreign women from marginalized countries, fat women, and girls from Alabama. Got it.

>> No.21477501

you're chasing ghosts virgin boy

>> No.21477504

idk ya-adjacent fantasy is my sweet spot when it's fun and whimsical and generally well-written. i finished sorcery of thorns today which was meh overall but started on the sequel to gilded by marissa meyer and am enjoying it so far. once upon a broken heart was really fun too (didn't read caravel though, wasn't my cup of tea)

>> No.21477522

haven't read it but that doesn't matter: If by "You" you mean the boys on 4chan then it's not thirst. Most of them are just imps who never amounted to anything and they want revenge against the world.

>> No.21477531

Damn you must be pretty stupid. Makes sense, since you're an unironic SJW. No man will ever find you attractive, you will die as petulant cat lady.

>> No.21477545

>No man will ever find you attractive

>> No.21477546

The ancient Germanics believed that virgin men retained more of their virility. We know of some men who can attest to the accuracy of their beliefs.

>> No.21477549
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Wait are you a male SJW? that's even worse!

>> No.21477562

You're the proof that female incels are everywhere. Familiar tone.

>> No.21477575

Nobody cares about your opinion, you castrated nu-male cuckold.

>> No.21477599

How do you know?

>> No.21477612

Holy shit, eat me please, literally

>> No.21477639

They're all in the /sffg/ or horror threads.

>> No.21477645

I don't know, but have you read the Iliad?

>> No.21477743

>some frogs are posted by women
this just feels so wrong. Like if a twitter fast food account started posting green frogs to reply to an asset management companies twitter account.

>> No.21477895

Not the same life goals, neither short term nor long term, in a way the relationship didn't really make sense (from the start, but, you know, love). She also writes very well, I really marvelled at her letters and postcards. Even though I would write to her in German with a 5 years-old vocabulary, I'll never be that good at choosing my words and transmitting ideas and emotions. Maybe I'll visit her this year if I go to Germany.

>> No.21477902

>Talking about 4chan to a stranger in public.
What a great idea, she was probably dying from the cringe.

>> No.21477920

I have met 4 people I only know from /lit/ irl and they were all pleasant. Either people change their personality when they go on here or only the very best ones are well adjusted enough to agree to meet up irl

>> No.21477953

>can't remotely relate to concepts such as struggle, resilience and honor
yep, checks out

>> No.21477962

>anon discovers colour balance

>> No.21477984

the “well adjusted”
>let’s meet up, stranger
ones are lurkers who post maybe once every other day.
That’s why.

>> No.21478154

Bechtdel test failed. Why don't you girls just get married to a wealthy man and become baby factories?

>> No.21478341

decent bait

>> No.21478389

never met anyone straight off 4chan myself but I have met two vidya bros I met through a /v/ group in person and I waste at least two hours a day on 4chan.
not sure on the definition of """well-adjusted""" in this case but I'm sure as hell sane and mostly personable so make of that what you will.

>> No.21478560


>> No.21478719

Don’t you trannies have somewhere else to play pretend?

>> No.21478721


>> No.21478746

yeah i want to see ms ying and yang explore eachother's bodies(in a sexual way!)

>> No.21478768
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I have better feet that you

>> No.21478963

well I just gave it a reread. last time I read it I was something like 14.
anyway I really liked it.

>> No.21479085
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Mrs. Dalloway.

>> No.21479221

Wait, I'm interested. I tried to look up "the eternal well/anthology of german poetry" and similars on the internet but nothing came out. Do you have an exact title (the original one in german, maybe?) or a link to the specific book by any chance?

>> No.21479317
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You must be unfamiliar with pretty princess point wojaks.

>> No.21479323

Do some women actually live like this?

>> No.21479351

I saw stats once that stated 4chan on average is 90% male 10% female, which sounds about right.
So, assume that for every 10 shitposters you see, at least 1 will be the fairer sex.
I say 'fairer sex', we're all sweaty losers here, but still.

>> No.21479684 [SPOILER] 

stop berating eggy
he's a good guy

>> No.21479713

is that the fucking obnoxious girl from youtube who pretends too hard

>> No.21479714

Wish I could meet arthos irl. Every girl who reads that I know just reads YA smut and does not have well reasoned opinions.

>> No.21479747


>> No.21479760


>> No.21479776

My sister does. She lives in squalor

>> No.21479922
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>he doesn't know that womemes love frogs

>> No.21480495
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what is a woman?

>> No.21480504

Yes. Women can be just as filthy as men, if not more so. I worked at a gym a few years ago and had to clean the bathrooms before closing. The woman's bathroom was almost always filthier than the mens

>> No.21480506

Yeah nice try but women don't read Hemingway

>> No.21480578

Damn this is actually pretty convincing but
Is correct

>> No.21480628

What’s that?

>> No.21480654

The walls in my sister's room are covered in holes. All her pent-up anger + teenage angst + 'that time of the month', made up for a deadly combo.
Only difference between the wojak and her is she had the shame to cover them with tapestries/posters after.

>> No.21481076
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Yes. Ever notice how most hoarders are old ladies? Women are gross.

>> No.21481194
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THis is the average modern girl

>> No.21481201

how did you meet her

>> No.21481308

>We know of some men who can attest to the accuracy of their beliefs.
such as

>> No.21481349

Welp, she'd had to be willing to do some nasty shit to get up my ranking.

>> No.21481360
File: 248 KB, 1080x981, aella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a rationalist, all rationalist girls are kind of icky (pic related). That dating site profile is fake btw, someone took the picture from her tumblr and shopped it on text someone else wrote.

>> No.21481374
File: 1.35 MB, 2984x4096, 1587883035624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi fellow laydies... Hello... how can one learn how to queef? Any tip (little laughter) for a queefing amateur? Any of you laydies-pon-pon ever had a great queef that is memorable? Any boks for that feel? Thanks laydies!

>> No.21481377

Just have sex. The penis will push air in your vagina. If you do anal you will just fart instead and oral will cause you to burp.

>> No.21481386
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Her taste in books wasn't half bad, though.

>> No.21481403

Everytime I go to my hot yoga class with my besties; Chloe always rips one out. Right out of her fanny and she says that its because she just gets fuck so hard by her boyfriend Harper that she can store some air in and release it when she stretches. Apparently it feels amazing.

>> No.21481412

Wow, do women really write about stuff like this? They are disgusting.

>> No.21481428
File: 24 KB, 201x214, trannyfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't feel queefs, they just come out suddenly. They also don't happen unless you had sex recently or have something like a fistula which would reroute farts through your pussyhole.

Oh my gosh, did Chloe get her plastic surgeon to make a fistula in her pussy to fulfill Harper's fart fetish? That's like, so romantic. I heard Kim Kardashian got that surgery too.

>> No.21481460
File: 25 KB, 322x400, 1585713562646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey listen here you little goblin-smuck; just because you cannot queef out of your little schmeckel its not a reason to be so vindictive. With that attitude you will never get a woman to queef-out her entrails until the cows come home. Queefing is beautiful and valid and a strong women-moment and you should stop that weird hateful act. Hey even Kim Kardashian had that surgery (according to >>21481428) so you are no one to speak.

>> No.21482097


>> No.21482104
File: 1.09 MB, 1330x1480, 1652613237707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be beautiful and always told you're beautiful
>Become the world's no.1 supermodel
>Get attention all of your life and hang out with billionaires, all men want you
>Eventually get old but still look great for your age
>Not able to make people's heads turn on the street with your looks
>Get mogged by younger instagram girls
>People not responding online to your "sexy" pics as much
>This is such a devastating experience you spend all day everyday coping online about your age and drown yourself in antidepressants.
>All posts online are about how age should just be a number and how you're depressed

This chick a really fascinating case of how constant hyper attention through your life and then losing it can drive person insane.
And this woman could still very easily get any older multi millionaire in a heartbeat, but that's not good enough.
She wants to compete against younger girls and wants people to find her as sexy as she was 30 years ago.
Women are fucking insane. She's the male equivalent of a billionaire who dropped down to "only" 600 mil wealth and then complains about being poor.
I bet she'll end up killing herself within 10 years.

We're going to witness this exact same insanity on a worldwide scale as the instagram whores with millions of followers lose their position to a younger newer model with better ass.
Next decade is going to be a wild ride.

>> No.21482112

shoop i saw this stupid thread and was going to write something dumb like this but it seems everyone beat me to it hahahaha

no wait, i got a good one,

>What are you reading, ladies?
101 ways to change my adult diaper

>> No.21482124

>We're going to witness this exact same insanity on a worldwide scale as the instagram whores with millions of followers lose their position to a younger newer model with better ass.
>Next decade is going to be a wild ride.
holy shit, i never thought of that.

"but we don't know why exactly" for fucks sake, why speak if you don't know anything lady, she sounds like a 12yr old or a gay child on a serotonin buzz; numbed out and not socially aware of themselves, and desiring to speak anyway and saying nothing, just spaghetti

My own thought is that this brain pattern is the SSRI itself, like how "it wasn't me it was the drink/crack/weed" - this is the same thing. Learn the signs:

extreme scatterbrain
disconnected from world
low energy
attention seeking (nude selfies, spending a paragraph and saying nothing)

>> No.21482371

Der Ewige Brunnen.
Brunnen also translates to fountain.
There are debates as to which edition is the best.
I have the latest one (2005) but the 1955 original one is often considered the best. But because of its arbitrary thematic sorting (not by author or chronology) this book is not the best to study German poetry.
You're as likely to see this book than a dictionary in a German household.

>> No.21483633

showing once every 10 days isn't that bad if you go swimming regularly or have supplementary hygienic practices like washing your genitals and armpits in the sink

>> No.21483666

there is an obvious symbolism that he chases his youth that he can never catch, i got it at page 80 or something and closed the book, are all his books like that

>> No.21483683
File: 150 KB, 750x630, pic related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instagram has been around for a decade. we're already seeing it take place - it looks like shallow female hallmonitor moralizing, mostly.

The ones that fail to settle down get trolled into believing that the most virtuous thing you can do is rebel against the patriachial system that has cast them out, and start dating each other, as a perpetual "fuck you" to the man.

the ones that settle down live in agony about not marrying a king for about a decade, then divorce around 40 and become pulp fiction authours

all of them will also whinge endlessly about age-gap relationships, and will insist that an 18yo woman is with a 30 man is a form of grooming

pic related is their fate

>> No.21483784

but he did catch it

>> No.21483828

he did? i hope you're not baiting me to read about an old dude eating raw fish again

>> No.21483837

yes he did
why would I lie to you
if you didn't like it then don't bother reading it. but it's a good story and he did catch the fish.

>> No.21483844

> if you didn't like it then don't bother reading
i have a moral obligation to read it now for i falsely undermined this novel with my shallow judgement.

>> No.21483851

alright well get back to me in an hour (or however long) with your new judgement then

>> No.21483861

nah nigga its 3 am here maybe i'll make a thread tomorrow

>> No.21484072


>> No.21484139

>and will insist that an 18yo woman is with a 30 man is a form of grooming
well it kind of is.. or it can be.. *checks wife* .. well, I mean, not in my case obviously.

The chap in red reminds me of an accountant I once knew.

Actually I have the most respect for that sort of lesbian, you may not realize it at all but they are the most ultra femme and so, by default, the most angelic and pure of the womenfolk.

>> No.21484194

>Actually I have the most respect for that sort of lesbian, you may not realize it at all but they are the most ultra femme and so, by default, the most angelic and pure of the womenfolk.
How fucking retarded are you ?

>> No.21484213

I'm a femanon, pls stop saying mean things about me.

>> No.21484251

hahaha, hello again psy-op victim of the internet, yes, most of your opinions have been put into your head by people who want you to be atomized and estranged from real human beings. All of your notions about the opposite sex should be considered, by yourself, to be inherently suspect.

>> No.21484279

In truth, I think in the West the men have become super fem in their manners and the women have become masculine; the silicon breasts resembling pecs more than tits, the ugly angular faces and bodies the "models", and kind of 'female' who is more like a gay schizophrenic male than a Woman.

Contrasted to this is (you) who thinks, speaks and acts like a girl new to her period, or a poltroon if you will, which you consider to be manly. You body is small, your skull is small,your mentality is fractured and incapable of focus, you are hyper-female in that your attitude resembles a Woman of the Victorian Era whilst that of the Women resembles a surly homeless Man.

Anyway that was all wanted to add, >>21484194

>> No.21484338

Oh great you are not only a total golem-retard but also a schizo. Go outside bud and have sex.

>> No.21484365

Thanks for asking. I'm reading Europe Central by Vollmann

>> No.21484385
File: 72 KB, 625x604, 1579162156635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there at least one flat chested blondie in this thread and if so, will you go out on an evening promenade with me?

>> No.21484401

lol tf at this mindless projection - are you able to actually explain yourself? Or is your mind just such soup that all you can do is verbally affirm "me-from-something-i-said-which-you-won't-tell" with negative mental constructs?

also, Schizophrenia verbatim refers to persons not able to connect things together, not people who 'can' connect things together. soup.

>> No.21484409

yes, but no. Also your money on onlyfans never came through.

>> No.21484426
File: 45 KB, 700x727, 1576806516256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>given current social trends, any woman reading this post has a significant chance, even a high probability, of ending up alone, loveless and childless, into her 30s
>it only gets exponentially harder from then on, and even to have a chance at something she will have to go on many gruelling dates, and be disappointed time and time again by men's increasingly neurotic and freakish behavior often ruining things just as they were looking promising
>every failure, every "break" she takes after yet another failure, will waste even more of her time and push her even closer to eternal loneliness
>things are only going to get worse, the dwindling supply of good men is going to get even smaller and less likely to be providers
>good providers are more and more likely to be intergenerationally wealthy and connected, and they will have higher requirements for their partner, can afford to shop around for younger models, and will increasingly want accommodating homemakers and not spunky free-spirited millennial/zoomer trash
>you have finite eggs
>you have finite eggs
>you have finite eggs
>you have finite eggs
>you have finite eggs

>> No.21484435

I know you're an actual woman because of how awful that joke was but as you please, your sweet, little chest will go unkissed from me then..

>> No.21484459

I wan't a joke, I am a fairly large well-built Man and something in what you said made me think it was a fan of mine, since I shared this thread for fun somewhere.

But sure, you can kiss my massive chest. It's a shame we'll both have to wait 'till we're in prison to experience this situation.

>> No.21484470

>immediately diverges to gay prison rape
Definitely a woman.

>> No.21484485

immediately acts like kissing my masculine chest would require them being 'forced' and 'not liking it',

stop playing hard to get Susan, you little tease

>> No.21484720
File: 364 KB, 653x904, IMG_0834.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lad let's clarify a bit instead of flinging shit at each other because I kind of agree with you on some stuff you said earlier. Take this as a good gesture for the upcoming Epiphany and with my lack of time I shall be prompt.

>Actually I have the most respect for that sort of lesbian, you may not realize it at all but they are the most ultra femme and so, by default, the most angelic and pure of the womenfolk.

I responded:
>How fucking retarded are you?

By charity I will clarify: lesbianism is anything but a deed of "ultra femme", "angelic" and a manifestation of "pure womenfolk". Women find their overwhelming total completion in males to eventually form an higher entity: a couple that will elevates itself evenmore into the transcendental to form a familly.
So saying that a women, a vastly incomplete being, is ultra-femme, angelic and a manifestation of pure womenfolk by becoming a lesbian and a butch is utterly non-sense. A woman belongs with and to a man; anything different is unnatural and a serious transgression to the natural laws. A ultra-femme purely manifested from womenfolk would submit entirely to her husband with love that she is now complete into a greater entity than herself that created new life. Thus a lesbian being unnatural and immoral is by far not something angelical. It is something totally satanical. Correct what you are saying because it is greatly erroneous.

>> No.21484914

the difference is that women are inherently sexual perverts. Men don't like sex, men like the competition before and during sex and to see a girl orgasming due to their dicks, and for the atheists due to their tongues. Ie men love the competition and having a direct influence on the world. men dont love sex at all . It's only women who are hedonistic and sex cravings machines coasting thru life thanks to their orbiters
And with sex comes kids, but women love to play the helicopter mom in order to base their life on something else than egotistic sex cravings. And since the more they spread their legs, the more they get pregnant, managing a kid is the most natural option for them. They dont give a shit about the kids, they want the kids to feel good in order for the moms to avoid being self centered. Now here is the twist: since they dont give a shit about their kids, they build a narrative where what is good for the kids will be what the mom thinks is good for the kids, and only that. This is the beginning of the lying and delusion moms generate for their kids.
However, as the kid grow, the mom gets bored with it and she misses the sex, so after a while she goes back to basing her life on sex, especially now that tinder exists it's very little work on her side to still get lots of orbiters.
If she deludes herself she is not a whore she will cling to the helicopter mom job a lot and it will make her kid's life hell

>> No.21485877

discord, I lucked out.

>> No.21485938
File: 353 KB, 474x765, 896A40B2-2E6F-4140-BB8A-588C9FF8A95F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m rereading Herbert and Ransom’s Pandora Sequence, and the last handful I finished were Exhalation, Inhibitor Phase, Cretaceous Past, Cage of Souls, Tau Zero, Downbelow Station, Grass, Echopraxia, Regenesis, etc.
I’d very much appreciate hearing anyanon’s favorite science fiction finds.
I wander back to /lit/ once a year or so to ask, and have always come away with a few unfamiliar titles. I’ve both read and loved every last one.
Truly, thanks so much, guys.