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21472082 No.21472082 [Reply] [Original]

>I am a genocidal degenerate emperor of a dying empire but heckin razizm is stupid and not okay!
Man, he really took the Anti-Conan/Anti-LotR thing to heart, didn’t he?

>> No.21472225

He did, which is why he never went beyond being pulp.

>> No.21473031
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>> No.21473076

Why are westoids so hell bent on making everything about niggers
Nuke the western hemisphere and Israel

>> No.21473088

Wait is elric not good? I have it on my reading list because of course I love LoTR and Conan.

>> No.21473109

It has structural problems but it's also got good parts.

>> No.21473113

>I have it on my reading list because of course I love LoTR and Conan.
It's vastly inferior to LoTR and Conan. I would even rank it below Gotrek and Felix, those Warhammer Fantasy novels. Elric is enjoyable, but hardly great.

>> No.21473137

It was written primarily out of contempt for fantasy rather than love for it, how could it be great?

>> No.21473148

>hated fantasy
>still wrote one of the best fantasy series
I kneel

>> No.21473151
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It is a swift and good read. But you will grow to detest Elric for what he is and what he does. Can not overlook the influence he had on modern fantasy though. I am in the process of planning a novel using his strory structure.

>> No.21473563

>But you will grow to detest Elric for what he is and what he does.
What do you mean?

>> No.21473618

>still wrote one of the best fantasy series
moor cock practically faded from relevance and most people won't even know who the guy is.

>> No.21473638
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True, the only good thing he did was the edgy anti-hero with white hair and a cool sword aesthetic that every fucker rips off now though

>> No.21474078
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here's the actual reason

>> No.21474099

The begining was too earth to earth, I was expecting somzthing more like divine adventure vision. also thz whole pirate thing was so shit and shit excuse to show what ever monsters shit it goes lile house of the dragons nigger shit. after that I did not understand a fucking word when he was underwater with the god of water and then he got relive from death.
for now its seems pretty shit I hope the next chapters are better, can someone tell me if its gonna be good?

>> No.21474346

I read the first two stories. They feel VERY cobbled together in terms of plot direction. Every major obstacle, solution, and newly introduced character feels like a random ass-pull intended as a “look at this cool pulp shit I made up, isn’t that crazy?”, rather than an actual part of Moorcock’s universe or story with any real meaning. Everything is about spectacle rather than substance, exploration, or study. This is why game devs, other authors, and shitty metal bands from the 80’s LOVE Moorcock’s shittyverse; he had an interesting aesthetic with little to nothing behind it.

At least classic pulp authors like Howard and CAS had prose that was fun to read.

>> No.21474350

They aren't you stupid faggot. Do you think elected politicians actually represent the people? do you think academia is actually interested in educating people? it's not 1880 any more, dumbass.

>> No.21475894
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He is the Emperor of a island city-state that is amongst the oldest of cultures and races, of a people who are favored by the Gods with magic, abilities, beauty, skills and craftsmanship. He willfully destroys it all rather than redeem and save it. And makes some awful decisions to pardon an attempted usurper in an effort to display his weakened morality. This predictably backfired.

>> No.21475908

>he never went beyond being pulp.
Just like Tolkien

>> No.21475915

>muh popularity
holy reddit

>> No.21475960

>Oh no! yrkoon has betrayed me once again! How could I not have seen this coming???

>> No.21476188

Because dumb burgers like you think racism is only about the blacks

>> No.21476588
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No he didn't, he loved reading conan and old epics as a teen so he wrote elric. elric isn't anti-conan because moorcock hated conan, he did it just to see what happened, he was mainly a scifi writer and you know how old scifi writers like to do stuff just for shit and giggles
He is so depressed that he literally dooms the world and all of humanity and everyone dies lmao

>> No.21476630
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>I have given him regency of my throne while I learn the land and he has betrayed me again, how could this happen to me?

The story is well written, it is arguably Moorplots best work in my opinion.

>> No.21476664

>he never went beyond being pulp
Except the butthurt pollack that bootlegged the Witcher from him, and then got butthurt and wanted to sue everyone about it.

>> No.21476680
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>He did, which is why he never went beyond being pulp.
He did go beyond being pulp, he was one of the top authors and editors at his peak. Now though, his huge influence has not translated to fame. Probably because he put out a great deal of shite, banging out a book a week at times that completely ruined his reputation.

>> No.21478381

>>I am a genocidal degenerate emperor of a dying empire but heckin razizm is stupid and not okay!
Sounds like the real life US

>> No.21479692

Many such cases. Frank Herbert pulled off similair faggotry with Dune sequels, even tho I still enjoyed them.