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File: 729 KB, 1200x1800, institutes-of-the-christian-religion-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21471319 No.21471319 [Reply] [Original]

>almost 2000 pages of utter schizo ravings

>> No.21471321


>> No.21471683

>*solves Christianity*
Heh, nothing personnel

>> No.21471799

My edition's about 1100 pages
>*illustrates a bunch of unbiblical heresy*

Have a child read John 3:16. He or she will NOT get Calvinism out of that.

>> No.21471802

>my religion is that of a child
Lol, lmao even

>> No.21471851

Destroyed the western world

>> No.21471862

>instead of having an actual response you decide to be a cheeky cunt
This is the power of Calvinism.

>> No.21471891
File: 41 KB, 315x475, 1672248140597762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would shut his eyes as he walked along the streets, and if he happened to bounce his head against a post or fall into the kennel (as he seldom missed either to do one or both), he would tell the gibing apprentices who looked on that he submitted with entire resignation, as to a trip or a blow of fate, with whom he found by long experience how vain it was either to wrestle or to cuff, and whoever durst undertake to do either would be sure to come off with a swingeing fall or a bloody nose. “It was ordained,” said he, “some few days before the creation, that my nose and this very post should have a rencounter, and therefore Providence thought fit to send us both into the world in the same age, and to make us countrymen and fellow-citizens. Now, had my eyes been open, it is very likely the business might have been a great deal worse, for how many a confounded slip is daily got by man with all his foresight about him. Besides, the eyes of the understanding see best when those of the senses are out of the way, and therefore blind men are observed to tread their steps with much more caution, and conduct, and judgment than those who rely with too much confidence upon the virtue of the visual nerve, which every little accident shakes out of order, and a drop or a film can wholly disconcert; like a lanthorn among a pack of roaring bullies when they scour the streets, exposing its owner and itself to outward kicks and buffets, which both might have escaped if the vanity of appearing would have suffered them to walk in the dark. But further, if we examine the conduct of these boasted lights, it will prove yet a great deal worse than their fortune. It is true I have broke my nose against this post, because Providence either forgot, or did not think it convenient, to twitch me by the elbow and give me notice to avoid it. But let not this encourage either the present age of posterity to trust their noses unto the keeping of their eyes, which may prove the fairest way of losing them for good and all. For, O ye eyes, ye blind guides, miserable guardians are ye of our frail noses; ye, I say, who fasten upon the first precipice in view, and then tow our wretched willing bodies after you to the very brink of destruction. But alas! that brink is rotten, our feet slip, and we tumble down prone into a gulf, without one hospitable shrub in the way to break the fall—a fall to which not any nose of mortal make is equal, except that of the giant Laurcalco, who was Lord of the Silver Bridge. Most properly, therefore, O eyes, and with great justice, may you be compared to those foolish lights which conduct men through dirt and darkness till they fall into a deep pit or a noisome bog.”

>> No.21471962

I guess (you) weren’t chosen. Oh well, not my problem.

>> No.21472925

He studied law, became a Protestant at 24, and published this book at 27.

Gregory Palamas wrote the Triads at the age of 42-45. Thomas Aquinas began writing the Summa Theology at the age of 40. Even Luther was more educated and well-read than Calvin when he began to write.

>> No.21472932

>Summa Theology

>> No.21472935

That just illustrates his genius

>> No.21472943

Literal kike theology

>> No.21472949

still not my problem, just be chosen next time

>> No.21472980

Ok I'll try harder

Wtf I have no choice over it???

>> No.21473953

Life ain’t fair, kid

>> No.21473993

Him and Luther were both extremely autistic. His belief about doing your job = good works is why we don’t all get Sunday off to go to church anymore

>> No.21474000
File: 84 KB, 640x640, The-Incredulity-of-Saint-Thomas-1600-1601-detail-by-Caravaggio-Bildergalerie_Q640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Truly I tell you," He said, "unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Christianity is the religion of a child, as expressed by, you know, Christ. You, being a really knowledgeable Christian, seem to have missed that important part that everybody else knows about. I wonder why that is...

>> No.21474038

Not really since he blatantly contradicts the most fundamental aspects and beliefs of Christianity, namely God giving us free will, God's love for all His creation and evil coming about through our decisions, not through God (He redeems evils and turns them into genuine goodness, but He doesn't create it). Even Luther, who I think is in grave error as well, is more nuanced in where he errs. Calvon just comes of as an overly litigious dolt that tried to make God capitulate to his will instead of vice versa.

>> No.21474048

>Have a child read John 3:16. He or she will NOT get Calvinism out of that.
Calvinism has no issue with that. Anyone who has faith in Christ will be saved.