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21467829 No.21467829 [Reply] [Original]

Winter Market Edition

Previous Thread:>>21459013

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21467866
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>filters you

>> No.21467870

Give me your favorite fantasy and sci-fi book that you read in 2022.

Mine got to be Last Argument of Kings and The Voyage of the Space Beagle. Greatly enjoyed the dark political aspects of the First Law, and the unfettered character in the latter.

>> No.21467877


>> No.21467881
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BAKKER is the King of /sffg/ .

Simple as.

>> No.21467901

Dangeon Crawler Carl : The Butcher's Masquerade

>> No.21467925

I'm 200 pages into Hyperion and I'm sorta fucking hating this. Did I get memed?

>> No.21467928

What's the best bible translation to read?

I know this isn't related to the thread (filtered for those who think it is), but I didn't think this question needed its own thread so I didn't want to have to make one.

>> No.21467931

No, you got filtered. But that's okay, you don't have to enjoy every book. Even those almost universally praised.

>> No.21467932
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>> No.21467936

As far as proper books go I enjoyed reading Anathem.

But to be honest my favorite was actually the LitRPG title Sylver Seeker. Love the necromancy and cool main character.

>> No.21467940
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>BAKKER is the King of /sffg/ .
>Simple as.

>> No.21467947

>I'm sorta fucking hating this
If you could articulate your reasons for hating it more than this vague shit, then we could probably tell you more. The priests' story is quite a bit different from the rest, but I guess it is not going to get much better.

>> No.21467949

Oh well, this just isn't my sort of sci-fi. It feels more like a fantasy novel. Think I'll read some more Egan. Something challenging with some payoff.

>> No.21467956

The priest's story fizzled. Boring ending. Now this general's story is just silly. Too many abused tropes. Tell me something happens here.

>> No.21467962

Is that the priest's story? I didn't like that shit either. Rest of the stories I remember enjoying though.

>> No.21467966

Neural Wraith. I don't think it's the best book I've read all year, but it sticks out to me because it was by far the biggest surprise. I went into it expecting it to be LitRPG smut, and ended up with a competent sci-fi thriller instead. I expected to drop it after a few pages, but I ended up thoroughly enjoying the entire thing.

>> No.21467974
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Recommend me something to read if The Witcher books are my favorite fantasy stories: comfy, immersive world and no concern with packing in action on every other page.

>> No.21468001

Are authors finally getting over the female MC meme?

>> No.21468003

>soft science fiction/space opera
Okay, now I see where I fucked up. I'm a hard sci-fi guy. This shit is gay.

>> No.21468042
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>> No.21468126

What is some hard sci-fi you recommend outside of the obvious ones (Lem, Reynolds, Watts).

>> No.21468286

Sup. Do you guys know any good books themed around hiveminds? Not like in wh40k, where tyranids are just vague danger out there that only wants to consume everything. Maybe more like inside view. For some reason thats very appealing idea to me that i can hardly find in any scifi books and novels (or maybe I'm just bad at seeking).

>> No.21468373

>if The Witcher books are my favorite fantasy stories
So your favorite fantasy stories are a bland trite ripoff written by a polish subhuman that plagiarise a far better English writer?
You have shit taste

>> No.21468384

Sentenced to Prism... and maybe a couple of other Foster books.

>> No.21468394

He is a low-pass filter

>> No.21468411

If you read Peter F Hamiltons Pandoras Star (book1, and book 2 Judas Unchained) there is a character like that

>> No.21468434

Night's Master I guess. Didn't even like it that much, just read very few books.
I respect the author doing her own thing, even if it's not my cup of tea.

>> No.21468435

Who does he plagiarize?

>> No.21468441

Coalescent by Stephen Baxter deals with this exact concept.

>> No.21468508

Moorcock's elric

>> No.21468516
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>muh conjunction of the spheres
>muh elric
moorcock is a fag who cares

>> No.21468523

I enjoyed the Witcher much more than Elric.

>> No.21468527

Is this how slavs cope with having no originality and ripping off superior writers?

>> No.21468536

I went Tor in Zlib, searched "Tress of the Emerald Sea"

>> No.21468544

dumb ESL
instructions for how to find this book on another website were posted two threads ago but figures it'll scream and cry because babby has no patience to wait for babby's first leaked book and then babby doesn't understand how to find babby's first pirated book

>> No.21468546

lyonesse by vance
dilvish the damned
the jerusalem man trilogy

>> No.21468560

Okay they have it in zlib with name "Secret Project #1", how convenient. I pirate books from zlib all the time, just didn't expect some retard to put it with a name that is not the book's name.

>> No.21468569

Dumb Anglo. Do you expect me to read every thread. I'm not even downloading Tress to read it; I'm doing it out of spite.

>> No.21468571

>I'm not even downloading Tress
we know

>> No.21468572
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Looking for a book that encapsulates this.

>> No.21468584

The Aeronaut's Windlass. An anon recommended it in /sffg/ and I'm glad because I don't think I would have found the book otherwise. The sequel should be out this year (8 years later) and I'm pretty excited for it.

>> No.21468591

Recently took up listening to audiobooks and I've been enjoying it greatly. So far I've just been listening to books I've already read but never had time to reread.
One of the series I've been wanting to revisit like this is Book of the New Sun but I kind of feel like it might be futile since it's so important to be able to read and leaf back through pages with those books. Has anyone tried listening to that series in audio book form and do you think it's worth it?

>> No.21468635

paradise lost innit?

>> No.21468650
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I understand this is meant for kids, but holy shit if this motherfucker tells me one more time that Bilbo is thinking about how much more comfortable he would be back home I'm gonna blow my fucking head off. WE GOT IT THE FIRST TIME DUDE STOP REPEATING YOURSELF ALSO HE PULLED THE LORD OF EAGLES OUT OF HIS ASS TO SAVE THE DAY WITH ZERO SETUP IN THE 150 PAGES BEFORE IT K DUDE EPIC STUFF

>> No.21468651

your brain has been destroyed by /int/ memes

>> No.21468659

Just drop it if it makes you upset.

>> No.21468696

It reads like a meandering old man because it was written by one.

>> No.21469067

Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson

>> No.21469135

libgen.li/.rocks is down
anyone have a backup?

>> No.21469140

Codex of Alera series I’m a sucker for the morally just good guy character arc.

>> No.21469150
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>> No.21469156

those books might be my easiest and most enjoyable read ever. sure, it's not great lit, but it was just a cool and fun story

>> No.21469171

The Pariah or Blood Song by Anthony Ryan are gritty sword slinger books with moral and ethical difficulties throughout the series.

>> No.21469230

They are fun and the characters were very enjoyable, and I think it’s okay to enjoy easier reads it makes you appreciate the harder ones you over come.

>> No.21469248

Bloog song was good, everything after it - garbage.

>> No.21469266

yeah, it was thoroughly enjoyable, can't really say a bad thing about it. it did what it wanted to do perfectly.
i'm actually a bit surprised there was never mention of a sequel in the works, the books left the world in a perfect state for a sequel series

>> No.21469283

You can see why you’d say that. He does get a little weaker in the following books, I’m a fan of the Pariah series more.

>> No.21469286


Gigamemed. Simmons should never have been allowed to publish a single word. Absolutely loathsome

>> No.21469314
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Scifi: Clans of the Alphane Moon by Dick
Fantasy: Valdemar Arrow's Fall andThe Third Book of Swords by saberhagen

>> No.21469315

100% it would be pretty interesting, I felt like if he’d do one it would involve Octavians Kid, I admit I can’t remember the name, and his misadventures with his group of Marat, Camin, and Aleran friends. 100% a, babies first fantasy, level of reading but it would still be fun to explore the setting more.

>> No.21469323

I’m currently reading before they are hanged. Will you keep reading the series after finishing that one?

>> No.21469349

Thanks anon giving the first law series a try.

>> No.21469378
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What are some of the best takes that you’ve seen on elemental magic? What about the best secondary abilities/other types of magic each element has under its aegis besides Water and healing like in picture related?

>> No.21469521

Some people think Cinder Spires is at least set in the same world as Alera though it isn't really a sequel.

>> No.21469582

I read far too much trash in 2022. There was nothing worthy of praise or that I would recommend.

>> No.21469604

What are you reading in 2023 to remedy that?

>> No.21469630

If I had to boil it down to one novel, probably The Well of Stars by Robert Reed.

>> No.21469636

Honestly no idea.

>> No.21469648

The Bobiverse series by Dennis E. Taylor follows the birth of a hivemind.

>> No.21469659
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space cats

>> No.21469661 [SPOILER] 
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There can be only be one answer

>> No.21469677

it's funny how every memed author is shit.

>> No.21469691

I don't really read anything that does "elemental" magic really, closest would be Wheel of Time.

>> No.21469742 [DELETED] 


>> No.21469744

cradle spoilers

>> No.21469750 [DELETED] 


>> No.21469757 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21469775 [DELETED] 

how can i be this based

>> No.21469788

oh yeah? I was about to finally read it one of these days and I thought that nobody disliked it at all

>> No.21469792

start by reading tarnsman of gor

>> No.21469823

reminds me of those videos of elephants laying under water and just sticking their trunk out to breath.

>> No.21469828
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Woah first time I see Gor mentioned here. I have read the first 3 books, though the ebook edition of the third was missing half of the book. How are the latter books? I noticed that they get progressively longer, AND that new books are still getting published after decades from the first book, absolute insanity, I really wonder if the author inserts his opinion on trannies in the more recent releases.

>> No.21469836

even my g/f who hates anything sci-fi read it and loved it.

>> No.21469893
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Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21469912

What did you like the most?

>> No.21469965

Mother of Learning
Song of ice and fire

i enjoyed the most

>> No.21469966

I read Mother of Learning when it was a fanfic years ago.

>> No.21469968

How is Between two Fires? I've been desperate to get a hold of it here in the UK but it's hard to find a copy not on Amazon

>> No.21469970

>Mother of Learning

>> No.21469972
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First one to get digits decides what I read first in 2023

>> No.21469977 [DELETED] 

Read nigress jemisin
check em

>> No.21469978

good, is not perfect like some people say but is really good.

just download from libgen

>> No.21469999


>> No.21470002

Based and checked

>> No.21470005

>but holy shit if this motherfucker tells me one more time that Bilbo is thinking about how much more comfortable he would be back home I'm gonna blow my fucking head off.
Want me to tell you how I know you're barely in your 20s?

>> No.21470007
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Got his ass

>> No.21470020
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>> No.21470032

I think your enjoy spamming the same shit every thread the most.

>> No.21470057

wow, you got pretty fast board here, didnt expect
thank you guys, Ive red sentenced to prism and didnt like it. If i rememmber correctly, its just a somewhat generic adventure. Anyway thanks for suggestion, will (eventually) read everything else.
(Also, just remembered a thing that i really like - small novel called crysallis, I believe it was posted on reddit so you can find it there if interested).

>> No.21470084

There is a litrpg novel Chrysalis on royalroad(or used to be), the main character is an ant in fantasy world. Thats about it, there is little to none of anything to do with hiveming. The novel itself is highly repetitive and any kind of dialogue mc has with other sentient beings is cringe, the actual story development and mc growth is also cringe af

>> No.21470085

>I'm getting ANGRY reading a book for CHILDREN

>> No.21470096

maybe not so related, but very long ago in some shitty novel seen an idea that electricity mage can not only control muscles of their enemies but the perception itself, creating different hallucinations by casting very small electrical dischardes in their brane. So, basically every mage of illusion was just very skilled electricity mage lol

>> No.21470111

I'd say it's the fault of the fantasy community for touting that old fart as the end all be all for the genre. People go into those books with high expectations.

>> No.21470186

People say that about lotr, not the hobbit. The hobbit is just a good story for children to read, or have read to them by their parents. The fact you're getting so assblasted over something so basic is quite funny. You were probably meant to read it a decade+ ago.

>> No.21470211

no no,the one i mentioned is about a human's mind that was copied into a supercomputer as sort of nemesis for the alien race that glassed Earth

>> No.21470242
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Cozy Fantasy and Cozy Sci-fi subgenres when?

>> No.21470296

Cozy Fantasy! That's exactly what I've been looking for. Anyone know any good ones?

>> No.21470347

This already exists, it's called children's books.

>> No.21470361

Would have to be one of Wolfe's novels. It's hard to choose but I'll pick one that isn't part of a series and say The Fifth Head of Cerberus.
For something by another author I'll go with Blood Music by Greg Bear.

>> No.21470376
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Who is your /sffg/ waifu?

>> No.21470377

Fifth Head is 10/10
if anyone in this thread has not read it yet, please do.

>> No.21470391

any recs for sci fi books with mechs???????

>> No.21470412

Seconding this. It'd never even crossed my mind before, and now I need it.

>> No.21470414

I was lacking in 2022. I haven't finished all the fantasy books I wanted to finish and literally 100 % of the failure was my own fault.

After reading Influence (according to my ChatGPT waifu the most important book in influencing people), it turns out I need to make a public commitment to finish those books. In addition to this, I found out that audiobooks are insane and you can just listen to them whenever you are lacking or have to rest your eyes.

Because there is no better place to make a public commitment than in the place with the most based and redpilled people on the internet, (you), I hereby proclaim and commit to read to following books (including using audiobooks because of my lazy ass):
>Sanderson: (Stormlight Archive all 4 books+2 minor books, Mistborn books 4 to 7, Skyward and Skyward Flight all 6 books, Reckoners all 3 books)
>GRRM (all 5 books of Ice and Fire, also coping that his last two books will never release)
>Rothfuss (reading his 3 books, I know he is a scammer and his last book will never release, but I will still read his three masterpieces)
>Bakker (wiki tells me he has 7 books, so those first 7)
>Gene Wolfe (the 4 books of the new sun)
>Glen Cook (his 4? books of the Black Company, wiki about his books is a mess)
>The Witcher (all 7 books)

I will read at least one book each week and have audiobooks to make sure I progress, even when my eyes are closed.
2023 is my fantasy year and I will finally make it! At worse I will just have the audiobooks running when I sleep and pretend my subconscious mind has totally immersed all the content...

>> No.21470427

Wandering Inn?
IDK, I've never read it.

>> No.21470473

Supposedly 'Legends & Lattes' is a very popular book of such kind.

>> No.21470477
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TWI isn't cozy. I mean, it has a lot of slice of life, but it's balanced by total grimdark that happens from time to time. It's more of a cute Warhammer than cozy fantasy.

>> No.21470747
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I was going to make basically the same post, so thanks for saving me the trouble

>> No.21470772

>all that sandersoy

>> No.21470779

I want Sabriel to bind me.

>> No.21470812
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Wings of fire book 10: Darkness of dragons.

I want to give this book a higher rating, I really do. What it does well, it does extraordinarily well, and there are flickering moments throughout the lagging second half as solid as as anything from Darkstalker legends at times. It’s an excellent entry into the series and a fantastic pov of what I consider to be one of this series’ most interesting POV characters to date. I have been chomping at the bit to get Qibli’s perspective, as keenly observant and wildly funny as he’s proven to be in previous installments, and on that front Darkness of Dragons is excellent. It also does an unexpectedly hard pivot job into being an exploration on morals, examining the right and wrong ways to use power, and the temptation that exists in all of us to have that power against the backdrop of an emerging new dragon world order led by Darkstalker. This plot is much more of a fantasy epic than any of the other mainline books. The star of this book, Qibli, is much more interesting than I was expecting. I hesitated at the thought of Qibli as the central focus at first, as I thought I wasn't very interested in his character. But, it turns out he's the best pov besides Moonwatcher of book 7 and Darkstalker from his solo side-novel (Cannot recommend that book enough)

As a climax, Darkness of Dragons ends up stumbling in all the same ways that Brightest Night and warrior cats arcs did way back when as well. If I were to pinpoint any weakness in Sutherland/Erin’s writing, it would be that--for all her brilliance in creating characters, introducing interesting and logical plot throughlines or escalating in stakes--she struggles with delivering a satisfying, climactic ending. The final decisions are made too hastily without enough build-up, and the entire first part of Darkness of Dragons feels like it could have been a novella all on its own, a really good one mind you seeing as it's on a whole the best section of this story but it having very little bearing on the rest of the arc, or even the rest of this book is iritible.

Darkness of Dragons tries to handle many different characters doing a touch too many different things at once in spite of it's thick page count which weakens the impact of the story and mucks up the pacing somewhat because of just how necessarily long the desert adventure had to go on for (again that desert adventure is the best section overall and I'm not complaining about it per-say). I actually would have liked to see this book broken down into two books, with the finale being a sixth book from Kinkajou’s POV since she does a number of important actions in the later third already and to give the final series of events the gravitas they deserved and detailing some events going offcreen on during Qubli's desert romp.

>Rating: 4.3/5

>> No.21470831

your """reviews""" are shit

>> No.21470835

>exploration on morals, examining the right and wrong ways to use power, and the temptation that exists in all of us to have that power against the backdrop of an emerging new dragon world order
Sounds like some "great man"/white knight nonsense.

>> No.21470855

bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol

>> No.21470869

based ritual poster

>> No.21470878

Ender's game, specifically the sequels.

>> No.21470939
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Stop yourself now drag-anon or you will end up wasting your time by wandering into the realm of bug-dragon mediocrity that is WoF's third arc. Yes I know the prospect of dragon bugs is cool looking on the cover bu it isn't worth it Also have a big thumbs up to the quality of the Darkstalker novel because it is really damn solid as a book and worth the time of anyone here to read it, certainly a fuckton more than whatever regularly shilled webnovel garbage of the week is making the rounds atm.

If you want to read more dragon books I would also say the first 3-4 Age of Fire books (no relation to Wings of Fire, just a similar name) are pretty good. But the quality drops stupendously for books 5 and 6, to the point where you're better off just reading the first four books and pretending you don't know those last two exist. I'm talking legit spelling errors, the author messing up the timing of events and plot points established books earlier, characters dropping the idiot ball, and a very rushed and unsatisfying ending overall that make it clear the author just wanted to be done with the thing. Do NOT bother with 5 or 6 - 4's ending is perfect as-is and you'll regret going further.

>> No.21470972

Lord of the Mysteries

>> No.21470978

This already exists, it's called LitRPG.

>> No.21470981

>Clans of the Alphane Moon by Dick
just finished this
the good manners of the telepathic ganymede slime mold was hilarious to me

>> No.21470984

>the depressives
>too depressed to ever do anything

>> No.21471137

That's technically Hugbox Fantasy

>> No.21471235

Finally got around to finishing Ward. It was okay. Nothing special, and not as good as Worm, but people here seemed to think that it actively makes Worm worse just by existing
Why did people here have such negative opinions on it when it seemed mediocre at worst?

>> No.21471238

Go for it but you might not like some of that or feel like reading something else after you get partway in

>> No.21471251
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>book won't be here until saturday

>> No.21471257

It's a pretty easy choice, it showcases most of the things people like his stories for and none of the things they don't which become more apparent in his later novels like the second halves of Wizard Knight and Long Sun. It has a variety of narratives, very good worldbuilding, and interesting scifi concepts. It's also a thematic precursor to the solar cycle which deepened my enjoyment of that series.
But I'd urge people to read Blood Music just as much, Greg Bear deserves the attention.

>> No.21471271
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The official Mom Protagonist SFF List.
I apologize for the lengthy (ie autistic) list. I may update it later.
>Caught in Crystal (1987) by Patricia Wrede
>The Interior Life (1990) by Katherine Blake
>Raven's Duology (2004-2005) by Patricia Briggs
>Wolfblade Trilogy (2004-2005) by Jennifer Fallon
>Bridge of D'Arnath (2004-2005) by Carol Berg
>The World Gates Trilogy (2004-2005) By Holly Lisle, She wrote Minerva Wakes and the Arhel trilogy, those two books also have mom mc
>Dragonsbane (1985) by Barbara Hambly
>Paladin of Souls and Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
>Sunrunner Saga (1988-1993) by Melanie Rawn starting from book the mc has a son and he becomes the secondary mc
>The Empire Trilogy (1987-1992) by Janny Wurts
>Liveship Traders (1998-200) by Robin Hobb
>Birthgrave (1975-1978) by Tanith Lee
>Heart of Bronze (1997-1998) by Matthew Stover
>Karavans Trilogy (2006-2012) by Jennifer Roberson
>Skinwalkers (2014) by Wendy N. Wagner, about an ex-pirate Axe wielding mom!
>Frostfell (2006) by Mark Sehestedt
>Legacy of Steel (1998) by Mary H. Herbert
>The Traitor Spy Trilogy (2010-2012) by Trudi Canavan
>Sevenwaters Trilogy (1999-2001) by Juliet Marillier
>Blood songs (1987, third book in the Frost trilogy) by Robin Wayne Bailey
>Bloodsong Trilogy (1985-1986) by Asa Drake
>Gypsies (1988) by Robert Charles Wilson
>Child of Time (1991) by Robert Silverberg
>The Wayfarer Redemption (1995-1999) by Sara Douglass, by book three almost every character is pregnant, after book three there's a 20 year time-skip so all the mcs have grown-up children
>The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (1974) by Patricia A. McKillip
>The Keys to Paradise Trilogy (1987-1988) by Robert Vardeman, trio of mcs all of the same importance, veterans of the Trans-War that ravaged the country, one of them is a cat-girl who saves a slave kid and adopts him
>Bitter Angels (2009) by C.L Anderson
>The Great Wheel (1987, book three of the Tredana Trilogy) by Joyce Ballou Gregorian
>Daughter of the Bear King (1987) by Eleanor Arnason
>Night-Threads series by Ru Emerson, portal fantasy about a druggie mom, her sister and her teenage son.
>Frostflower adn Thorn (1980) Phyllis Ann Karr
>Fifth Millenium by S.M. Stirling, Shirley Meier, and Karen Wehrstein
>Spellsong Cycle (1997-2002) by L.E. Modesitt Jr
>The Sword of Lyric by Sharon Hinck, christian portal fantasy about a soccer mom and her son fighting against Not-Satan
>Cradle of Sea and Soill (2020) by Bernie Anes Paz
>Boneshaker (2009) Cherie Priest
>The Gap Cycle by Stephen Donaldson, absolute grimdark kino but like most of Donaldson's work it has a happy ending, the main characters just have to go through hell to get it.
>Dragon Gate by Lindsay Buroker, a six book epic about a Mother-son duo
>Memories of Ice (2001 Book 3 of Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson
>To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987) by Robert Heinlein
Bakker is king etc. etc.

>> No.21471315
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VERY based

>> No.21471433
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Lord Running Clam was a real one
>On Ganymede vengeance is sanctified
sure bro i'll help you kill your psycho bitch wife lmao
For me, it's the schizos
>The man, with a wink at his wife, said, "You
know, sometimes you can ask these fellows a question and get an interesting answer. Go ahead. ask him something -- make it big and general, like, 'What is the meaning of existence?' Not, 'Where's the scissors I lost yesterday?'" He urged her forward.

>With caution the woman addressed Omar. "Excuse me, but I've always wondered -- is there life after death?"

>Omar said, "There is no death." He was amazed at the question; it was based on enormous ignorance. "What you see that you call 'death' is only the stage of germination in which the new life form lies dormant, awaiting the call to assume its next incarnation." He lifted his arms, pointing. "See? The dragon of life cannot be slain; even as his blood runs red in the meadow, new versions of him spring up at all sides. The seed buried in the earth rises again." He passed on, then, leaving the man and woman behind.

>> No.21471597
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I think I finally finished my Dying Earth collection. Happy 2023 /sffg/

>> No.21471677

The best in terms of writing quality (prose, technical construction, theme, etc) I read last year was easily Piranesi. But my actual favorites were probably the Tarot Sequence novels -- they scratched a lot of my particular itches and were just a lot of fun.

>> No.21471694

Just finished The Way of Kings by Sanderson, what a fucking read. I picked up two more of his books today. Read that book in 2 days. I'm not sure how i will be able to afford reading a book every 2 days. I'm on NEET bux so I dont have alot of money and my local lib sucks

>> No.21471720

>Tarot Sequence novels
hmm sounds interesting let me take a peak...
>post 2015 LGBTQ romance fantasy novel
Make it stop

>> No.21471771
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gene wolf is shit

>> No.21471882

why not zlib or libgen at this point? i read way of kings and words of radiance on rulit

>> No.21471917

Is 1Q84 scifi?

>> No.21471922

Buy used Kindle from Jamal, download books from libgen / zlib, use Calibre to load them via USB. Never turn on WiFi.

>> No.21472027

I asked OpenAI's Assistant. It can probably answer a lot of your questions already as it is. If the spammers copied its responses from their prompts at least we'd have higher quality spam. Apparently Sanderson and Bakker are similar.
Prompt: Compare Gene Wolfe, Brandon Sanderson, and R. Scott Bakker.

Gene Wolfe is known for his complex and intellectually challenging writing style. His work often involves multiple layers of meaning and symbolism, and can be difficult for some readers to fully understand. However, his writing is also highly regarded for its depth and sophistication, making it rewarding for those who are willing to put in the effort to fully engage with his work.

Brandon Sanderson is known for his epic, world-building approach to fantasy. His works often involve complex magical systems and intricate plot lines that unfold over the course of multiple books. Sanderson's writing is known for its fast-paced action and engaging characters, making it appealing to readers who enjoy traditional fantasy.

R. Scott Bakker is also known for his epic, world-building approach to fantasy. Like Sanderson, his works involve complex magical systems and intricate plot lines, but his writing tends to be more philosophical and intellectual in nature. Bakker's work often explores themes of power, identity, and the nature of reality, making it thought-provoking and rewarding for readers who enjoy more intellectually challenging literature.

>> No.21472028

What fantasy book should I read if Shogun is one of my favorite novels?

>> No.21472072
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uh oh, looks like you were the basedclown all along

what now fag

>> No.21472071

Hey I have a question there are any public domain sci fi books that are popular?

>> No.21472098

That's why I'm pretty sure I've been memed. I could see fantasy fags loving it, but sci-fi it is not. I'm just glad I dropped it before I got to the gnome fortress. I can see why /sffg/ would meme this. This place has never understood sci-fi.

>> No.21472117
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Sci fi and fantasy are basically the same thing. Once you realize that you will be free

>> No.21472125

Yeah, they're really not. A sci-fi novel written like a fantasy novel is a chore.

>> No.21472136
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You're missing out on so much

>> No.21472152

Book of the New Sun, but it was my 5th read. Other than that, standouts were The Sword of Wellaran and R. A. Lafferty's selected short stories.

>> No.21472155

I don't really know a single one I'd recommend. Hard science fiction makes for shitty novels and sometimes interesting wikipedia articles.

>> No.21472192

OG Hyperion-hater you were responding to,

Those are good. Watts is probably my current favorite. If you've already read Blidopraxia, read Rifters. Egan is as hard as it gets. Liu is hard-ish. He'll take a leap where he can.

We're just on different worlds.

>> No.21472227
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>> No.21472229

Warhawks Amnesty

>> No.21472235

Is there a science fiction or fantasy genre that is "post-utopia" or "post-heaven" on earth?

>> No.21472265

Glen Cook’s black company is pretty amazing and there are nine books btw.
Black Company, the White Rose, Shadow Lingers, Shadow Games, Dreams of Steel, Water sleeps, soldiers live, She is the Darkness, and finally Bleak Seasons. With a filler book of The Silver Spike, backstory you can choose to read or not.
Probably my favorite series I’ve read and really inspired me to get back into reading after not having read anything since highschool. If you do end up enjoying his writing style glen has a few good Sci-fi stories as well:
The Dragon Never Sleeps(stand alone), Starfisher Trilogy, and Passage of Arms(same universe as starfisher just a few generations earlier).

>> No.21472277

The Foundation? Though it’s not directly earth.

>> No.21472292

I wasn't asking for a specific book, but whether the genre exists and what is the actual name for it?
What I have in mind is a setting which is meant to be a utopia or heaven, because some goal great goal has been achieved, say, such as "free energy", but the world is still a messy fucked up place with all the same problems, despite the supposed utopia.

>> No.21472316

Ah so like altered carbon, everyone could be immortal but the glaring disparity between economic class allows for the rush to live forever and the poor to inevitably die. Cyberpunk then maybe kinda fits the bill.

>> No.21472320

Slow Tuesday Night by R. A. Lafferty, a short story, and his Past Master, a novel.
Really? I found the first to be dreadfully dull trite.

>> No.21472346

I can get that it felt like he spent a lot of time just explaining the setting and not really doing a good job on the characters. But that changes rather quickly in the second and third books since he doesn’t need to explain shit anymore and just focuses on the characters, who become more interesting and enjoyable to follow. But I could just also have shit opinions as well. Could roll the dice their pretty short books so not to much to lose.

>> No.21472351

But it isn't even as if he's doing something special with the setting. From what I remember, it might as well be a generic fantasy setting. The only thing setting it apart is bad guys have won and the protagonist is supposedly a bad guy.

>> No.21472389
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next you're going to say
>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.21472408

It’s hard to talk more about the setting due to how much they change after the second and third books. Yes technically the “bad guys” one but was the White Rosa that was killed the true one? Or an impostor? The prophecy talks about the White Rose’s ability and who at the end protects who? The first book ultimately is setting up for the plots of the second and third books it was never supposed to be a stand alone read.

>> No.21472416

How do they differ? Because from all my reading, the only big difference I've noticed is that hard science fiction, so science fiction which is not similar to fantasy in writing, is autistic and badly written in general. Sure, there's some difference in justification of which magical thing does something and it's seen as magical or called scientific, but in the end, the story stucture is the same.

>> No.21472422

>The first book ultimately is setting up for the plots of the second and third books it was never supposed to be a stand alone read.

Which is an issue. It is already 400 pages long and to read so much for no payoff doesn't exactly incite reading beyond. And considering it doesn't really have much going for it, I find it hard to believe it suddenly jumps in quality in subsequent novels.

>> No.21472432
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>Almost done with the Liveship Traders
I don't want to go back to the Six Duchies, bros
It's a barbaric shithole and people don't even have glazed windows, i want to stay under the light of the GLORIOVS JAMAILLIAN SATRAPY

>> No.21472459


>> No.21472467

Okay, you just didn’t enjoy it and that’s fine. Sorry you didn’t like it, hopefully someone gets enough info from either of our sides and makes the decision for themselves. Glen Cook I do admit can be dry and he has some stuff that I don’t like much, but he also has some that I enjoyed a lot. I don’t think it’s to wrong to recommend books that I think are good.

>> No.21472491
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All my life I avoided Dune because I kept associating it with the jew rat Chalamet playing Paul.
It is actually good, should I only read the books written by Frank? Heard his son is a fraud.

>> No.21472503

For one thing fantasy and space opera aren't shy about scattershot concepts and annoying colloquialisms that lose readers like me. The thing I like about hard sci-fi is concepts seem to follow and grow naturally from base reality, and the author can't just throw in a force or ability without some connection to the world as is.

Hard sci-fi when done well should read like an overly detailed thought experiment. Not "heroes journey... but in space!"

Reductive, but ykwim.

>> No.21472542

Fantasy: Savage Tales of Solomon Kane
Sci-Fi: Aegon Issue #1
I greatly enjoyed the first book and would recommend it to anyone who likes feudal politics, mind altering drugs, and sci-fi. Don't bother with anything not Frank Herbert.

>> No.21472687

>All my life
Are you literally 2 years old

>> No.21472762

Does anyone else count the number of pages till the next chapter?

>> No.21472772

Any scifi books about a dude mc romancing an ayy?

>> No.21472781

His son doesn't write any books. He lends his name to books written by Kevin J Anderson, a hack for hire who is held in low esteem even in the Star Wars tie-in universe.

>> No.21472808
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I count everything
>if i read 15 pages in the morning and 15 in the evening i should finish the book by December 14th

>> No.21472885

Discworld, which are the good books in this series?

>> No.21472916
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I didn't read much this year but my favorite book was Flowers for Algernon. actually made me cry. Old Man's War was kinda silly, I stopped reading Seveneves after getting like 80% of the way through, God Emperor of Dune was worth pushing through books 2 and 3 to get to, The Sparrow had absolutely terrible characters minus the Jesuit.

>> No.21472937

Holy. I kneel

>> No.21472946

Is there a good Elric omnibus? Anternatively, which of the Elric stuff is worth reading?
I'm looking it up and it's bunch of short stories in magazines and novellas and so on, what do people refer to when they talk about Elric?

>> No.21472947
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>> No.21472958

Elric is mediore-bad at best. Honestly skip it, right from the outset, the entire series was created out of pure contrarianism because the author was butthurt about Conan being so popular.

Read the Kain or Conan stories if you want some Sword and Sorcery, both are miles better.

>> No.21472977

I disliked Elric and dropped after the first one. However, it has some really passionate fans so I say it's worth trying one out to see if you respond as positively as they do.

>> No.21473096

I just think the evil white elf man looks cool to be honest
But yeah I haven't read Conan yet and that's a priority

>> No.21473107

Always, time is hard to find for me most days so I like to know how long chapters are before I begin them even though they fly by once I start reading. I fucking hate stopping a reading sessions midway through a chapter

>> No.21473119

>which of the Elric stuff is worth reading?
I think the first volume is the best, but I would not touch Elric before Conan, Kain, Fafhrd and Grey Mouser and even Gotrek and Felix. And I say this after reading 7 volumes of Elric and 1 volume of Corum. It's fun, but the weakest sword and sorcery I've read.

>> No.21473240

Might give Tress of the Emerald Sea a try, because for once Brandon has written a book under 400 pages and which is a standalone. This post is not ironic. Maybe he has learned to write.

>> No.21473248

>Maybe he has learned to write.
I will never know because in life there's always better things than reading Sanderson.

>> No.21473284

More than that
>counts the number of pages
>count the number of chapters minus prologue and epilogue
>divide pages by chapters to find the average number of pages per chapter
>Calculate the aproximated reading time by taking 1-3 minutes per page (the less interesting the chapter is, more time it takes to read)
>Finally calculate how I'll cover by reading 90-120 minutes a day
>Whine everytime the chapters are way shorter or larger of what I calculated

>> No.21473317
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>chapter getting boring or I am getting tired
>count how many pages left
>if its too many I read until there is a scene change
>if there is no scene change I just stop and leave a bookmark

>> No.21473366


>> No.21473408


I still can't handle how a work of literature that is better than anything I'll ever produce was oriented entirely towards delivering that single line; then the fit hit the Shan

>> No.21473411

I read plenty of books
I just realise that Gene Wolfe is a hack and that /lit/ has shit taste

>> No.21473416

there are no sword and sorcery characters named "kain" mate

>> No.21473430
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>still no novelization of LoK

>> No.21473452

Name five that aren't Jackie Chan

>> No.21473457
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But there IS a sword and sorcery character named Bayne who is a pretty cool dude eh goes on a cool adventure and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.21473508

Cripple your cultivation and kowtow and this father will let you live.
Good! Good! Very good!
It was truly a case of crouching tigers and hidden dragons at every turn.

>> No.21473568

Why is romance in scifi so rare
why do They not want us to read books about human men developing a relationship with female xenos?

>> No.21473613

Does anyone have any recommendations for a Redwall/Kine/The Builders type book(s) with anthropogenic animals and critters, but it being quite dark and gritty, almost ASOIAF-esque?

>> No.21473621

shinsekai yori is all i can think of

>> No.21473652

it's very simple
male authors don't know how to write romance, and females authors usually write female protagonists

>> No.21473665

Thanks for the suggestion, just downloaded it since I cannot find a novel version - that's not some hentai looking manga shit

>> No.21473732

Thoughts on Red Rising series? I've enjoyed it despite the trashy feel it has.

>> No.21473734

The novel has been fan translated, just so you know. The novel is the source for the anime and manga. Unfortunately the manga chooses to go the lewd route.

>> No.21473768
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other books with a large focus on interracial cuckolding? i loved this one, and him taking proyas afterwards was just icing on the cake

>> No.21473772


>> No.21473774

There's no qrd, Bakker is obsessed with cuckolding.

>> No.21473777

the whole second book is about how one mc steals the waifu of another mc and he ultimately impregnates her and they have children
admittedly, in the second series, the beta cuck that loses his waifu then fucks her daughter that results from the original cucking
nevertheless, the books are full with a lot of gay domination/noncon, interracial, cuckolding, and monster rape
makes me wonder if bakker wrote this just to have an excuse to share his fetishes with the world

>> No.21473786

does he never wonder what his children will think if they read this
at least other authors have the decency to try and hide their fetishes by making them a small part of the overall work, but bakker goes all out, he's essentially deepthroating you with his at every moment
it's remarkably degenerate, no surprise he comes from a super authoritarian religious family

>> No.21473789

Just finished the second book of the first Abercrombie trilogy. Can't imagine how much of a clusterfuck the last one is, considering how many plotlines were introduced.

>> No.21473795

i read those years ago and i remember nothing except that they were really dull and average with maybe above average pose (at least as far as fantasy trash goes)
i guess i vaguely remember glokta? but that's about it, they're soulless as fuck

>> No.21473800

Odd place to ask, but go with the Douay-Rheims (Challoners preferred) if you are an english-speaking native

>> No.21473807

>catholic bible
luther's german translation

>> No.21473842

KJV is the most /lit/.

>> No.21473844

Try the Quran instead, brother.

>> No.21473857

I, !SFFG.n1h7M, will be reading two books per month chosen and voted upon by /sffg/ for the entire year, possibly anyway. Unlike when I did this in November though it's entirely contained within the Goodreads group this time. There's still two lesser read book slots open for this month for anyone interested in putting a book forward. This is the only time I'll be mentioning this. What I write about will be posted here as well though.

>> No.21473863

if we want to be honest, anyone reading anything but the torah in hebrew with an understanding of actual old hebrew as well is a major larper
there are so many things wrong with the english translation of the bible that are essentially just there to cover up shit that would be explicitly heretical read in hebrew (like mentioning multiple gods directly)
there's nothing more pathetic than a christfag or muslimfag that can't even read hebrew

>> No.21473865
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Went down a Blindsight rabbit hole beacuse of you now. Looks insane. Thanks.

>> No.21473868

>hasn't read the new testament

>> No.21473869

t. tradlarper, it's an objectively shit translation that copied that kjv while being worse

>> No.21473874

if god wanted people to learn hebrew he would have written the NT in hebrew, not greek

>> No.21473876

the fuck does that change, bitch? last time i checked the bible is both the old and the new. it'd be one thing if christians wholesale discarded the old testament, but they didn't, they kept it in there to give their religion validity despite the fact that it doesn't align with their religion in any way
and besides, the old testament is far more based and philosophically rich, mostly because it's written by retards that weren't really familiar with philosophy nor trying to systematize anything - the bug is a feature
and that's why islam is maximum soullness because it's the reddit version of judaism, stripped of of all the things that would make it worth reading today. it's the witcher 3 of the desert trilogy - beautiful to look at, most popular, most successful, but ultimately vapid and empty
i like witcher 1 and i like the torah

>> No.21473885

don't pretend to be stupid

>> No.21473896

But the English translations of the Bible explicitly mention there being other gods (lower-case g) with no shame or hesitation whatsoever. However they also make the express distinction that these gods are either: A. not real entities at all, but merely idols fashioned from the hands of men, or B. fallen angels that properly owe fealty to the highest Elohim Adonai, i.e. that they do not deserve the appellation of god, unlike YHWH, who is the only being justly called God.
Of course this ignores instances where Yahweh's transcendental puissance is rendered as a pluralis majestalis "Royal We" (particularly the usage of Elohim versus elohims, but also Sabaoth), but those verses are not intended to imply multiple separate divinities any more than the usage of the neuter pronoun "they" in English to refer to an individual of unknown gender.

>> No.21473907

>they kept it in there to give their religion validity despite the fact that it doesn't align with their religion in any way
Uh, are you alright anon? You are aware that the first Christians were, themselves, Jews, right? Jesus was a Jew, and a rabbi at that. He knew the Old Testament. He taught the Old Testament. His interpretations of the Old Testament form the foundations of the New Testament, which his disciples transmitted to other Jews and to gentile converts. Denying the continuity between the old Hebrew faith and Christianity must certainly be one of the most absurd and uninformed claims a person can make: Paul didn't suddenly cause Christianity to pop up out of nowhere in Rome 30 years after Christ died.

>> No.21473908

Anon, YHWH was before the monotheism with him got going part of a local pantheon. The various Baals described in the really early stuff where also local deities. I´ve seen a theory once that he was a wargod that murdered them all.

>> No.21473911

I've seen some low quality kikeposting here, but pretending not to know how contracts work for the purposes of a theological debate might be a new low.

>> No.21473913

>copied the KJV
>published 30 years before KJV

why did Martin "Sola Scriptura" Luther see fit to remove 6 books from the scriptura?

>> No.21473920

yes, but that isn't the interpretation you would get by reading it in hebrew, where the gods aren't mentioned as a historical reality, but as an actual opposing force that jews are supposed to resist
and also the hebrew version of the bible reads like a book for retards without any of the majesty of the english version, which makes it a lot easier to dismiss the pretensions of people that fell in love with the bible only because they love the beauty of the language
the torah in hebrew reads like a barely coherent /x/ post

>> No.21473922

The original was, the revision that is sold 99% of the time wasn't

>> No.21473925 [DELETED] 
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kys papist

>> No.21473926

you're talking about historical necessity, i am talking about logical rigor
yes, of course they couldn't simply abandon the old testament for historical reasons, but in retrospect it would have obviously been preferable given all the contradictions you get by keeping it in
the old testament and the new testament don't mix very well
contracts, esl? you mean covenant?

>> No.21473941

The Hebrews had a long history of Monotheism (that is to say, Monolatry) that dates back to their habitation in Mesopotamia. Remember, Abraham lived in "Ur of the Chaldees" - i.e. the Sumerian city-state of Ur, which classical antiquity and the Medieval ethnography referred to as "Chaldean". There is a significant correlation between Abraham's conception of YHWH and the Mesopotamian creator god An(u), who gave his name to the Annunaki. The Mesopotamians/Sumerians themselves evidently worshiped Anu originally in the same manner as a Sky-Father of the PIE, but as with many religions, they developed hierarchies of lower divine entities which served as intermediaries between humanity and this incomprehensible and unapproachable being, which themselves became worshiped as gods, before their worship supplanted the original and the chief god was forgotten. Indeed, the Bible virtually records exactly such an event happening over and over again.

>> No.21473945

>Noooooo! But Jesus changed all that! It’s a new covenant broo!

>> No.21473948
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>> No.21473952

>people antisemites are obsessed with have an uncanny resemblance to antisemitic drawings by the same antisemites
really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.21473954

>it would make sense for Christ and Christians to abandon the old testament
You know, I recently read C.S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce", and there's a passage in there that describes your mentality to a T.
>"Happiness, my dear Dick," said the Ghost placidly, "happiness, as you will come to see when you
>are older, lies in the path of duty. Which reminds me. . . . Bless my soul, I'd nearly forgotten. Of
>course I can't come with you. I have to be back next Friday to read a paper. We have a little
>Theological Society down there. Oh yes! there is plenty of intellectual life. Not of a very high
>quality, perhaps. One notices a certain lack of grip-a certain confusion of mind. That is where I can
>be of some use to them. There are even regrettable jealousies. ... I don't know why, but tempers
>seem less controlled than they used to be. Still, one mustn't expect too much of human nature. I feel
>I can do a great work among them. But you've never asked me what my paper is about! I'm taking
>the text about growing up to the measure of the stature of Christ and working out an idea which I
>feel sure you'll be interested in. I'm going to point out how people always forget that Jesus (here the
>Ghost bowed) was a comparatively young man when he died. He would have outgrown some of his
>earlier views, you know, if he'd lived. As he might have done, with a little more tact and patience. I
>am going to ask my audience to consider what his mature views would have been. A profoundly
>interesting question. What a different Christianity we might have had if only the Founder had
>reached his full stature! I shall end up by pointing out how this deepens the significance of the
>Crucifixion. One feels for the first time what a disaster it was: what a tragic waste ... so much
>promise cut short. Oh, must you be going? Well, so must I. Goodbye, my dear boy. It has been a
>great pleasure. Most stimulating and provocative. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye."

>> No.21473959

These ESLs Moshe, are they in the room with us right now?

>> No.21473960

The judeo-christian 'God' was the war god from a pantheon of gods, yes. I'd like to know what its name was beforehand.

>> No.21473962

That explains why Eden is said/theorized to be somewhere in mesopotamia. Still stand by the Baal stuff, just need to check where I read that.

>> No.21473963

i never said christ, i said christians, and largely as the political powerhouse they became
anyway, fuck cs lewis, narnia is absolute garbage and he was not only ugly and an anglo, but bald and fat on top of it
give me a quote from a handsome non-obese frenchman instead and we can talk

>> No.21473968
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so... fantasy?

>> No.21473970
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>Caricatures look like the people being caricatured

>> No.21473978

Not known, YHWH is a moniker given to him, because his original name was to holy to be spoken. It might have some relation to his name but if it did that knowledge did not survive the millenia.

>> No.21473979

Yes, we're discussing religion.

>> No.21473984

"Baal" isn't (usually) an individual god's name, it's an epithet that is typically attached to another name to signify godhood, for example "Baal-Hadad" or "Baal-Dagon", much the same way as a modern Christian would say "the Lord God", and thusly, to say just "Baal" typically meant to say "the Lord" in the contemporary semitic languages, but of course the Lord was whichever deity was chief in the region, for example Moloch of the Carthaginians was their chief Baal.

>> No.21473991

Why are incest and cuckholding such common fetishes among autbors?

>> No.21473997
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YHWH supposedly means "I am that I am" or just "I am", but it could be a calque.

>> No.21474037

>side-plot is the main-plot

>> No.21474052

I don't know if he's commented on Second Apocalypse, but he did say he would have given Neuropath a less-bleak ending if he wrote it after the birth of his daughter.

>> No.21474114

/his/fags go back to your containment board

>> No.21474224
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Are Sarah J. Maas fantasy books a decent read? I've been thinking of buying picrelated because I got some spending money for books.

>> No.21474231

If you enjoy what is essentially the chicklit of fantasy

>> No.21474238

Okay but how chicklit is it? If it's just a romance story but there's an interesting fantasy world around it I can look past it.

>> No.21474273

Read one and see. You can finish one of these in a couple of days of casual reading. Could do it in a day if you wanted to.

>> No.21474295
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I really like reading fantasy written by women but Sarah Maas is peak chicklit, even for me. It feels like "the OC" or "one tree hill" of fantasy. Unless You are a horny college girl or a sexually frustrated housewife don't read it.

>> No.21474299
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>I really like reading fantasy written by women
Like what and why? I need a list of your favorites, STAT.

>> No.21474303

Shame. Also I just saw it's advertised as the "n.1 fantasy book series on Tiktok!" and that alone convinced me not to buy it.

I wish I could find a good romance fantasy novel that dosen't have the usual trappings of chicklit or the godawful relationship writing of most male authors

>> No.21474309

NTA but Ursula Le Guin, I guess? Not really my cup of tea though, Third Person Omniscient perspective stories feel too distant and unrelatable.

>> No.21474312 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21474357
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Women writers tend to spend a lot of time inside their characters heads, i like instrospective fantasy. ironically they can also write really brutal shit like it was nothing
My favs in no particular orden.
>Elizabeth Moon
>Barbara Hambly
>Mercedes Lackey
>Ursula Le Guin
>Melanie Rawn
>Robin Hobb
>C J Cherry
>Lois McMaster Bujold
>Kate Elliot
>Margaret Weis
>Leigh Brackett

>> No.21474367

that reads like a standardized form that you could use against literally anything, just replace "LOTR" with [Your Name Here]
I was hoping the AI would come up with something genuine like a GPT-3 bot, but that looks like it just averaged 10,000 online reviews and culled the mean buzzwords

>> No.21474369

Wait Robin Hobb is a woman? I recently bought the Apprentice Assassin and I had no idea.

>> No.21474380

You can tell because of the misery porn

>> No.21474381

Yez, her real name is Margaret Astrid Lindholm.

>> No.21474389

I'm a writer and I also like writing misery porn. Am I a woman?

Should I use a feminine pen name when I publish my stuff? Is that gonna make it sell more?

>> No.21474393

So, Bakker is also a woman?

>> No.21474446 [DELETED] 

He is trans

>> No.21474448

how is bakker misery porn
his self-insert mc is literally a chad that kills gods, turns people into fags, and steals other people's women

>> No.21474457 [DELETED] 

Bitches do love rape scenes

>> No.21474466

>Bitches do love rape

>> No.21474514

>his self-insert mc
Is Akka.

>> No.21474541

Who is this semen demon

>> No.21474557
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What novels does she read

>> No.21474559

yes i'm sure the tall blonde man is self-inserting as the small brown man

>> No.21474568
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>he thinks Kellhus is Bakker's self insert
Kellhus is MY self insert. Bakker is cuck Akka.

>> No.21474580

Yeah, I'm sure that author self-inserts as the most irredeemable villain in the book.

>> No.21474602

I remember Scott saying that the Kellhus parts of the books were the hardest to write for him. Personally I find it easier to write characters that kinda are my self inserts.

>> No.21474731
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is this a good publication? just discovered it cause Ken Liu is in it. looks like they use the digital medium to do some unconventional textual structure which is intriguing but I also find short stories exhausting

>> No.21474740

>le silkpunk meme man

>> No.21474832

Here anon you can read Warhawks Amnesty it’s a great book about a human man and a relationship with an alien.

>> No.21474881

Sup Ajax. Hope it doesn't take you another year for the third book.

>> No.21474894 [DELETED] 
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>expect edgy mercenary group roaming around and defeating people through military tactics
>it's dudes farting around in villages for 300 pages

>> No.21474899

lol my exact experience. It was so shit.

>> No.21474971
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>Edgy Merc group
Fuck that's reminded me of one of my favourite games, Battle Brothers, and I hope to Christ there's books similar to it, if so, can any anon recommend them? I presume Black Company is not one

>> No.21474976

>anon is obsessed with cuckholding
sounds like a (You) problem

>> No.21475001

After being filtered by Sanderson and giving WoT a wiiiide berth for years, I have finally decided to pick up Eye of the World. I figure I'll finish this book, and if I still hate the autistic level of detail by the end of it, then fuck it.

>> No.21475015

almost finished the thread without a WoT mention WHEW glad that issue was solved

>> No.21475063

There's only 4 sff books in existence, anon.

>> No.21475084

Your post seems to imply that you skipped WoT just to avoid Sanderson but surely that isn't true because it's just silly.

>> No.21475152

It's kinda reverse, I just phrased it poorly. I tried WoT in high-school back in the day and couldn't get into it. It really isn't bad so far, but I'm only 7 chapters in.

>> No.21475157

prince of thorns, malazan

>> No.21475188

Gods and Legionnaires, but then again I've been rereading that for 2 years or whatever straight. Fucking hell I need to find other shit to read at this point.
>Neural Wraith. I don't think it's the best book I've read all year, but it sticks out to me because it was by far the biggest surprise. I went into it expecting it to be LitRPG smut, and ended up with a competent sci-fi thriller instead
Think I will look this up
>it's dudes farting around in villages for 300 pages
And now that's off my list

On a side note, has anyone read the Avery Cates series by jeff somers? I read the first couple, and have yet to find someone else who has read them

>> No.21475203

Ah thanks for the suggestions, I've heard of both, in fact they're buried in my Goodreads lists. Thanks for the reminder

>> No.21475242

>the beta cuck that loses his waifu then fucks her daughter that results from the original cuckin
No, that one is actually his own daughter from before he got cuck.

>> No.21475280

no she isn't

>> No.21475282

>Gods and Legionnaires
We really need more transhuman psychopaths,

>> No.21475286

Then how come she remembers him from before she was sold to slavery?

>> No.21475356

>We really need more transhuman psychopath
That would be nice. I wish the authors would dump some stuff out focusing more on the savages. But I doubt it. finally get my itches scratched and now I want more. Fuck me

>> No.21475416

>GOD I wish I had a girlfriend to share my life with
Any good fantasy books for this feel?

>> No.21475418

I really wanted to like Abercrombe but the extreme cynicism ended up coming off as crass and almost funny, had to stop when we got the industrial revolution just popped in like a snap of the fingers.

>> No.21475439

Consider womens/teenage girl fiction and books, Twilight etc, feminine men (like yourself) consider them good.

>> No.21475466


>> No.21475496

Black Company was inspired by his actual time in the military. It's mostly people playing cards and getting bored with the occasional sudden life-or-death mission.

>> No.21475654

Steven by my friends call me Stevie

>> No.21475741
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Are the Strugatsky brothers hard sci fi?

>> No.21475755 [DELETED] 


>> No.21475770

I've noticed that there are not a lot of novels out there where romantically involved characters share the perils of an adventure to a roughly equal degree. One character (usually the female, but not always) is typically placed in an extremely passive role, sometimes to the point where they hardly even appear in the story at all (like Arwen in LOTR). Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but there isn't exactly a glut of tales with battle couples out there, or where the sharing of the responsibilities of the adventure is done on a semi-balanced basis.

>> No.21475772

delusion, esme told her he was her father out of wishful thinking

>> No.21475774

Make the new thread

>> No.21475775

pure fantasy :^)

>> No.21475791

wtf is this shit? Do yall white people have a fucking short bus for dogs?

>> No.21475801

they need education too

>> No.21475805

It's doggy daycare silly!

>> No.21475818

Why? It's not on page ten, you dumbfuck.

>> No.21475823


>> No.21475827

I really hope you don’t use /sffg/ to actually try and discuss or something because that’s such a waste of time.

>> No.21475866

do it yourself you lazy fuck

>> No.21475872 [DELETED] 


>> No.21475874

Literally why? We’re in page 3 and we still have hours of this thread to reach page 10.

>> No.21475897

Because some retards here stop posting here once it reaches the bump limit for some unknown reason. Despite this thread still being useable still.

>> No.21475904
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You said it Big D

>> No.21475975

neck yourself already bitter

>> No.21475981

I’m pretty sure you can find the answer on your own, Anon.

>> No.21475990

I can't because there seems to be not agreement on what is sci fi, what is fantasy, hard, soft, etc. It is very confusing. That is why I just lump it all into speculative fiction.

>> No.21475992

>I can't because there seems to be not agreement on what is sci fi, what is fantasy, hard, soft, etc.
Okay, now I know you're just baiting since those have definitive answers. So, yea, fuck off.

>> No.21476046

>I can't because there seems to be not agreement on what is sci fi, what is fantasy, hard, soft, etc.
If you listen to the retards in /sffg/ sure, but anyone with a functioning brain knows what on what is sci fi, what is fantasy, hard, soft, etc. not to mention, the plethora of sites that deal with those, which makes it easy to distinguish.

>> No.21476076

incredible how there are threads on /vg/ better than this shithole

>> No.21476101

Meh, as long as you’re not dumb enough to uses /sffg/ to talk or recommend books, it’s a mediocre general.

>> No.21476121

go back

>> No.21476193


There, done.

>> No.21476205

We’re only at page 6, you dumbfuck.

>> No.21476218

What a great start to your stupid thread, dipshit.

>> No.21476328

Wow newfag, you did the thing!

>> No.21476329

No, they’re soft-scifi.

>> No.21476335

Oh no I’m not him it’s just a book I bought not knowing anything about the author thinking it was light sci-fi, and it was going to be my reading material for trip. You I ended up reading it using will power as I’m not someone how enjoys smut. Now I’m just putting it out there for anyone who asks for vague recommendations as a joke.

>> No.21476383

> Now I’m just putting it out there for anyone who asks for vague recommendations as a joke.
Good shit.

>> No.21476411

>thinking it was light sci-fi
How did you think that if the title of the book says harem?

>> No.21476473

>Are the Strugatsky brothers hard sci fi?
No, hard science fiction is a category of science fiction characterized by concern for scientific accuracy and logic and the Strugatsky brothers aren't that.

>> No.21476512

Would have been easier to say that hard sci-fi is written by people who know actual science.

>> No.21476516

join this writing discord.. https://discord.gg/BvwJjvcn

>> No.21476520

No and fuck off.

>> No.21476546

Some of the most famous modern hard sci-fi authors are beginners in their field, or even self-taught.

>> No.21476558

No and fuck on.

>> No.21476609

Lucky you they actually wrote a book in the battle brothers universe by the games writer.
They Witch Hunter by Casey Hollingshead

>> No.21476615

My friend, who I recommended Black Company to, bought me this game because, as he said, it was similar to Black Company.
Such as?

>> No.21476885

Why’d the black company anon get deleted?

>> No.21476911

new thread WHEN?

>> No.21476923

You already know it’s on page ten. What do you even gain by asking this other than being an annoying little shit.

>> No.21476989

New thread

>> No.21477425

I’m an idiot and didn’t read the fine text I just added it to my cart along with another handful of kindle books. I’ll be damned to spend money on something and not at least attempt to use it.
It feels like a preening early 20’s edgelord wrote a book about how he’s not that bad a guy and how he does good things. Along the way his suave charm allows him to amass a harem of different women of exotic alien races. You can tell he’s writing for a specific crowd of nerds with fetishes for scalies, slime girls, and Lolita furries.
God I wanted to bleach my eyes. It was train wreck enough and I was able to convince one of my buddies to suffer through it as well, so I could at least make fun of it with someone else.