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/lit/ - Literature

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21466985 No.21466985 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Germany the only country that still promotes literature? They even have statues like this.

>> No.21466996
File: 3.67 MB, 4624x3468, 1664355369268526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German literature
>sign in english
I hate my country.

>> No.21467065

It’s embarrassing how Nietzsche isn’t on here

>> No.21467079

The "statue" itself is embarrassing. I think if Nietzsche saw this monstrosity he'd be glad he wasn't included.

>> No.21467089

I notice German public institutions have a very kitsch attitude towards their high culture. Like weirdly proud in some annoying way.

>> No.21467091

Or Schopenhauer. Heidegger contributed more to field than others there but his omission is understandable.

>> No.21467117

>Böll as thick as Hegel
>Hegel being that thin to begin with
>Brecht and the other ideological diversity hires being there at all

I think it's rather this palpable sense of self-cringe and that permeates their attitude towards their literature that's bothersome. Like they are embarrassingly servile and obvious about trying to present themselves as perfect shitlibs. It feels forced, fake, and embarrassing, like holy shit grow a spine.

>> No.21467551

I don't think that this object promotes literature. It looks dangerous, those books can crush you at any time. Of course, it might be a typical bureaucrat taste architecture which have no inner meaning.

>> No.21467656

It's been like this for centuries. For the longest time, "German" had only been a language, and a diverse cultural sphere. Without political unity, German literature was among the few things you actually could call German. There's this meme going around that Germany is the "Land der Dichter und Denker", the Land of Poets and Thinkers, and it's been circulating for centuries, too. A variation of this is right there in the pic, that sign.
When Germany became a state they kept that line of thought alive, and the meme became a fast part of the inventory of national pride. Decades later, after World War II, this literary tradition was still useful in justifying the German state. Also, it served as a counterweight to the perceived barbarianism of Nazi Germany: "Look, we have this great tradition of thinkers, artists and philosophers." This line ties in neatly with the values of democracy, even if some of these writers were fundamentally undemocratic. It's stumped national pride hailing back to 18th Century petty bourgeois Germans trying to elevate themselves by recognizing arts and literature. Germany doesn't promote literature as such, it only promotes it's very own narrowly defined literal canon. And this is a shifting canon which has been changed a lot, depending on who was in charge. And Nietzsche, Heidegger and other genuine thinkers will forever be absent from this canon: Because they are hard to instrumentalize.

>> No.21468035
File: 129 KB, 1024x1001, Kim-de-l-Horizon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is germany's most formidable author in 2022.
make of that what you will.

>> No.21468129

>I don't think that this object promotes literature. It looks dangerous, those books can crush you at any time.

>> No.21468135
File: 260 KB, 1024x681, 11989430406_502fc46593_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin Germany
>the chad Warwickshire

>> No.21468141


>> No.21468143

What an embarrassing list.
Poor Goethe, poor Schiller, poor Heine, poor Mann.

>> No.21468149

Hmmm, "German" literature

>> No.21468153

It's real.

>Kim de l'Horizon (born Dominik Holzer; 9 May 1992) is a Swiss nonbinary[4] novelist, playwright and thespian.[5][6] In 2022, they[b] won the German Book Prize and the Swiss Book Prize for their debut novel Blutbuch.[9][10][11][a]

>De l'Horizon's debut novel, Blutbuch,[a] is an autofictional novel about secrets and silences within a family, and took de l'Horizon ten years to write.[9][14] In the novel, the non-binary narrator resides in Zürich, after having escaped from life in a small conservative village in Switzerland.[9] Once the narrator's grandmother starts to suffer from dementia, the narrator begins to open up.[9]

>In 2022, de l'Horizon won the Literature Prize of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation [de], the German Book Prize, and the Swiss Book Prize for Blutbuch.[17][6][5][11] The jury for the German Book Prize based their decision on the "urgency and literary innovative power" of de l'Horizon's novel, which they were "provoked and enthusiastic" about.[5][6][9] De l'Horizon became the first non-binary person to win the German Book Prize.[29][4]

>During the award ceremony for the German Book Prize, de l'Horizon intoned the song Nightcall by Kavinsky[30] before shaving their head in a sign of solidarity with women in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, and dedicated the prize to them.[10][d] De l'Horizon's gesture was met with cheers and a standing ovation from the audience.[28] Sabine Kieselbach of Deutsche Welle stated that this sort of reception had never happened before in the history of the German Book Prize.[33] After the ceremony, de l'Horizon was the target of threats and online vitriol.[33][34][35] People gave Blutbuch one-star reviews on Amazon, and security was provided for de l'Horizon's appearances at the Frankfurt Book Fair.[34]

>De l'Horizon lives in Zürich and speaks Bernese German.[1][15] They consider themself genderfluid.[1][15] They regard Kim de l'Horizon as a fictional character ("Autorenkunstfigur [de]") who studies witchcraft with the feminist writer Starhawk.[1][15][25]

>> No.21468263

The only things we ever read in school was a bunch of gay shit about the holocaust

>> No.21468278

>nice modern statue of a book stack
the posts here prove that anons and germanons in particular will complain about just anything
tourists aren't expected to read at a b2 level
Switzerland isn't Germany. The Deutsche Buchpreis has been a sad joke for a longer while.

>> No.21468291

I was in Germany recently and talked to some old guy with a stall full of art books. I asked him if he had any books about Arnold Böcklin and he looked at me like I was retarded. “Böcklin? Böcklin? Nein. Böcklin? Was ist das?” Then he asked some other old cunt “Wissen Sie Böcklin?” “Natürlich,” the other one shot back immediately. Despite this the bookseller did not treat me like I was any less retarded, despite the fact he ran an art-themed book stall and didn’t seem to know who one of Germany’s most famous painters was. Also some old faggot felt me up in a gay bar while I talked to him about Robert Musil.

>> No.21468298

If you ask the average German citizen they can't tell you a single title of a book written by any of these authors.

>> No.21468316

good post.

>> No.21468322

Germans have selective cultural amnesia

You’ll probably get a similar reaction if you asked about C.D Friedrich, or Benn or Heidegger

>> No.21468355

>Write your own reply to straight white dude's blog post. Use the vocabulary in this section.
@ Straight white dude
You seem like someone I could kick some ass with. I'm sick of this politically "correct" stuff as well. It's time people like Freakshow, lgbtxyz, and "straight white nerds" like Mikey699 get a different perspective--it's the real world that counts! "What's the big deal?" they ask? We'll make the scared s**tless of coming out. (In minecraft).

>> No.21468374

Most people probably know the Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.21468386

Most Germans know who Goethe is.

>> No.21468388

>Also some old faggot felt me up in a gay bar while I talked to him about Robert Musil.
lol, were most people there old and did he know about Musil?

>> No.21468417
File: 32 KB, 612x612, fasces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weimar Moment

>> No.21468423

That’s what the anon said, retard.

>> No.21468431

He was actually a foreigner who’d been living in Germany for ages and who had studied German literature. Also yeah all the bars I went to had a rather geriatric clientele. I didn’t mind though. It’s nice to talk to older people in a foreign country over a few drinks. Especially if they’re horny old fucks and you’re a cute twink. That’s the kind of social lubricant you need to have a proper conversation with a goddamn Kraut

>> No.21468454

Kys, fag

>> No.21468479

Stopped reading

>> No.21468504

Amazing, it’s like I’m actually reading a Reddit thread within the textbook.

One section of that is actually interesting which is the explanation of terms. What is the ‘real world’ according to lgbtxyz?

What is meant by ‘straight white nerds’ or by saying only the _game_ counts, as if the character design was not a part of the game.

Unsurprisingly investigating those questions on actual Reddit threads is met with derision, as I’m sure it is in class as well.

Case and point: >>21468355
> 1/10
> did you even understand the assignment!?

>> No.21468525

t. hasn't read nietzsche

>> No.21468528

Could be an over correction to the book burning by Nazis from the current German government.
But this is perhaps a braindead take as I never heard of Nazi book burnings outside of internet memes and have zero knowledge of German culture.

>> No.21468533

I don't know why people got so hung up on the book burnings. Book burnings were done by both libs and reactionaries both before and after the nazis did it, both inside Germany and elsewhere.

>> No.21468553
File: 7 KB, 228x221, beter nails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Schopenhauer
>no Nietzsche

>> No.21468578

im glad im not german

>> No.21468637
File: 798 KB, 780x520, 1672507439922045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have our own.

>> No.21468919


>> No.21468941

Is this real? Because it looks fucking horrid.

>> No.21468963

Yes, and yes, it does.

>> No.21468998

because he's a dickhead

>> No.21469022

Why do this instead of just statues of the authors together? That would look cooler and wouldn't look so gawdy.

>> No.21469035

what, all holding hands lika buncha fags? maybe with some laurel wreathes? talk about kitschy!

>> No.21469041

>no schopenhauer

>> No.21469055

Yes. Actually, maybe Kant could be sitting on Hegel's lap, with Schopenhauer sassily looking on all jealous. I wouldn't go for the wreathes though, the whole attachment the west has to Rome is getting cringe

>> No.21469065

"Live, Love, Laugh"

>> No.21469127

Does anyone know this book about 19th century German education which argues the reason they produced so many great thinkers was due to the great way their institutions were set up? The title has the word "Habsburgs" in it I think

>> No.21469149

This. Neetch hated Germans and was embarrassed to be one, too.

>> No.21469158
File: 353 KB, 600x340, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is using literature to celebrate and reinforce nationalism, and every nation state does that as long as it has at least some renowed writers. or even if they don't, they can borrow them (https://misiones.cubaminrex.cu/en/articulo/gabriel-garcia-marquez-and-his-work-are-inseparable-cuba + pic rel)

>> No.21469159


>> No.21469167
File: 6 KB, 223x226, CringeDFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21469169

Nah, it was older and had like 4 words in the title
Thanks for looking though

>> No.21469176

I laffed

>> No.21469180

They forgot Him.

>> No.21469275

Lmao, nice. Saved.

>> No.21469278

Of course Marx is in the middle

>> No.21469292


>> No.21469806

It is similiar in Italy, where there was no national unity, the litterary language and cultural landscape was pretty homogeneous

>> No.21470922

I can't think of barely any Italian "philosophy", though. Other than left communists, I guess.

>> No.21470999

I hate what /lit/ has turned into

>> No.21471018


Holy shit I made this lmao

>> No.21471055

i miss hitler

>> No.21471073

I wish I lived on another planet

>> No.21471131

Well, they could be a good author.

>> No.21471145

>Why is Germany the only country that still promotes literature

>> No.21472406

Well, there are many pretty relevant contemporary italian philosopher in reality, like Severino, Gentile and Croce, Agamaben, Preve, Quinzio, Ceronetti, Galimberti, Eco, Cacciari, Sgalambro, Abbagnano, then you also the more well known communist one, but they are all pretty relevant, just way less known to the general pubblic, even here in Italy

>> No.21474032
File: 130 KB, 1200x654, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao might as well have moustache man at that point