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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2146657 [Reply] [Original]

What's with all the fantasy fiction /lit/? Ever since Harry Potter it seems to be all people read and it doesn't really hold any value other than entertainment.

Can we move on to something a little more deep?

>> No.2146665

>since Harry Potter

how does it feel being a newfag to reality

>> No.2146663

Why did you make a thread about fantasy if you don't want to talk about it?

>> No.2146669

I bleed fantasy. I will crush you with my soul.

>> No.2146676

OP is obviously 12 years old and has read 8 books in his life.

>> No.2146677

Have you ever read China Mieville? He writes fantasy, but it's completely different from the D&D type Tolkien-clone fantasy trash most people read. There's actual depth to his work.

>> No.2146680

Ever since Harry Potter!?
I admit I was slow with getting into the big fantasy. I started Lord of the Rings when the movies got popular and since I was a stupid teenager back than I decided to read it.
After that I read a shitload of other fantasy stuff. Tad Williams Otherland + his Osten Ard Saga, Game of Thrones and Malazan Tale of the Fallen up to book 6.

Now I am reading a lot of classics and haven't gotten back to fantasy ever since. Fantas is nice, but I got so much more from classic ('real') literature.

Also I never read Harry Potter.

>> No.2146687

OMFG Please let this be a troll thread. I don't want to live otherwise.

>> No.2146691
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>any value other than entertainment

>> No.2146695

This is now a thread in which we discuss how we value literature and whether or not we can invest value into something simply by analyzing it.

>> No.2146698
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You can totally tell I've only read 8 books and I'm a prepubescent idiot because I don't like fantasy fiction. Fucking smart.

Don't get your fucking panties in a bunch I'm saying that since Harry Potter people have started paying a lot more attention to Fantasy Fiction. Sadly LOTR doesn't apply to tween girls.

I've never heard of him, but if he's writing fantasy fiction that isn't the stereotypical magic land, powerful artifact, medieval, fan fiction stuff than at least he's keeping shit from turning into Twilight and "Twilight" for grown ups.

Did it say in the OP "by the way I don't want to talk about it?" Honestly I express an opinion attempting to convince people that what they're doing doesn't make any sense and I get,
>Why did you make a thread about fantasy if you don't want to talk about it?
It's the smartest board on 4chan and I'm still getting
>Why did you make a thread about fantasy if you don't want to talk about it?


>> No.2146702

Yeah reading is fun, but reading is something that can be intellectually stimulating. When I'm reading FF all I get is wow this is fun to read. But why not have something that is fun to read with a deeper meaning attached to it?

I swear this is gonna get a lot of hate but FF is to Jersey Shore what literature is to television.

Jusy sayin...

>> No.2146706

OK. How about this faggot? No, you are wrong. Since the dawn of mankind, everyone has been gay for fantasy fiction. The fact you only just realized this proves you know fuck all about literature.

Since you decided to start a thread by proclaiming that a whole genre "holds any value other than entertainment." all /lit/ has established you are a bigot and cannot take you seriously.

Also, I now think you are a troll and will stop answering you. Have a nice day.

>> No.2146721
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>No, you are wrong

I had no idea! Thanks for being so convincing you genius you. Actually prove me wrong. Show me some literary value in FF other than, "herp derp I'm reading." and then you can say.

>No, you are wrong.

And if you don't think that FF hasn't been picking up in the past 20 years than you are the idiot.

>Tries to raise a point
>Gets called a troll
Classic intellectual discussion. Thank you internet.

>> No.2146735


If it helps I don't think you're a troll necessarily, it's more likely you just have really shitty opinions.

>> No.2146752

Your opinions are shitty because they're different from mine.

As I stated before. Classic intellectual discussion. Thank you internet.

>> No.2146756

Nope. Definitely not a troll.

>> No.2146766

Thank you for your possibly sarcastic comment bro you're the coolest person in this thread.

>> No.2146779

Nope. Definitely not a troll.

>> No.2146790

Fantasy fiction can be deep.

Also, what? All people read?

The only thing I ever see people reading are crime novels and thrillers.