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21465720 No.21465720 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me a book to understand jews' history

>> No.21465742

200 years together

>> No.21465743

>Recommend me a book to understand jews' history

>> No.21465782

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

>> No.21465859

Israel Shahak’s

>> No.21466534

On the Jews and their lies by Martin Luther

>> No.21466766

the real jews are innocent aryan druids

>> No.21466779

Curse of Canaan. It's badly written and has egregious errors (the population of France is 650,000) but the author is clearly very well read in his subject matter and gives you a whole new perspective on the canaanites, of whom only the foremost are jews.

>> No.21467284

E. Michael Jones The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

>> No.21467315

If you want a real answer
>The Chosen Few: How Education Shaped Jewish History, 70-1492
>Maristella Botticini and Zvi Eckstein
One of the best most thorough books I've ever read on the subject

>> No.21468088

Alright, I'll post a real rare treat.


>> No.21468142

"You gentiles", released in 1924, tells it from their perspective. In corea we also study talmud.

>> No.21468144
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Not one, but plenty.

>> No.21468455

1 Maccabees is supposedly a fairly accurate historical account of the Maccabean when checked against other sources.
Works of Flavius Josephus are a go-to as well.

>> No.21468556

Bolshevism From Moses To Lenin, it's very short.

>> No.21468596
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>> No.21469259

The best book I’ve read is the essential Talmud by rabbi adin steinsaltz. You get a great overview of the history and development of rabbinic Judaism. If you read this book you will know more about Judaism than 90% of reform/secular Jews you meet.
T. Polchad

Absolutely retarded recommendations. You will learn nothing about Jews by reading this reubbish. A history of the enslavement of mankind is especially retarded, one of the worst books I’ve ever read 1/5 stars on goodreads. At least mein kampf can be entertaining in the second half but you won’t learn much about Jews just hitlers perspective
>inb4 only perspective that matters
He lost retard.

>> No.21469264
File: 355 KB, 1200x1856, zakhor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recommend me a book to understand jews' history
Zakhor by Yerushalmi is the first and last answer. Filtering most of this board btw

>> No.21469320

seconding >>21469259
>>21467315's rec looks like it might be worth looking into as well. The central theory seems to be an oversimplification, but it does include a great deal of history.
Everything else suggested thus far seems to be /pol/ tier trash.

>> No.21469327

update: Zakhor looks pretty good too

>> No.21469374
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 54e7dbafcd506_corneliu_zelea_codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Absolutely retarded recommendations. You will learn nothing about Jews by reading this reubbish
>Reubbish, not a slip of the tongue

You can learn a great deal by reading the direct word of he who was their greatest enemy. Either you want a full picture or you don't. While we are at it picrel.

It appears that antisemitism, judenhass or whatever you call it is a valid reaction as it appears in every culture, creed and location throughout history when a native people comes in to prolonged contact with Jews. All of the worlds greatest philosophers, thinkers, geniuses and statesman warned of their behavior. Of the jew themselves, the only ones who have a modicum of civility and humanity are those that settled on the Rhine River and mingled with the Germans.

>> No.21469392
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>> No.21469628

the Bible

>> No.21470017


>> No.21470049

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.21470108

Jews played history like I play age or empires 2. Send workers to every allies' city and sap their resources while using them for protection and as a hedge in case your city gets sacked. Against a real player they will get angry and switch diplomacy and kill the workers. But against AI you can do this all day.