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/lit/ - Literature

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21465515 No.21465515 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/ reading to start off the year? I'm reading pic related and it's absolute dogshit

>> No.21465574
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I'm gunna kick off with this

>> No.21465578

To the Lighthouse. I blew through half the book last night while lying down in bed. Woolf's prose flows so well that I just couldn't put the book down until I was too tired to keep going

>> No.21465590

It…its a bit sloppy compared with the later books. Not as bad as Patrick O'Brien's sloppiness though. I'd suggest giving the "major actions" a wiki before or after reading as they're assumed common knowledge for anyone British with a Decent Education which is what Fraser is Targetting. ("Flashman" having received a "Decent Education" despite being a lout unfit even for cavalry duties.)

The sex gets better in the later novels after Fraser takes on an implicitly pro-sex feminist supporting man position. You know: on top, stuffing that cunt until the milt pours out around his cock like her screams pour out down his bloody scratched back HAW HAW PRIZZET FRESH HORSES.

>> No.21465608

Why, I was literally going to start it

>> No.21465628

I've learned more about the presocratics from Wikipedia than this unreadable mess written in academic pseud wankery. Even straight up Aristotle is a more comprehensible commentary on the presocratics.

>> No.21465633

Thanks for the tip, anon. This is actually me taking a breather from reading history, so I should be pretty good. What did you find sloppy about O'Brien?

>> No.21465654

O'Brien doesn't know what he's doing as a novelist in the first three books:
Jack hasn't settled down into a secretly very very quiet man who is publicly and normally LOUD AS HELL.
Stephen isn't his heroin/sex/failed Ireland whipping boy yet. He hasn't even figured out that Stephen falls off of boats and ships on purpose in the first three books.

Book one is a fucking mess of bad stilted writing: as if he's cribbed it out of after action reports. Jack reads as if he's 19 years old. The writing reads as if O'Brien is 17 years old.

Aubrey/Maturin is about a marriage where "those little things you do" like falling off of boats, or bloody cutting out actions, or being broken in two by the last betrayal of the last shred of your humanity by a woman leaves you nothing except for a failed political campaign and heroin. You know, the normal things that keep you interested in a man after 10 years. Yeah a fair bit of it is watching Stephen self-destruct in public. That, and of course, BOILED BIRD SHIT.

>> No.21465672

Some Zweig novellas.

>> No.21465696


You have HORRIBLE taste, it isn't the least bit difficult. Also, you can't reasonably expect to read anything about the presocratics without encountering "academic pseud wankery". I read it about a year ago and it turned out to be the decent primer that I was expecting. Especially enjoyable was the fragment which explicitly attributes to Pythagoras his eponymous theorem. Also one of the guys in the back was a Norm MacDonald-tier shitposter. The following pearl derives from Plato's Euthydemus, and is reproduced in the book:

'Tell me,' said Dionysodorus, 'do you have a dog?'
'Yes, a real scamp,' said Ctesippus.
'And has he got puppies?'
'Yes, regular chips off the old block,' he said.
'So your dog is their father?'
'Yes, I myself saw him mounting the bitch,' he said.
'Well, now, the dog is yours?'
'Yes,' he said.
'He is a father, and he is yours-so he turns out to be your father, and you are a brother to puppies!' (Plato, Euthydemus 298d8-e5 Burnet)

>> No.21465753

>Also, you can't reasonably expect to read anything about the presocratics without encountering "academic pseud wankery".
Turns out you can. I can Google anyone in the book and I get a dozen of much more readable commentaries and encyclopedic descriptions on the first page alone.

>> No.21465765

You might enjoy WKC Guthrie’s ‘From Thales to Aristotle’ more

>> No.21465808


You're reading midwit crap and you have primary-school-tier reading comprehension. Waterfield is not a difficult read. By appealing to le Google oracle (after proudly mentioning Wiki of all things as your go-to spot), you fail to realize that you're doubling down on your own embarrasment.

>> No.21465836

Wait why? I'm actually about a third of the way into that book and I've been enjoying it so far.

>> No.21465837

How about you double down on my nuts?

>> No.21465857
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>> No.21466392
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>> No.21466402

It’s a compilation of fragments of works written by/about presocratics. It’s not very cohesive desu you have to mostly rely on the introductory pages to each section to help you make sense of wtf you are about to read

>> No.21466414
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Getting primed for elite theory

>> No.21466428

Harry Potter order of the pheonix

im stuck chapter 4, burnt out

>> No.21467696

>she didn't start with the holy bible

>> No.21467711
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My /lit/ goal is to complete the 100 novellas chart

>> No.21467862
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Read this yesterday. Will probably read Story of the Eye next, because it's my last really short book. Then maybe Selected Stories of Chekhov, or The Best Short Stories of Maupassant.

>> No.21467874

Then stop reading it you absolute mong

>> No.21467953
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I started this yesterday and am finishing it today. It's really good and much better than I expected it to be.

>> No.21468005

What are your impressions anon? Actually good writing or mostly shock value?

>> No.21468020
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>> No.21468300

The writing was fine; nothing very special about it. I'm not really sure why he wrote it; it didn't seem like he did so for shock value, and it wasn't pornographic; Franval even repents in the end. Maybe he just thought of the story while he was imprisoned in the Bastille and felt compelled to write it without some other motive.

>> No.21468320
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So far, It's great.

>> No.21468350
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Starting off the year with pic rel

>> No.21468378

Delicious book

>> No.21468414

OWC is the kind of publisher which edits the shit out of Shakespeare to modernize the languaage.
I wouldn't pick up anything by them that was written earlier than the 18th C.

>> No.21468439
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yesterday, I started and finished:
>The Death of Ivan Ilych
>the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
>and Candide
today I'm probably gonna read Utopia by More or Heart of Darkness

>> No.21468463

It's really good so far. Slang aint too much of an issue aswell

>> No.21468815
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I gave it one star on good reads, it’s absolute dogshit. So poorly written and organized. Huge disappointment.

I’m reading art after metaphysics by John David ebert and the Quran translated by Abdullah Yusuf ali. The quran is surprisingly good once you get through Al-baqarah and all the rumors are true you do need to read the Bible or else it won’t make sense. Art after metaphysics is extremely annoying to read because the author expects you too look up all of the art he is referencing in a browser while you read.

>> No.21468821

>absolute dogshit
Why? I wanted to buy it.

>> No.21468850
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Based all good books. Candide is the best on the list imo, probably one of the greatest stories ever written. It is one of the first global adventures, incorporating peoples cultures and locations from almost every continent. And it’s very well written and funny.

Voltaire looks like he has Greta thunberg turbo autism though.