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21464248 No.21464248 [Reply] [Original]

What are some leftie essential readings?

>> No.21464258

There are none. Even Marx would make your average leftie vomit for how redpilled his takes are, and he will rage in seething madness.

>> No.21464287

Oh tell me more about it

>> No.21464304

That, for example, the only difference between a modern worker in capitalism and a slave on a Southern plantation in the 19th Century is the way in wich the surplus value is taken from him. Can you accept that?

>> No.21464352
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What do you mean by "leftie"?

Theory of justice by Rawls has been read by almost every liberal student since the early 90's. Very influential on contemporary liberals.
Most of them have been forced to write a rawls v nozick paper at some point.

>> No.21464360

>a worker from the 19th century is as exploited as a slave

How is it outrageous exactly

>> No.21464376

It's not, but it's difficult to accept, especially if you used to look down on slaves, and honestly I don't see your average seething activist leftie getting this fact into his head and accepting it calmly, "no I am not a slave", he will say into his head.

>> No.21464380

Do you remember the backlash against Auschwitz or the great alibi?
It's going to be leftist screeches about how slavery and Holocaust are these very special events but for Marxists they are nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.21464400

Every single normie except the boomers claim they're muh slaves to the capitalist system.
You're literally retarded.

>> No.21464415

Not really. They seethe about capitalism but they never make an effort to take apart the mechanics and look at what it means to be a slave and what is a slave mentality. I just see it as seething about negative emotions and muh capitalism seems like the ideal scapegoat for it. Not like they would be any different under communism, or that communism would be a more ideal form of government for them not to be as rebellious as under capitalism.

>> No.21464425

You know that there is this concept called "recontextualization" right?

Brown-red bullshit

>> No.21464443

Compare Marx's critique of capitalism in the Communist Manifesto:
>All that is solid melts into air, all that is SACRED is profaned
With a google search of the word "sacred" at your favorite lefty rag.

>> No.21464450

Jean Claude Michea

>> No.21464452

The notion of sacre is used as a weapon by the dominant class to protect its power, it can be whether religion or anything else, if you are not a radical marxist you can acknowledge it without being a profanator

>> No.21464480

Marx laments the fact that "all that is sacred is profaned" by Capitalism.
If "the sacred" is what you say it is, "a weapon used by the dominant class to protect power", wouldn't he consider this a good thing?
Modern Marxist seem very anti-Marx about this.

>> No.21464503

"Sacred" was meant as the social bonds between people, trust and friendship was replaced by exploitation from a social class to another

>> No.21464531
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Then why does the Marxist.org translation use the word "holy"?
Why does Marx complain about the degradation of the priests to mere "paid wage labourers"?

>> No.21464544

It's not brown-red bullshit actually, just leftcom autism. (Which I agree with for the most part) The text doesn't downplay the atrocity of the holocaust in any way, it just points out that it was part of the culmination of a capitalist crisis and as such horrors like it aren't exclusive to the nazis; they're inevitable as long as the capitalist mode of production prevails. The text ends with a critique of the allies who hypocritically condemn the horrors of capitalism (the holocaust) to self-congratulate and propagandize their "democratic" form of capitalism.

>> No.21464549

Because the bourgeoisie has taken over every aspect of society to turn it into more profit, thus they made they turned physicians, priests and every other non-mercantile contributor of society theur weapon to hold power, but its a bit anachronic since church has lost a lot of its power today, but scientifical contribution is still conditioned by its mercantile viability, you just have to see the scientifical publication business

>> No.21464568

Would you say that the modern Marxist considers the degradation of priests and other holy and sacred things to be a bad thing?

>> No.21464577

His analysis was biased for many points, mainly because it is tinted with primal antisemitism, which was used as a gravity point for far right and government infiltrations, the holocaust being the highest point of systemic massacre largely admitted among left rings

>> No.21464578

Marx thought it's great that all the "sacred" feudal relations are profaned since a fully capitalist, industrialized society is a precondition for the next revolution in the mode of production

>> No.21464580

I cant talk for other people, but i think that it is not the solution, rather, religion can be used as a tool against the bourgeoisie, there is a lot of socialist christians (mainly catholics) and religious people fought against totalitarist regimes

>> No.21464635

>the highest IQ board on this website is incredibly stupid compared to me

Back to /sp/ where they at least accept their stupidity

>> No.21464672

Bordigists are red-brown?
We're just saying any damn thing now.

>> No.21464677
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I mysel am a christian marxist/communist and I have no qualms regarding this apparent contradiction.

Socialism, Marxism even, wouldn't exist weren't for Christ bringing us the propect of redemption through a new alliance. Communism's ultimate goal is following God's first commandment for post-edenic mankind, Genesis 3:19.

>> No.21464693

As long as you're conscious that your faith can be weaponized by a ruling class, you can even be a shintoist marxist

>> No.21464697

What sport do you watch? I only go to spee for the wc, inspite of my dislike of football.