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21463673 No.21463673 [Reply] [Original]

> Youth was the time for happiness, its only season; young people, leading a lazy, carefree life, partially occupied by scarcely absorbing studies, were able to devote themselves unlimitedly to the liberated exultation of their bodies. They could play, dance, love and multiply their pleasures. They could leave a party, in the early hours of the morning, in the company of sexual partners they had chosen, and contemplate the dreary line of employees going to work. They were the salt of the earth, and everything was given to them, everything was permitted for them, everything was possible. Later on, having started a family, having entered the adult world, they would be introduced to worry, work, responsibility and the difficulties of existence; they would have to pay taxes, submit themselves to administrative formalities whilst ceaselessly bearing witness – powerless and shamefilled – to the irreversible degradation of their own bodies, which would be slow at first, then increasingly rapid; above all, they would have to look after children, mortal enemies, in their own homes, they would have to pamper them, feed them, worry about their illnesses, provide the means for their education and their pleasure, and unlike in the world of animals, this would last not just for a season, they would remain slaves of their offspring always, the time of joy was well and truly over for them, they would have to continue to suffer until the end, in pain and with increasing health problems, until they were no longer good for anything and were definitively thrown onto the rubbish heap, cumbersome and useless. In return, their children would not be at all grateful, on the contrary, their efforts, however strenuous, would never be considered enough, they would, until the bitter end, be considered guilty because of the simple fact of being parents. From this sad life, marked by shame, all joy would be pitilessly banished. When they wanted to draw near to young people’s bodies, they would be chased away, rejected, ridiculed, insulted and, more and more often nowadays, imprisoned. The physical bodies of young people, the only desirable possession the world has ever produced, were reserved for the exclusive use of the young, and the fate of the old was to work and to suffer. This was the true meaning of solidarity between generations; it was a pure and simple holocaust of each generation in favour of the one that replaced it, a cruel, prolonged holocaust that brought with it no consolation, no comfort, nor any material or emotional compensation.

>> No.21463698

Redpill me on frenchmen being pedophiles

>> No.21463708

Why was I never told this?

>> No.21463721

Middle-aged/elderly people reference how much it sucks to get old constantly. Part of the point is you don't acknowledge it when you're still young and youth goes so fast you wouldn't have much to say even if you did.

>> No.21463725
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>‘Oh, why did nobody warn me?’ cried Grimes in his agony. ‘I should have been told. They should have told me in so many words. They should have warned me about Flossie, not about the fires of hell. I’ve risked them, and I don’t mind risking them again, but they should have told me about marriage. They should have told me that at the end of that gay journey and flower-strewn path were the hideous lights of home and the voices of children. I should have been warned of the great lavender-scented bed that was laid out for me, of the wistaria at the windows, of all the intimacy and confidence of family life. But I dare say I shouldn’t have listened. Our life is lived between two homes. We emerge for a little into the light, and then the front door closes. The chintz curtains shut out the sun, and the hearth glows with the fire of home, while upstairs, above our heads, are enacted again the awful accidents of adolescence. There’s a home and family waiting for every one of us. We can’t escape, try how we may. It’s the seed of life we carry about with us like our skeletons, each one of us unconsciously pregnant with desirable villa residences. There’s no escape. As individuals we simply do not exist. We are just potential home-builders, beavers, and ants. How do we come into being? What is birth?’

>> No.21463751

Lol, what would falstaff say?

>> No.21463752

I hated my youth. My entire life h as been one shitty fucking joke. It's pathetic how events conspired to frustrate even that most meagre of hopes: a childhood not filled with fear and sadness. There was 0 reason for it to happen but gross incompetence. Why? Kill me. Existence is a fucking joke.

>> No.21463755

What happened anon

>> No.21463764

It's somewhat ridiculous. Obviously aspects of this are sometimes true, but he creates this simplistic image of a world where everyhing is black and white. It's a caricature. If you look at the language, it's basically a series of generalizations. In a way he systematically eliminates the element of contradiction and paradox that can be found almost anywhere in the world and that is found in writers like Dostoevsky who rely less on such universal claims about what life is or isn't. The weird thing is Houellebecq seems to see himself as "the man of truth", being the only important task of the writer, to write what is true. But this reads much more like a tactical distortion with the goal to create a literary effect (provocation, hyperbole, revulsion). It's much more in line with Plato's remarks about writers being liars than revealing someone who really is on a quest to find what is true.

>> No.21463780

Nothing of the slightest interest. Just general economic mismanagement + divorce and worthless single mother which cascaded into school failure and eternal non-recoverable neetdom. Let this be a lesson to ye: do not have kids, or if you do, make sure that you won't leave boys in the clutch's of a modern single mother.

I honestly wouldn't even care about any of it, given the worthlessness of all life, even to those born infinitely luckier than I, if not for the fact that A) it was just so fucking easy not to fall into the pitfalls that happened—at 12 I had the intelligence to be able to avoid them—; and B) If I had only been born a bit more fucking impulsive or with a heightened general mentality around that locus I could just fucking off myself and that would be that, like the people who hand themselves at 12. But no! As cowardly as cowards can be. I've never even slightly thought about actually trying to rope, let alone any more adventurous method. It's just so fucking worthless: there is 0 intellectual obligation, feeling of debt or duty, meaningful drive etc., that even slightly holds me to this shitty fucking world: Fear. That's it.

Sorry for ranting; no one usually replies to these retarded ravings, here. I just have no one else to complain to since I have no friends, nor if I did would I be a worthy enough companion to put up with this nonsensical raving fucking bullshit.

>> No.21463807

Don’t worry anon, I was hoping you’d make a reply like that. I had the sense—tell me if I’m wrong—that you wanted to get something off your chest. I wonder if you can’t to some edifying or at least satisfying purpose (not that I want to give you any oppressive feeling of being obligated to do that—again, it’s just because I sense it’s something you might like to do). Have you read Houellebecq’s poetic essay, ‘Staying Alive’? Here is a quote:
>Develop a deep resentment towards life within yourself. This resentment is necessary for all true artistic creation.

Anyway, I also wanted to recommend you Philip Larkin’s poem, ‘This Be the Verse’ if you hadn’t read it already. I am terribly depressed right now. I’m not sure why. I find it a lot easier to help you than to help myself. It actually gives me a feeling of invigoration… or hope…

>> No.21463811

don't talk about your mother like that

>> No.21463814

*can’t channel your suffering toward some edifying etc.

>> No.21463854

Are you actually fucking retarded? What the fuck am i reading. Hulebek is a fucking subhuman hack with no originality and the people who suck him off must be slow or some shit.

>> No.21463875

fucking shut your retarded mouth
keep writing bro, i'll read it further. don't worry about why i got my reasons, just type
one short note though, no matter your iq no 12 years old is "smart" enough to handle such things, since it's not intelligence you need in such a situation. Take it from a mensa member it's useless, sometimes even deeply misleading, to try to rationalise ourselves through such times and situations. they usually require no solutions, just letting go and weeping/falling and rebuilding yourself. but we'd all like to think if we just behaved a bit better, were a bit more intelligent, rational, decisive, we could not be powerless when life fucks you over
>I find it a lot easier to help you than to help myself
you realize you're in need of help, but since you don't know how to fulfill that need, you extrenalize it and signal it through your interaction with others. Basically trying to give others what you wish in return.
Try to find a pic of yourself when you were young, like really young, <5yo. Then try to imagine helping that kid, cause somebody should've helped it. Then after the waves calm, try to channel it to help yourself, who is that kid still somewhere in your psyche.

>> No.21463889

maybe I Will try it, thanks anon

>> No.21463899

I cant remember, as Falstaff meant to be more on the clever or dim side?

>> No.21463907

>Try to find a pic of yourself when you were young, like really young, <5yo.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nothing is more brutal than looking at your childhood photos. I would rather kill myself.

>> No.21463909

They told me that I needed to use my youth well so I could have a good life as an adult.

>> No.21463923


>> No.21463928

also how old are you right now?

>> No.21463938

Nice. I'm only 23 and drowning in pussy

>> No.21463942

>also how old are you right now?

Listen to Houellebecq himself, he explained better. They started their discussion from that:


>> No.21463944

Hang, you gorbellied knaves! Are you undone? No, you fat chuffs. I would your store were here. On, bacons, on! What, you knaves, "young men must live." You are grandjurors, are you? We’ll jure
you, faith.

His wit makes him the equal of youths' vitality. It's all in the imagination.

>> No.21463958
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Boohoo melancholic asswipe forgetting how depressed one was in their youth with money worries, constant female rejections and the uncertainty of what one is going to do with life, all wrapped nicely with a bow of acne on top

>> No.21463999

such amount of self hatred is definitely a good reason to go to talk with someone anon.
what i see here disociation from his emotions, and in order to avoid confronting unresolved things from back then he recoils, as you do as well(in the form of self hatred emerging completely overpowering you, or as you put it simply, brutal)
I can relate to this a lot, i started reading before elementary school, i found escape in that, I was also very good in schoool but not bullied because i shared success. a lot of what he says would ring through in my ears, such as "id have a book with me because life didn't SEEM interesting enough".
I'd focus on this sentence a bit more, what life seems to you is inherently your perspective leaving a mark on your view of life and ruining it, because it itself isn't good nor bad. but a smart kid can rationalise and devalue life through it's own eyes because being emotionally immature as it is, it doesn't know how to solve an issue requiring emotional intelligence, just to apply more raw intelligence in an attempt to survive.

If you can't do it, that's also great, because you now can take that and use it as a concrete goal, something to strive towards. benefits you'll get along the way while trying to achieve that will spill over into other areas. And when you get there, you can start going further. I believe in you anon.

>> No.21464027

It feels silly to preach about advice I'm sure you've already heard so I'll just say I will keep you in my prayer tonight anon

>> No.21464033
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Can relate so hard to what you're writing.
I hate my mom. I hate my parents. Not because of who they are, but because I lost the handrail that is stretching over the abyss called life.
In the end, all that matters is what bridge you have been dealt to cross life with - in there end, life is but an abyss. Bottomless. And lonely.
It is as if life and the mind are one of the same - the same endless and bottomless pit with no handrails, no ropes. You just keep falling and falling through eternity.

I don't mind exploring the bottom though. If there is such a thing. Turning 30 this year, and i did have some great luck in life. Married (but I'm serial cheating and can't stop even though god knows i've tried) and having a decent career. But not a day goes without having a strong impulse to just jump out from my window.
I did promise my wife that I wouldn't. So i live for her. And i've noticed myself becoming more and more careless in my cheating - I suppose I'm trying to get caught so i can finally get my promised rest.
I'm such a piece of shit.

>> No.21464049

That’s rough anon

>> No.21464051

I have read that essay. Like everything else, I find these things don't help—how could they? William James wrote one you might like: it's his Harvard something or other lecture called "Suicide" I think, or at least it's on that topic, mostly. Honestly I don't really care too much about life or my failure; really I'm just pissed off by my economic poverty and the paths it restricts me too. I don't want much, not at all: life has been for me, as for us all, a game of lowering expectations. This is a universal and very historical: I'm always struck by remembering Kant—Kant!—wrote about the desire to just run off to a little desert island with one's family to get away from it all. That's what I desire, as I have for awhile: a house of mine own, running utilities, paid bills, water-tight roof, in which, heaven give me strength, I can one day kill myself in at my leisure, or at least can serve to entomb by slowly fossilizing remains.

I've always felt, and I don't usually have these worthless premonitions of feigned desires of past lives, that I should have been born into some well-to-do upper-middle-class family, however normal or neurotic, or maybe some kind of family sinecure ivory tower position, where I could tackle the issue which alone is enough for my meagre strength: existence. I'm just not cut out, not constitutionally capable of running with the milieu in the hurly-burly of life.

Right. Life is shit no matter what. Herodotus. If it helps you up it's only to make the fall that much more comical. I just wish I'd been given the option ala Schopenhauer to just say "fuck it" to everything, to have enough capital to just live off a small interest sufficient to keep me alive. Delaying entrance into life only makes it worse, yet hoping for a miraculous financial windfall is even stupider. But what else can I do?

Sorry again for ranting.

>> No.21464086
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It's alright, I'm a literal manchild. I really don't see any reason to do anything i wouldn't like to do.
I kinda like what I am doing in life and it makes me get out of my own head listening and working with other peoples heads.

Issue is, I can't stop hurting other people around me. I can't stop isolating myself, escaping inside my own head. Intellectual pursuits is nothing but cope, and I'm so fuckign mad about it. In the end, isn't everything cope - no one wants to meet the real.

>> No.21464094

Weird question but you’re not the anon that wanted to gouge his right eye with a knife are you

>> No.21464107

You're right. But he knows this, and any clever reader of him knows this.

>> No.21464116


>> No.21464120

I'll get to you in a bit, checked in the meantime
Thank you for writing* anon. We wouldn't rant if we didn't feel the need to. That alone makes it worthwhile and okay.
>Delaying entrance into life only makes it worse, yet hoping for a miraculous financial windfall is even stupider. But what else can I do?
Take it one day at a time. Money, even a financial windfall won't make you happy overnight. It might make you ecstatic, but that wears off and it's not replaced by contentment, as that comes from within.
>Life is shit no matter what.
That's the exact opposite of what I implied. I implied that life is what you make of it, but of course you read that as life is shit. That's your current perspective on it. Also I implied that shit happens in life, but that's not the entire set of things that comprise this phenomenal and absurd thing we call life.
We find beauty in the midst of the darkest tragedy, the will to live is something I think i can say you might've caught glimpse of yourself(although in true self-derisive and self-hating fashion, you call it cowardice for not killing yourself).
And of course you can't love yourself when you didn't receive love when you both needed and deserved it the most. But you can't say you see all that life is while having such a tilted perspective on it.

>> No.21464135

College is soooooooo gay.

Never went, never will.

None of the problems mentioned above will ever bother me.

You may now stick an electric mixer into your anal hole.

>> No.21464136

Maybe. Forming a response at all is more than most. Thanks.

I do have views which aren't just errant whims. I've thought about these things a lot, and even if my perspective does taint them, isn't that true of everyone? I genuinely believe the world's a hell at a primordial level and that there's no hope. How can there be? Something like that would be evident and obvious to all, even if only a little, like a god or something. The world's just a pointless exercise in time wasting till death. Christ I do ramble when I get onto a topic I care for! Usually I'm so nervous to write anything at all.

>> No.21464155

>I have read that essay. Like everything else, I find these things don't help
funny thing but the thing that helps usually doesn't accomplish much else except help you get stuff out. And trust me, you're way stronger, you just don't realise how much of that strenght is bound and spent fighting back things in your subconciousness so you lack it in other areas of life. I don't know if you'll believe me on this, but i typed this out before even reading the sentence in which you lament your issue and name it "the lack of strength".
>where I could tackle the issue which alone is enough for my meagre strength: existence
You are extremely strong anon. I know that because of two things.
1. you are alive today
2. you are pouring and facing pretty dark things daily if you can put them to such coherent words to me
The only way you can learn is through example, so try to believe me when I say, I'm proud of you.
You're welcome.
>I've thought about these things a lot, and even if my perspective does taint them, isn't that true of everyone?
exactly so, that's why reality is subjective at it's core(at least the human experience of reality is).
However this being hell is not a logical followup in the objective sense, it's YOUR subjective logic misleading you.
But I need another post to expand on this

>> No.21464172

>Schopenhauer to just say "fuck it" to everything, to have enough capital to just live off a small interest sufficient to keep me alive
FUUUUUCK I relate to this so goddamn much.

>> No.21464184

>Within a couple of months I had well-defined pecs and deltoids. The problem— and it was a new one for me—was my dick. It probably sounds strange now, but in the seventies nobody really cared how big their dick was. When I was a teenager I had every conceivable hang-up about my body except that. I don’t know who started it—queers, probably, though you find it a lot in American detective novels, but there’s no mention of it in Sartre. Whatever, in the showers at the gym I realized I had a really small dick. I measured it when I got home—it was twelve centimeters, maybe thirteen or fourteen if you measured right to the base. I’d found something new to worry about, something I couldn’t do anything about; it was a basic and permanent handicap. It was around then that I started hating blacks. There weren’t many of them in the school—most of them went to the technical high school, Lycee Pierre-de-Coubertin, where the eminent Defrance did his philosophical striptease and propounded his pro-youth ass- kissing. I only had one, in my premiere A class, a big, stocky guy who called himself Ben. He always wore a baseball cap and Nikes; I was convinced he had a huge dick. All the girls threw themselves at this big baboon and here I was trying to teach them about Mallarme—what the fuck was the point? This is the way Western civilization would end, I thought bitterly, people worshiping in front of big dicks, like hamadryas baboons. I got into the habit of coming to class without any underwear on. This black guy was going out with exactly the girl I would have chosen myself: blonde, very pretty, with a childlike face and small firm tits. They would come to class holding hands. I always kept the windows closed while they were working; the girls would get hot and take off their sweaters, their T-shirts sticking to their breasts. Hidden behind my desk, I’d jerk off. I still remember the day I gave them a passage from Le Cote de Guermantes to comment on.
Someone explain

>> No.21464193

explain what

>> No.21464197

>Something like that would be evident and obvious to all, even if only a little, like a god or something
This is the real tragic and sad part. It is real, but it is not obvious to all, because we receive it from other people. And when those other people fail us, we don't learn of it's existance. Love and acceptance are the closest we can come to God in this mortal coil. It's not that it doesn't exist, but when we don't receive it as kids, we learn we don't deserve it, we learn to not ask for it, we learn to not look for it. We trick ourselves by pretending to look for it,by lamenting on chan "tfw no gf", or by trying to change ourselves to fit other molds than ours, and so on and on. All the wrong routes to take to your desired destination, because essentially you've given up on the destination even existing.
This is a pretty normal mechanism a child develops to cope because we base our value and place in the world on the parents' view of us. and if that view is negative(most usually because the parent's image itself is very negative and been denied for a long time), we need to rationalise and explain it. And what's the better and more logical explanation than "that's because you're you"? every child conceptualises parents as gods, omnipowerful and all knowing until a certain stage in life, thus if there's a faulty dynamic it's "obviously" the kids fault.
>Christ I do ramble when I get onto a topic I care for!
>Usually I'm so nervous to write anything at all.
Thank you for this anon, I don't think i can explain how much validation you just provided me with this. And also just keep writing.

>> No.21464204
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It’s really the opposite now. Young people are increasingly saddled with the burden of an aging population. It’s incredibly hard to start your life as a young person at the moment. Gen Z won’t retire.

>> No.21464210

No need for greentext. (You) wrote this.

>> No.21464216

This guy is cool

>> No.21464221

It's in The Elementary Particles. Chapter 14.

>> No.21464233

Why do you need all that guilt? Have you wondered if it serves any function in your inner world, or would you say it's there simply because it's "deserved"?
A couple things, first off your cheating is not a disorder, it's a completely natural expression of male sexuality that's been demonized through popular culture because it had to be locked up and released only slightly when "deserved" for society to function properly(much is said about women's repressed sexuality and of course men are disregarded).
Now, it's also expressed through your guilt-tripping mechanism so there might also be some mom-dad dynamic you're livign through(since I'm obviously not informed) but I wouldn't put my money on that.
You can't live for anyone until you learn what it's like to live for yourself. You will just hurt people because you were hurt. But you can sort it out, it's harder but infinitely more rewarding than destroying people you care about then destroying yourself. You deserve more than that anon, even though you got so much less.
>It's alright, I'm a literal manchild. I really don't see any reason to do anything i wouldn't like to do.
This doesn't make you a manchild. You are depressed.
>In the end, isn't everything cope - no one wants to meet the real.
No, believe it or not, it's not. Try therapy, not trying to shill it, but that's where I found the real. And when I learned what it looked like there , I started noticing it elsewhere in the world around me. But looking that "real" straight in the eye was one of the hardest things I did. Not because of the pain, because it's so natural to redirect thoughts, to go strive for uintellectual pursuits or to endlessly philosophise. Or turn to drugs and dissociatives until you burn through your potential and find a reason or just end. That was sort of my case.
>I can't stop isolating myself, escaping inside my own head
go look for what oyu're running from in your head, because it also resides there. That's why you run, but you can't run away. Go beat it anon.
And also fuck hot bitches and never put yourself down for being a virile male.

>> No.21464238


>> No.21464520

based wellbeck. also he was handsome when young

>> No.21464551

As you can see, many Anons get extremely ass-blasted at the suggestion that life in fact gets worse (or at least less interesting) as one gets older. Why is this? Probably because most Anons are socially inept and have had unrewarding lives in their youth, so they tell themselves it’s fine because they’ll make up for this failure once they’re older. They take offense at statements such as this because it points out that the rewards they expect later in life won’t come.

>> No.21464768

He was born too late. In our time he'd probably be a volcel NEET who makes threads on /lit/ about Schopie pushing old women down stairs.

>> No.21464787

just have sex bro wtf

>> No.21464818

Not sure if you are still this this thread but you might feel better knowing that some males go bald at 17 and there is literally no good advice for them. Lucky is having hair still while you are in college.

>> No.21464832
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Pretty much this, I spent my twenties playing vidya and drinking for no good reason despite having the makings of a Chad.

Now at 34 I am financial freedom enough to do what I want most of the time, no responsibilities as I take sabbatical between easy remote work jobs. I am tall and handsome and extremely fit, and am bedding many young women, but I see my capacity to do so waning quickly (a man's beauty fades as surely as a woman's, albeit peaking later) so I enjoy this brief season of plenty before the inevitable winter.

I am probably going to do steroids to prolong my youth and rebuke my old age. It's funny because in my youth I was worried about living as long as possible. Then I saw my father age and really saw the hellish reality of it.

> The physical bodies of young people, the only desirable possession the world has ever produced,

So true

>> No.21464856

This woman's body made me laugh.

>> No.21464876

How is it the opposite though? The younger generations are increasingly infantilized. They have no positive vision of the future. They aren’t prepared to enter adulthood and assume all the necessary independent responsibilities. Your average 30 year old is hardly any different from the average 17 year old nowadays.

>> No.21464894

Are you saying the younger generations are supposed to just come up with "a positive vision" for the future?

>> No.21464912

Damn this makes me glad to be sterile

>> No.21464937

The thing is, if you never experienced the joys of youth it actually doesn’t get worse with age, and you age a bit slower. They aren’t wrong.

>> No.21465051

I cannot read these posts without the sense that the author has carefully curated for himself the identity they're trying to portray in well written posts. You're just performing, aren't you?

>> No.21465065

>easy remote work jobs
Like what? Serious question.

>> No.21465092

Why don't you read?

>> No.21465129

What's there to explain? Just read it.

>> No.21465145

>make sure that you won't leave boys in the clutch's of a modern single mother.
>Blames mommy for all his problems

Many such cases

>> No.21465693

Same except I’m 21 (aka post twinkdeath) and I will take estrogen to preserve my youth

>> No.21465698

21 is not post twink death.. anyway post feet

>> No.21465712

lol no he wasn't

>> No.21465714


>> The physical bodies of young people, the only desirable possession the world has ever produced,
>So true

I agree


lads what do I do to prolong my happiness for as long as possible? personally I know this is insane, but I have difficulty conceptualizing a reason to work right now. why not work when im older? when I am older, I would pay millions of dollers to spend just one month as a young person again. so why care about valuing my time by the hour now? I want to just be a lil writer and just live my writing life and be happy, not care about buying a house and worshipping greenwich, CT like my cohort (I am ivy grad)

>> No.21465728

Lots of famous writers chose the neet life.. Mishima.. mccarthy..

>> No.21465934

oh, doing a bit more research I think someone showed me a photo of Alain Delon and told me it was Houellebecq as a troll and I fell for it

>> No.21466096

what age does it stop?

im 24 now. in med school so I still kind of am having fun and fucking around with my classmates. is it all over after this?

>> No.21466152

I think the suggestion is almost equally offensive to everyone. Ive had a great youth in basically every measure. Sex, fun, I got a great education and will be financially successful for life. I still dont want it to end. Getting older, married, etc etc sounds really boring. I like drinking with my friends and having sex with different girls. And I like being young and looking beautiful. Fuck this

>> No.21466154

you're lucky you made it that far.

>> No.21466158


>> No.21467185

Little boy hates his mother, blames her for downward social mobility, turns to reactionary politics to punish the world. Many such cases!

>> No.21467226

>children and growing old... bad!

>> No.21467625

Don't forget women.

>> No.21467680

I can tell you were raised by a single mother the way you blame everyone for everything

>> No.21467745

i was never without worry in my childhood. and neither were my parents since they started working and taking care of their siblings when they were around 6

>> No.21467816

based bulgarian serf

>> No.21468440
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Depends what you mean. I am 34 and still very attractive but alot of prime age women think it's wierd to hang out with an older guy. It adds a layer of difficulty to it. Generally my peer group are fat, lazy, boring, and settled down already. And women increasingly desperate.

Also I have a career that can fund my libertine lifestyle (software engineer) with minimal effort, I think most people make compromises for long term wealth .. but it is a devils bargain as noted because you trade your best years for it.

If you are having fun in med school I think you have the disposition to do it for quite some time.

>> No.21468614

Who is he

>> No.21468716

Youth wasn't that great and not just because I was an incel.
School was usually 8-10 hours + 2 hours of commuting + homework. I never undetstood how people think school was fun.

>> No.21468770


It’s because you’re surrounded by other young people in school and (at least some of them) are interested in learning. You’re also having a lot of formative experiences, which means there’s variety, and this means you have at least something in common with your classmates. Once you leave college and go into the working world, you’re not necessarily with younger people anymore. You’re with a lot of older, unfit, unaesthetic 50-60 year olds who have no interest in anything but their health care plans, paid time off for vacation, and whatever television show they’re currently into. If you’re a person who’s intellectually inclined, the working world will be torture because you’ll be constantly dealing with people who are idiots. (Sure, there are idiots in every college, but fewer of them than the general population, at least at the better colleges.) Very few people in your working environment will be interested in learning, let alone reading, or really any form of self edification.

Prior to leaving school, you probably think that you have a grasp on the concept of Sisyphean tasks, but it’s only once you become a working adult that the full import of this concept is brought to light. You’ll be spending most of your waking adult life working, and by working I mean doing the same thing over and over each day so that they all blend together. The end of each day has no true respite because you know you’re just going to have to do the exact same thing the following day, and then the process continues for an indefinite period that sometimes lasts for decades. In school there’s at least a definite ending to everything. First grade eventually ends and becomes second grade, which then builds and culminates in an eventual graduation. It’s very linear, like the plot to a story. Not so working life. Each day is almost identical to the last and, at least metaphorically, will go on forever that way barring some disruption. Whenever someone tells me that school wasn’t that great I wonder if 1) They were ever really interested in learning, and 2) Whether they’ve ever actually had to work for a living.

>> No.21468932

Evelyn Waugh

>> No.21468942

Good post

>> No.21468999

>wah wah wah I was a debauched idiot and didnt do any real work until I was 30
Life gets better if you have a bit of common sense

>> No.21469184

He also fundamentally ignores that most of the world does not even get to enjoy their youth. Most of the young people in the world aren't going to parties and watching workers sidle by, they are struggling to establish themselves and survive. He is writing exclusively about pampered middle class and upper middle class people.

>> No.21469243

>Very few people in your working environment will be interested in learning, let alone reading, or really any form of self edification.
This is true, but I see it as mostly a good thing. I have a working-class job where people generally admire my intelligence instead of becoming massively insecure about their own when I reveal my power level.

>> No.21469718

This is not really true. If you didn't think school was monotonous and Sisyphean, it means you were particularly spoiled and had an extremely pampered home life. Only spoiled people can afford to regard their youth as any more pleasant than the rest of their life.

>> No.21469725

>Sperg out and talk about Houellebeqc when visiting family
>Mom reads Atomised
>She brings up how much she hated the book at our Christmas dinner


>> No.21469739

Women generally hate Houellebeqc because he depicts women honestly.

>> No.21469766

>Boomers think children are "mortal enemies"
>Really explains alot desu.

>> No.21469778

ive noticed a phenomenon of houellebecq fandom among women recently though

>> No.21469793
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I am 27 never was so happy as i am now. I excercise every day and my body changes for the bettter, also no back pain even tho i felt it in the past. I have pretty good job, income i can use for whatever i want, i bought kindle and i am still excited about possibility of reading whatever i want and having it all in my backpocket, still i live very frugally and i have fuck you savings, so if i get laid off i dont give a fuck. I get recognized for my achievement and it made me much less nervous than i was, i am still autist tired of smalltalk, but my communication skills are much better, people understand what i want to communicate and i can converse on many topics. I still don't have gf and almost no friends but i am no longer sad and i don't lose sleep over that like some r9k incel. With age you get this peace of mind, hard for me to explain this. Certainly when i was NEET i had much more free time for reading/writing, but i was constantly broke and my free time was consumed by videogames or anime, after years of introspection i realized its not worth it and now i spend all my time on literary interest.
For me worst part of getting old, is you are not so excited about your achievements, they matter if you are young, but now i often realized many people already achieved that thing before me so whatever. I am just happy i dont think about killing myself every day.

>> No.21469797

If you're straight-forward enough in your misogyny it can invert back to women liking it; though, herd creatures as they are, you'll have to get them at the first stroke, for if one dislikes it they'll all follow suit.

>> No.21469804

>more and more often nowadays, imprisoned. The physical bodies of young people, the only desirable possession the world has ever produced, were reserved for the exclusive use of the young
Christ it really all comes down to the whine of the pedophile every single time, doesn't it? Maybe feminists were right about men. The English are certainly right about the French.

>> No.21469887
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I'm a Capricorn Ascendant with Saturn Conjunct The Ascendant and several other Capricorn placements. I was born old and am getting younger every year now post Saturn-return. I don't identify with any of this. My life has gotten better and better and I'm finally gonna have a great time. Stay mad, die mad you pretentious Boomer faggot.

>> No.21469902


>> No.21470196


>> No.21470264
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It's almost visceral how disgusting and pathetic I find this French faggot. Is there anything sadder than a hedonist who is also a complete loser? Not only is he amoral, he's a failure in his own amorality.

>> No.21470282

Based and good for you anon

>> No.21470300

>be me
>physically abused at home
>incessantly bullied in school
>socially awkward with low self esteem
>develops depression
>no love life, no sex life

Wtf is this nigga talking about
>They could leave a party, in the early hours of the morning, in the company of sexual partners they had chosen


>> No.21470329

Top kek. By 21 I already had to micromanage my half-wit whore mother and support my sister. It's only now that the former is no more and the other is married that I can actually breathe at night and in weekends without being some jittery neurotic freak, and can save money, and I was born middle class. What a sheltered hack.

>> No.21470332

I'm soon to be 27 and I want to kill myself.

>> No.21470350

>has a wife
>is not even 30 yet
>serially cheats

You ungrateful fucks deserve hellfire. I can only wish that the christcucks are actually right and all you faggots burn in hell. I'll take on eternal torture myself that makes it a possibility that your kind will suffer

>> No.21470359

i'm 29, a teacher, and i am forced to live at home in a tiny ass room to support my widowed mother, while my older brother is a perpetual leech. i hate my existence. i want to die.

>> No.21470366

If you're ambilavent about mother and have no will to look forward to, elope.

>> No.21470374

i would, but they hold the money i borrowed for school against me :) nothing like being kept a serf by family. i think i'll kill myself soon. give it a week or so, wait til they're all out, then rope in the attic.

>> No.21470400

Play the long game, wait out their deaths. You've lived too long to die. In your place, I would rather risk prison than death.

>> No.21470409

anon, what would i be waiting for? i'm so intrinsically worthless, than not even my family deign it right to treat me as a person. nor, for that matter, do many others. why would i assume it would change? i'm a non-person, not in the inane 'npc' way, but in the 'less than a person, ok to abuse' category.

>> No.21470426

I hate being presumtuous, but these feelings of inferiority, and the abuse you suffer, probably stem from dependency. If you have human decency, and aren't rude or destructive , you are more than worthty of life.

>> No.21470430

and they've manufactured dependency on false pretences to keep me like a pet :)

>If you have human decency, and aren't rude or destructive , you are more than worthty of life.
it's having those things that makes me unworthy. this world isn't for the truthful or altruistic. it's for the vultures and the leeches.

>> No.21470444

Anon, enjoy what you can for now, outlive them, and then, enjoy your freedom after their passing.
>this world isn't for the truthful or altruistic
You could at least find comfort in striving for those things. They are an end in and of themselves.

>> No.21470456

i don't enjoy. i don't have anything i look forward to. i'm bored of being a game for others. i just want to stop. if i awoke tomorrow to a brand new life filled with love, friends, purpose, space, meaning... i'd be waiting for every one of them to betray me and screw me over back into the mud like the worthless animal i am to them.

that's not to say i'm worthless, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and nobody sees value here.

>> No.21470463

god I hate french people so much

>> No.21470467

If you truly don"t enjoy anything why do you peesumably discuss lirerature often?
You can be bold and make new socials, even using your town's internet community. Even alcoholism is better than the noose, unless you truly can't bear it.
And of course you're not worthless.

>> No.21470488

>If you truly don"t enjoy anything why do you peesumably discuss lirerature often?
because i deluded myself into thinking if i worked hard at teaching, improved the lives of others, then i would have somehow lived a life worth living. whether people loved me or not, liked me or not, that i would have been able to pass on what little i have to offer to hopefully stop one or two people becoming broken husks of humanity like myself. i'm not especially well read nor am i particularly profound with my readings. the bar is just rather low.

instead i got a job that is 80% admin and 'logging behaviour events', being told by a half wit to teach using powerpoints, and a long line of hopeless faces of children born from the loins of bastards who have no interest in parenting them. following that, locked into a borderline serfdom. i was close to cutting all ties with them, but then mother got ill, then dad got ill (and rapidly passed from cancer), and now i've been guilt tripped into being an indentured servant that lives in a room smaller than a prison cell.

i'm sure there is good in people somewhere, but i am not the person that will ever see it.

>> No.21470489

Drink some wine to cope like a good Frenchmen

>> No.21470493

I don't exactly get what your problem is, reading thus far. Do you hate your mom? Do you hate your brother? Do they treat you badly? Do you hate your job? Do you think you shouldn't be supporting your family? Why? What's bothering you exactly

>> No.21470506

I started estrogen at 21 for this exact reason
23 now.

>> No.21470526

see >>21470488
i hate them both for the repeated lies they've seemingly used to keep me here. 'there's no hurry to pay the money back' meant expecting about 1/4 of my pay check each month in returns. on top of that, i was supposed to be buying one of the two unused cars they have, but they refused it on 'what ifs', which meant i had to take out an unfortunately expensive finance option for a car as i needed it for work and mine was about to fail its next inspection. this, on top of the sibling claiming he was leaving for the last 3 years (even tricking some poor daft woman into marrying him) has continually put off emigrating.

the whole thing has left me in a debt trap while living in a tiny space.

i hope they live long and protracted lives.

i hope i get to live briefly.

>> No.21470550

This is why I'm going back to uni full time a few years late. I got a hint of the rot and ran away scared.

>> No.21470574

>For me worst part of getting old, is you are not so excited about your achievements, they matter if you are young, but now i often realized many people already achieved that thing before me so whatever. I am just happy i don't think about killing myself every day.
I feel this badly. Still in my early 20s, but not being absolutely amazing at what I do brings me the most terrible shame. If I don't end up world-class in my 40s I don't think I'll be able to live

>> No.21470598

i really hate how this guy writes as if the situation described is the "standard" of young experience, like he's an authority on it. adolescence as a concept has barely existed for more than a hundred years, and the idea itself was a direct reaction to children working from the time that they're 5 years old, and the ones in industrial centers losing their hands in giant machinery

>> No.21470672
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Witnessed, keep on truckin' bucko

>> No.21470826

Houellebecq had a tougher childhood than anyone else in this thread

>> No.21471044

Can you summarise some of his traumas?

>> No.21471561

>Also I have a career that can fund my libertine lifestyle (software engineer) with minimal effort

You're clearly not a software engineer.

>> No.21471622

could you post some books you like?

>> No.21471703
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Original poster.
What if i am unable to feel grateful? What if i simply don't feel anything, other than the pleasure of being desired by someone and guilt when the post-nut clarity hits.

I mean i don't even need to cum. When the girl cums, i'm done aswell.
My pleasure is to please, just like i couldn't please my mother enough to see me. Maybe one of those girls will see me for who i am and take care of me?

Huge doubt though - i know it's not a desire, but a demand, that i have ensnared myself in and pull others into. What i want is not sex, what i want is to be able to express all the ugliness i bear inside of me without wanting to kill myself.
But how can i do that, if i literally don't know where to start?

So i just... dip deeper. Into every hole. The hole in my heart, the hole of the cunt, and the hole of the throat. My cum is a gift, a weapon and a curse.

>> No.21471725
File: 166 KB, 376x361, Screenshot_20221025_010833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm doomed to a life of dissociating, because the guilt cheating is too big to bear, but the emptiness without it is too deep. I am simply nihilistic, to the world, to myself, my relationships and everything.
You see, i wish i could value my relationship. I wish i was able to show myself. But i can't - i don't even know myself, and i doubt that there even is a "self" to know. There's just.. emptiness. A feeling of derealization and depersonalization - chronic dissociation for over 17 years. It's been that long since my identity died, and my body is aching to meet the same fate.

>> No.21471733

he's just like me

>> No.21471912

any advice lit bros? my life is feeling pretty unfixable at this point

>> No.21471956

You don't read.

>> No.21471972

Find some mushrooms or LSD. These substances won't necessarily fix your problems but they may help you find a new perspective. I personally know someone who was close to committing suicide due to lifelong depression and found joy and will to live again after a heroic dose of mushrooms.

If you're set on killing yourself, I say why not give psychedelics a chance first? You'll still have shitty circumstances to deal with but maybe you'll be able to find a new way of thinking about them, or a new way out. Just research them first or find someone experienced to guide you through it.

>> No.21472001

don't know where to get them. don't really want them. don't really want a new outlook on life.

>> No.21472005

Mushrooms made me a tranny

>> No.21472009

Literally just pull a going to get cigarettes and never contact them again.

>> No.21472018

True, I finally saw my youngest sibling off onto a job that would support them without me a few years back and it was like taking a full breath for the first time after a lifetime with tombstones on my chest.

>> No.21472137

Amerisharts still can't read Annihilation(newest novel), yet a balkanoid already has it translated.

>> No.21472167

I hate you, but I see that you are very "human". On my first girlfriend(me at the age of 26 and she being a very BPD art hoe with big issues after her previous relationships) after her 3rd time breaking up with me, I though the problem was in my and went to a prostitute. A few days later we got toghether again but it all ended 2 months after. I am afraid that I can do the same towards my current very same GF that I might marry. You might be a cheater which I find less moral that going to a prostitute, but I am afraid that I might be the same.

>> No.21472177

Talk about getting new perspectives, huh.

>> No.21472262

This is all I need. Someone who says I'm human. Someone who helps me see. But I am far too gone; I am sure your hatred of me is because of my humanity, that my corruption might some day grow inside of you.

Its possible. But in the other hand, like others have said, what is faithfulness if not moralistic pandering? The fantasy only grows stronger if you don't enact it.

>> No.21472267

That’s a lot of words for “keeping it in my pants is hard tho”

>> No.21472374

Dead Souls
Der Prozess
The Once and Future King

It's possible for sadness and even sulking to be redemptive and beautiful, instead of the aimless indulgent and contemptible faggotry characterized by every Houellebecq novel.

>> No.21472428


i relate to this so much. what do we do anons?

every time i clock back in and bring my honest self back a nd try to express this to the people im close to, they leave me, like they were only in it for the suspense until my snap from the great big dig and all the orgasms they got in the digup

>> No.21472552

He mentions this frequently. At least 2 of his characters have cited the book where the concept of "childhood is a modern invention" came to be.

He writes fictional novels, you twat.

>> No.21472558

At least i'm getting paid and I can literally fuck hookers or buy a gf from another country. Do drugs, start a family, buy a car and do so much as an adult. I fucking will always hate school because of how much it held me back, but when you're adult you have a lot of freedom and can do so much shit if you just have enough money.

>> No.21472575

in youth you have no money, no power. Plus teenagers are the biggest cancer on earth, judmental, bullies and overall shallow people through and through, youth sucks.

>> No.21472581

Being young was terminally boring and overall terrible. I'm a wizard so it might color my judgement compared to Houellebecq who seems to focus on young sex, but a lot of the things I hate had nothing to do with that.
My life drastically improved from my mid 20s on. I look back to high school as some sort of gulag institution.

>> No.21473002

Unironically kys. You're not an adult, you're a pathetic spineless child. Grow up or kys. I'm sorry for your mother and wife.

>> No.21473040

there's nothing wrong with white people writing about white society.

>> No.21473264

Jesus Christ, reading stuff like this makes me despise the entire 20th century.

>> No.21473270

You probably feel that way because you missed out on the beauty of young love, careless friendship and so on. To Houellebecq youth is mythical, and there is nothing worse than the slow physical and mental decline which follows it.

>> No.21473294

I don't really agree. I am 22 and soon will be 23. My childhood was great, but my teenage years were filled with problems and worries. I am now very busy with college, but finally getting over some of these problems and living a bit more. Getting old sucks, but some people do experience a lot of growth and liberation as the years pass.
I am much more optimistic about my 30's than any other age. Sure, my body will be older, but I am setting myself into a fulfilling and profiting career; not only that, I will finally be making my own money and investing on what I deem important.
Well, maybe everything will go south, but I will make today a good day and that's it.

>> No.21473298

First of all you're still a child, second of all young people like you don't have opinions so shut up kid.

>> No.21473310

chill, gramps

>> No.21473340

Not him, but it is the only path forward if you don't want to commit suicide, rot as things keep getting worse, or let increasingly retarded old people run the ship into the dirt.
Don't get me wrong, either way we are still fucked, but my taking matters into your own hand you can at least see a path forward and push for securing yourself in the future to the best of your ability.

>> No.21473381

I don't think I had the kind of youth Houellebecq describes there. I had a blast when I was 18-22 but also did some pretty stupid stuff. My teenage years are just forgettable. I'm now 26 and married and my life is much better in many ways

>> No.21473766

I mean, biological immortality is being researched as of now and young people might benefit from it in the next few decades. You could theoretically remain young for a longer period of time.

>> No.21473779


Working on it. If it makes you feel any better, i hate myself more than you could ever imagine. I hate myself, and the word "hate" holds so much more than what i could imagine.
I hate myself so much that i killed myself when i was 13. I am now just a husk walking around, you will not see anyone inside me.

You cannot begin to comprehend what my hatred to myself is.
I have fantasies/paranoias/wishes whenever i walk out, whenever someone walks behind me, that they'll stab me. Finally, ill say. Finally someone killed me, killed me and gave me the mercy i don't deserve. Finally they did what i cannot do. But as i'm writing this, i realize these fantasies are nothing but projections of my own self hatred.

I once had a drug-induced psychosis. It was similar, but much more extreme. I used to hide under my bed and wouldn't let my ex talk to me. She was worried sick, but i was fully engulfed by the thought that she was out to kill me. Back then i was afraid, no i would wish for it.
I've even told my wife, and therapist (whom i must go to because of my work), that if there was any mercy in the world - for them, not for me - they would be the ones slitting my throat. I would welcome it.

Writing in this thread is catharthic. It makes me feel something. I wish my mother would have aborted me, like the mistake she says that I am. That I am Satan from her womb. Perhaps I am. Ofcourse I am. Who else would do what i do, live a life i live?

I know my life will end by my own hand, that is for certain. I honestly didn't think i would live to see 25.. but time goes fast and Hollebcq would agree

>> No.21473787

That’s retarded, and even I, in my state can see it…

>> No.21473818

find god bro

>> No.21473873
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Set to graduate college next year. Still living with parents, but I got to experience living alone when I visited Seattle on a solo trip a little while ago it awakened in me this desire to just drop everything and wander. My Dinner With Andre kind of fed these flames too, as well as some of the foreign history books I've been reading. I don't have much will to live, and I don't expect to find a purpose in life bumming around in Saigon or wherever, but drifting about for a while feels a lot more "right" than continuing to live my life on rails.
How many of you have just packed up and left on a whim like that?

>> No.21473971

Anybody here read Houellebecq's unauthorised biography?

It's in French written by some journalist who ignored his request that he leave him alone, but the guy went out and interviewed a ton of people about his life etc. It's quite interesting, though I feel quite guilty for reading it since I wouldn't like someone to write that shit about me if I were in his position. Some interesting facts about his early life especially, quite surprising considering he portrays himself as this friendless beta doomer when he seems to have had girlfriends etc.

>> No.21474059

Makes a lot of sense why /lit/ worships him.

>> No.21474091

Well if you squander your youth in some way, what's more pathetic, giving up on something you always wanted, or trying to get it when the season has already changed? It's a no win situation, and people are entitled to claim what they can lay their hands on. We all have to make the most of what we have.

>> No.21474115

Imagine not working out and allowing yourself to get ugly and out of shape.

>> No.21474120
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Shit takes.

>> No.21474123

No wonder he's such a doomer if that's how he lives his life.

>> No.21474131

The world will be incredibly different by the time we're retirement age, likely with a lot of deaths and starvation in between.

>> No.21474251

I was kind of down with what he was saying here until he compared the persecution of pedophiles to the fucking Holocaust.

>> No.21474261
File: 2.98 MB, 860x9642, Epstein Israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually an apt comparison.

>> No.21474323

It's really telling how cucked Europeans are as a fundamentally slave race always beholden to their kings and autocrats. Centuries after """overthrowing"'"" then.

>> No.21474385

Don't think you're so special, friend. Really, it helps: when you believe you're alone in your suffering it can develop a god complex. I relate to every single thing you've written and have literally imagined them all as you do.

I don't actually go outside enough to be keenly aware of other possible murderous intent, though, but normally just like to think of dying whilst I sleep, repeating it to myself, almost as a mantra, each time I go to bed.

Maybe we'll both die quickly and peacefully, friend :)

>> No.21474604

That is one of the key takeaways I took from my therapy, and it's a huge relief. It actually made everything more bearable.
Not being alone, not being alone in being lost in ones own mind..

Someday we will die, death is promised to us and with each breath it comes.
I have always wanted to die covered in blood. Warm and fluid, reminds me of how I'd imagine a warm sweaty mother would totally embrace and cover me after birth. But I am being birthed, over and over but with no one to hold me. My body has gone limp and I do not scream anymore. There is simply.. no one to hear it, not because I don't have people around me, but because I don't feel it.

Even as i write this, I do not know who is writing. Am I trolling? Am I actually feeling what I'm writing? For some reason, I do get teary eyed writing these posts but I don't know why. I don't feel anything in particular, hell. Am I just trolling?

>> No.21475289

>introduce gf to Atomised
>we read it after sex before falling asleep
>sometimes she thinks its too sad to continue reading
>“y-you wouldn’t make me abort our child or let me be an old maid would you, anon?”
>she said she wanted something less sad, gave her map and territory and she loved it
>constantly have to explain french cultural references to her
>“you’re so smart and worldly, anon”
Yeah, i’m a fakecel. Women are big children, never let them talk to you in just any old way. And remember kids: bitches love Houellebecq

>> No.21475317

Nigga, do you know what fiction is? Also, context clues. He doesn’t mean children.
>uhhh, anon, how do you know?
Some french interviewer tried to corner him on the pedo question and then soft ball him with age of consent to see if they could bring him to a controversial conclusion and he said one of France’s biggest failures was not holding their esteemed intellectuals accountable when they were pushing pedo bullshit. He says the new move to sexualize children is suspicious and anyone who does so should be regarded as suspicious as they have the intention to sneak in assumptions about a child’s agency and abuse them. Don’t be a retard. Read a book. Source: it is collected in that Interventions 2020 english interview compilation.

>> No.21475324

as opposed to all other races which are literally beholden to violent warlords to this day

>> No.21475329

That's a lot of words to say that you're a horny infidel bastard. Just kys

>> No.21475330

>60 cigarettes + 3 benzos a day, zero sleep and no exercise man is... LE SADFAGGING
Wow, very deep.

>> No.21475745

Based winchads brutally mogging all the cowardly and despicable loserfaggots in this thread. Stay winning kings!

>> No.21475821

If it makes you feel better you could've had a totally useless father instead and there would have been virtually no difference. Oh yeah, also get your shit together and solve your problems.
>but muh i can't muh it's hard muh i don't wanna muh struggles muh you don't understand
Just do it retard it won't get any easier later and there sure as hell is no point in bitching if you're not even gonna fix the problem. Wanker.
Yeah we call these people the Irish.
You are going to fuck your testosterone receptors lol. Have a good one retard.