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/lit/ - Literature

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21463443 No.21463443 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate Dune but love pic rel which is just Dune + rape?

>> No.21463453

>Dune + rape

>> No.21463458

>why does /lit/ hate
>why does /lit/ love
when will this end

>> No.21463459

Dunno who that is. Dune is pretty good though.

>> No.21463471
File: 90 KB, 1200x719, 2831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genre fiction
oh no,
i can't,
i can't stop,
can't stop myself, i'm gonna yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn

>> No.21463713


>> No.21463722

How lazy and poor do you have to be to get whatsitcalled, gout in 2022?

>> No.21463737

it's 2023.
also, gout is widely known as the rich man's illness. your shit's all fucked up, man.

>> No.21463749

>gout is widely known as the rich man's illness
Not since the 1920s.

>> No.21463750

Without the fantasy genre this masterpiece would have never existed


>> No.21463762
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nah, we're still rich, we're just too far away from the truly poor people to properly contextualize it from day to day.

>> No.21463766
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must hold it in,
oh no,

>> No.21463867

>R. Scott Bakker
literally who?
>The Second Apocalypse
literally whaat?
I have never heard of this guy or any of the things he wrote. Are you some shill?

>> No.21463870

because its shit

>> No.21463882

Nonfiction is the ultimate cuck move of seeking someone out to rape your mushy brain.

>> No.21463887

>the only alternative to fantasy genreshit
anon, you sure are rife with illusions

>> No.21463900 [DELETED] 

Shut up nigger.

>> No.21463903

poor thing.

>> No.21464096

It's all a fantasy you cheesebrain. The fuck does it matter if the poignant character is a space gypsy or a WW2 widow?

>> No.21464118

Nobody who reads uses fantasy and fiction interchangeably and you know this, don't be obtuse.

>> No.21464138

Not obtuse, blunt. Fiction is fiction and if you think all fiction you name 'genre' is somehow arbitrarily inferior, then I'd say you have a very narrow idea of literature.

>> No.21464146

it's not arbitrarily inferior, it's objectively so.

>> No.21464158

And this is why this sub keeps parroting the similarly arbitrary list of reading that it does. Because discovery and variety are unknown to (You).
If you'd be more inquisitive you'd go looking for something to like.

>> No.21464176

you keep using that word, much like a child playing with a new toy. if it were so arbitrary, why the consistency, year after year? you say "something to like", but it doesn't occur to you that i do indeed like literature, evidenced by my yawning meme when confronted with genre fiction, which is far too shallow a scratch to ever satisfy the pruritus that frequents my spirit. it's quite all right that *you* enjoy genre fiction, but don't pretend that it even attempts to reach the height of literature. ignoring the distinction only harms you, not me.

>> No.21464180

You're moving the goalposts, I'm not the anon saying fantasy genre books are trash, but I'm telling you that they are of course subsetted for a reason from other fiction. That being said, I do think it sucks, that's my subjective "arbitrary" opinion, sorry it's not maths. Happy new year

>> No.21464226

What I'm saying is that the same rule applies for both. Some of what's called 'high literature' is frequently just bad. Like any fiction. Like 'genre' fiction, which you seem to dump every fantasy or similar work in.
And arbitrary means random, in case you were wondering. You don't seem to like that word for some reason.
I was just saying the subset is useless for judging quality or merit.

>> No.21464264
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>> No.21465011

I love Dune actually.

>> No.21465016
File: 343 KB, 1080x1184, LGBTQ fantasy gay scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think /lit/ loves a queer fantasy series?

>> No.21465085

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.21466458

It's just trannies trying to groom lit into LGBT content like they do everywhere else. They literally have a discord for this.

>> No.21466491

I've literally never seen this guy mentioned on /lit/ before. Is this a new shill thread template?

>> No.21466502

Dune is on top 100 list. Where is Bakker on it?

>> No.21467737

>why does
If I had my way any OP starting with these words would result in a rangeban.

>> No.21467743

This thread was about to be bumped off, don't know why you even bumped it if you hated it.

>> No.21467981

What the fuck is dune?

>> No.21467986

Game of thrones is fucking gay

>> No.21467987

realistic gay sex looks like

>> No.21467993

I will show you what realistic gay sex looks like

>> No.21467995
File: 24 KB, 321x322, 1445695675422 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this is hot

>> No.21467997

this is a blue board, but who am I to tell you not to get banned

>> No.21468017

>this desperate cuck with his anti Bakker spam again
Measure is unceasing.
(You) have been measured, and found lacking.

>> No.21468647

Dune + Warhammer + Warhammer 40k + Blood Meridian + Rape.

And I don't know but I really love his books even though I find them aggravating.

>> No.21468837

It's pretty much this, plus some Silmarillion and Crusades for good measure.

>> No.21469819

I'm not a 35+ year old cuckold american that laughs at penis and poop jokes so I don't get it.