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/lit/ - Literature

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21459763 No.21459763 [Reply] [Original]

Literature is still humanity's only way to reach immortality. Every single person of old that is still remembered is part of literature history. Everyone else is forgotten – forever.

Even people that were active in other fields (like science, politics etc) are only remembered, because they engaged in literature–or someone else did it for them.

So the only two ways to not be completely forgotten is
>1. do something so great that other people write books about you
>2. write books yourself
Both require luck, but 1. a lot harder. So why are you not writing? You're asking to be forgotten. Forver, as if you never existed.

>> No.21459775

What if its okay to be forgotten

>> No.21459779

Stop trying to be immortal.

>> No.21459787

Do you know how much old literature isn't translated to their modern languages? You would be put into a state of depression by the answer.

>> No.21459798

That's why I said both require luck, but writing something great that people gonna translate and keep on reading is easier than (1) be so great that other people write about you and (2) that they write so good it is gonna live on. So it's one obstacle vs. two.
And with writing you can also somehow control the chances. If you only write one or two books, it's like throwing the dice twice and hope to get a 6. But if you throw it 20 times, it's not unlikely that you get what you want.

>> No.21459922

Otzi the ice man has no books but we know quite a bit about him. We know less about Lucy but not nothing. Don't like books? Die in just the right spot.

>> No.21460113

This is blatantly factually untrue

>> No.21460166

Nobody knows how to write and every piece of writing ever is bound to get some shit thrown at them so what's the point?

>> No.21460980

The oldest lit is very young in terms of the universe, or even in terms of mankind. There is no immortal memory, there is no information that will not be lost, or ignored.

If you want to live forever you need to forget the past and the future and try to connect to the people around you, not some lizard-man in 5000 years who is going to read half of a fragment of your 4chan post and present his theory on 21st digital transexuals as per the writings of the Hernonymous to a room barely filled with people there for the free sandwiches he promised but can't deliver.

>> No.21461076
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>Stop trying to be immortal

>> No.21461415

I'm immortal nonetheless. I would like to step out of the wheel, actually.

>> No.21461515
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>Literature is still humanity's only way to reach immortality. Every single person of old that is still remembered is part of literature history. Everyone else is forgotten – forever.
Based, redpilled and keyed-in.
Zoomers don't get this. They all spend so much time making streams and videos. If the Internet went down and died, all that would be dust in the wind. Youtube goes down? There whole life is erased.

Literature is immortality. Books last a least a hundred years before decay and people can preserve them for longer. The ideas presented in them get repeated long after the author is gone, preserving the authors thoughts and dreams.

Literature has shown to be prophetic too. All religions come the same source in the mind that makes up fairy tales and novels. But literature was more honest and ironically predict the future even better for it, by chalking it up a fun exercise in creativity instead of taking itself to seriously.

When man is gone, the libraries shall still stand.

So? Nothing is stopping anyone from translating it and finding that out. Modern tech means I can publish in every language on Earth.

>> No.21461555

I look like this and said this

>> No.21461644
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>Zoomers don't get this. They all spend so much time making streams and videos.

And let me guess, you're a millennial conveniently forgetting your own generation's fascination with that shit? Come on now. Which generation do YOU belong to?
>If the Internet went down and died, all that would be dust in the wind. Youtube goes down? There whole life is erased.
And yours wouldn't? Tell us what generation YOU belong to. Boomers? All their legacy will be is rust and dead cities. Gen-X? No one even remembers them now. They're the generational equivalent of the 2005 World Series: simply forgotten. Millennials? Too busy trying to not be like the OTHER guys/girls, total consoomers who have no interest in making anything truly unique or imaginative if it doesn't own libs/pander to their staunch refusal to accept their childhood ended. You can talk shit about zoomers all you want, but the GGs were the last generation, if anything, to leave behind something that'll be remembered. You're likely a member of a glorified speed bump in comparison.

>> No.21461671

>You're asking to be forgotten. Forver, as if you never existed.
Colm down, the banshees only exist in your own mind.

>> No.21461676

>he doesn't know about the book of life
shiggy and NGMI

>> No.21461705
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Stopped reading at
>In Christianity and Judaism

>> No.21461714
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>> No.21461723

Ok next time I make sure to check out conservapedia, chud.

>> No.21461807


>> No.21461847

This, why scream into the void when you are the void?

>> No.21461905

lol, it's funny because I came back to this thread thinking you might actually want to learn something, but this isn't the place for me to give you a study on religion. but that'd be a waste since you're not willing to listen anyway

>implying any online wiki is a good source
lol, do you even own a single physical book in your home?

>> No.21461957

>lol, do you even own a single physical book in your home?
Yeah, but they are burried in boxes down in the basement. When I have chicks over they shouldn't think I'm a fucking book reading nerd.

>> No.21462018

>Which generation do YOU belong to?
The one that didn't need a camera in it's face every day.

>And yours wouldn't?
Nope. I tend to have some stuff printed out and hung up for this very reason.

>You can talk shit about zoomers all you want,
I'm talking shit about whoever relies on camera phones instead of printed media no matter how old they are. I just threw in the zoomer word because younger people are doing it more. Everyone does it though.

No one wants to have things written down. They want to rant in front of a camera and have us watch them for 5 hours.

>> No.21462029

Or you could have sex

>> No.21462033

Literary immortality is almost as cucked as reproductive immortality. It's only slightly better and still just a substitute for the real thing for those who don't want to properly challenge themselves into making the body spiritual and the spirit body.

>> No.21462036

>The one that didn't need a camera in it's face every day.
Again, I ask you, which one do you belong to? If you're gonna be a good little consoomer faggot and fall for that marketing bullshit called a generation, then by all means, tell us which one you belong to. Or you can trot out one liner "zingers" like that one and think you're based or whatever it is you faggots do. Let me guess: you're a millennial? The generation that literally coined the word ADULTING?

>> No.21462044


>> No.21462059
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>banging your mom
stopped reading when she came over

>> No.21462709

>and try to connect to the people around you
But all the people are here.

There is no "people" in the Spectacle; HyperReal simulacra ; Human Culture made by Humans is here.

>> No.21463034

>Again, I ask you, which one do you belong to?
The one that wasn't raised on the Internet.

>> No.21463039

Op is always a fag

Writing Last Postcard Words

In a story the universe in ending and a character is there when it happens. Write the last words they would write on a postcard

GPT: Dear friends,

The end is here. The stars are going out, one by one. The sky is dark, and the world is cold. I never thought I would see this day, but here we are.

I just wanted to say goodbye, and to thank you all for being a part of my life. You have all meant so much to me, and I will never forget the memories we have shared.

I am not afraid of what comes next. I am at peace, knowing that I lived my life to the fullest and loved deeply.

Farewell, my friends.

Prompt: Now as a battle rap

GPT: Yo, what's up y'all, it's [Name] here
I know you ain't expectin' me to appear
But I had to come through and spit some fire
Before the whole universe expires

I ain't gonna lie, I'm feelin' a little bit sad
But I ain't gonna let that get in the way of my flow
I lived my life to the fullest, no regrets
And now I'm ready to go out with no net

So let's make this the greatest battle of all time
I'll go out with a bang and leave it all behind
I ain't afraid to face the final curtain call
I'm ready to stand tall, let the verse fall

I want to thank y'all for the love and support
You all played a role in my journey, of that I'm sure
So let's make these final moments ones to remember
I'll go out with a blaze of glory, no surrender

Farewell my friends, it's been real
I hope you all know how I truly feel
I'll see you on the other side, if there is one
Until then, peace out, the battle's won

>> No.21463779

well before written language was invented people passed stories via talking so there is that "verbal history" thing

>> No.21463794

You think 1 can be anything besides politics and war?

>> No.21463806

who are you replying to?

clik the number thing to open window and it will appear at top of post at put link etc