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File: 1.19 MB, 1080x1080, Pope+Benedict+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21459612 No.21459612 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this man and his writings?

>> No.21459619

Press S to spit on a pedophile's grave

>> No.21459632


>> No.21459635

He was actually God.

>> No.21459637

I dont think it's possible to be a good person and rise to the top levels of a global larp operation where you pretend to believe in things you are definitely too smart to

>> No.21459641

may he rest in peace

anons would be wise to find a copy of The Ratzinger Report, a book he wrote as a cardinal back in the 80s. he absolutely btfos the liberation theology marxists infiltrating the church that remain a problem to the present.

>> No.21459645
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>too smart to believe in God
peak bell curve detected

>> No.21459646

Does he really? Never knew that. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.21459648

Literally me in the left

>> No.21459657

Yes totally btfo something that is still a major problem apparently and didn't manage to do sit about it when leader. Really shows the value of his writings: none. Take this to one of the larp boards.

>> No.21459661

The jab claims another.

>> No.21459664

That’s the thing, the pope is smart enough to believe in power. Everything else is just cope.

>> No.21459678

>he absolutely btfos the liberation theology marxists infiltrating the church that remain a problem to the present.
And the children were never safer...

>> No.21459680

I realize you're probably joking, but it's funny how anti-vaxxers aren't wont to attribute COVID deaths to COVID, but literally every vaccinated person's death is due to the vaccination.

>> No.21459687
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just because an ideology is proved faulty doesn't mean its adherents are erased from reality, ed my boy

>> No.21459688
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>> No.21459690

I actually believe something akin to what Heisenberg said in your pic.

But his belief was based on proof, not faith. And only a midwit would think they were smarter than Heisenberg, or that we'd see this proof so soon.

It's like saying flying cars are real because one day they might be.

>> No.21459708

I honestly hope there's a he'll just so every single guilty priest AND their complicit adult congregation can go there.

There's no way they think 'sure, I thought he was a bad one, but I was too afraid to say anything' is defence when eternity in paradise is on the line, right? Unless paradise is a con.

>> No.21459713

a decadent, old paedophile enabler who was temporarily in charge of a greedy and morally, ethically and theologically bankrupt institution.

>> No.21459722

I forgot how insufferable r/atheism is after the fedora meme ethered them into irrelevance a decade ago.

>> No.21459726

>a decadent, old paedophile enabler who was temporarily in charge of a greedy and morally, ethically and theologically bankrupt institution.
No one itt is talking about the Southern Baptist Convention anon.

>> No.21459745

Quick history:
-judaism=made by jews for jews
-christianity=made by jews for goyims, hence the meme of universality and lack of circumcision to please greek goys lol
-islam=hijack of judaism by random arabs for arabs
-protestantism=hijack of christianity by goy merchants for goy merchants
-atheism=universal judaism for goy wageslaves by jewish and goy merchants from the NL and UK mostly, and France and the USA secondly

the weird thing is that the jews mogged so much the europeans that the euroepans adopted instantly judaism for gentiles and replaced all their paganisms quickly. this has been going for 2000 years.
Then the judeoatheists BTFO the judeochristians with capitalism

The other brutal mogging was with the indo-aryans mogged by the east indians proto jains and buddhists

In america the mogging was by the judeochristians on the mesoamricans.

The last famous mogging was the chinese destroyed by the judeoatheists in the ''century of humiliation''

what will be the next mogging?

>> No.21459761

>helps cover up large amounts of systematic sexual abuses towards children
Truly he did his duties well

>> No.21459764

My deepest condolences to the Catholic anons of /lit/!
A profound theologian of the highest caliber has passed away, and very few are those that are aware of how great of a theologian he was.
As an Orthodox I was always challenged by his works and struck by the intellectual honesty, erudition and humbleness with which he approached any subject.

>> No.21459777

>Too smart to believe
Yes, I'm sure your intellect dwarfs those of Augustine, Pascal, Eliot, Tolkien, Aquinas, and other such pseuds. I am looking forward to your brilliant treatises dismantling their idiocy.

>> No.21459781
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Oh no no no, cathlit bros I don’t feel so good..

>> No.21459785

Cheers, Orthobro. Ratzinger was too good for this sheizazeit.

>> No.21459786

Quality post, Orthos are more alright than larpers give them credit for.

>> No.21459789

>Men commit sin
>The powerful are corruptible
>Forces for good are targets for infiltration
Wow my faith is definitely shaken. Jesus never warned me this would happen!!!!!

>> No.21459790

What a fine gentleman and true scholar you are. Peace be upon you.

>> No.21459802 [DELETED] 

want tell us again about how drag time story hour is a threat to western civilization? maybe if they read from the bible you would find it acceptable?

>> No.21459819

And I’m telling you you’re fucking retarded, and you are. So get on your knees boy, I’m your prophet.

>> No.21459828

>Toothless bombast
You sound lonely, stupid, and pathetic.

>> No.21459839

>Degeneracy dismantles civilization
How does this even require an explanation? It's played out repeatingly in the gyres of history.
>Bible story time
I guess that'd be an improvement, yeah

>> No.21459854


>> No.21459896

Rest in piss, pedo enabler.

>> No.21459907


>> No.21459915

>kiddyrape 200 kids per minute (kpm)

Oh well, they said sowwy to Jesus, I guess those ruined lives are okidoki!

Parents raping their kids tranny style is still le bad though. Praise Jeez!

>> No.21459921
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I cannot look at the spectacle of the Catholic church or their senior members and resolve them with the teachings of Christ. They have no credibility.

>> No.21459931

99% of young boys where in the Hitler Youth unless their where the most degenerate commie child. God I hate r*ddit

>> No.21459933
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where to cop that drip tho?

>> No.21459938

Should've been a martyr instead of a pussy

>> No.21459943

You argue disingenuously; your use of sneeringly sarcastic straw man fallacies betrays insecurity in your own ability to be genuinely persuasive.

>> No.21459948

Holy shit, did you swallow a thesaurus or something? Do you talk like that in real life as well? What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you own a fedora?

>> No.21459955

Must've been the CIA that killed the Bogdanoff twins, given that they weren't vaccinated and died to COVID.

>> No.21459957

You sound like an asshole

>> No.21459962

>Augustine, Pascal, Aquinas
>Eliot, Tolkien

>> No.21459964

Good, at least I don't sound like a faggot

>> No.21459966

>Knows a few two dollar words common in high school texts
>Freaks you out
You're a charlatan and are deflecting with ad hominem.

>> No.21459973

Why did he retire as pope though?

>> No.21459974

Aquinas is literally the mirror version of a Dawkins style atheist. It's this autistic insistence on 'flawless logic' and 'proofs'.

Had he been alive today, he most certainly would've tipped his fedora at many m'ladies

>> No.21459976

You also sound like a faggot tbqh

>> No.21459977

kino shelf

>> No.21459979

>"muh catholic pedos" redditor is afraid of slightly big words

>> No.21459982

>As an Orthodox

You mean 'as a larping faggot'

>> No.21459988

Those 'big words' serve literally zero purpose, other than to intellectually jerk off on what a good little catholarper you are

The next post will probably 'Pssht, Deus Vult, kid...'

>> No.21459995

Pssht, Deus Vult, kid…

>> No.21459998

Touché, mon ami

>> No.21460033

>literally zero purpose
Those 'big words' convey meaning, efficiently. You'd understand why and how if only you weren't stupid. You continue to lash out in lieu of having anything of substance to say. I bet that rule holds for everything you do.

>> No.21460037
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>> No.21460047

I have zero respect for him. What kind of bitch ass pope retires?

>> No.21460070

They just had john-paul 2nd spend two decades as an infirm pope. They couldn't have another one so soon

>> No.21460075

>discord spacing
>thinks anti-semitism is a religion
many such cases

>> No.21460090

Majorana >>>>>> Heisenberg

>> No.21460092

You are just projecting a spiritual issue. The order for risk factor for sexual abuse is:
>step parents / boyfriends
>public school teachers
>family members
Keep in mind too that the real issue of child abuse includes men aged 14-18 year olds and doesn't focus in children. Since the likelihood of a step parent molesting their step child is 20x that of a biological father, should divorce be illegal and very difficult?

>> No.21460098

I miss him dearly and entertained the fantasy that I would one day be able to meet him in person - not sure why but obviously it never happened.

>> No.21460101
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>> No.21460119

>if I strawman you enough I will be right

>> No.21460123

any good theories on what happened to Majorana?

>> No.21460127

I guarantee you do at least half of the stuff on that list.

>> No.21460137

I pretty much assume that the second someone mentions a logical fallacy that they have not only lost the debate but provided nothing of value. Please post your deeply held religious beliefs so I can get a good laugh at the poorly articulated atheistic Pythagoreanism mishmash you've pretended you've created for yourself. I am Roman Catholic fwiw.

>> No.21460170
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>> No.21460191

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.21460240

I'm sure it's about as high as the sexual abuse by tranny docters, yet you don't like that either

>> No.21460242

I guarantee you that Ratzinger knew that priests abused children and argued against them being disciplined. Don't change the subject just because you're seething, we're talking about the dead pope here

>> No.21460250

Aquinas was actually a deep mystic who related multiple experiential meetings with God.
>On the feast of St. Nicholas [in 1273, Aquinas] was celebrating Mass when he received a revelation that so affected him that he wrote and dictated no more, leaving his great work the Summa Theologiae unfinished. To Brother Reginald’s (his secretary and friend) expostulations he replied, “The end of my labors has come. All that I have written appears to be as so much straw after the things that have been revealed to me.” When later asked by Reginald to return to writing, Aquinas said, “I can write no more. I have seen things that make my writings like straw.”
>Lives of the Saints, Alban Butler

>> No.21460260

Okay but why did God not tell Aquinas he was wrong and Scotus was right about the Immaculate Conception

>> No.21460268
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>Rat Zinger
Hey listen up, What will a rat never tell you?
A squeak-ret!

>> No.21460279
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>> No.21460282

What was their disagreement?

>> No.21460291

Aquinas thought the Immaculate Conception was wrong.

>> No.21460307


>> No.21460346

Woooooooow duuude, like straw n shit, deep maaaaaaan

Face it, if he had been alive today, he would be hosting The Theist Experience

>> No.21460370

>Wow everything I've ever written before is completely useless and God has revealed new information to me
>Really, what should we do instead then?
>Not telling lol
What a prick

>> No.21460373

>nobody has rebuked this anon's post yet
not a good look, catholics.

>> No.21460388

Not as good an author/philosopher as Cardinal Wojtyła was, but probably a better Pope. Regardless, RIP.

>> No.21460412

the issue is looking for authorities on what we should do. the only reason somebody like him would stop writing is because he saw his writing had no value, or worse it would just mislead people. the idea that he could lead people to the truth was an idea he no longer entertained clearly. it’s as if he no longer wanted to influence others.

>> No.21460527

It should be noted that what Aquinas says there does not indicate that he had came to reject his theological work. He says that all his writings are like straw IN COMPARISON what he has seen. This doesn't necessarily mean the Summa is straw in general, but instead that what he has seen is so profound that the Summa pales in comparison. As such, theology and philosophy can still be regarded has highly useful and true, but that there are things beyond it which are even greater. Aquinas says that HE specifically cannot write anymore, because of what HE has seen, not that writing or reading for others is not worthwhile; he seems to have become personally resigned in a supernatural truth which ended the his own need for his theological endevours.

>> No.21460580

The rich are all living into their 90s now. No wonder the West is doomed

>> No.21460611

Any entry-level texts written by Ratzinger for the uninitiated but interested?

>> No.21460640

The best place to start with Ratzinger I think is his Introduction to Christianity.

>> No.21460652

he was responsible for getting the 2000 catechism done

that is francis not ratzinger

>> No.21460695

Introduction to Christianity, plainly enough

>> No.21460702

Read the Mystery of Majorana by Sciascia in his The Moro Affair. Thoughtful analysis and thorough research.

>> No.21460709

I've heard that's not really an introduction written for laymen. There's many graduate texts that have "introduction" in the title; but there's introductions that assume you know several languages, quantum entanglement, the policies of the HRE, algebraic geometry, etc.

>> No.21460716
File: 111 KB, 1046x828, read this if you're not a coward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish people would stop calling pagan polytheistic Catholicism "Christianity"

>> No.21460729

All of those quotes are acceptable if you understand the sense of them.

>> No.21460733

Is this the man who protected the diddlers? If so, he is burning in hell right now

>> No.21460734

He actually personally defrocked hundreds of abusive priests.

>> No.21460735

Funny how they switch on their views toward "MAPs" as and when it suits them huh

>> No.21460737

Who was the pope who kept it hushed?

>> No.21460746

It was "kept hushed" because at the time it was thought that dealing with the abuse crisis in secret was the best way forward. The idea was that justice could be done but the Church's reputation could be protected.

This of course proved to be wrong, but it was the prevailing thought among the hierarchy at the time.

>> No.21460757
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Anyway, everybody should read the Jesus of Nazareth books, they're fascinating.

>> No.21460764

Oh, so it was him? Moving diddlers to different parishes is not justice. Keeping it silent was not justice. There was no justice done. They only cared about their reputation and look how it came back to bite them big time. The revelation of the scandal was the death knell of Roman Catholicism

>> No.21460771

That was back in the 1970s, before Ratzinger was a cardinal.

>> No.21460783

Anyone who plays CK2 should understand the difficult in running a country let alone a global religion. The pope has to run the country known as Vatican City and the global religion Catholicism with over a billion population across the planet with every disparate culture and language.

>> No.21460789

>The revelation of the scandal was the death knell of Roman Catholicism
The sins of men cannot invalidate the promises of God. That may sound like a platitude but it is true, and something that is trustworthy when faced with the betrayal and failures of those who are in authority.

>> No.21460792

>The revelation of the scandal was the death knell of Roman Catholicism

nah the caths have been thru worse before

the current crisis is "pope" francis is actualy satan incarnate recent example - announcing he will give ratzinger glory funeral - and doing this BEFORE ratzinger died. this shit from clown francis started early in that fuckups history and satan himself fooled all his supporters pushing him from the bottom to the top very sad

seriously when will caths wake up and boot that charlatan from office? he gets worse and worse and makes cath look like total cucks

>> No.21460794
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You know, I know about Jesus of Nazareth and I know about Introduction to Christianity, what's some more obscure Ratzinger I could be reading? I want some deep cuts.

>> No.21460807


>> No.21460815

I don’t care about beliefs. I’m talking about the organization. After centuries of power hunger, nepotism, corruption and greed, they are clearly not a spiritual organization. Look at some figures like the Medici’s rising high in its ranks. How many boomers are lapsed Catholics? Everyone in that age has horror stories about their schooling. The pedo scandal was the ultimate straw that broke the camel’s back. They couldn’t be taken seriously after that and many switched from attitudes of indifference to loathing and hatred. High ranking cardinals and popes had decades to come clean but they were determined to bury their dirty secret. I would have loved to been a fly on the wall when this was discussed behind closed doors

>> No.21460818

>step parents / boyfriends
>public school teachers
>family members
Trying to conflate child abuse in these groups to priests is a false equivalence. As a child, you're around all of those groups almost constantly, obviously the chance for child abuse within those specific groups is the highest because children don't spend any significant amount of time with anyone else.
The REAL reason for the outrage against the Catholic church isn't based on something stupid like the percentage chance of every priest being a child molester, but rather the systematic manner in which the higher ups of the papacy attempted to cover up, obfuscate and straight up lie about the abuse that was taking place, had taken place and was continuing to take place within the rank and file of the clergy.
There is certainly child abuse amongst teachers and public education, but there is not however, a globally influential school authority attempting to protect these abusers.
Because of this, the Catholic church is an inherently immoral institution who's members were not properly punished and which did not take responsibility or proper precautions for the crimes its members had committed. The outrage against it absolutely justified.

>> No.21460823

we can't do anything about it, because "cool cucklicks" like him - he is so open and so down with times :)
when Polish Priest wrote a book about how problem with pedos in Church comes not from the fact that men become priests and suddenly like boys, but from the fact that we allow homoseuxals to ordain, and so they makle this whole network of homopedos covering each other - he was immediately canceled.

>> No.21460825

>when this was discussed behind closed doors

was it tho? my guess any hint of discussion was squashed and harshly so if the topic even came up at all because all those high level meetings are recorded via notes etc

ima basing this on similar military stuff at high levels - discussing certain topics like insurrection is career death if not immediate jail

>> No.21460830

Dude, Francis is 86 and clearly not in good health, it's probably not long before he dies too. For good or ill we'll have a new Pope soon. Will he better? Maybe, maybe not.

But the reform of the Church, its restoration to holiness, is an enormous undertaking, and every Catholic has a part to play. My advice to you is to go to your local parish and do what you can there. Reform the local Catholic school. Try and encourage holiness in the parish, like the praying of the Rosary. Pray for vocations to the priesthood, and encourage any young man who feels called to be a priest.

This will be an enormous undertaking, and every Catholic is going to have a part to play, whether great or small.

>> No.21460831

>so they makle this whole network of homopedos covering each other

yes very sad there was infamous homo priest bishop whatever made it into the US catechism how did that ever happen? a scandal to begin with and then ignored as if it never happened and he still was lionized

>> No.21460837

>My advice to you

thanks I will have to do my praying at a distance

>> No.21460845

>Reform the local Catholic school.
I know absolutely no one who's been to a Catholic school who liked the "Catholic" parts of it.
Religious based schooling is a flawed concept that only breeds resentment.

>> No.21460856

Thats why they want to reform it, dumbass.

>> No.21460857

homos made it to church because of easy access to boys, no doubt about that + in higher ranks it was always easier to live promiscuous life without any consequences - which obviously is despicable
but then they secured their position and so now there's this whole war of two teams - progessive faggots and normal, traditional people
i do belive Church could rise up from that, Jesus said so Himself, it doesn't change the fact situation looks awful and maybe it would be better to just start over, or at least pray that Vatican finally makes some turbo trad autist a Pope (which I doubt, especially with very strong pro-V2 modernist wing)

>> No.21460868

If they don't pick a solid conservative they're going to cause a schism from what's going on in Germany.

>> No.21460870

When I say flawed concept I mean it cannot be reformed, only dismantled.

>> No.21460879

Kek, figures. You arent catholic, are you?

>> No.21460888

>You have to send your kid to the globohomo atheist school

>> No.21460892

Well not anymore, but being Irish there aren't any "non-catholic" schools here in the first place.
Most people I talk to have similar opinions on the (primary) schooling system in this country, and from what I read the situation isn't too different in many other majority Catholic countries.

>> No.21460896

francis doesn't have a grave

>> No.21460901

>People I know didnt like Catholic school
>Therefore all Catholic schools should be dismantled
Whatever school you went to should be dismantled, since it failed to teach basic reasoning.

>> No.21460913
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The Church has been reformed before, it will be reformed again, so long as men and women are willing to step forward to do the task God gives them.

Pic related. Do you know where the Dominicans come from? They were formed as a response to corruption in the Church, centuries ago.

>> No.21460917

Most of the people who bitch about "muh catholic school" just seem like naturally whiny fags who would be whining about something else anyway.

>(which I doubt, especially with very strong pro-V2 modernist wing)
The younger priests are actually starting to shift conservative; these are men who are joining despite knowing how bad the optics of the priesthood are and are all the more resolute to be steadfast. Francis and the boomer Vatican II hippie generation are the liberal wing that's going to start dying off really soon.

The Church is going to shift noticeably more conservative in the next 20 years and is just not going to give a fuck what the atheist culture has to say about it, instead of trying to appease it like the current leadership does.

>> No.21460924

I would imagine there were whispers at least. I’m sure the coverup did not sit well with many in the clergy

>> No.21460926

Dont you think its kind of meaningless for non-catholic to demand catholic schools to be dismantled? I mean, you obviously have no love for them, since you want them gone instead of fixed, so why should anyone take your opinion seriously?

>> No.21460934

I sincerely pray for it, brother.

>> No.21460939

>The Church is going to shift noticeably more conservative in the next 20 years
Have you seen the polls about beliefs of mass-going Catholics? If you want more conservative church you will have to eliminate 80 percent of current membership.

>> No.21460946

Weak bait and weak attempt to be some kind of dispassionate analyzer. Anon used a vulgar form of communication because you brushed aside 200,000 kids getting raped by the spiritual elite as if it was akin to some banal, suburban infraction. "Men sin" doesn't even begin to cover it. He was being disingenuous? No shit smart guy, that's the point. YOU are disingenuous so deeply that you not only shrug off mass rape under houses of God but then try to debate bro when they react like they should, which is pissed off to an ugly degree. Fuck you.