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21457589 No.21457589 [Reply] [Original]

What are the essential works to understand early Christianity?

>> No.21457599

I guess actually reading the Bible is out of the question for larpers

>> No.21457618

You could read historical contemporary sources about Jesus, his apostles, his good deeds, and miracles. You could also look at all the contemporary art of Jesus in his time. After you've consumed all of this information, which should take maybe ten minutes, you can read the Ethiopian Bible about living in the fantasy that anything in that piece of shit is actually true.

>> No.21457629

Or you could read Roman attacks on Christianity which were fairly persistent and from 150 specifically targeted. They're moderately credible due to being direct hostile reports of incomprehensible conducts.

Of course they don't make early christians look good, not at all.

>> No.21457631

You do have the whole set don't you, OP?

>> No.21457655

That wouldn't give you much information on early Christianity. A small bands of Jews pissing people off with a death cult. The Romans were right all along. Realistically you could study any information from or about Peter and Paul. These were the first Christians trying to figure out how everyone worked, because it was all made up. The early schisms were if Jesus was divine and if non Jews could follow. After they ran out of Jews to convince Jesus was the real deal, they ultimately allowed gentiles in the club. Imagine if Jesus was actually the son of god, which he denied, that everyone surrounding him didn't either believe him or the claims the apostles made of his divinity. John the Baptist was the true prophet and didn't see Jesus as the Messiah. It's all made up.

>> No.21457664

God is Not Great, Christopher Hitchens

>> No.21457668

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
When Prophecy Fails
The Bell Curve

>> No.21457747

Early Christianity is considered to last up to Nicea though. So there's plenty of Church Fathers attacking other Christians. Romans attacking Christians. Roman Christians attacking Roman Christians.

You want stuff pre 150 CE? Well fuck you. 150-300 is a perfectly good period to historicise Christianity from Decent Sources.

Yes I do know about the two non-Josephus sources so goddamn early from my history of theology course. They're boring compared to Christians attacking each other over sinful confessors. Augustine is a worse sectarian than a Trot, and like a Trot he was in four different cults first.

>> No.21457754

Writings of the Church Fathers such as Saint Basil, Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Augustine, Saint Justin Martyr, and of course the Bible. There are a lot of other church fathers I didn’t mention.

>> No.21457765

For that matter their headcanon is more fun than fucking touhou. Nicholas fucking launching himself off the corner into Arius. Who doesn't want to see that? Smarks and Smarts.

>> No.21457996
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>> No.21457999

lol i look like this and say this

>> No.21458471
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>> No.21458509

In a way yes, early church didn't have the bible. Different churches had fragments of it, but not the whole book.

>> No.21458572
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>> No.21458587
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Jaroslav Pelikans Church history series is well regarded

>> No.21458615

Depends on how early you define "early" as. Anyway the essentials would be
>The New Testament
>The Didache
>The Apostolic Fathers (Loeb has a serviceable collection of them)
>Eusebius' History of the Church

>> No.21458751
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This plus pic rel, plus the Penguin early writings of the church. It's got the letters of the saint they fed to the lions and stuff.

>> No.21459607

>Caesar's Messiah
schizo fringe shit that is a joke to actual academics, ignore that OP

>> No.21459626

Unironcially christlarpers are the new fedoratippers

>> No.21460342

Catechism of the Catholic Church

>> No.21460352

Cope, Christnigger. No Reddit fedora would mention The Bell Curve.

>> No.21460384

>Unironcially christlarpers are the new fedoratippers
This. Christians had two or three chances to make a vital comeback in the last ten years, but the best these cringelords could do was have a meltdown about the Lucifer TV series and Lil's Satan Shoes.

>> No.21460393

Read anything by Bart D. Ehrman

>> No.21460674

I am uploading my xnity folder to ms 1drive and will post when it finishes lots of catechisms and bible studies and moar

>> No.21460678

The New Testament.

>> No.21461571

Matthew, Romans, Revelation

>> No.21461591

Larping for Dummies

>> No.21461842

The Bible.

>> No.21461872

I assume the bible would be one of those essential works.

>> No.21461887

Matthew 5:17

>> No.21461889

I love Christians, have a nice day Christians of /lit/

>> No.21463507

I am uploading some stuff as I type

stay tuned

>> No.21463547


>> No.21463771

here ya go


>> No.21463844

and before the apostles creed was the didache


>> No.21464105


>> No.21464244

The Passover Plot by Hugh J. Schonfield

>> No.21464259

there's a book you should read called Acts

>> No.21465045

The Bible, Apostolic Fathers, ante-Nicene Fathers

>> No.21465130

The Bible.

>> No.21465141
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his account of early Christianity is good

>> No.21465298

I would starting reading by reading the gospels.

>> No.21465404
File: 429 KB, 800x2400, xnity2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I updated the xnity primer here is fresh copy

>> No.21466636

Thanks man, excited to check some of this out.

>> No.21466924

This work is incredibly dense, and I plan on re-reading it again. He's a bit of a cry baby about muh heckin' racist cattolicks "ruining" Anglican relations with the eastern orthodox, but it's still good overall.

>> No.21467132

serious? thanks kek

>> No.21467707

That's not a book.

>> No.21467919

Duh. They had the Scriptures (Old Testament), which you read in the light of Christ's Passion.

>> No.21467929

meant for

>> No.21467945
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ms 1drive is down planet wide as of this post try again tomorrow

>> No.21467952
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Apostolic Fathers (picrel)
Against Heresies - St. Irenaeus
On Incarnation - St. Athanasius
Cappadocian Fathers
On the Unity of Christ - St. Cyril
Start with these