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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 270x450, nightofcrabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2145536 [Reply] [Original]

***********OFFICIAL /LIT/ BOOK CLUB THREAD************

For the month of October, we'll be enjoying the seminal horror novel _Night of the Crabs_ by Guy N. Smith, available for download here (.PDF): http://www.mediafire.com/?544d8kdi4phs2hx

Everyone rev up your downloading engines, load it onto your eReader of choice and start reading!

Sign in here with your name, age, ethnicity, and hopes and dreams. You may also tell us what you look forward to reading about in _Night of the Crabs_. :)

>> No.2145540
File: 2.64 MB, 400x225, 1313291760098.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sign in here with your name, age, ethnicity, and hopes and dreams.

>> No.2145539

i bet i can read deeper into the text than you

>> No.2145544

Awesome. Thanks. I was trying to find a bootleg before but only got filesonic and wupload links which are near impossible to download from in the UK (with that IWF firewall shit).

>> No.2145543
File: 9 KB, 259x194, 1317238815815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it. Give me a second wave feminist reading of the cover of _Night of the Crabs_.

>> No.2145547

anal cannon guy in

>> No.2145550
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I look forward to being terrified by crabs

>> No.2145553

Suddenly my crotch feels itchy.

>> No.2145557
File: 345 KB, 317x480, 123NOTCLGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"...this seminal pulp classic is finally back in print and ready to claw a new generation of readers" ---Brian Keene - Author of Dead Sea

>"...this seminal pulp classic is finally back in print and ready to claw a new generation of readers" ---Brian Keene - Author of Dead Sea

>"...this seminal pulp classic is finally back in print and ready to claw a new generation of readers" ---Brian Keene - Author of Dead Sea

>"...this seminal pulp classic is finally back in print and ready to claw a new generation of readers" ---Brian Keene - Author of Dead Sea

>"...this seminal pulp classic is finally back in print and ready to claw a new generation of readers" ---Brian Keene - Author of Dead Sea

>"...this seminal pulp classic is finally back in print and ready to claw a new generation of readers" ---Brian Keene - Author of Dead Sea

>> No.2145568

Wow, if Brian Keene - Author of Dead Sea says it's good, who am I to argue?

>> No.2145571
File: 201 KB, 357x575, 1318921143580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't consider Brian Keene one of the seminal authors of our times, on par with, if not the superior of James Joyce and David Foster Wallace and other great modern writers.

>> No.2145572

>In the tradition of THE RATS

Now I must track this down and read it as well. Sounds great.

>> No.2145575

I look forward to awesome schlockiness. Hope it delivers.

>> No.2145576
File: 197 KB, 300x410, 1318529355978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Joyce
>even close to being on the same level as DFW, a true genius

honey call the police i think we've just been trolled

>> No.2145585
File: 18 KB, 510x381, 1318490481370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foreword by JF Gonzalez, Author of Clickers

>Foreword by JF Gonzalez, Author of Clickers

>Foreword by JF Gonzalez, Author of Clickers

>Foreword by JF Gonzalez, Author of Clickers

>Foreword by JF Gonzalez, Author of Clickers

>Foreword by JF Gonzalez, Author of Clickers

>Foreword by JF Gonzalez, Author of Clickers

>> No.2145592

Wow. That is teh sex.
/r/ rule 34

>> No.2145594
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>> No.2145606

You must be new, here?

>> No.2145608
File: 6 KB, 200x112, 50259_216949118835_2477658_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2145609

You must be a faggot. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, biatch.

>> No.2145610

I assumed he was bothered by the shitty old meme that hasn't been edgy since 2006.

>> No.2145612

I see your pipe and raise you a funnel

>> No.2145615

I call it "post-edgy 2.0"

>> No.2145617


That was never the point. It'd be silly to if it were. It's simply meant to be silly. Nothing wrong there.

>> No.2145619

Okay, okay.... Lemme see....
"post-silly 2.0"?

>> No.2145629
File: 116 KB, 532x800, guy n smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Guy N. Smith, author of the Crabs series, aka /lit/'s new favorite author.

>> No.2145636
File: 16 KB, 170x216, book_CRAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we read this instead?

>'One of the three best horror books about crabs I've ever read.' Neil Nichols, Hard Gore Magazine

>> No.2145642

sounds like a rip off garth marenghi's CRAB

>> No.2145657

That's quite a case of CRABMIND

>> No.2145666

>'…Indeed, the passage in which Count Crab tearfully (as if seeing a crab cry isn't heart-breaking enough) admonishes his creator for messing with Nature's Plan is as elegiac a declamation of individual freedom as anything in Shelley's greatly over-rated Frankenstein, and, for me, ranks along side the civil rights statements of Luther King and Malcolm X in terms of its sheer lyricism.' - John Henry (from the article 'A Crab Hand at Horror', published in the internet fanzine Peeping John. See also his instructive, if over-zealous, articles 'Why Harry Potter Must Be Destroyed' and 'Don't You People EVEN CARE About Good Horror Fiction/Fantasy Literature Anymore?')

>> No.2146072
File: 6 KB, 259x194, moshi moshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll be discussing the three chapters tonight. The book itself is only 104 pages so please resist reading too fast!

Here are some questions to get you thinking about _Night of the Crabs_:

1. What was Guy N. Smith's intention in making a crab(s), and by extension, all of nature his antagonist?

2. What life lesson are we supposed to take away from the first three chapters?

3. List three symbols that Smith uses in the course of telling the story, and examine their effect on the narrative.

>> No.2146102


>> No.2146105

oh boy it's this asshole

>> No.2146106
File: 13 KB, 178x200, 1318648515647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll be discussing the first three chapters tonight. The book itself is only 104 pages so please resist reading too fast!

Here are some questions to get you thinking about _Night of the Crabs_:

1. What was Guy N. Smith's intention in making a crab(s), and by extension, all of nature his antagonist?

2. What life lesson are we supposed to take away from the first three chapters?

3. List three symbols that Smith uses in the course of telling the story, and examine their effect on the narrative.

>> No.2146107

look's like someone hasn't read The Intentional Fallacy. Sure is hasn't-even-taken-lit-theory-101 in here.

>> No.2146110
File: 726 KB, 385x272, 1318459288523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not against Roland Barthes and everything he stands for

I will cut you

>> No.2146111

>Roland Barthes
>intentional fallacy

i snorted

>> No.2146114
File: 52 KB, 294x500, ila2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are femininist properly depicted in the book you are currently reading.

I'm doing research for my dissertation.

>> No.2146124

Barthes is the man and his sentences make me cry tears of joy, but really, come one now, what that deepedgy trip fag said. It's not written by Barthes stupid. It's written by Socrates.

>> No.2146129 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 416x431, 1312318893312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously trying to engage me in critical discussion on lit theory when I'm so painfully obviously trolling?

Come on, nigga, step up your game a little

>> No.2146135

> implying I even intended to fool anyone

there is trolling when you try to hid the fact that you're trolling, and then there's trolling (maybe meta-trolling?) where you make it obvious that your trolling, for various purposes. Either way, you just got trolled, butthole sniffer.

>> No.2146142
File: 498 KB, 200x179, Jay Leno sees a good late night host.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol jokes on you I was just trolling
>no lolol i was trolling you into getting you to admit you were trolling. jokes on you
>this entire fucking thread

>> No.2146165

Let's get back to the discussion guys. Here are my answers to the questions.

1. I refuse to answer this question because it is not about literature or art but rather your own illusory and romantic conception of the artist.

2. I'm not sure I know what you mean by "supposed to" but you seem to be hinting at much of the same thing you were with the first question. Also, this seems like the wrong book to look for "life lessons" in. I think you want the self help/new age spirituality section. This appears to be a pulpy horror novel.

3. Smith does not use any symbols, as the text has been birthed and is now completely disconnected from him.

I can't believe I'm so much smarter than everyone on here. Even deep and edgy is crushed under my gigantic intellectual balls, and my scrotum suffocates him.

>> No.2146167
File: 94 KB, 329x361, 1316770191306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For this man the author is dead and so is his soul

>> No.2147431
File: 136 KB, 305x500, Rats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the tradition of THE RATS

Now identified. This looks even better than the crabs ones.