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21453564 No.21453564 [Reply] [Original]

Trackers Edition

Previous Thread:>>21443786

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21453600
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First for Rya

>> No.21453617

Started Viriconium, The Pastel City. Heard it's great, but that the sequels are depressing, inhuman anarchist dreck. Sounds like a shame, if true.

>> No.21453696
File: 1.25 MB, 2700x1500, lord of the mysteries 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pupils constricted, my scalp went numb, and I couldn't help but lampoon internally when I realized there are people in /sffg/ who refuse to read Lord of the Mysteries!

>> No.21453705

Wtf I thought this was a new elden ring thread? Sorry everyone. Jannies delete these posts please

>> No.21453730

lampoon into the traffic

>> No.21453874
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Has anyone here written anything? Shill me your shit I'm bored.

>> No.21453887
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It's kiino.

>> No.21454137
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Azarinth healer is over. 5 years of writing, over 3 milion words, 929 chapters. It's weird to see the first big Litrpg webnovel that got me into the genre be finally finished. Truly fascinating piece of writing, definitely the best worst book I've ever read. To this day I don't understand how story written in such a bad way, randomly and with probably negative technical ability of writing has managed to be not only so engaging and continuously entertaining, but also beome one of the most popular ones. being one of the forefathers of the genre definitely helped in this regard.

I don't think I'll ever read the edited book version once it comes out - the first one recently has been published, and if the word count remians consistent throughout, I believe there will be ~11 books. Still, it feels incredibly nostalgic to see the author manage to end the story. The author is definitely taltented, if in need of serious writing education. The way he writes side povs or dialogues makes me downrgiht shiver at times - not in the good way. And yet, the story is one of the most consistent ones I've seen. Published authors should be jealous of being this consistent with writing and quality.

Nonetheless, it's a big achievment both for the genre and the author, and I'm looking forward to his other stories...although I don't think he will manage to make them as popular as Azarinth Healer. It was written in the right place and the right time, current market is more demanding. Godspeed to him, though.

>> No.21454168

This reads like an IGN review lol
>Despite all its flaws, this is still a great book! 9/10

>> No.21454183
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I could be listing AH's flaws for few hours in 10k+ words long essay, God knows it has that many. But it wouldn't change the fact it's still one of the most entertaining stories I've read. Sometimes, standard, clear lut rules by which we judge fiction is not enough to properly give a picture of the effect a story has on us. That's why I called Azarinth Healer 'the best worst book' I've read. If a book is so deeply flawed, yet makes you want to read it without stoping, is it really bad?

>> No.21454254

readers of webnovels are a lot more forgiving of shitty writing, all they care about is story and the dopamine hit of character level ups.

>> No.21454271

NTA , I grew up with Asimov and Moorcok , I'm ok with shity writing.

>> No.21454284
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I read 'great' fantasy fiction for most of my childhood and teenage years, I'm no longer impressed with prose and polish. At this point I just want to read new things and interesting ideas. Webnovels are like a plain woman - not particularly attractive from looks, but as complex and fascinating as any other. If you can't get over bad writing, you are a shallow reader, that's all.

>> No.21454288

The biggest difference between a webnovel and a regular novel is the existence of a professional editor.

>> No.21454316

>Look at the reading charts on the mega link
>WoT in shit tier and god tier
>Ultramarines in mediocre tier

>> No.21454360

We made it an entire 15 posts before someone had to mention WoT.

>> No.21454391

fuck off retard

>> No.21454421
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where's the angry oldfag that handles the lists?

You need to update them , man. They are a mess.

>> No.21454460 [DELETED] 
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>make a completely valid and poignant analogy
>but it works here just fine.
>why not?
>b-because you just can't ... okay?

>> No.21454488

Anons, can you help me remember what book I read. It was a sci-fi story about exploration of a planet with some primitive species that had no iron or any resources. The explorers found something under the ocean and there was a tomb with a printing press. Also that planet had a moon with a strange city-like structure there made of metal. Later they discovered that some space dragons destroy all civilizations once in a while and some advanced species have escaped to other galaxy or whatever.

>> No.21454494

Chartmakers are definitely not oldfags.

>> No.21454496

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.21454497

I defenetly get a "get off my lawn!" vibe

Check for white hair in the mirror

>> No.21454526

I tried reading it. Gave it an honest go. But it got so fucking bad when MC got to civilization that I just couldn't go on. Does the author ever learn how to actually write dialogue and human interactions?

>> No.21454586

I'm a zoomer, i just like Old fantasy books

>> No.21454635

> The biggest difference between a webnovel and a regular novel is the existence of a professional editor.
and a professional writer

>> No.21454639

lol no

>> No.21454712

Define "professional". Not a trick question, btw.

>> No.21454717

Sorry I meant the previous Grandmaster. Before the events of the first trilogy, the Spires are embroiled in a secret war with the Cisharium because they suspect them of assassinating Eleäzaras predecessor. But when they describe the murder it sounds an awful lot like Kellhus' eventual teleportation.

>> No.21454743

I don't know why but by the end of every year I tend to fall right back into reading more cyberpunk stuff.

>> No.21454744
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>I tried reading it. Gave it an honest go. But it got so fucking bad when MC got to civilization that I just couldn't go on. Does the author ever learn how to actually write dialogue and human interactions?
Not really? The author has his own unique way of writing dialogues...to be harsh, uniquely bad. They are really weird most of the time, but then at some point most of the characters aren't even human, so on a meta level it kind of makes sense. But it's the author's weird flaw, yeah. He got better by writing the story, but for some reason hadn't improve much in construing proper dialogue, despite saying he purposefuly learned more about the craft. Maybe he just likes it this way. The way people act is one of the weirdest part of part of the story, and the range of their thoughts is unsatisfying. But I don't think anyone reads Azarinth Healer for naturalism and deep questions about human nature.

>> No.21454765

I can get over bad writing but I can't get over bad prose, and if I ever read another book by R.A. Salvatore or anyone like him, I'll kill myself. The Crimson Shadow had such an atrocious narrative "voice" that it almost made my experience reading The Chronicles of Amber (by far the worst fantasy novels ever written) look pleasant by comparison

>> No.21454770

i read the kindle version when released the book 1, tried reading the webnovel for some chapters but i just cant read shit on my pc man, its horrible, i like to read in my bed

so now i just gonna wait for kindle versions, its free anyway with amazon kindle unlimited so whatever

>> No.21454780
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Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21454796

Maybe the edited published version is a bit better, but I didn't notice that many issues when I read the first published book. Some characters feel a bit weird in how they talk, but the major ones are at least coherent and don't really ever go out of character. Ilea always talks like the same person, for example, with maybe the exception of her flirting with that waitress which felt weirdly off for her? Like I can buy her flirting, but I can't buy her seducing.

>> No.21454807

Just install WebToEpub and scrape all the content you want for your Kindle.

>> No.21454812

Just go to Royal Road on your phone or something, it's not that bad?

>> No.21454818

I just finished Signal to Noise by Eric Nylund, one of the most fun cyberpunk books I've ever read. The very very end was a bit of a letdown, I was hoping for a big ending move but instead it's a sequel hook, but still it was a ton of fun and super inventive

>> No.21454822

My phone also sucks dick

>> No.21454825

You know. Like Stephanie Meyer or Ernest Cline.

>> No.21454865

Example is not a definition.
How about - someone who can financially support him or herself with a certain activity?

>> No.21454921
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Never heard of this, sounds pretty good, especially the whole "picking up a signal from deep space" aspect, which is certainly a nod to Neuromancer, thanks anon I will check it out

>> No.21454934

almost to the end of Claw of the Conciliator, this shit is so cash
I don’t think I’ve read a better novel

>> No.21454942

Is Bakker dead?

>> No.21454965

What series is Amazon going to kill next?

>> No.21454969 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.21454974

Physically? No, he's alive.
Literarily? Yes, and has been for years (assuming you qualify his "writing", such as it is, as ever having been alive in the first place)

>> No.21454975
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>almost to the end of Claw of the Conciliator, this shit is so cash
>I don’t think I’ve read a better novel

>> No.21454983

every single one of these is good

>> No.21454991

>botns is JUST dying earth
wojackfaggot is ingenuine, shocker

>> No.21455016
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>WASP literature
>Catholic literature

Ignatius Press wins again

>> No.21455076 [DELETED] 


>> No.21455088

>by far the worst fantasy novels ever written
my nigga

>> No.21455097

I should probably say "published" to be more honest, since there are probably unpublished webnovels out there that are far, far worse

>> No.21455175

>that ammount of money per month

and retards here will still call u a shill when u talk about primal hunter

>> No.21455193

Do you guys mostly read on kindle or physical books?

>> No.21455199

physical, if i end up not liking the book i just donate it to my local store

>> No.21455203

So ive read A Scanner Darkly and Ubik. Suggestions on which Dick book to read next? Also isnt there a chart about reading order or a tiered list somewhere does anyone have it?

>> No.21455206

You can hire 10 full time Russians and barely put a dent in 400k

>> No.21455217

and why u not doing that if its so easy?

>> No.21455230

Because I'm not a writer and I don't do advertising?

>> No.21455289

the only passable webnovels are Infinite Realm and Ar˙kendrist

>> No.21455293
File: 215 KB, 467x700, Solaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solaris - Stanisław Lem (1961/2011)

I read the 2011 translation by Bill Johnston. Solaris has been more difficult for me to properly express what I felt than anything else I've read in a long while, and I don't know that I did so that well. Maybe that's to be expected for a book about human limitations. The greatest limitation to my enjoyment was that I had already accepted and agreed to the premises, but also moved past them, so their demonstrations were met by indifference rather than any kind of strong emotional response. Yes, humanity is limited in many ways, I find that to be self-evident and obvious. Yes, rationality and empathy can be easily manipulated, perhaps especially through self-delusion. Yes, simulacrum can be treated similar to the original, or on its own terms. Yes, there exists that which is beyond our current comprehension, and perhaps it always will be.

This was like two books for me. One was a relationship drama and the other was a fictional nonfiction work about the specific details about the alien/planet. I liked the former more than the latter, which is what the movies focused on, though I haven't seen them and I probably won't. Solaris was iconoclastic, which was amusing, but also a killjoy. My response to almost all of that was, "Ok, sure, but so what?". Overall there wasn't much entertainment for me, which is understandable, because I don't think that's what it was about.

In both the book and reader reactions, much is made of the inscrutability of the alien, that they're truly alien in their lack of comprehensibility. Humanity is unable to accept this, and thus must impose meaning upon it in any way possible. Many decades of theories are presented and much action is taken, but none of it matters. Humanity feels that it remains insufficiently acknowledged. I'm conflicted about whether Lem should've gone all the way by not having any sort of response or reaction at all. That would've driven the point even further, but I don't know if it would've been readable, let alone popular, if he had done so. It's all very allegorical. The proper approach to me would be to accept our limitations and disengage. If it ever wants to contact, then it can do so, or not. Uncertainty has to be tolerated, because too often the resolution is the elimination of its source, which may also be the end of the uncertain ones. I don't believe there's any inherent value in incomprehensibility, as sometimes seems to be the case for the literary where obscurantism almost seems to be a virtue. If something can't be understood, then it must be great, is certainly one of the reactions they have to the alien, and I feel like that may also apply to many of the readers. It's also why I don't think it is. All of this may seem like I disliked the book, but I didn't. It's just that I believe the ideal time for me to have read it has long since passed.

Rating: 3/5

>> No.21455324

take ur meds boomer
the russians bots are not real and they are not in this room rn

>> No.21455346


>> No.21455347

Sure, I agree more with the spirit of your comment rather than the literal meaning. It's incomprehensible to me that Zelazny is mainly known for the stinky pool of vomit that is Amber instead of e.g. Lord of Light.

>> No.21455357

Is there anything comparable in scope and quality to asoiaf?

>> No.21455361

you mean just a bad and unfinished?

>> No.21455365


>> No.21455366

genre-bound? Lord of the Rings. if you aren’t married to fantasy, there’s lots of sci-fi with huge casts and sprawling lore.

>> No.21455378

It's incomprehensible to me that Roger Zelazny effectively stifled an interesting premise in exactly the same way J.K. Rowling turned Harry Potter into a contrived absurdist banality, a literary expression of Calvinball. But I would rank Zelazny far worse than Rowling, because at least the magic (pun not intended) of Harry Potter wasn't completely snuffed out until the 4th book, whereas Amber fell completely to pieces in under 100 pages, and let's not discuss what happened at the halfway point of that series.

>> No.21455401

can be any genre really. what I want is a world that feels large, with many characters I will care about (which excludes Sanderson, Bakker, Abercrombie, and the like). it should also have nontrivial amounts of effort and research put into it, so no wish-fulfillment webshitlit.

>> No.21455408
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>>WASP literature
>>Catholic literature
>Ignatius Press wins again

>> No.21455419
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>and let's not discuss what happened at the halfway point of that series.
Please do, I dropped the Amber series on the first book, I wanted a mystery story of a guy who lost his memories (best storytelling cliche with a lot of tension and stakes for the reader and anyone who claims otherwise is a pseud) and then was dropped into a weird, fantasy world. Instead I got some weird 'cool' guy who doesn't remember anything, yet effortlessly does anything he needs. I dropped the story at the random sex scene with a woman he barely met. It was like reading cheap power fantasy story from Amazon, but written 30 years ago.

You really need to be a simpleton boomer to enjoy it.

>> No.21455424

The Wandering Inn

Yes , it's a portal fantasy and the first volumes are rough but there is a reason it's the current king of webnovels.

It doesn't have the politics of asoiaf if that's what you are looking for.

>> No.21455429

>book threads on other boards
>devoid of drooling asoiaf fanatics
feels good man

>> No.21455446

>come to /lit/
>have to put up with unironic Sanderson apologists

>> No.21455480
File: 32 KB, 433x230, Calvin_and_Hobbes_playing_Calvinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 5th book ends on a (literal) cliffhanger, and then books 6-10skip ahead to an entirely new reality with new characters that barely even remember the plot of the first 5 books, it practically doesn't concern them at all, it's completely preposterous and insulting and worst of all, it doesn't even make sense in-universe
like I said - Calvinball

>> No.21455495

weblit I tried so far:
- worm: pretty decent, but too much repetitive action and falls apart towards the end
- cradle: too much powerlevel wankery, primitive characterization
- worth the candle: primitive characterization, too much rationalist wankery, plot stops moving after the first book
- a practical guide to evil: primitive characterization, too wordy, offputting prose, couldn't bring myself to care about anything/anyone
I'm not fundamentally against weblit or portal fantasy, but so far all of them I've seen are some kind of fanservice wish fulfillment, which I cannot stand.

>> No.21455527

Fellas sorry to ask here, I've just spent half an hour googling to no avail. I'm trying to find the name of a book I've read ages ago, here are some things i remember:

Fantasy novel involving magical parallel universe
Protagonist is transported there
Protagonists enemy is a sorcerer, the parallel reality version of himself
Reads like a fever dream, disconnected, weird
They both love the same woman ? Or the switched up versions of the same woman - this comes as a plot twist, i don't remember exactly
Not a children's book, some of it seemed erotic
Main character eventually learns to use some magic - using spit to kill
Looped plot - ends where it begins

Maybe any of you read it? Ty

>> No.21455543

Ok , I've read worm and practical guide from these.

-worm : it's a young adult story. I didn't enjoy it cause the wins were few and the angst was high
-practical guide to evil : I likes it a lot. First volume is again a young adult novel at heart but it then turns into fantasy strategy-logistics wankfest , it then goes full high fantasy and then turns into meta mind-game battles with the big antagonists.
Yes , few people die from the central cast outside the Night of Knives but the cast as a whole is preaty big and the deaths are not uncommon. One of my favourite fantasy works if only because it has the best "big-bad" villians I have ever seen.

I don't think you'll have the patience for Wandering Inn. I say try only the first volume , ignore Ryoka (she gets better) and go from there.

>> No.21455563

Also, one of the side characters is named "hoi polloi". There's a scene of anal sex somewhere in there too, although the book is not pornographic at all

>> No.21455609

That was exactly my point, if you follow the reply chain. You don't have to be a top webnovel writer to earn a living.

>> No.21455626

That's a book by Clive Barker, if I recall.

>> No.21455680

Thank you, found it. It's Imajica.

>> No.21455794
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>> No.21456199

This, but in a good way.

>> No.21456211

The love interests and women in general in sf/f are so bad, are there literally any who don't suck?

>> No.21456221
File: 99 KB, 736x573, FDC47395-9F3B-4A8C-B913-35DE8AC6909C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chronicles of Dune by Frank Herbert is ASOIAF and Warhammer except better and older than both of them.

Be warned that it was never finished and after god emperor things get funky.

>> No.21456225


>> No.21456244
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1398, TWI Khoteizetrough by Enuryn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TWI is a combination of humorous slice of life and epic fantasy, all in an ancient, warhammer-like world full of race wars. If characterization is important to you, then its TWI's biggest strength, although it needs two or three volumes to really get going. But it has best character writing I've seen among webnovels, so here's that.

I recommend to NOT read it yet, as the author is basically done with the rewrite of the first volume, depending how whether they like it and how much they intend to edit, you may see it even few weeks from now. Two months at most, I think. Better to wait.

>> No.21456247

Try naming even just five (can't all be from same book or author). Not convinced this is even possible. Doubly sure if we're talking anything from the past 3 decades.

>> No.21456248

It was over 50 years ago. The 1990s were 30 years ago.

>> No.21456259

Game Players of Titan is a hidden gem. Man in the High Castle is a must read.
Once youve read a couple more of his it might be time to start his magnum opus trilogy of VALIS, The Divine Invasion and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer.
Timothy Archer is his final novel and imo his best.

>> No.21456292

I don't even know what you like and what you don't , lol

Princes Bride was nice but whou the fuck knows if it's your thing.

>> No.21456339

>TWI is a combination of humorous slice of life and epic fantasy, all in an ancient, warhammer-like world full of race wars.
not sure how any of that is possible(epic fantasy and race wars) when main character is a female, sure there slice of life but I don't want to read 90 books of female humour and female slice of life.

>> No.21456345

it's possible with a bazillion PoVs

You wanted suggestions for something with multiple PoVs like asofai , right?

>> No.21456360

I am a different anon

>> No.21456399

ah , ok , well , the PoVs incease almost exponentialy and after a while they get dropped completely if there is no narretive point for them in the scene.

As for the slice of life stuff , the main protagonist is an innkeeper. Interesting people come to her inn and interact with each other.

>> No.21456427

>when main character is a female
Are you honestly this stupid? What does the MC being female have to do with that?

>> No.21456439

>asoiaf invented multiple PoVs
what will it do next?

>> No.21456447
File: 953 KB, 1620x2160, TWI Sprigaena the Traitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sure how any of that is possible(epic fantasy and race wars) when main character is a female, sure there slice of life but I don't want to read 90 books of female humour and female slice of life.
I know you are one of the trolls bitching about muh female protagonists, but for the record - the author is male and the stroy is extremely male gazey in its focus. Everything is written in a way that appeals to men, which is the reason why 95%+ readers are male. It has nothing an average woman would want from a story, no relationships, drama (of the mundane kind), the story doesn't even touch upon topic of sexuality until a few volumes in (aside of a joke side-chapter).

>> No.21456471

Glad you are enjoying it anon.

>> No.21456483

I remember enjoying reading and and read all 10 novels, but really barely remember anything right now. They move pretty fast, each is like 200 pages.

>> No.21456508

I love Dune (up to god emperor at least), but it's nothing like ASOIAF. Everything of note happens on exactly one planet, and is centered on a handful of characters, most of them related to each other. These characters are for the most part hypercompetent superhumans engaged in just-as-planned schemes against each other.
On the other hand ASOIAF is largely carried by its lifelike believable characters and the many plotlines they are engaged in, which make the world seems large.
I will accept recommendations for other series comparable to Dune though.

>But it has best character writing I've seen among webnovels,
Not a very high bar to clear. But ok, i'll give it a try I guess. Not expecting much though.

>> No.21456536

Did Star Wars Steal Jabba the Hut from Dune?

>> No.21456545

No, and you would know this if you bothered to google it for a minute.

>> No.21456550
File: 84 KB, 325x165, 7267D1ED-C579-475B-A12C-228B38C79A3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people feel about this trilogy? I finished book 1 and not sure if I want to continue

>> No.21456556

>I finished book 1 and not sure if I want to continue
Then don’t continue?

>> No.21456563

To elaborate, if books 2 and 3 are more of the same, then I wouldn’t care to continue.

But if people insist that 2 and 3 are much better, then I’ll want to continue

>> No.21456572

I don’t know what you’re trying to gain by telling me this. Just don’t read the next two books if book 1 didn’t grab you. It’s not that hard.

>> No.21456574

>How do people feel about this trilogy?
the author gets so deep into his "subverting tropes" shtick he forgets he's also supposed to be telling a worthwhile story
>not sure if I want to continue
I'd say don't bother

>> No.21456585

r/Tolkienfans is doing a year-long (?) read of the entirety of LOTR

>> No.21456588

Okay, and? Why are you posting that here?

>> No.21456596

Depends on what you didn't like about book 1. If you didn't like that it was 99% setup and very little happening? That changes. If you didn't like the characters, the tone, the writing quality, whatever? That doesn't. If you want better answers you need to be more specific about your issues.

>> No.21456608
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>> No.21456615

Why are people posting links to reddit recently? Last thread, and the thread before that, someone was trying to start shit with some subreddit and now this.

>> No.21456652

My wife says that it's a woman but I agree with you on being a man cause the megadungeons and the traps are a very male nerd thing. But my wife likes it a lot so I don't know what to make of your "male gaze" comment

>> No.21456662

Great, thanks.
I liked the characters. Didn’t like the lack of plot. But I like the setup so far. I just walked away a little underwhelmed.

Could you tell me if more happens in the next books? Did you enjoy reading the series?

>> No.21456675

For me it was a disappointment.
there's no plot progression in this second volume of The First Law. litteraly no plot whatsoever. And this is something that i don't like in a book.

The writing is great and the characters are great,just like the first book.
but where are we going? How will we get there? and why?

until now the plot is: a wizard take a bunch of people in a journey to the far end of the world, to get a weapon to use against an enemy we never saw. in the meantime in the capital and in others parts of the world things happen. TOO generic

it's good to give attention to the character's life and thinking but i would like if we had the same attention on the plot progression. there is more to it or is it just an excuse to show off these amazing characters? because if it's the last one, it would be a shame and a waste.

>> No.21456694

>Could you tell me if more happens in the next books?
Why can't you just read a few chapters of book 2 and see if you like it or not?

>> No.21456697

I'm nearly finished with Clash of Kings and my copy of Storm of Swords isnt coming for another week. My rage knows no bounds.

>> No.21456702

Why not just buy it as an e-book?

>> No.21456704

Give me a sci fi rec please

>> No.21456711

Because I dont own a kindle or anything, and I like to read by firelight.

>> No.21456712

Thanks, I appreciate that. Did you read the third book? If so, how did you feel about it?

>> No.21456714

There’s a chart in the OP to get started. Try reading those.

>> No.21456722

No problem, I’m just copying and pasting reviews from goodreads and just posting them here for you. As for the third book, its disappointing. that book probably deserves better than two stars, but I just can't bring myself to call it good, because I didn't really enjoy it even though I read it fairly quickly. Don't get me wrong: it's interesting enough, and the characters are still vaguely engaging, and there's plenty of action. By all means, the formula is there (even though it does feel a little bit tired).

So what's the problem? I guess I was just hoping Abercrombie would be able to salvage some of his characters and bring the story to a satisfying conclusion, but frustratingly, most of the characters end up less likeable at the end than they were at the beginning, and the book's "conclusion" feels loose and sloppy.

I'm okay with a "no good and no evil" sort of world, with ambiguous heroes, but for crying out loud, Abercrombie can't seem to come up with a sympathetic character, or any sort of heroic progression. His characters are in turn spineless, self-centered, vengeful, ruthless, feckless, and amazingly passive. Unlikeable in the extreme. Logen seems to be a completely different character from one book to the next, Ferro is static, Glokta becomes boring (can he stop tonguing his gums for a page or two, please?), and Jezal crumples into a worthless sack of dookie. By the end of the book, there was not a single character I was rooting for, and I really didn't care whether they lived or died. In fact, I was kind of hoping they would die, since then there wouldn’t be any sequels. Whatever happened to characters like Elric of Melnibone, Raven of the Black Company, Caine, Tyrion Lannister, Riddick, et al?

The humor seems to have disappeared by the third book, as well. This is too bad, since humor actually makes the characters a lot more sympathetic.

There is also some odd plotting. The logic of Bayaz is baffling: why exactly is he spending so much effort to build an empire when he could have accomplished his goals with a lot less hassle (he is, after all, incredibly rich and powerful and all that). And why does he show so little interest in "his" empire? Not even a hint of pride? What’s the point?

In the end, that’s what I came to. What exactly was the point of the story?

Oh well. Maybe I’ll pick up another book by Abercrombie someday, but not any time soon.

>> No.21456766

>I’m just copying and pasting reviews from goodreads and just posting them here
That's actually smart.

>> No.21456767

It was just compensation. The author is male, but the tone is girly.

>> No.21456771

>but the tone is girly.
Good lord, you’re still going at this after how many months?

>> No.21456777

You make your point, I make mine.

>> No.21456785
File: 410 KB, 839x1000, erin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My wife says that it's a woman but I agree with you on being a man cause the megadungeons and the traps are a very male nerd thing. But my wife likes it a lot so I don't know what to make of your "male gaze" comment
If one reads a lot of fantasy, written by male and females, he sees diffrence in character writing, story focus or themes that authors use, depending on gender. TWI has a lot of female characters, but they are written in a very 'male way', by which I mean they are focused on their professions and jobs, serve grand ideas, etc. They are very abstract-oriented. The author is almost afraid of writing actual romantic relationships or mundane drama.

Also, the main character is a 'cool girl,' an idealized portrayal of a lively, vivacious, fun and kind young woman. This is something women may like to read, but not something women write. Female characters in TWI are written in a way that appeals to MEN, not in a sexual way, but on a personality level. That's why I say the story is pure Male Gaze.

>> No.21456792

I don't think I've ever seen someone be so obsessed about story they hate and haven't read it. My guy, just why do you keep on doing this charade?

>> No.21456801

It’s something that people should start doing to people who just want to know how we feel or about our thoughts. They could easily go to goddreads or any websites that reviews book and see if they like it, but come here instead for some unknown reason.

>> No.21456802

>another week
Wait until you get through A Dance with Dragons and have to wait another five years.

>> No.21456807

>Because I dont own a kindle or anything
Just use your phone. Why waste money on a kindle when you can just use your phone to read.

>> No.21456810

I read up through the big battle with the necromancer. This one just looooves cakes! And those two are bickering again... it's all emo shit. Very girly tone.

>> No.21456816

I trust an anon on 4chan more than goodreads reviews. Just feel like things are more honest here.

>> No.21456817

Whatever you say my guy, you really need to let go and move on.

>> No.21456824

You like and praise my “review” when it was nothing more than a goodreads review I copied.

>> No.21456827

threadly reminder that fatfuck is never going to finish the books

>> No.21456833

If you stop misrepresenting it, people will stop disagreeing with you

>> No.21456847

>I trust an anon on 4chan more than goodreads reviews.
That's really stupid thing to do, especially when everyone here is anonymous and have no accountability unless their posts break an American law. I'll sooner trust a Goodreads review than an anon.

>> No.21456857

I thought it was your honest perspective.
Not saying that goodreads is incapable of providing good book reviews. But the average goodreads review doesn’t mean as much to me as an opinion from here.

Cause with goodreads, you’ll find someone liking any book for any reason. If you’re here, then it’s a solid filter.

>> No.21456883

It feels just you’re just making up convoluted reasons to not just use a site meant to review books. I mean the review that I got took me a minute to find.

>> No.21456903

Why are you here and not just on goodreads?

>> No.21456913

Could be asking the same thing for you.

>> No.21456928

More stuff does happen in the later books. Especially the third. I enjoyed reading them years ago, but when I revisited them more recently I was less enthused. The standalones which follow the trilogy are better, but the second trilogy is dogshit. Given that you liked that characters and what have you, I'd continue. But stop after the standalones for the love of God.

>> No.21456945

Nah, people here do have marginally better taste than the average Goodreads reviewer (redditor and/or 30yo unmarried YA reading woman). Yes occasionally some shitposter will lazily copypaste from Goodreads, but that's better than every review being a Goodreads review.

>> No.21456950

> but that's better than every review being a Goodreads review.
What reviews? Only two people here ever do reviews and they get shit on completely and utterly for it.

>> No.21456968

>people here do have marginally better taste than the average Goodreads reviewer (redditor and/or 30yo unmarried YA reading woman).
Where do people get this idea? Scroll up and there’s a person linking a thread to Reddit. I really doubt the posters who post here have marginally better

>> No.21456986

>If you’re here, then it’s a solid filter.
How? 4chan isn’t even obscure anymore and more and more normies are coming by the day. Tying your opinion to this place is really dumb, not to mention counterintuitive.

>> No.21457066

If it reads anything like that gay ass sentence then it's gonna be a hard pass from me.

>> No.21457073

I've been pretty busy so I haven't been a true regular here since like 2019, so maybe things have changed. But back then at least, while only a few people posted "reviews", lots of people posted their general thoughts on books they were reading, or books other posters said they were considering. And back then there was a pretty clear difference between what would get recommended here (and what people would have to say about the books) when compared to Goodreads and Reddit. Perhaps it was different people, perhaps it was the same people less worried about downvotes or whatever. But here you definitely got more unusual stuff discussed than wall to wall Sanderson, and the general quality of material recommended or discussed was higher. Maybe that's changed, I haven't been around enough to say, but I hope not. This thread certainly isn't great.

>> No.21457083

>This thread certainly isn't great.
The past hundred threads have been shit.

>> No.21457088

2022 In Books
150 books (as per how GR counts it)
56,195 pages
105 novels
25 anthologies
8 collections
5 short fiction
4 nonfiction
3 novellas

34 fantasy
29 thriller/suspense/mystery
28 science fiction
8 speculative
5 horror
1 fiction
Some overlap, and could've picked a different genre for some, but eh.

Top 4 Published in 2022 Novels, sff only
Speaking Bones
The Justice of Kings
Priest of Crowns
Age of Ash

Top 5 Novels Read in 2022, sff only
A Shadow in Summer
A Betrayal in Winter
The Fall of Hyperion
Speaking Bones

>> No.21457098

On the other hand, we don't seem to have soulcatcher vs anti soulcatcher spam quite as much anymore, so that's good?

>> No.21457099

Okay, don’t know what you want from us with that.

>> No.21457104

>so that's good?
Shame its replace with other useless spam.

>> No.21457110

True, content-free bakker vs antibakker spam isn't an improvement. At least the Soulcatcher and Lady pictures were cute.

>> No.21457116

Not like people here read to begin with.

>> No.21457119

No wonder /sffg/ is shit.

>> No.21457123

>oh boy I can't wait for a /lit/ board it'll be great!
>steaming pile of fat pig SHIT for well over a decade and showing no signs of improvement
>not a single person last thread even told me what they were currently reading
take me back to 2008 era pre board split /r9k/

>> No.21457127

Wait, why are you coming to /lit/ to talk about books?

>> No.21457149

Just go to Reddit if you want to talk about books.

>> No.21457169

Why would anyone tell a stranger what they’re reading?

>> No.21457192

I've posted the the first part of the 2022 /sffg/ report to the relevant GR thread, but most of it will have to wait until next month. Trying to have a semi-accurate view of which books were most read in general this year is too much effort.

SFF Books that were published and read in 2022, 5+ finished the book
Dreadgod (Cradle, #11) 9
Upgrade 8
Beware of Chicken 7
The Lost Metal (Mistborn, #7) 6
Defiance of the Fall 4 5
Kingdoms of Death (Sun Eater, #4) 5

For the full list of 165 books, 75% of which were only each read by a single person you'll have to look at the relevant thread. The limitations of the above and my thoughts on it are also there. All of that would be too many posts here.

>> No.21457197

> 2019
/sffg/ has being going to shit longer than a year at this point. I don’t know how you could have missed it. Not like the threads are worth posting at this point.

>> No.21457208

This is good and all, but it feels like a waste of time since the majority of people here don’t care.

>> No.21457241

Where do you even get this from?

>> No.21457249

Fortunately I do it for myself and then post it anyway. If I were doing this for others only, then I wouldn't be doing it. The same goes for the few hundred books I've written about and posted here. Even if no one read anything I posted. I'd still be doing it long as I felt like doing so.
As for waste of time, that's most anything arguably that I do anyway, so that isn't a concern.

>> No.21457255

There are currently 670 members in the /sffg/ Goodreads group. That's where. This is the third year I've done this.

>> No.21457265

Is it worth joining the goodreads group? Do they talk about books unlike here?

>> No.21457281

That's up to you to decide. No, there isn't much discussion at all, or activity in general. I've posted here several times about why this is. I probably ought to have also put them some place more static. Suffice to say, the incentives for discussion simply don't exist. I don't know what you personally think you want. Many simply seem to want ambient discussion, basically background noise, that they don't want to participate in, but think is nice to have around.

>> No.21457287

>That's up to you to decide.
That's why I'm asking you, anon. Since you have access to it, and I don't.

>> No.21457291

I'm the founder, so I think I'm too biased to give you a meaningful answer.

>> No.21457317

Then stop coming here. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that /lit/ is never going to improve.

>> No.21457319

Is there anything I need to do to join the group?

>> No.21457338

Have a Goodreads account and answer the join requirement question. That's all currently.

I guess I'll repost this again, each topline links to a thread or group function;

Why This Group Exists And How To Use It
To facilitate discovering books that you may enjoy and to provide an overview of what /sffg/ thinks about any specific book.

How To Use This Group
/sffg/ Reviewers
This thread shows the members that have written reviews so that you don't have to look through every member to see who has.

What Members Are Reading
You may find it beneficial to follow or friend members for their activity feed. This can be adjusted to show what you prefer to see.

/sffg/ Ratings
This is an overview of all group members to see what was most read and best rated at the time.

/sffg/ Group Activity Overview Relating To A Book
Enter a book title in the search field and then click "view group reviews". This will show all group activity from the group members, including from accounts set to private.

>> No.21457344

Alright, I'll probably do it when I have the time and not on my phone.

>> No.21457347


>> No.21457376

I forgot to mention that it's set to 18+, because why not. There's no particular reason other than to be one ought to be, to be here.

>> No.21457381

The most discussion has been on the discord server, but that's for other reasons.

>> No.21457399

I thought that was a given.

>> No.21457409

I’m surprised that there’s that many members when the threads are barely able to break 100 posters.

>> No.21457416

4chan is an 18+ website.

>> No.21457421

Given that some posters spend way too much to shitposts, I doubt it.

>> No.21457448

There's been several who have tried to join but don't have an age set in their profile so it automatically denies them. On mobile it doesn't give an error message about it.b

It's been going since Nov 2019 or so. I did a poll one time and most rarely come to the thread. The relatively few regulars seem to dominate the post count though. The vast majority never post.

>> No.21457453

Honestly, ambient discussion is better then no discussion.

>> No.21457469

>The vast majority never post.
Shame might have changed /sffg/ for the better if they did. But I don't blame them. At times, I don't post anything on /sffg/ since it feels pointless.

>> No.21457486

It hasn't been enforced as much since the change of ownership since gookmoot is largely hands-off and the entire site is basically ran by like 3 mods.

>> No.21457488

I’m actually pretty certain it still is and any idiot who outs themselves do get ban.

>> No.21457497

Should I start The Wandering Inn with the unfinished rewrite or the original?
>inb4 don't

>> No.21457498

They used to always get a permaban or a days until they're 18-ban if they stated how old they were but now it's like a default 3 month ban or something ridiculously miniscule.

>> No.21457507

Does Prince of Nothing get better as it goes because I found The Darkness That Comes Before kinda mid. Though, I do love Cnaiur.

>> No.21457516

If you want to.

>> No.21457521
File: 138 KB, 598x638, Azarinth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duuude, this blows ass epic style. It's no wonder there's 3 million words in it. Look at this meandering drivel.

>> No.21457536

You know, it completely baffles me how shit like this gets so big. There's so many other stories that are just plainly better written on the same fucking site with fraction of followers/views.

>> No.21457539

Anon, nobody but people who read MTL webnovels reads it. You can just ignore it and nothing will be lost.

>> No.21457543

>You know, it completely baffles me how shit like this gets so big
The people who read it are ESLs. It’s not a big wonder why those type of stories get big.

>> No.21457569

Better than nothing. At the very least, they started filtering recurring troublemakers.

>> No.21457581

Being ESL does not mean you're retarded. That can't be the actual reason. Shit, you don't need to use some elaborate phrasing and advanced vocabulary to ascent above the level of this drivel.

>> No.21457584

>Being ESL does not mean you're retarded
yes it does

>> No.21457603

there’s a fag in this general that unironically believes that there’s nothing wrong with reading machine translation stories. So yes, bring an ESL means you’re a retard if that’s the type of position they’re going to take.

>> No.21457654

This is why I can't take the recommendation of people who read webnovels seriously.

>> No.21457662

I honestly cringe by reading this. Holy shit. Please tell me the entire story isn’t like this.

>> No.21457667

The core series through to A Young Man's Journey is genuinely the most depressing reading experience of my life. Not the narrative content, it's a meta thing. But Viriconium and Storm of Wings I think are both very worth the read, and some of the short stories.

>> No.21457673

>Being ESL does not mean you're retarded.
No, it does not, but if and when they insist that webnovels, especially type like this >>21457521 are good, then yes, they are retarded and there's nothing that can be done to help them.

>> No.21457717

I don’t think you’re supposed to.

>> No.21457730

Should I read this The Orators book I'm getting advertised here

>> No.21457734

If you want to?

>> No.21457756

Do you want to read it?

>> No.21457757

hey anons, has anyone subscribed to sando's 4 books due to come in 2023 at a gap of 3 months? 3 are cosmere related, and the first, tress of the emerald sea's ebook link will be shared to subscribers on 01.01. Purchasing from the open market will only be possible after a delayed period

>> No.21457762

I'm waiting for the donghua to come out

>> No.21457766

that shit is gonna be uploaded day one, dude

>> No.21457776

I'll rephrase
Has anyone else read it, and if you did, did you think it was shit?

>> No.21457781


>> No.21457786

checked, and i am hope so, nobody uploaded the lost metal for a couple a days from its release date

>> No.21457788

Try the archives or goodreads.

>> No.21457802

You can just buy it.

>> No.21457803

It was up the day before, you just don't know where to look.

>> No.21457811

the timing is inconvenient, it is available in the open market only from the 10 jan

>> No.21457816
File: 78 KB, 490x498, Melanie-Rawn-covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunrunner Saga by Melanie Rawn

>> No.21457824

Are you buying physical books?

>> No.21457834


>> No.21457836

Oh, then just go buy it on Amazon.

>> No.21457842

the kindle version is on sale from the 10th of Jan

>> No.21457845

>wall to wall Sanderson
The reason Sanderson is a really important figure right now in Fantasy is because he actually gets people to Fantasy books.


The problem with all of those shills for books like Bakker is that those books aren't good fantasy books (at least how much I read so far of Bakker). They are overcomplicated, they take a long time to get into, and have a strange world building. Sure, maybe stuff like Bakker and other overcomplicated books become god tier later on, but I put down my Bakker book and will most likely never finish it.

The reason why Sanderson is so great is because his quality is decent. You know what you are into and you know you get something great.

Why do you think Harry Potter was so great? Why do you think Sanderson has the most successful Kickstarter in history?

The goal of fantasy should be to get people to actually... I know this sounds insane... READ THE BOOK. People like Bakker or Gene are just niche and will always stay niche. Fantasy is not to show your complexity. Fantasy is about delivering a "magical world".

This is why I would even call stuff like Bakker trash. I normally read the most difficult scientific papers and most of my non fantasy books have "university press" on them. I read linguistic books and all the highest science books.
You could say I am the top 0.01 % of readers, who spends most of his free time reading about the most complex topics from the most prestige scientific publishers.

And even I, someone who would be called the elite of the elite of readers, are simply bored with the complexity of stuff like Bakker. I WANT FANTASY. If I want a complex topic (and even them good scientific books are written very easy and straight forward) I don't read fantasy.

A fantasy book needs to become complex in your head and NOT on paper. Sanderson books and Harry Potter books are good examples of stimulating your brain to think about the world and not about the book itself. Sure, I think the fantasy in itself is pretty meh in Sanderson and I also think Harry Potter is bad because the author doesn't understand magic, but those books are still much much better than all the over convoluted garbage you find in Bakker or Gene. If you want science and detailed writing structure, you read science books and not fantasy books.

>> No.21457847

Then wait until Jan 10.

>> No.21457852

thank you for the pointless conversation

>> No.21457853

Stop responding to it anon. Make an account on mobilism and check tomorrow or 1st by the latest I'm sure.

>> No.21457856
File: 623 KB, 987x610, 1671765095619750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should've been a paragraph at best. Here's my 90iq attempt to salvage it.

>The morning after her shift ended she fought a short lived battle against the alarm clock. Sun rays crept through the blinds into the jungled room as her autopilot maneuvered the wilderness, and dropped her off in the bathroom. Any peace that would've normally been had in the shower was short lived as the steamy goodness went frigid. Still covered in suds she scurried out, now half awake. The only thing left to do there was brush her teeth, and so she did, with the brush meant for her shoes. She flung it at the mirror upon tasting dirt (now fully awake), and splattered foam everywhere, "Mornings suck!" she screamed repeatedly. The muffled victory cries of the alarm serenaded her suffering.

>> No.21457861

thanks anon

>> No.21457865

Most webnovels just pad their chapters. The few I’ve read certainly do it all the time.

>> No.21457872

>searched archive
>searched Google
Utterly shocked to find this isn't a copypasta along the lines of the "to be fair you need a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" one. I refuse to believe it isn't bait regardless.

Incidentally Harry Potter books 1-3, if one accounts for the fact that they're targeted at children, are better than anything Sanderson has written. Funny, good at establishing a sense of whimsy and wonder, a really nice hybridization of fantasy and the classic British boarding school novel. Not bogged down by autism either. Good stuff. I'm a Harry Potter respecter, though the series shit the bed when it went YA to "grow with the reader" from at least book 5 onward.

>> No.21457894

>though the series shit the bed when it went YA to "grow with the reader" from at least book 5 onward.
I thought it was intuitive.

>> No.21457899

If the author actually gives a shit they'll add superfluous character interaction instead of random unnecessary phrases like they're trying to pad an essay for Dr. 4chon's ESL class.

>> No.21457901

Wow, well done. You proved that brevity, while indubitably the soul of wit, has fuck-all to do with quality.

>> No.21457909


>> No.21457934

y tho?

Fix my edit then.

>> No.21457943

>y tho?
I do not know. I wish I knew, but I don't.

>> No.21457944


>> No.21457959

It's comparable in scope and quality to asoiaf

>> No.21457986

Isn’t warhammer up to bat?

>> No.21457992

Maybe, but going from good kids books to bad YA saddled with the need to remain consistent with the kids books? Feels like a downgrade to me.

>> No.21457997
File: 78 KB, 696x767, 1672269451683669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21458004

I mean, the people who were reading it were growing up. Which is why they did it in the first place. I can't fault them for that.

>> No.21458021

I need to learn to do this, then NaNo would be no problem.

>> No.21458030

And to think, there are shills here who honest to go try to peddle this garbage here.

>> No.21458042

Dragon Prince was asoiaf but written 8 years before A game of Thrones

>> No.21458052

Maintains engagement. Web novel writers want you coming back once or twice a week to spend a certain amount of time in their universe. It's basically neopulps.

>> No.21458053

It’s not like anyone is stupid enough to fall for it.

>> No.21458062

Got tired of W40K desuu, i'm just waiting for gamesworkshop to go bankrupt and pull a W40K End Times where Ibram Gaunt kills the emperor or something like that.

>> No.21458068

>Maintains engagement.
It does anything but that.

>> No.21458082

It helps if you're not a shit writer.

>> No.21458087

Then it's a shame all web authors are shit writers.

>> No.21458104

You can always read chapters of Oliver Twist or Crime and Punishment on a weekly delay if you want to see someone not fuck it up. The formula is very sound.

>> No.21458107


>> No.21458111

>You can always read chapters of Oliver Twist or Crime and Punishment on a weekly delay
I already do that with crime and punishment. And again, I don't know why you think that somehow makes webnovels okay.

>> No.21458129

>retard writes bad novel for fun
>serf retards pay king retard patreon so he can write more bad novel
Seems like you're the only one who didn't consent in this situation.

>> No.21458135

Robin Hobb's Farseer series and all of it's spinoffs.

Before ASOIF got a tv series Robin Hobb was always put on similar tiers as George RR Martin.

>> No.21458144

If that’s true, then why does no one in this general read her?

>> No.21458155

Because only four people in this godforsaken general reads.

>> No.21458157

Because the vast majority of what she writes is absolutely awful. Bad in the worst way. the Soldier Son series in particularly is so incredibly awful that it's astonishing it was ever published, it would be bad even if you judged it by the standards of webnovels.
Farseer is legitimately the only good series she's ever written, and even that is spotty.

>> No.21458158

IDK. I'm pretty sure /lit/ was around only after GOT got announced? Or soon after? She was always put on the same level as ASOIF when I use to frequent book forums and looked at recommendation threads back when ASOIF was just a book series.

>> No.21458163

Live ship trilogy was her best. I didn't read anything after the Tawny Man series so I can't comment after that but it's all pretty good.

>> No.21458164

>it would be bad even if you judged it by the standards of webnovels.
And your opinion is discarded.

>> No.21458170

Have you actually read the Soldier Son series? It really is that bad.

>> No.21458171

Do continue, it's fucking great.

>> No.21458227

I've read Shaman's Crossing and its a decent book with some interesting ideas that are ultimately somewhat frustrated with how they played out

>> No.21458231

But to go as far and say that webnovels are better than it is just idiotic.

>> No.21458242

Just finished Speaker for the dead and it's 10 times better than Ender's game even though it gets preacher at times.
Is this one of the few cases where the sequel completely mogs the first book?

>> No.21458246

because people here read fucking webnovels and amazon smut

>> No.21458250

>Is this one of the few cases where the sequel completely mogs the first book?
You read the book, you tell us.

>> No.21458261

I liked it too, only part that seemed weak to me was the whole AI ntr thing. Not that it didn't make sense, it was just really weird and out of nowhere.
I heard the next book is awful, but I haven't read it so it may be good.

>> No.21458262
File: 1.72 MB, 1425x1425, 1574360477953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Mr. Kennedy (please don't shoot me into outer space)

[Adam Driver]
One second please!

Please Mr. Kennedy (Uh oh!)
I don't wanna go (please don't shoot me into outer space)
P-P-Please Mr. Kennedy (Uh oh!)
I don't wanna go (please don't shoot me into outer space)
[Verse 1: Justin Timberlake & Oscar Isaac]
I sweat when they stuff me in the pressure suits
Bubble helmet, Flash Gordon boots
Nowhere up there in gravity zero (outer...space)
I need to breathe, don't need to be a hero (outer...space)
Are you reading me loud and clear?

Please Mr. Kennedy (Uh oh!)
I don't wanna go (please don't shoot me into outer space)
P-P-Please Mr. Kennedy (Uh oh!)
I don't wanna go (please don't shoot me into outer space)

[Verse 2: Justin Timberlake & Oscar Isaac]
I'm six-foot two, and so perhaps you'll
Tell me how to fit into a five foot capsule
I won't be known as man of the century
If I burn up upon reentry
Gotta red-blooded wife with a healthy libido (outer...space)
You'll lose her vote if you make her a widow (outer...space)
And who'll play catch out in the back with our kid?

Please Mr. Kennedy (Uh oh!)
I don't wanna go (please don't shoot me into outer space)

[Adam Driver]
Oh no!

Please Mr. Kennedy (Uh oh!)
I don't wanna go (please don't shoot me into outer space)
P-P-Please (oh please!)
P-P-Please (oh please!)
Please (oh please!)
Please don't shoot me into outer space!
P-P-Please (oh please!)
Please (oh please!)
Please don't shoot me into outer space!

Please Mr. Kennedy!

>> No.21458276

Yeah the third book is really weird. The way the characters solve the main conflict feels way too convenient.

>> No.21458308

So only two people then?

>> No.21458337

I refuse to believe this >>21457521 constitutes as reading.

>> No.21458358

It’s not that bad that you have to compare it to a webnovel.

>> No.21458365

negro there are anons in this thread who believe that Guy Gavriel Kay is obscure despite being considered by many critics the best living fantasy author. i'm not talking about Hope Hodgson or Dunsany or pre-Tolkien writers, fucking kay dude. they are either underaged or retarded.

>> No.21458388

More likely that they don’t read outside of their comfort zone. Which limits views.

>> No.21458405

You know, I never see Guy Gavriel Kay talked about here. Despite being renowned and being a great author.

>> No.21458415

The people who read his books don't exactly overlap with the 4ch demographic.

>> No.21458421

You sure? I feel like Tigana would have been liked here.

>> No.21458443

>I feel like Tigana would have been liked here.
I mean, I'm not going to lie, it would. But Gavriel is just too difficult for most people here.

>> No.21458454

Finished Dune for the first time and that was a very well put together book from start to finish. Dune Messiah on the other hand is fucking slow to get to the interesting bits about a decaying empire, and I think it wasn't until about 1/3 into the, although short, book that I started enjoying it.

I heard the rest of the original six books are bangers tho, is that what others have experienced?

>> No.21458456

>is that what others have experienced?
How else did you hear it if not that?

>> No.21458484

Did a quick google search while still early in the book but the site that I found my answer on was reddit. So I wanted a second opinion

>> No.21458494

>So I wanted a second opinion
Try goodreads then

>> No.21458504 [SPOILER] 
File: 384 KB, 1600x1600, 1415092379978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21458507

Then you don't want a second opinion. Got it.

>> No.21458539

Not to mention most of his books are historical fantasy, which is a huge turn off for some people.

>> No.21458542

>anons in this thread who believe that Guy Gavriel Kay is obscure
Please tell me you're fucking joking. Holy shit, how can people be this fucking ignorant?

>> No.21458545

Not him, but he’s right. Don’t know if they’re zoomers or if they don’t read, but many people here think he’s obscure for some reason.

>> No.21458563

>but many people here think he’s obscure for some reason.
How the fuck is he considered obscured when critics like him, and he helped with Tolkien works?

>> No.21458577

>People here refuse to go to other websites for asinine reasons
>No one here talks about Kay
There. That’s the reason why Kay is “obscure” to them.

>> No.21458581

Because the few that did read were driven out.

>> No.21458594

I think you responded to the wrong anon.

>> No.21458603

Meh, it’s better, but that’s not saying much given what you were working on.

>> No.21458618

>You proved that brevity, while indubitably the soul of wit, has fuck-all to do with quality.
You can hardly blame him. The passage he was working on was extremely banal and boring.

>> No.21458622

Well said.

>> No.21458627

Females can write good fantasy.

>> No.21458630


>> No.21458631

>That’s the reason why Kay is “obscure” to them.
That has to be the most dumb reason I've seen.

>> No.21458632

I'm 90% sure either Tigana or the Sarantine Mosaic duology were /sffg/ monthly reading a few years back. People used to talk about them and Lions of Al-Rassan at least pretty often. I guess the people who read him left or something.

>> No.21458634

Are you being serious?

>> No.21458636

So like that other anon said, they just moved on from using /sffg/.

>> No.21458641


>> No.21458644

Either that, or they realize it's pointless trying to talk about him now.

>> No.21458647

Which ones have you read?

>> No.21458776

> Most webnovels just pad their chapters.
Why are you surprised? Their business model is entirely based around producing content on a regular basis. If they don't produce chapters every few days they don't get paid / lose readers / get no subs. They authors may start out with the best intentions but at some put they have to churn out shit to earn a living.

>> No.21458818

>>People here refuse to go to other websites for asinine reasons
What other websites should I go to?

>> No.21458976

>that there’s nothing wrong with reading machine translation stories.
Compared to the average modern western fantasy there really isn't.
That's not a rousing endorsement of MTL either.

>> No.21458998

women ofter write "male gaze" style , I mean look at Le Guin

>> No.21459037

New thread

>> No.21459105

Because people here can see through the convention politics, being unrelated to them, and can recognize her for the shit-tier misery-tourist fujoshit that she is.
All those books are about is misery, failed relationships and abusing male relations by faggots, which are portrayed as being morally right for doing it.

>> No.21459108

There's nothing difficult about it. Alt history shit just isn't interesting.