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21452799 No.21452799 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like an npc. what do bros. I have everything that would make me confident, but I just don’t feel it and run away from random interactions like a fucking npc

>> No.21452815


>> No.21452914

Stop reading manga, for one. Next, read something that has convincing dialogue such as The Queue by Vladimir Sorokin. It will give you a sense on how to behave.

>> No.21452944

Mein Kampf

>> No.21452956

Industrial society and it's future.

>> No.21452958

>be more interactive with the world around
That's not how it works. If you want to interact with the world, go outside.

>> No.21453079
File: 52 KB, 162x172, chronoverse – xfactorflux – transcetimer – crunchtime & tektspace – space for all types & time for all species – X oscillation – Y fibrillation – Z scintillation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are averse to adversity —id est: to the X factor of flux—, therefore you lack the incentive to exercise decisions by comparing pressures, and preparing measures —id est: via the Z factor of actualization.

You choose what enters your flux, and with what to fill your physical & psykhic space.

>> No.21453196
File: 772 KB, 1188x792, F49AB7D6-879A-4EE2-A454-2F7F13028E7E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop with thine riddles, man-o-great
and tell me what sayeth thee
among the thoughtless, times-o-late
reveal these truths to we

>> No.21453268

>thine riddles

>> No.21453311

psychology and sociology are the books
but you need real world experience
try simple structured group interactions like book clubs movie clubs hiking clubs board game clubs (not video games) or political activisim groups study groups something focused on an activity