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File: 57 KB, 850x400, quote-a-really-well-made-buttonhole-is-the-only-link-between-art-and-nature-oscar-wilde-38-24-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21452739 No.21452739 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is this supposed to mean?

>> No.21452751

Remove 'on' and that's your answer

>> No.21452763

It's just some foppish observation as a psychological proxy for the anus. That's clearly what you wanted us to say, anyway.

>> No.21452772

>a really well-made buttonhole is the __ly link between art and nature
I don't get it.

>> No.21452861

Chesterton on Wilde is a treat. Check it out, it'll help you understand the rhetorical devices Wilde uses in order to appear more (or, wonders Chesterton, less???) insightful than Wilde actually was.

>> No.21452887
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 1672189978725038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ambrose Bierce on Wilde
>The limpid and spiritless vacuity of this intellectual jellyfish is in ludicrous contrast with the rude but robust mental activities he came to quicken and inspire. Not only has he no thoughts, but no thinker. His lecture is mere verbal ditch-water — meaningless, trite and without coherence. It lacks even the nastiness that exalts and refines his verse. Moreover, it is obviously his own; he had not even the energy and independence to steal it. And so, with a knowledge that would equip an idiot to dispute with a cast-iron dog, an eloquence to qualify him for the duties of caller on a hog-ranch, and imagination adequate to the conception of a tomcat when fired by contemplation of a fiddle-string, this consummate and star-like youth, missing everywhere his heaven-appointed functions and offices, wanders about, posing as a statue of himself, and, like the sun-smitten image of Memnon, emitting meaningless murmurs in the blaze of women's eyes. He makes me tired.

>> No.21452966

Kindergarten tier analysis. I really hope you didn't have to go to school to come up with that one.

>> No.21452979

Ironic. Faggots are one of the most perverse forces in art and are living perversions of nature.

>> No.21452983

It's remarkable how Wilde's dinner party witticisms and homosexual shenanigans made people seethe so much. The guy was basically the 19th century's living embodiment of viral tweets. Annoying, shallow, gay, and attention grabbing but mostly harmless.

>> No.21452985

but they made so much good art.. the sistine chapel... remembrance of things past...

>> No.21453000

Chesterton's point is that Wilde sandbagged. It's a very fair and measured assessment, far from "seething", I recommend it
I guess I don't really know how harmless viral tweets are or aren't. I'd want to see that argument play out.

>> No.21453021


he was a fruit

>> No.21453026

just B.E. yourself.

>> No.21453029

He means that craftsmanship- likely handicrafts (ARTisanat) more specifically- are the closest tning to a "practical" application of the arts.
This is a nearly philistine view.

>> No.21453035

ah, maybe its a statememnt about art beeing made to be seen or apreciated while nature isnt MADE to get something out of it, there is no intended audience. Like a buttonhole really isnt ment to be looked at, its a slot that the button, the actual thing with decoration or intended niceness is ment to go into. its not made to be observed. its artistry as far as you can say, is largely in iteself rather then for an intent to display.

but im just spitballing.

>> No.21453038
File: 70 KB, 540x621, 4F278FE3-DD24-4CAF-A1A8-F923555C3AA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if we claim straight artists were gay, they’ll have to admit gay people can be good artists
Here’s some actual gay art if you want it

>> No.21453077

Proust was unambiguously gay anon... Michelangelo just probably was... just look at the way he sculpts women... not to mention all the love sonnets he wrote to that boy... his nephew even changed the pronouns when he published them...

>> No.21453091

At first I thought it was a joke about a poorly made buttonhole undoing the clothing of some poor chap and revealing their Adamic attire.

>> No.21453484
File: 264 KB, 1359x248, 85E2E4B2-A212-4BA5-A4B5-7C0CA7B23C6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the boy he wrote to called it a friendship kek
>” Michelangelo's saying that his sole regret in life was that he did not kiss the widow's face in the same manner that he had her hand.”

He couldn’t sculpt tits, but that’s about all you’ve got going for cope

>> No.21453706

doesn't matter if Michelangelo isn't a fag anyway. Donatello was

>> No.21453735

Based on what though?

>> No.21453742
File: 312 KB, 1066x1600, David_by_Donatello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donatello took particular delight in having beautiful apprentices. Once someone brought him a boy who had been praised as particularly beautiful. But when the same person showed Donatello the boy's brother and claimed he was even prettier, the artist replied, 'the shorter will be his stay with me!'"
Poliziano, Detti Piacevoli No. 230

>> No.21453763

What does the "B" and "E" stand for?

>> No.21453774
File: 606 KB, 593x580, 3ECF6824-04EA-4979-AA99-AA2FA83118B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21453802

Not denying his nonce tendencies, there’s just no real translation of that text
> Per un po' meno ferma per me. Questo detto è diventato già proverbio, la cui origine è questa che, dilettandosi Donatello scultore di tenere in bottega belli discepoli, gnene fu messo un per le mani il quale molto gl' era lodato come bel giovane. E mostrandogli, chi glielo metteva innanzi, un fratello di detto giovane, e affermando che assai era più bello quell'altro che con esso cercava di acconciare, disse le sopradette parole: Per un po' meno ferma per me.
And the closest:
> A little less steady for me. This saying has already become a proverb, the origin of which is that, as Donatello the sculptor was delighted to keep beautiful disciples in his workshop, Gnene was put in his hands one who was praised as a handsome young man. And showing him, who put it before him, a brother called young, and affirming that the other one who tried to dress with it was much more handsome, he said the aforesaid words: For a little less firm for me.

>> No.21453813

Read his poetry. When it was first published they had to change the genders from male to female.

>> No.21453816

>”read the poems”, addressed in the pic
>Hasn’t even read pic

>> No.21453831

>even over a century ago faggots like Bierce were seething and coping
top jej

>> No.21453955

the pic says the poems are faggy and only copers disagree