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21452638 No.21452638 [Reply] [Original]

Did the Nazis censor Nietzsche’s writings on Jews, German nationalism, homosex, etc..? Or just awkwardly ignore them

>> No.21452655

ID on fit? No cap, it goes hard.
I'm trying to dress like NEETchud here.

>> No.21452662
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the nazis ate eachother's cum

>> No.21452682

Maybe some of them.
But I think you are thinking too myopically. there really isnt a reason to ignore them. The ideology perfectly fits with accepting most of that stuff. I mean, its taken as a point that Jews were self serving and in a respect commendable for this. thats why they had to go.

Just seems like you are taking neitzche too narrowly. when the things mentioned where more to illustrate broad aspects of his vision of power and stuff.

>> No.21452692

Hmm but Nietzsche also rants and raves about how much he hates anti-Semites

>> No.21452711

Yes, but not because they were antisemitic, but because HOW they where antisemitic.

Im not saying Nietzche would be full on board with nazi's, probably not, but it is a Nietzschean influenced thing. Just like how a lot of Socialist states probably wouldnt be to marx's liking, but they probably are marx influenced in many aspect.

>> No.21452718

In like three sentences that were pretty transparently an attempt to out-edge his contemporaries and largely contradict his broader philosophy

>> No.21452721

lol hell yeah they did

>> No.21452723
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How do they contradict it

>> No.21452731

I wonder if national socialism would have ever gotten so obsessed with race, had jews themselves not biologized the discourse with their tribalism first. Like starting a bit of a tribalism arms race. Kind of like Nolte's thesis on the "asiaticness" of the third reich.

>> No.21452734

Have you read George Steiner's Portage to San Cristobal? You might find Hitler's speech in that book interesting

>> No.21452746

I did hear about it, but "judaism/zionism = national socialism but for jews" isn't exactly a novel idea to me. Like it's so played out that it's even a common lefty talking point.

>> No.21452756

Its all a very interconnected thing. Very chicken and egg. Jews did have a semi innate tribalism going way way back, but then that also got compounded with their particular roles in euro society as semi outsiders semi insiders being used and exploiting themselves for non socially acceptable things like particular kinds of financial interactions or otherwise. creating an interesting interior perpetuating pariahship going both ways.

>> No.21452757

It's more like National Socialism is Judaism for goyim.

>> No.21452770

You're pretty gullible, aren't you?

>> No.21452785

I dont think I am. I might have worded this in a sense that seemed one sided, but I meant to say it in a more organic, non one directional angle.

Maybe "being used as well as exploiting their status" might have gotten that across better.

>> No.21452823

You're taking their explanation of their situation with too much credibility. They want you to think that they had no choice in any of this, that they had no agency, in other words, no responsibility. That it was forcefully thrust on them.

Have you ever noticed how they will adapt literally any view/ideology regardless of any irreconcilable contradictions within that ideology so long as it absolves them of responsibility?

They chose to be like this.

>> No.21452857

cringe understanding.

You simply fell to the other polarity of agency. I admit they both had agency as well as had forces act upon them as well. Jews arent outside of the system of temporal iteration. That's why I said chicken or the egg. they are both the products and the creators of their station. There is an aspect of them having a particularly tight in group culture of self benefit, but that doesn't make them a monolithic force.