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/lit/ - Literature

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21452128 No.21452128 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand.

>> No.21452160

Reddit: the writer

>> No.21452168

he's a hack

>> No.21452175

4chan tells me that he is a hack redditor

>> No.21452197

4chan isn't a hack redditor so you should believe them when they say a hack redditor is a hack redditor

>> No.21452600

4chan tells you wrong

>> No.21452663

Is hack one of those words like pretentious where people don't actually know what it means and just say it to be vaguely dismissive without actually saying anything
lol you fucking retard

>> No.21452715

Beautiful and lucid prose although in stream of consciousness. What’s the issue?

>> No.21452864
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>4chan isn't a hack redditor

>> No.21453607
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Reading through it. I really like how it's an almost meditative work on experiencing intense beauty, it's neurotic and frantic and yet calming at the same time. I really liked the chapter about the Noh mask maker, and about how he empties himself of every thought and emotion while concentrated on his art. My only wish is that the work would span more than just european/eastern asiatic works of art

>> No.21454335

I like how the book is shiny like a holographic Pokemon card

>> No.21454344

>almost meditative work on experiencing intense beauty, it's neurotic and frantic and yet calming at the same time
Holy platitudes, batman

>> No.21454362

Most of this board is simply too unadvanced for Krasznahorkai.

>> No.21454642

who says you will?

>> No.21455502

Laszlo said that.

>> No.21455510

Quote one good passage from this guy.

>> No.21455524

they cant
no one who simps for this europoor boomer has ever read him

>> No.21455549

>He gazed sadly at the threatening sky, at the burned-out remnants of a locust-plagued summer, and suddenly saw on the twig of an acacia, as in a vision, the progress of spring, summer, fall and winter, as if the whole of time were a frivolous interlude in the much greater spaces of eternity, a brilliant conjuring trick to produce something apparently orderly out of chaos, to establish a vantage point from which chance might begin to look like necessity . . . and he saw himself nailed to the cross of his own cradle and coffin, painfully trying to tear his body away, only, eventually, to deliver himself— utterly naked, without identifying mark, stripped down to essentials— into the care of the people whose duty it was to wash the corpses, people obeying an order snapped out in the dry air against a background loud with torturers and flayers of skin, where he was obliged to regard the human condition without a trace of pity, without a single possibility of any way back to life, because by then he would know for certain that all his life he had been playing with cheaters who had marked the cards and who would, in the end, strip him even of his last means of defense, of that hope of someday finding his way back home.

Literally the second page of his first novel you fucking illiterates

>> No.21455624

What’s the point of even posting on /lit/ if this is going to be the level of your contribution? This place has really gone to fucking shit.

>> No.21455636

trying too hard. lost me in the mid para. i am not gonna bother

>> No.21455682

Not bad, but it gives the impression of a young author forcing complexity in order to impress.

>> No.21455702

Amateur-thier honestly

>> No.21455743

holy filtered

>> No.21455785

i really liked the one about restoring the bell. it got really deep into the actual feeling people have about the art which is all so transcendental but also the real pragmatic concerns and it was very beautiful. but especially the last bit with the ceremony with the restored bell, i love that it encapsulated how meaningful the ceremony was but didn't let it off the hook and also had the guy's attention wandering and being uncomfortable in his seat etc
it's a very truthful evocation of how it is to create and experience art. creation involving shitloads of technique and not just vague wishy washy artiness. and experience being weird and uncomfortable and imperfect.

great book, i think about it often

>> No.21456498

I remember my eyes glazing over reading this and thinking it was just word salad, then I got to the end of the story about the Acropolis where the guy gets killed by a truck crossing the road and I wondered if all the other stories had dark twist endings too but I didn't want to reread them all

>> No.21457411

This one is decent, but frequently his prose becomes really tryhard everytime he tries to extend his sentences to page long lengths.

>> No.21457647

He's also half-jewish FYI

>> No.21457688
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every time

>> No.21457877

There's some blurb on all his books saying that he "expresses what other authors can only suggest" or something to that effect, which I think is accurate. His rambling style gets on my nerves sometimes but it's completely worth it when some big theme starts to come together and the same ideas keep closing in like a spiral.
Melancholy of Resistance has that super-long rant about musical intonation, cosmology, sacred geometry, and various other things. You think the guy is just a schizo at first, but when you finally start to understand him it's such a "holy shit" moment.

>> No.21457885

The Acropolis story was out of place in Seiobo, but he's always had a streak of black humor (War & War is his only novel I'd consider pure misery). He was even aping Pynchon with his most recent one.

>> No.21458903

4chan doesn’t read.

>> No.21458908

im reading satantango right now and boy am i loving it. my penis smells really bad and i cant stop smelling it

>> No.21459569

>he can't into maximalism

>> No.21459575

>maximalism is tryhard shit
Oddly true.

>> No.21460775

If you don't try hard you'll never succeed

>> No.21461530

Who is supposed to be "owned" by the fact that Hungary's only noteworthy author is Jewish?

>> No.21462099

Why do they never succeed then?

>> No.21462120

Don't see the point of this. It's nearly empty. I guess some people (morons) might pretend to slap a poetry label on this.

>> No.21462828


>> No.21462998

Read more.

>> No.21463032

>It would be better for you to turn around and go into the thick grasses, there where one of those strange grassy islets in the riverbed will completely cover you, it would be better if you do this for once and for all, because if you come back tomorrow, or after tomorrow, there will be no one at all to understand, no one to look, not even a single one among all your natural enemies that will be able to see who you really are; it would be better for you to go away this very evening when twilight begins to fall, it would be better for you to retreat with the others, if night begins to descend, and you should not come back if tomorrow, or after tomorrow, dawn breaks, because for you it will be much better for there to be no tomorrow and no day after tomorrow; so hide away now in the grass, sink down, fall onto your side, let your eyes slowly close, and die, for there is no point in the sublimity that you bear, die at midnight in the grass, sink down and fall, and let it be like that -- breathe your last.