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21451684 No.21451684 [Reply] [Original]

Is Rod Dreher worth reading? I’m interested in the Benedict Option. He seems, if I may say so, the ultimate trad. He’s Orthodox too

>Mr. Elmougy said he didn’t understand why I considered Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the popular satellite TV evangelist and spiritual advisor of the Muslim Brotherhood, to be violent. I responded by pointing out that Qaradawi has advocated executing homosexuals, and that he gave advice on his website about how a Muslim man can beat his wife in an Islamically correct way.

>“That’s violent,” I told Mr. Elmougy. He slammed his hand on the table and said he agreed with the Shaykh, and that he wouldn’t apologize for it. He went on to tell a story about an adulteress who came to the Prophet asking for release from her sins. The Prophet ordered her stoned to death, said Mr. Elmougy, and declared that he could see her rejoicing in paradise. Mr. Elmougy finished his account by saying that things we Westerners consider to be unacceptable violence are considered by Muslims like him to be pro-family “deterrence.”

>I thanked him for his candor, for admitting that he favors executing gays, wife-beating, stoning adulteresses, and chopping the hands off of thieves.

>> No.21451718

kill yourself twitternigger

>> No.21451732

I got bored reading that tedious 'satire' or whatever he considers it, so a book would be out of the question. True, it reads a tad like Rushdie, but after Rushdie took the knife to the prefrontal cortex. Anyway, it's called maize; corn is an encompassing term for grain--why haven't you hillbilly fucks, despite great your erudition, figured that out yet?

>> No.21451747

> I have never given circumcision a single thought, other than to consent to my sons’ circumcision. Europeans think its weird for American Gentiles to be circumcised, and I think they’re right … but I remember the one kid we had in my elementary school class, a black boy who had been born at home, and who was not circumcised. All us boys wanted to stare at his primitive root wiener when we were at the urinal during recess, because it was monstrous. Nobody told us that wieners could look like that. The kid didn’t know why his penis was so strange looking, and neither did we. Third grade, man.

>> No.21451755

This was when I realized he's deep, deep, deep in the closet.

>> No.21451761

How is this not ritual humiliation and branding of goy cattle?

>> No.21451782

Corn is the original goyslop. Prime industrial food that can be shaped into whatever you want.

>> No.21451786

Only for the sake of laughing at him

>> No.21451811

"The Benedict Option"
>run away!!! oh my god!!! wahaaha im scared!
>don't fight back guys just run!!!
>btw here's pics of me touring hungary ;)
fake and gay

>> No.21451848

>not eating heirloom corn, spirulina and amaranth
cringe and not aztecpilled

>> No.21451981

That’s not satire

>> No.21451988

>had his child mutilated
>never gave it a second thought
Brilliant guy

>> No.21451996

What the fuck is wrong with hm

>> No.21452091


>> No.21452301

>Pic date 6/2/20
>Reading fresh picked corn
Even Florida didn't harvest that early asshole.

>> No.21452392

He was a southern baptist, then he became a trad Anglican, then a tradcath and now he's orthodox. He's a strange guy.

>> No.21452553

>Weimar America
Bullshit, where are the kid fucking brothels if this is Weimar America?

>> No.21452632

>Corn is the original goyslop.
You're thinking of potatoes.

>> No.21452635

> that tweet
Fuck, I fucking hate how pervasive leddit humour is.

>> No.21452868

Pedo island

>> No.21452871

that's a mean thing to call the hitler youth

>> No.21453277

That came AFTER the Weimar Republic, dink.

>> No.21453281

No, he's an absolute beta male and controlled opposition.
Read this article on him instead.

>> No.21453299

remainder that 3 most popular TV shows of all time have scene/episode making fun of uncut penises
>Sex and the city

>> No.21453301

Third grade, man.

>> No.21453307

Do not forget
>We absolutely must conduct witch hunts for the left if someone is slightly more to the right than me!

>> No.21453308

I knew he'd converted to a boutique form of Orthodoxy but I didn't know he'd converted to THAT many sects, Jesus fuck.

Also I normally disdain Twatter posting but for Dreher I'll make an exception because the man is the greatest lolcow on the face of the Earth. Old 4chan would have had a field day with him. His insanity is almost as great as Chris-Chan's when you start to dig into it.

>> No.21453913

>He’s Orthodox too
>the ultimate trad
That's an oxymoron, depending on what you mean by "trad". In my mind, someone who accepts the assimilating doctrine of the Christian faith (eastern orthodoxy included) is a cuck and a phony. Christianity has hurt and will continue to hurt the European people and the European civilization.

>> No.21453919


>> No.21453986

aye and they're all written and mostly acted by jews, your point?

>> No.21454006

>goes against the explicit teachings in the Bible about judaizers

>> No.21454127

He's probably deeply closeted. Much of his content is fixated on homosexual. His wife left him this year, and he refuses to go into detail as to why.

>> No.21454129

Based and /thread

>> No.21454142

>His insanity is almost as great as Chris-Chan's when you start to dig into it.

QRD please.

>> No.21454145
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This idiot cried when the Pope didnt know who he was.

>> No.21454465
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>> No.21454492

i listened to the benedict option when it was free on audible. really stupid book. basically the guy horrified by gays so he suggests everybody hide in the woods. i think he might have mentioned abortion once or twice, but the whole thing is almost entirely about gays. apparently, for him, christianity just boils to being against the lgbt community. that's it.

>> No.21454500

try millet.

>> No.21454531

my parents didn't allow any junk food in the house except maybe a thing of ice cream in the freezer, so i had to have puffed millet for cereal while all my friends ate stuff filled with colored dyes and artificial sweeteners.

>> No.21454647

>is that a denomination?! omg i mist consoooooooom
Where is he going next?

>> No.21454726

Pulse nightclub

>> No.21454846
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>where are the kid fucking brothels

>> No.21454916

He'll probably fall into some kind of Judaism or Islam next.

>> No.21455093

All Christian conservatives are obsessed with dicks, Anon.

>> No.21455147

That's basically all of "conservative" Christianity - theoretical support for Christian sexual morality (at least as pertains to women and gays) and nothing else. An intellectually honest person would note that conservatives are anti-Christians in denial and leftists are Christians in denial.

>> No.21455252

gays literally represent a derailment of one of the most central human functions and purposes, so that sounds about right if you ask me

>> No.21455350
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Typical grifter appealing to Americanoids and kosher cuckservatives. The whole le based Orthodoxy shtick is getting old by now. I wonder what they'll use next. He also moved to Hungary despite it being neither Orthodox or having any roots there. Other than a better position to grift from le based last bastion of Yurop, of course.

>> No.21455434
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>having sex with American girl for the first time
>she starts spitting on my pee-pee
>she's never seen a normal one before and thinks you have to prime them like a water pump

>> No.21455456

just dont read political or social books. it seems interesting i know but it's a complete waste of time. its just scratching your itch to hear a guy complain. consume art or some shit

>> No.21455621

She's not wet/turned enough by your manliness, so the lube has to come from somewhere. That's what you get from hiring a professional.

>> No.21457366

I feel sorry for cut guys. Having your dick sensitivity ruined by removing the protective skin and turning it into a dull, scaly mushroom must suck real bad

>> No.21457374

I'm uncut but why do so many people have to say this in this hostile aggressive haha tone. It doesn't sound like you feel sorry for them at all, even though you should, and the entire practice should be banned.

>> No.21457380

Not him by I actually do feel terrible for cut guys and think they should receive as much sympathy as female genital mutilation sufferers. But of course nobody gives a fuck about guys.

>> No.21457390
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It's millions upon millions of boys and men. Just disgusting and doctors apparently just go along with it. I can not understand why there isn't more protest about it.

>> No.21457398

Basically he's driven himself insane over years of believing his own propaganda. You know how right-wing grifters feed their marks a lot of bullshit and a lot of fabrications, but don't actually believe a word of it? Dreher is a true believer. He actually does think it's deeply unsafe to go out of your house in the average American city.

His Twitter feed is also an unending stream of hilarity since it's him posting his thoughts totally unfiltered and you get to see how completely unhinged he is. The "primative root weiner" line is just scratching the surface.

Also he's a massive hypocrite and a walking contradiction in numerous respects. He converted to Catholicism because it was "based," only to flee like a coward when the sex abuse scandal broke. He's now Orthodox, but he doesn't actually keep up with the details of his own Church; he didn't know Moscow and Constantinople were in schism, for example, more than a year after it had happened. He wrote a whole book about forming communities and celebrating families, only to divorce his wife and flee his children to go be Viktor Orban's lackey in "based" Hungary.

And of course, to top it all, he writes extensively about male strength and masculinity but it's blatantly obvious he's a deeply closeted gay man. The only one who doesn't realize what a fag Dreher is at this point is Dreher himself.

>> No.21458808


>> No.21458882

He's one of those right-wing thinkers who correctly diagnoses the ills of modern Western society, but his response to that is pure insanity/grifting, like all right-wingers these days. Sure, society is going down the drain but the answer is not to turn into the fucking amish or buy his book about it.

>> No.21459031
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Read a few of his articles again based on this thread. He brings up gays/trannies in virtually all of them, no matter how tangentially.

And how does he rationalise support for the secular authoritarian Hungarian government (which is backed by the Chinese) with his "reject the evil modern world" thesis?

>> No.21459048


>> No.21459060
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>is Twitter Man work making a thread about on /lit/

>> No.21460853

Only people to use Weimar to describe the current world are literal nazis

>> No.21461570

Conswrvatives and leftists/liberals sre both anti-Christian, just in diffetent ways. Conservatives are against helping your neighbor in need and for usury and other economic sins and leftists/liberals love sexual degeneracy. They also hate peace (as they are fine with bombing random brown children they can't see across the world) and only use Christianity as a political/social signalling tool, if that. Frankly, I don't see how any party left or right represents true Christian values at all.

>> No.21461631

>circumcision in unironically normal in Burgerland

No wonder you people don't consider trannies fucked up. All of you are basically already halfway there

>> No.21462194


>> No.21462596
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his cousin fran is moar interesting

>> No.21462614

Consistent Christianity at the state level = state socialism but with a ban on abortion and pornography, with certain sex acts frowned upon.

>> No.21462737

I'd say something between the community oriented capitalism the Nords have or the Progressive Era regulated capitalism in the early 1900s with addendums to promote community oriented ventures/businesses by preventing big business from taking too mich root in small communities across the country, but the rest is spot on.

>> No.21462760

So in other words the disastrous system that got us fascism/communism in the first place

>> No.21463170

Dreher is ultimately just another pseudo-conservative gatekeeper. He acts as a pressure valve to point out the most egregious problems with progressivism but he'll turn and attack those on his right far more viciously than the actual progressives he supposedly disdains. He's only slightly removed from David French style cuckservatism.

>> No.21463992

kek I like how the denomination changes continually move eastwards

>> No.21464111


>> No.21464162

Also noticed it among E Michael Jones types. For some vernacular mass wasn’t the real problem with Vatican II.

>> No.21465075
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Is this the type of man you want to take advice from? Physiognomy never lies.

>> No.21465117

>Rod Dreher
Never heard of him