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21450017 No.21450017 [Reply] [Original]

>be me yesterday
>went to supermarket in evening I rarely go to; it has other shops within it and the pre-2010s no longer economically viable mini shopping mall aesthetic is comfy
>buy and binge on ice cream, chocolate, crisps
>played vidya in evening; a long RPG that's a sequel to a game I finished in summer 2020
>was too tired to go to gym and it was only a cardio day
>browsed internet in bed until 3.30 am this morning
>watched podcasts on YouTube; all famous people had easy lives compared to me
>listened to Twitter space hosted by anime avatar racists
>watched videos from an Urbit conference in Miami and I felt so subhuman compared to people with software skills (and the sun was shining behind them)
>slept until 8 am, did chores until 9 am
>was fucking tired and realised I'd be too weak to lift heavy weights today
>watched videos in bed of people walking through Tokyo suburbs and then a shopping centre; felt sad at not living there
>slept and woke up at 3.30 pm
>binged on chocolate and Subway
>listened to Twitter space
>played vidya
>now doing chores
>will lift weights at gym later tonight

Hopefully I'll go outside tomorrow.

I am dreading going back to work. How can time go by so quickly during holidays? How the FUCK am I going to get used to 5 days of work and only 2 of rest for months at a time before my next holiday?

Winter is officially Not Kino. I wish I lived in Miami or California.

I am saving money but not enough to really feel comfortable. I need to take some time off to go travelling or something. But going on holiday alone would feel so pathetic.

>> No.21450027

Take the NEETpill
I just did and feels great man

>> No.21451567

How do you like London this time of year? I’ve been spending some winter days at the British Library and it’s peak comfy. Then you go outside to grab a snack and it’s loud and full of concrete and people and it’s not so comfy anymore.

>> No.21451588
File: 55 KB, 850x400, quote-when-a-man-is-tired-of-london-he-is-tired-of-life-for-there-is-in-london-all-that-life-samuel-johnson-14-86-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21451627

How do you get money?

>> No.21451650

Shut the fuck up scum, no one cares about you.

>> No.21451730

Fuck off. I like hearing about other anons.

Based. I do a lot of window shopping / city exploring during the holidays, it's really comfy. I'm going downtown tomorrow to walk around and people watch, buy some sweets and use the gym.

>> No.21451867

>1700s vernacular heckin barcade copypasta

>> No.21451957

My thoughts exactly

>> No.21452737

My savings

>> No.21452758

londonanon is pure kino

>> No.21452804

>be this faggot
>post about being a fat fuck, useless sack of shit
>troglodytes eat it up
>Verification not required.

>> No.21453418

At least you're comfy and alone. I'm stuck with my gf and can't play no vidya, read no books and shitpost no more (right now I'm enjoying my sanctuary, those previous moments when she takes a shower). Instead we make "fun" womoid plans like watching romantic comedies, sex (yuck) and comforting her after she starts crying because she thinks I don't love her (God knows).

>> No.21453421

>watched videos from an Urbit conference in Miami and I felt so subhuman compared to people with software skills

>> No.21453436

Insist that you pick every other movie - frame it as if you need to be able to express your personality and taste with her, that you find it important for intimacy, that you desperately want to show her what art matters the most to you, that you have never shown anyone, because she is special, the one, your soulmate, and then make sure you choose Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World every single time and you end up watching it 2-4 times a week.

>> No.21453446

It is extremely important that you give prolonged lectures on the realism of the ropework and rigging of the ship, and chortle uncontrollably EVERY time you hear the lesser of two weevils joke.

>> No.21453560

I may go the the British Library for research. You got me feeling good at "peak comfy" and ruined it by "concrete and people".

>> No.21453583

Overrated unless you qualifiy for gibs.

>> No.21454690

How did you get that?

>> No.21454696

What the fuck is this thread

>> No.21454718

A kind of literature

>> No.21454905

Working for seven years, never having a gf, and living with my parents. I constantly bought anything and everything I wanted on a whim even if it was expensive- I still had enough money to give my parents 300 a month as "rent" constantly help them out with large purchases like appliances and whatnot, and in the end I have about 50k in savings. I don't need to work for next seven years

>> No.21455081


>> No.21455188

Londonfrog’s posts are so relatable, he perfectly captures the absurdist nightmare that is life as a typical antisocial male in the Social Age

>> No.21456232

How so?