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21448726 No.21448726 [Reply] [Original]

>"I learned that all moral judgments are 'value judgments,' that all value judgments are subjective, and that none can be proved to be either “right” or “wrong.” I even read somewhere that the Chief Justice of the United States had written that the American Constitution expressed nothing more than collective value judgments.
>Believe it or not, I figured out for myself—what apparently the Chief Justice couldn’t figure out for himself—that if the rationality of one value judgment was zero, multiplying it by millions would not make it one whit more rational. Nor is there any “reason” to obey the law for anyone, like myself, who has the boldness and daring “the strength of character” to throw off its shackles. . . .I discovered that to become truly free, truly unfettered, I had to become truly uninhibited.
>And I quickly discovered that the greatest obstacle to my freedom, the greatest block, and limitation to it, consists in the insupportable “value judgment” that I was bound to respect the rights of others. I asked myself, who were these “others”? Other human beings, with human rights? Why is it more wrong to kill a human animal than any other animal, a pig or a sheep or a steer? Is your life more to you than a hog’s life to a hog?
>Why should I be willing to sacrifice my pleasure more for the one than for the other? >Surely, you would not, in this age of scientific enlightenment, declare that God or nature has marked some pleasures as “moral” or “good” and others as “immoral” or “bad”?

>> No.21448747

he sounds like such a pseud, the same kind of rhetoric whoremongers use when they try to justify blowing their savings on fucking escorts, the guy was a psycho that liked to fuck corpses and was so fucking addicted to killing people that when he escaped custody, instead of fleeing to cuba of getting on a plane and leaving for south america he went retard mode and just burst into a sorority and started raping and killing anyone he saw

>> No.21448761

>It is, therefore, morally correct to murder people.
Moral relativists BTFO utterly, utterly BTFO. There's no coming back from this you sadistic pricks.

>> No.21448804
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>>It is, therefore, morally correct to murder people.

>> No.21448820

He's obviously being completely genuine when he describes the decision to murder as the end result of a long process of study and open-minded contemplation.

>> No.21448834

He wanted to kill. He had an incredible desire inside to kill. All rationality comes after. The reason you should follow the law is because it will punish you.

>> No.21448883

Morality is eugenics and murderously sadistic sexual pathology is intensely dysgenic. Maybe if his victims hadn't all been white he'd have a better case.

>> No.21448907

Bundy was so alienated he thought killing his peers was something normal. His rhetoric is correct, but it comes from the entirely debased state of existence called alienation.

>> No.21449088

I agree with all this and yet I have no plans or desires to kill anyone simply because it takes effort that I would rather put into things actually I feel like accomplishing. Lack of morals doesn't make you a killer, killing out of want does.

>> No.21449218

The fact is that he is the most honest, genuine, and rational moral relativist/nihilist. His beliefs should be the ones of any flavor of nihilist that hasn't been entirely overtaken by hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance. That said, nihilists are faggots.

>> No.21449514

>be Ted Bundy
>read some Shakespeare
>"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so"
>he's right
>time to do some heckin rapes

>> No.21449524

He accrued negative karma and will suffer for tens and thousands of kalpas.
The same applies to all other deluded icchantikas.
Repository consciousness is the store of the negative/positive seeds involved in rebirth. Bergson called it an inverted memory cone.

>> No.21449532

>he went retard mode and just burst into a sorority and started raping and killing anyone he saw
Didn't know that, but it shows he was truly based. An enlightened psychopath.

>> No.21449580

it's retarded non-reasoning. more evidence that serial killers are brain damaged, actually.

>> No.21449619

His base is sound, but then he goes and makes the laughable observation that his greatest obstacle to freedom is morality. Which... isn’t true, lol. His greatest captor is himself, the biological clock chipping away at his own existence. He’s a salt cog in a machine, spinning his way into dust and replacement.

He’s also full of shit because if he really believed this, he wouldn’t feel the need to present his reasoning, aka get people to understand, aka present a moral.

>> No.21449654
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Sorry nigger, I do things because they are evil - with no expectation of reward.

>> No.21449662

And it will eventually be revealed that Bundy did nothing wrong.

>> No.21449883

Cool it with the value judgments.

>> No.21450087

You have moral syphilis of the highest degree

>> No.21450099

>I want a chad version of Mitchell Heisman
>say no more

>> No.21450358

You're not wrong, midwits are unable to grasp moral realism and all morals might as well be value judgements for them. But you are a giant npc faggot if you think whoremongering is immoral.

>> No.21450438

He's obviously being completely genuine when he describes the decision to murder as the end result of a long process of study and open-minded contemplation.

>> No.21450621

>the same kind of rhetoric whoremongers use when they try to justify blowing their savings on fucking escorts,
Blowing your savings on whores is incredibly moral. You're stimulating the economy, and providing charity for poor whores.
It's an act of extreme selflessness to dick whores.
>the guy was a psycho that liked to fuck corpses
Corpses have no morality. So neither here nor there. Moreover from a Utilitarian standpoint the corpse is a non-entity that can't experience pleasure of pain, whereas the dicker of corpses is experiencing pleasure. As long as the family doesn't find out, it can be incredibly moral.

>> No.21450624


he was essentially saying he doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks and he's not even going to hell because there is no hell.

he would not have cared about being a psycopath either

>> No.21450801

Ted Bundy is known to do a little chicanery now and then

>> No.21450891

>2 This transcript was composed on the same principle as the speeches in Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War, attributing to each speaker the words that fit his character and the circumstances in which he spoke.

I call bullshit on this quote


>> No.21450899

>you have to be a psycho killer to actually believe in moral relativism

>> No.21450904

>his rhetoric is correct
Atheism lol