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/lit/ - Literature

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21448377 No.21448377 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else prefer just to collect books instead of reading them? I like having a full, comfy bookshelf in my apartment

>> No.21448394

This thread makes me really mad, this is why I am posting in it right now.

I am sure that OP is genuine, and not just trying to get people mad with an obvious bait, which is why I'm getting so worked up, I'm sure OP has a life and isn't simply making slide threads on the slowest board of the website.

>> No.21448396

Something similar happens to me. I download a lot of porn films i know i'm never going to watch agaib just because an actress looked pretty for 0.25 seconds while getting fucked in the ass

>> No.21448403

Sometimes I buy books if they have a pretty spine. My shelves are colour coded and it looks pretty cool. Sadly though I think I've read maybe four books last year, and they were mostly Victorian romance's, so yeah need to read more and read broader.

>> No.21448443
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>lip pull
>duck lips
>eyes wide
>tounge out wink
>onions face
Off topic but zoomer girls cycle through a small set of retarded facial expressions for photos and it’s fucking annoying.

>> No.21448466

>slowest board
I'm sure /out/ is slower, but otherwise you right

>> No.21448514

Threads here get archived whithin a few days while consciousness threads on /sci/ last a month.

>> No.21448593

Why is /lit/ as active as it it actually? I know some people irl that browse this site, but not /lit/ - generally, im the only person I know who reads, and of the few friends who do read, it isnt often. So where are all the posters coming from, if reading is as scarce as the statistics and anecdotes say? Broadly speaking, I do genuinely believe about half the active posters around here dont read much, but the other half certainly read voraciously, with a considerable minority being evidently "well-read," on the area of their choosing.

>> No.21448636

/pol/tards like to come here and derail threads with autistic diatribes about skull diameter and Nazis

>> No.21448649

I'm thinking it's mostly /tv/ types honestly. Polacks are unstable, but tv posters are straight up deranged.

>> No.21448657

You truly become a collector when it takes police 10 days to locate your decomposing body inside the labyrinth of book stacks.

>> No.21448740

It's an easily accessible, high-traffic, internet forum with little to no rules. Also, there's a lot of college-aged kids (this sites primary demographic) that get exposed to literature (good and bad/fiction and non-fiction) throughout their college experience regardless of discipline (through majors, electives, etc.). I think a lot of the posts on /lit/ are attempting to mediate literary interpretations that may be taboo; an attempt to pick other people's brains without exposing oneself to non-anonymous ridicule; or simply to make a funny/troll post to make what they're learning in class more enjoyable/relevant. Posters probably do "read"; but it is not books in their entirety, just excerpts assigned in their syllabi and discussed in lecture or tutorials. I agree with your comments about the voracious and minority readers.

>> No.21448887

Tsundoku. I don't know what's going on in this thread but you are part of a movement. Tsundoku.

>> No.21448905

>if reading is as scarce as the statistics and anecdotes say
Reading is the most, simple, accessible basic hobby. And even it it is niche, then it would make sense for readers to congregate together on the reading forum of a large website like this

>> No.21448956

Youre not wrong. When I think readers, though, I think middle aged women. Yet /lit/, which i agree with the other guy is mostly populated by college aged men, is always popping. Iirc, 4chan gets about 200k unique visitors per day, im curious how many of those are on lit.

>> No.21449911

Bait thread

>> No.21449963

I used to, when I had the money.

Now the bookcases are falling apart, and the nonfiction is mostly outdated.

>> No.21449990

not on purpose, but yeah i end up doing this just because i'm a very slow and incosistent reader. i end up buying like 10 books per year and only finishing two of them

>> No.21450011

>Reading is the most, simple, accessible basic hobby
no, it's overshadowed by tv/movies on that front because those can be purely passive while reading is a more active process (mentally at least)