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/lit/ - Literature

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21448376 No.21448376 [Reply] [Original]

I got some money for Christmas and I want to spend it on well-made books that won't crumble to dust in a couple of decades.
There are several publishers I know of that make (or made) good-looking, well-built books: Folio Society, Heron Books, Easton Press, and Franklin Library. The last two are difficult for me to find because I live in Europe so they're mostly off the table. I own a couple of Folios and I know their quality has dropped markedly over the last two decades so I am now thinking about buying something from Heron Books.
is the "Greatest Masterpieces of Russian Literature" series by Heron Books but I'm having trouble finding information about translations, specifically Dostoevsky (C&P), Gogol (Dead Souls), Turgenev (Fathers and Sons), and Pushkin. Anyone of you anons have these editions? Are they as well-made as they look? Are they worth the price?
>What are publishers or sites where I can find high quality editions of classics (with good translations where applicable)?
>Are Russian lit Heron Books worth it?

>> No.21448405
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>> No.21448437

There are 80 people on /lit/, and of those that read, do you really think even one of the three has any information on good books?

>> No.21448475

I hope so?

>> No.21448483

There's Suntup Press, but I don't care much for its selection of books.

>> No.21448876


>> No.21448965

Buy some used books printed before the 1950s. Most books printed in the 1920-1930s are of high quality.

>> No.21448972

I begin to encounter problems with certain translations if I go that far back, that's why Heron Books seems like a good middle ground where it's not P&V or Constance Garnett but in reality I have no idea what translation they actually use

>> No.21449016
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these are horrible editions unironically, i own a few. Absurd printing errors and the binding is very low quality. They look nice on a shelf but are basically made of plastic, a couple of them have had the spines come clean off. The illustrations are probably the only redeeming quality.

>> No.21449076

wow, you just saved me from buying 4 of these, thanks

>> No.21449205

Is that elephant hide?

>> No.21449249


>> No.21449254

Everyman's Library. Widely available, just as high quality as Folio Society, acid-free paper and binding that will outlast you and your grandchildren. Cheaper than the others and streamlined in aesthetic outlook - without the dust jacket, they look absolutely sexy on your shelf.
They use P&V for Dostoevsky and Maude for Tolstoy, which are excellent. Don't recall what they use for Gogol, but their track record is good, and it's usually fine as long as it isn't Garnett.

>> No.21449410

>P&V for Dostoevsky is excellent
I don't get it, how is it excellent? I've compared paragraphs translated by them and someone like McDuff and they make some damn odd choices
do they have some magical quality that makes them read better when it's the entire text and not just paragraphs or what?

>> No.21449512


>> No.21449546
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related to this, any good editions of classic texts in latin or ancient greek where you get the original on one side and the english translation on the other side? i know you can find the Loeb editions scanned online[1], but as far as i know it's not printed anymore and to find it second-hand it's very difficult, like the complete Plutarch Parallel Lives for example

[1] https://ryanfb.xyz/loebolus/

>> No.21449562

>[1] https://ryanfb.xyz/loebolus/
great link, thanks. didnt know such a library existed

>> No.21450287

Awful. Thanks, anon.

>> No.21450294

Wait, what?! They aren't printing physical Loeb volumes anymore??

>> No.21450295
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Maybe it's because I read Russian novels as one who enjoys victorian sensibilities, but I absolutely prefer Constance Garnett as a translator. People complain about prudishness, but that's hardly a significant detail--she best captures the Victorian language, meaning, and mores.

The everyman's are great, but you can get great English books from Macmillan, Longmans, heritage, limited editions, and small presses like nonesuch,black dial, Hogarth, etc. I have lots of moxons which are basically rebranded books from an elite publisher (s&s). I also like Konemann classics. Very well bound, cheap, good selection, etc.

>> No.21450860

I'll be checking them out first thing in the morning, thanks
At a glance I like the Konemanns but I can't find info on the translations for something like Fathers and Sons. Have any idea?

>> No.21451184

OP go to a real second hand bookstore - the kind with tottering piles of books blocking your way and dust everywhere. You'll likely find lovely editions of books you want at a fraction of the price of some chinese sweatshop "fancy" books.

>> No.21451537
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Constance Garnett does the konemann translation of father's and sons, which I also own be as a limited editions club book. I think it's a fine edition.

>> No.21452732


>> No.21453335

There are 80 people on /lit/, and of those that read, do you really think even one of the three has any information on good books?

>> No.21453351

i don't know, if i try to find Loeb's Plutarch Parallel Lives, i find some of the volumes, but others are disappeared from the internet, maybe there are in some physical stores or universities?

>> No.21453353

>OP go to a real second hand bookstore
>find volumes 2 and 3, but not volume 1
every. single. time.

>> No.21453359

Last time I bought Loebs they were off of ebay, so check there. One of the Cicero volumes even still has the uni library tags on it

>> No.21453389

No Loeb's...scary stuff.

>> No.21453554
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the west has fallen

>> No.21453749

not in the UK/US so it's out of the question for the books I'm after

>> No.21453768

sexy library you got there

>> No.21453969
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Éditions Famot are gorgeous. I have the complète works of Moliere and Montaigne, it looks amazing

>> No.21454098

That's what abebooks is for - you still save money on volumes 2 and 3.

>> No.21454133

>Moliere and Montaigne
are they any good? i know they were really big here in Spain before the anglos took over everything, but for some reason they pretty much disappeared lately from the spotlight, unlike Ballsack, Flaubert, Stendhal, and the french enlightenment boyos who are still big, i guess maybe because they are pre-enlightenment? not sure

>> No.21454998


>> No.21455049

The only problem I have with editions like these is in my experience they can lose the gold embellishing very easily. Is it different for Famot?

>> No.21455164

Well, Molière is a playwrighter. So for anyone that doesn't read french, it may be still really funny to watch, but you won't get his genius by reading it. He is somewhat the guy that made comedians being appreciated by the elites and not just plebeian stuff.
About Montaigne, haven't read a line yet, I couldn't tell you

I have had those books for maybe 3 years now, there's no problem with it.

>> No.21455181

Have you handled them much? My Easton Press, Brave New World and Harcourt,The Hobbit lost the gilding so easily with gentle use. I would love to get some Famot editions if they're more enduring.

>> No.21455210

They're fucking enormous, I can't bring them outside or even hold them. I read them wide open on a table, and they don't get anything

>> No.21455345

If you don't want to pay an arm and a leg, library bookstores often have quality old books for a few bucks. It is a crapshoot but it can pay off. I recently picked up a near-mint illustrated book from the 30s for $3 which turned out to be worth like $750.

>> No.21455492

based, you don't get many of those in the Ebay world anymore

>> No.21455823

My experience: read all of Dosto in both Garnett and PV.

It doesn't matter.

>> No.21455861

Bigger than the average shelf height?

>> No.21456379

>Buy some used books printed before the 1950s. Most books printed in the 1920-1930s are of high quality.
The paper used for first editions of Hemingway is a bit wanting in quality.

>> No.21456422

>Everyman's Library. Widely available, just as high quality as Folio Society, acid-free paper and binding that will outlast you and your grandchildren. Cheaper than the others and streamlined in aesthetic outlook - without the dust jacket, they look absolutely sexy on your shelf.
They use P&V for Dostoevsky and Maude for Tolstoy, which are excellent. Don't recall what they use for Gogol, but their track record is good, and it's usually fine as long as it isn't Garnett.
I like Everyman’s, but the paper is usually thinner than Folio editions, and the binding boards are thinner as well.
The cloth on Everyman’s editions is also thinner.
Admittedly, I prefer reading Everyman’t editions due to the weight reduction over the Folio editions, which I find a bit heavy, for holding over my face while I read in bed.
Library of America is similar to Everyman’s, but the paper is thinner, and whiter, and smoother.
The spines are also flat, unlike the Everyman’s spines which are curved.
LOA also sometimes over glues the sewn spine in the binding which is a bit annoying, but I presume unless you get a different printing of any LOA volume, that this overly thick glue would be consistent from book to book.
LOA ribbon page markers are made with better ribbon.
The Everyman’s ribbons tend to unravel.

>> No.21456456

>i don't know, if i try to find Loeb's Plutarch Parallel Lives, i find some of the volumes, but others are disappeared from the internet, maybe there are in some physical stores or universities?
Loeb sometimes publishes new translations when an older translation is no longer considered “accurate” enough.
Maybe Harvard Press also has a printing backlog.
If you have a decent local bookstore for new books, preferably a bookstores that has been around several decades, check with them.
There have been books I was able to get thru an actual bookstore that were not available on Amazon for various reasons.
Book distribution is sometimes weird.

>> No.21456499

I noticed that as well about the Eveyrman's ribbons. I'm thinking of sewing something at the ends to 'cap' them off.
>They use P&V for Dostoevsky and Maude for Tolstoy, which are excellent.
I know Maude is, but ever since I saw them translate the opening sentence of Notes from the Underground as "I'm a wicked man" instead of "I'm a sick man" I've been wary of getting anything with their translations. Are Idiot and C&P good enough to get?

>> No.21456621

Wish I knew that era. The quality of these illustrations and that they have only yellowed barely at all since 1937 when it was printed floored me. I had no intention of making a buck on it and won't sell it, but this is just the kind of kino you find in the library bookstore of some rich suburban retirement town. Someone put this on their shelf in the 30s and seemingly didn't touch it again until 2022.

>> No.21457930

It's fucking easy to find physical volumes at any used bookstore for $5-$10 each

>> No.21458783
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I found these saved on my other pc and they kind of defeat the purpose of my thread but here you go

>> No.21458784
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>> No.21458785
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>> No.21459732


>> No.21460501

Nice. Thanks.