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/lit/ - Literature

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21447582 No.21447582 [Reply] [Original]

I have read dozens of the classics and still don't enjoy reading. I don't know what the fuck I am doing wrong bros. I've read Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Homer, Gilgamesh. I just do not like reading it seems. I don't understand.

>> No.21447585

read david gemmell, thank me after youve read his entire works

it's easy enough to find online

>> No.21447587

>reads Aristotle
>expects reading to be enjoyable
lmao lol

>> No.21447591

Have you tried reading something for fun? Reading classics is good, but you're not going to get much out of them if you're just forcing yourself to read them. Take a break and try reading something that's a fun adventure, like Legend of the Condor Heroes. You need to build yourself up to the point that you're actually enjoying classic lit and more serious novels

>> No.21447597

>fanstasy fiction
oh boy man I really do not see the appeal of this guy

>> No.21447600

But that's the thing, there really isn't a book that I want to read for fun

>> No.21447784

Pick a book that sounds appealing to you and read it, you can't be that soulless that nothing sounds interesting to you
Did you read as a child or teenager? Did your parents read to you?
Reading Plato, Aristotle and Descartes is a waste of time btw

>> No.21447799

Read some bestseller shit or just some YA. Classics might be interesting, but they're not fun.

>> No.21447844

>Classics might be interesting, but they're not fun
Tristram Shandy is pretty fun, though

>> No.21447868

What do you consider fun in other mediums?

>> No.21447944

>i read all the meme books and I didn't like them??? why don't I like reading???
I hate people like you so much

>> No.21447998

Have you tried reading something fun instead? Try some action schlock. My go-tos are Matthew Reilly Scarecrow trilogy and Dan Abnett Gaunt's Ghosts.

>> No.21448009

I laughed until I cried at the episode in Don Quijote where he is fighting a cat he thinks is a dragon, and ends up forcefully hurling it out the window.
But apart from that I mostly agree, though I'm not so sure how sharply I would distinguish fun from interesting.

>> No.21448054

So why'd you read them in the first place?
Think on that and you'll hopefully realise your error, I'm gonna guess that it was just to say you had.
Pick something that was adapted into a movie you like and read that.

>> No.21448277

>Plato, Aristotle, Descartes
Choose one. Next time try reading something which isn't philosophy. Philosophy isn't literature by the way.

>> No.21448357
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Yeah there is nothing enjoyable about reading those authors. You could get more new perspectives and learn more by reading a single book from a recent engaging writer than by reading all those classics altogether.

I would recommend The Civil War and the American System by Allen Salisbury or Dope, Inc. by Konstandinos Kalimtgis

>> No.21448363

>Don Quijote
I just read this. I finished it in a day. My mom got it me for Christmas off of ebay. Did I get a bootleg copy or something? It was short and this cat story wasn't in it. What translation should I pick up?

>> No.21448597

start with fiction, dumb frog

>> No.21448612

Nothing. You should read books that somewhat relate to modern (as in past the middle ages) life.

There are some exceptions like Sun Tzu though.

>> No.21448621

A lot of fiction like Game of Thrones is jooish.

With books like the Dune series you have to read between the lines a lot. Basically the balance of power theory is the important part.

>> No.21448622
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Read Fantomas.

>> No.21448625

Reading for enjoyment is a meme. You read to learn things and appear smart. We don’t live for pleasure and pain, we live for the goal of one day improving our standing in the world and having more power. I still enjoy analyzing texts tho.

>> No.21448706

read a different book

>> No.21448724

nigga, NOBODY actually enjoys reading aristotle, he's well known for horrible writing

>> No.21449400

I only read to sound more convincing and gain social status through appealing to what my interlocutor wants to hear.

>> No.21449450

Read fun English language classics like Robinson Crusoe, Julius Caesar, Gulliver's Travels.

>> No.21449457

The classics are almost completely garbage status symbols fed to undergrads which is why lit likes them

>> No.21449460

>2500 year old irrelevant trash

And you wonder why you don't enjoy reading

>> No.21449570
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>he fell for the "you have to read the entire western canon from the beginning" meme
Stop listening to this website and read what you want to read.
If you want to read something because you think you have to read it to be informed or educated, try to read it, and then, if you're not getting anything out of it, read a summary of it or the sparknotes or wikipedia page or whatever so you at least have some knowledge of what the author was trying to convey.