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/lit/ - Literature

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21446918 No.21446918 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Baby Gmork edition

Previous thread >>21440709

>> No.21446924
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It's as important as you make it

>> No.21446927

Talk Talk. Classic

>> No.21446933


>> No.21446934

started with an intense obsession with changing my body into that of something else, as a kid it was animals

puberty it changed into wanting my body to be that of a woman

I'm guessing its due to a few things
>lack of reciprocation in affection from women
>not feeling like a man in the typically aggressive/competitive fashion
>hate of my body and how it looks

I also think I'm bordeline autistic and my brain has seen how girls get attention for acting and looking the way they are and its decided it wants that

>> No.21446939

Headphones time

>> No.21446943

My Sennheiser HD 280 Pros have recently broken, but I shall listen to this on my laptop speakers. I hope that is appropriate

>> No.21446949

>started with an intense obsession with changing my body into that of something else, as a kid it was animals
Very interesting.
Two questions:
>1. Do you think the desire [to be an animal, etc] was abnormally strong or specific, or a typical fantasy like wanting to be an astronaut?
>2. How was your home life?

>> No.21446955

>>1. Do you think the desire [to be an animal, etc] was abnormally strong or specific, or a typical fantasy like wanting to be an astronaut?
It was strong, beyond the typical fantasy. I never told anyone about it and just gravitated towards media that contained it and consumed it like no other.
>>2. How was your home life?
Nothing says to me it was anything but a decent loving household.

>> No.21446959

Can you shut the fuck up retard man?

>> No.21446977

I'm sure that we can both agree that your feelings of inadequacy may have contributed to AGP, but of course the early childhood interest in bodily change is an odd one. I'll admit that in the AGP and AAPs that I've spoken with, early childhood furry tendencies are over represented.
Is there anything in your childhood that you remember that may have been different from the norm? Were you socially well?

>> No.21447015
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Obviously you haven't read the book, he led a very interesting life.

>> No.21447019

>Crowley aka Spengler

>> No.21447071
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This last Christmas, I found out my older brother now paints his nails.

>> No.21447095


>> No.21447168
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i'm a gay alcoholic bulimic NEET who lives with his parents

>> No.21447208

Nah bro, he's just a rich bitch, druggie, kid fucker. Fuck him.

>> No.21447214
File: 108 KB, 907x879, Thomas-Hobbes-Quotes-38-When-All-The-World-Is-Overcharged-Wit...-Quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am The Warmonger!
Life is war! (ook ook!) That's what it's for! (ook ook!)
I am The Warmonger!
Might is right! (ook ook!) We gonna fight! (ook ook!)
I am The Warmonger!
Gimmie more! (ook ook!) Until blood pours! (ook ook!)
I am The Warmonger!
Day and night! (ook ook!) Inside our mind! (ook ook!)

>> No.21447228

Ever so reticent, ever so coy. Harder to read than a Chinese refrigerator manual. You say you're interested, yet it takes you days reply and blow me off whenever I suggest seeing eachother. What is it that you want ? A mere set of warm holes to use and discard? Or do you want something real ? If it's the former, how hard is it to just say that ? Do I just take a hint and awkwardly stop messaging you ? Let you be some kind of ghost of unrealized romance's past ? I wish you weren't my literal dream man cause your undecipherable demeanor sucks

>> No.21447237

Tranny sexual fantasy fiction is probably peak cringe.

>> No.21447248

I don't read trans fantasy fiction. I read Moravia and seethe

>> No.21447258

I just took a massive shit

>> No.21447262
File: 37 KB, 475x300, morrowinddev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only men create good things

Male pandering to women and constant gaslighting over how it's not women's fault they suck at everything has ruined most things

>> No.21447266

Even a retarded sperg like Todd could create good shit, but once bethesda got infiltrated by women it was over.

>> No.21447353

>Male pandering to women and constant gaslighting over how it's not women's fault they suck at everything has ruined most things

Nah, that's just millennial women. Just like millennial men, they can't create, only imitate. Millennials of either gender have ruined most things. There's a reason anyone worth a damn in any role is over 40.

>> No.21447356

This is the aforementioned gaslighting, this one's called the golden mean fallacy
>Nooo it can't be women, it could never be women specifically
This is why women fail, because even when they're criticized in the most meaningless way people leap to their defense

>> No.21447371

Two guys in my social group both have severe mommy issues, but their issues manifested in totally different ways when they fuck.
The first guy likes to degrade the women he fucks, he pisses on them, fucks them in the ass, chokes them, etc. Some of my friends have slept with him and all of them say he is without a doubt the worst lover they have ever had, but he's fairly rich so some girls tolerate it in exchange for things like tickets to concerts or sports games.
The other guy likes to be pampered by the women he fucks, especially if they're older than him. He's also rather submissive and usually lets his partner take control. I have slept with him and I thought he was quite cute, he liked to suck on my breast and cuddle.
The first guy was neglected by his mother. The second guy had his mother die in a traumatic manner when he was 10.
I think their relationships with their mothers explains a lot about them, but is this an actual phenomenon or merely coincidence?

>> No.21447392


You're trying way too hard, man. For someone who's so ardent about this, you argue a lot like women do. Gaslighting? Pffft. You're a fucking man, kid. Stop using that not like the other girls type shit.

>> No.21447405

Shut up faggot. Women are terrible at most things and defending them by equivocating is retarded.

>> No.21447417

Do you think family can good you back? Do you think it’s right to cut out family?

>> No.21447449

>he's fairly rich so some girls tolerate it in exchange for things like tickets to concerts or sports games.
women morality

>> No.21447489

I'm so glad I had very few sexual experiences before meeting my fiance, geez.

>> No.21447497

Cringe is close to empathy, my friend. Figure out the rest. :)

>> No.21447526

Ahh. A babbling brook. Rambling on and on towards a horizon obscured by bramble and banality. I stopped to ponder its intentions, yet I became fixated upon my own. For a fleeting moment, I wondered what I was doing here in the first place, but that thought flowed from mind, much in the same way that a leaf floatee atop the surface of this watery continuum we called the babbling brook. I wondered, when does the brook stop babbling? For what purpose did it begin? Again, I pondered its intentions. As I furrowed my brow and scratched my chin, I was curious as to when a real discussion might occur. Just as the floating leaf was about to escape my sight and I decided to replicate its adjournment, the brook ceased to babble, for I realized that the brook and I had been babbling together, conjoined in an aimless march towards the edge of wherever.

>> No.21447538

>You're a fucking man, kid.
This is funnier than it should be

>> No.21447545

I thought you were going to post this banger:

>> No.21447550

So...you're a Tranimorph?

>> No.21447553

Not gonna lie I thought you were gonna talk about lycanthropy or something for a second

>> No.21447657

I can't get out of this slump.
Wasting my time playing mindless videogames and browsing this place to distract myself from my life.
Just graduated humanities degree, no job lined up, no friends, and no plan for my life.
Currently living with my parents and we are about to go on vacation.
I'm detached from my own life.
The issue has always been this feeling of detachment and lack of interest. Everything ends the same, so so what....
Growing up I was a very religious child but still isolated, and I would escape into reading.
As I grew older from about 18-22 I lost my faith, and that was a difficult period for me, that sense of total disconnect to my past self. I was a very religious Catholic, it was the mental schema through which I interpreted everything, and then suddenly it was just gone.
I've no intention to return, I simply don't believe it or any religion is true, but I've never quite been able to fill the void with anything.
Every aspect of my life is a mess.
I've become a friendless misanthrope, bitter and hopelessly disconnected from everyone and myself.
In high school I was never able to form relationships. All the people from my middle school I observed forming their own little social groups, and I just for some inexplicable reason remained adrift. Classmates from middle school would try and reach out to me, but I always stayed away. I was a nerdy sheltered kid, and there was always this awareness that even when the others were reaching out to me, that they were slightly mocking me, like I was just a funny site to them. Like it was never entirely genuine. I was always a clown. In high school, I'd tag along with my brother and his friends, and enjoy purposely being obtuse for the negative attention.
Now I'm 22. No social life, never had a relationship, and all to show for myself a string of shitjobs and some savings. Hard to say what I even get up for anymore. Just to go through the motions of daily life eat, play video games, go to sleep.
At least when I was religious, I was still a loser but I could take refuge in my own delusions, in religious symbolism. Now there's nothing for me.
Life is not enough for me, I want more than what is because the world feels so mediocre and disappointing.
The banal desires that motivate leave me dissatisfied. We want comfort or for others to like us or the opposite to be unique & distinguished from the mass. So what, . Why bother.
Every avenue is just a waste. Go into a trade & save up your money so you can finally afford some shithole shed on the outskirts of a city.
And then what? Follow the same route destination that everyone does, find someone inseminate and spit out little parasites to begin the cycle all over again.
Real life isn't real, it's just a game that ends in the same set different combinations of options you are socially allotted.

>> No.21447677

>>lack of reciprocation in affection from women
>>not feeling like a man in the typically aggressive/competitive fashion
>>hate of my body and how it looks
So basically trannies are just incels: can't get women, self-loathing, and a failure to measure up to other guys. Basically the mentality that if you can't beat them, might as well join them.
"As a typical male nerd they struggle to get attention, but maybe if they are this cool other new category, you can more easily get attention

>> No.21447689

Bought a $250 Bible. I feel kind of bad about it but at the same time I think if I'm going to spend that much on any book it should be this one.

>> No.21447711
File: 335 KB, 3264x2448, 20221225_124127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've just stolen it. You can always just do the sin and confess afterwards.
This one simple trick allows Christians to do anything they want. Go steal that Bible, and while you're at it consider touching your penis
He'll forgive you for it all so might as well go hog wild

>> No.21447719

I bought it online not from a physical store. Also the trick you are referring to is not something legitimate. You need to actually repent of your sins for to be forgiven for them. Approaching the matter in the way you describe hardens the heart against repentance.

>> No.21447746

my frustration with normies keeps growing... might kill people haha

>> No.21447766

>Also the trick you are referring to is not something legitimate.
God just told me you are wrong and that I am right

>> No.21447808
File: 19 KB, 175x193, 1666849020465070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am at work on an enormous story and it fills my life with joy. The writing of it is a total labor of love, and I cherish every moment I spend working on it, thinking about it, plotting it out.

I might even get it published. Who knows? I have recently gotten the attention of a small press that asked me to submit a proposal after my initial query.

Working on this story fills my life with purpose and my days with joy. It is the work of my life, and I'm having a blast doing it.

If only I didn't have to worry about making a living. Money does tend to be a problem.

>> No.21447813

Life is meaningless beyond living.
Existence is worthless before existing.
To be is meaningful after becoming.

>> No.21447823

I live with my grandparents.

>> No.21447827

WOAH I just lost my faith from this one post

>> No.21447848

Not true. You still get judged and given your due even if you're saved.

>> No.21447861

Dreamed I was David Berman's poetry writing trainer/manager. Like how boxers have a guy in the corner yelling at them and waving a towel around, I was hovering around his desk being loudly encouraging. What did I mean by this?

>> No.21447863
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Why does /pol/ write better than /lit/? No seething holes please.

>> No.21448050

I've never seen a pre-Daniel Craig James Bond film?
Which one should I watch first now?

>> No.21448065

Great work mate. Good luck with it!! What's it about?

>> No.21448087

Was David here talking about communists retroactively?

Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men.
Protect me from men of violence,
who devise evil in their hearts
and stir up war all day long.
They sharpen their tongues like snakes;
the venom of vipers is on their lips.

>> No.21448094

nice pic. the light blur created by your poor quality camera produces a mystical nostalgic feeling. It reminds me of the feeling I got while watching the last episode of True Detective season 1.

>> No.21448107

>netflix consooomer appreciating a phone pic for its "mystical" feeling
Peak 21st century

>> No.21448108

i pirate all of my movies, books, and programs. other than that, you are correct

>> No.21448157

breathed in some harissa sauce just then.

>> No.21448179

Yes, Reading classic literature does make me smarter than you.
You bend the knee to people that read the classics. Don't ever forget that, you fantasy reading fucking dweebs.

>> No.21448184


>> No.21448208


>> No.21448210

i hate drinking but i also hate not drinking

>> No.21448215

All photography is mystical because it resides in the field of ambiguity on which you have to believe that what you see is a truth, that can be true or not.

>> No.21448219


>> No.21448247
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Depression with severe anhedonia is a fucking nightmare. I’ve been stuck like this for over a year. Completely ghosted family and friends. Every minute awake is pure torture. And i’m just wondering how much longer will I be able to endure this?

>> No.21448287

how do i cope with being gay and christian
i crave the company of other men and i'm not capable of romantic relations with women

>> No.21448289
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>be home
>feel lazy and unproductive
>would literally sit and watch hours of useless youtube videos on hours
>play vidya here and there
>go out
>suddenly feel like I can get a grip of my life
>want to be more productive and have plans I want to implement in my life to make my life better

Why am I like this? Its like being home is a curse.

>> No.21448294

unironically touch grass. if a 3-hour trip to the nearest forest, lake, or park makes you feel good, then your depression is likely caused by nihilism, lack of meaning, and lack of purpose. So work on solving though by reading philosophy, working out, eating well, and ideally moving to a rural area.

>> No.21448311

you should structure your life around going outside. Routines can help with that. Personally, I try to wake up early, have a shower, shave, apply my facial creme, make some coffee, and then go out to by my daily bread. The 10 minute trip to the bakery is incredibly refreshing. Going outside for just 10 minutes allows me to return home ready to do some studying or work.
I think the cause of this is a profound lack of nature. Our lives, our bodies, and our minds are literally thirsting for nature, to the point where they become dormant and lazy. We are so thirsty for oxygen and nature that a few moments outside is enough to make us feel alive again. There's nothing weird about this. It's the result of modern urban life. Ideally, you'd want to ditch the city and move to a small town where you can grow your own vegetables, go fishing or swimming, go camping in the forest, etc.

>> No.21448340
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x2032, japanese_madonna_of_tender_mercy_by_theophilia_dc0jn8e-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try your best to be celibate and use any resource in your church (whether it be a pastor/priest, a good friend that won't narc on you, a relative, etc.) as a support/prayer group. Also, pray early and often whenever you feel that temptation. If you fail, don't sweat it and pray for forgiveness and go to Confession (if your denomination has that). Aslo, try to talk to your pastor/priest about it if you think they are open-minded enough to understand your struggle but grounded enough in the truth to turn you away from any sinful habits that it may incur (instead of promoting it).
Also, get involved in your church and try to take communion as often as possible if you are Catholic or Orthodox or something like that (assuming you are in a state of grace). Also, read St. Augustine's Confessions. His sin is more rampant fornication with women, but he still ended up becoming a saint, so he did something right.

I am completely straight, but I am a massive pervert, so I somewhat understand what you are feeling. I literally objectify young women wherever I go and I am addicted to porn and Japanese gravure magazines and see it as my only means of female accompaniment. I did the above and it didn't go away, but it certainly strengthened my faith. Sometimes, the sins we harbor are the crosses we bear.

I don't even know your name (don't give it to me though lol. Don't dox yourself), but I'll be praying for you.

>> No.21448351

Mysticism dwells on the limits of comprehension. Every form of art can be mystic because of it. If, for example, i look at a marble statue of a man i comprehend it is an image of a man. It is not, however, a literal man as it is made of stone. But i can ascertain this by touching the statue a verifying that it is indeed not just a still and painted man. With photography one can never be sure it's true as opposed to writing which is always true even when it tells lies.

>> No.21448392

all regular conversation sounds like quibbling to me i'd rather not speak at all

>> No.21448413

Is Frater Asemlen still around?

>> No.21448631

I've never been loved in my life.

>> No.21448634

I haven't been to a dominatrix in 4 years. I'd really like to go tonight but even an hour is expensive. I don't spend a lot of money on myself but the economy is going to hell. It's all just going in circles

>> No.21448652

Frustrated by inability to descend into madness. I am painfully sane.

>> No.21448694

i feel like i am a horrible son to my family, and i don't want to be one, i always strive to be the best i can be for them, but it's ultimately always the same. my brother fucking hates my guts too - him and my mother told me today during a intense argument if i also scream and torment my girlfriend as well (i don't, actually.). started thinking that i may be a narcissist. then again, i get along with literally every person i know and my girl whom i mentioned before. i just don't accept that maybe they're the issue. i mean, if four people tell me i'm a scum, then they're probably right.

worst thing is i am a christian, i try to be a good one as well, and in the end, i am still a horrible son, apperantly. i cant cope with this. i want to redeem myself in my and their eyes, but i feel like in their eyes, i'll forever be a bitter, full of anger, stubborn, rash son with possibly narcissistic tendencies.

or maybe im just dramatizing. sorry anons, not feeling particularly stable right now and i don't want to bother my gf or anyone i know irl with it

>> No.21448709

Thanks anon, it's a pond near this park where old roadways recede into the forest before disappearing into a reservoir to form ghostly crossroads on its floor next to abandoned, murky farmland. This place does remind me of Carcosa/Childress home now that you mention it. The ending of season 1 sucked ass. It should have ended up with Childress knocking out and then torturing Marty and Rust, with the former going insane and the latter calmly composing himself with an air of resignation. That "the light's winning" ending line is so fucking gay.

>> No.21448717

Bataille placed a high value on silence. I also believe it is underrated and underused. More people need to stfu

>> No.21448797

Ah! You're right. Thank you for the correction

>> No.21448847

White Europeans are the most annoying group of human beings on the planet. Thank God I don’t live in the Age of Imperialism, being ruled by those people must have been a miserable experience

>> No.21448848
File: 34 KB, 1200x628, goodreads_wide-e23f6858b6bf20dcaf8493237a214a0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to return to the older web version? Apparently on the new version you can only see the profiles of people who posted reviews and not also those of people who only rated. Because of this I now lost the profile of a user of which I don't know the name, I only knew him from a book rating. Is there any way to acces the profiles behind the ratings so I can find him?

>> No.21448852
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>> No.21448871

Fucking beautiful.

Please write a little essay on photography and make a thread on >>>/p/ or just post it here and I'll make a thread by myself. I would love hear more of your thoughts on photography.

>> No.21448897

cool picture anon

>> No.21448911

Twinks but with fat, round, oiled asses.

>> No.21448939


>> No.21448998
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>> No.21449073

Just cried my soul out over a random 2yo kid who was born with a lymphatic malformation above his mouth. His dad posts videos of them having fun on tiktok and 90% of the comments are filled with the most disgusting jokes. I don't know why it made me so sad but I just felt the coming suffering and bullying that kid will have to endure in his life. Just don't understand how fucking cruel can life be..

>> No.21449175

I hate December simple as

>> No.21449194

That's so heartbreaking. The suffering of children always destroys me, and there is also something uniquely gut-wrenching about someone trying to be happy in the face of suffering.
I wish there was a way that I could meaningfully make a difference.

>> No.21449214

Zoomers were a mistake. Social media and a lifetime of online disinhibition has given them all acquired psychopathy.

>> No.21449232
File: 481 KB, 1000x667, 77D4F97C-196C-4132-B7BE-D863A53164F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to the opposite equator

>> No.21449234

>I wish there was a way that I could meaningfully make a difference

Same, but this kid will have it though either way. Kids are brutal and I felt it on my skin too. Had buck teeth growing up and the bullying I recieved because of that scarred me for life to the point I hated taking pics and smiling because of it.
But I had it easy compared to what this kid will go through. He has health problems because of his deformed upper lip on top of the mental abuse problems he will get and is already getting in the comments even though he is only 2yo.

Just see it for yourself.. https://www.tiktok.com/@positive_vibes_1011?_t=8YaXCtjpHSX&_r=1

>> No.21449264
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>> No.21449282

kids these days am I right? can you believe we're the first generations to ever complain about the youngest living generation?

>> No.21449285

She's sort of an idiot.... jesus, but she really couldn't think enough to do a potato's work

>> No.21449295

>there is no in between
people always hate the younger generation, and zoomers are uniquely bad. both true statements

>> No.21449298

Reads like a 17 year old Asian female wrote it. Sadly you will never pass irl, Chang.

>> No.21449309

millennials were uniquely bad in their own ways, so on and so forth. it doesn't matter if you're pointing out one generation likes apples and the next likes oranges, it's a surface level observation made for no other reason than to complain while offering no solutions over a perceived problem that will never affect you anyhow

>> No.21449318

Actually the truth is Y and Z generations are recognized to be shitty but are subconsciously less hated because it is also generally recognized that the baby boomers are by far the the most cancerous iteration of the human species in the past 1,000 years

>> No.21449322

>I thought he was quite cute, he liked to suck on my breast and cuddle.
I fucked up bigly letting an ex go who liked this

>> No.21449337

true, it has been a steady decline. baby boomers were spoiled and irresponsible in a way that created the current mess. but zoomers are their own type and degree of awful. it's not assigning blame to say that they are demonstrably less literate, more retarded, more degenerate, have shorter attention spans and less knowledge of history and culture, etc.

you just reiterated the thing i criticized in my post. zoomers are uniquely bad, every generation hates its successor, both statements are true. there is no necessity to offer solutions, though you may be personally annoyed when someone just says "zoomers are particularly awful" (a true statement) without adding anything constructive. that doesn't diminish the truth of the statement.

>> No.21449417
File: 1000 KB, 480x848, cliff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Propello postum meum, amabo vos, amici, consilium mihi date.

>> No.21449528

I’m a tit fiend… they have unreasonable power over me. I’m not sure how or why I developed this obsession. I contemplate their form and movement frequently…often multiple times per day. I’ve developed the skill to sketch hyper-realistic breasts. I’ve looked at so many…pictures from the internet, in person at titty bars, my girlfriends. I once waited for a girlfriend to fall fast asleep after sex just so I could remove the bedsheet from her chest and stare at them.. I fumbled with the light dimmer on the nightstand to observe how different levels of exposure revealed the subtle features: the faint outlines of veins, the freckles, the peach fuzz. I mastered the behavior of the areola. How a warm room relaxes it into a silky smooth tan cap.. almost like a faint caramel blotch created by a dribbling watercolor paintbrush. And when I would take the nipple into my mouth and slather it with my saliva, I’d marvel at how the cooling effect caused the smooth skin of it drew in to the nipple, becoming almost half it’s original size. What was once a smooth landscape around the nipple became a labyrinth of darker brown wrinkles with valleys and ridges enveloping the now firm hardened peak in the center.
I worship large unruly natural breasts. While I acknowledge the heavy burden they bestow upon their bearers, to me they are gifts from heaven. I often ponder the sacrilege of breast reduction surgery and lament that such heinous evil can exist in our world. I’ve considered making it my life’s work to design a brassier for well endowed women that redistribute’s the weight of the breast to their lower core to provide relief from the burdens.
However I also have a special place in my heart for the little breast. The larger a cup or smaller B cup with just enough flesh to create the under-boob clefts. I relish the pre-coitus body play with these marvelous little gum drops. I try to fit an entire breast in my mouth and flick and prod the nipple with my tongue when it’s in there as I brave her uncontrollable heaving and gyration. Show me your breast and I will erect a monument to it… an obelisk anchored to my loins that you can grasp, consume or fill your voids with.

>Tldr; I’m obsessed with tits

>> No.21449555

I read romance of the three kingdoms and now I want to learn Chinese.

Maybe one day I will meet an Asian woman I can impress

New captcha sucks

>> No.21449566

I think Zeus took my portion of tit appreciation and gave it to this guy because he has 190% tit love and I have 10%

I got all of someone else's ass fancy

>> No.21449600

based post

>> No.21449642
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It was my birthday yesterday. I woke up late, cooked breakfast at noon. 3 eggs, 4 pieces of toast. While eating I looked through the basement window upward to the sky. Grey clouds block out the sun and makes outside look dull and cold. I got a text message from my gf wishing a happy birthday before she started work. I sit down on the floor and breathe deeply, I feel something and empty at the same time. The kettle whistles and I stand back up to make my tea. I finish stirring and put both hands on the counter and hang my head. I question how I've made it to this point, I'm confused why I'm here, I have no point of reference for where I'm going or what is ahead of me. My mind is tumbling like it always does so I play along and sit in an internal abyss. I come to my senses and drink my tea, the overcast clears a little.

What's on my mind.

>> No.21449650

Happy b
>my gf

>> No.21449781
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Hopefully that guy you like acknowledges you as female before 2023.

>> No.21449819

How to get the courage to hang myself? I'm a lonely monad, completely apart from the world I live in

>> No.21449837

never exercise keep watching youtube and social media till your brain turns into mush get involved with the absolute worst types of insincere backstabbing people
soon enough you will be in constant pain and thoroughly broken then you'll have all the courage to kill yourself

>> No.21449870

why do uncle ted's autistic takedowns stick with me so much i've even started writing like him somewhat
>tfw mental brethren with uncle ted

>> No.21449879

Slow and degrow

>> No.21449884

problem is i'm still listening to them

>> No.21449893

is there such a thing as intellectual cluttering

>> No.21449958

I have a bottle of Kraken and some french bottle of malbec.
I feel so reluctant to drink, I don't even want to crack the bottle.
Have I defeated alcoholism?
I want a woman to share this all with.
Does my enjoyment exist if it not witnessed or shared?
Doesn't matter, I'll be back and I'll be drunk.

>> No.21449980

fucking kek
this is where writer kills the philosopher. this is what Chekhov did to stoicism in ward no. 6 you should write anon.

>> No.21450008

what do you mean anon

>> No.21450022

this >>21448717 anon suggested Bataille's "silence", you gave him >>21449884 human condition.

he gave you theory
you gave him life

>> No.21450050

i'm sure there is an answer to that too
you're saying there is a divide?
>writer kills the philosopher
isn't philosophy written
you mean pragmatic ideas triumph over others?

>> No.21450055

As a fellow alcoholic, I'll toast with you, my fren

>> No.21450067
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I will have some whiskey in your honor.

>> No.21450075

what i am saying is that realm of thought/reflection is different from realm of life/emotions. life mogs theory
hume was right

>> No.21450084

gross creatures masquerading as human

>> No.21450094

he didn't go down on you? also post tits so it's more believable

>> No.21450106

>unironically touch grass
I’ve tried that many times. It doesn’t solve anything.

>> No.21450118

>I’ve tried that many times. It doesn’t solve anything.
Then perhaps you're problem is of a different nature. My recommendations will only work if your depression is caused by nihilism and lack of meaning. However, if your depression is actually caused by a brain fuck-up, then you need medication, not philosophy.

>> No.21450296

I’ve tried plenty of meds. Nothing. It’s certainly philosophical. I don’t think life is worth living. Everything is just a chore.

>> No.21450344

>It’s certainly philosophical
They why did you say "lol" before? If your depression is nihilistic, then you need to find a reason to live, a purpose, and a meaning to life. How are you gonna do that without reading everything you can get your hands on?

>> No.21450352

I think women don't really realize how easily they can hurt us. While it's also really hard with the ways they sometimes try.

>> No.21450407

how come it works for me when i never endorsed nihilism

>> No.21450409

I said lol because I’ve already read a great deal of philosophy. Nothing has convinced me.

>> No.21450466

Reading is basically just self-imposed psychosis

>> No.21450476

oh okay. keep reading and keep contemplating until you perish or heal. Good luck.

>> No.21450491

Thanks. Good luck to you too.

>> No.21450710
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Dubs of Truth

>> No.21450790

anglos are not very insightful

>> No.21451241
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>start appreciating wine and stinky cheese

>start appreciating sweaty feet, asshole and farts at the same time

Are these things related?

>> No.21451328

If reading classic literature has turned you into a complete asshole, you need to re-learn how to read.

>> No.21451330

There is no greater torture for man than to see clearly without being able to do anything.

>> No.21451335

If your thoughts are truly clear, your actions necessarily follow. Therefore, your thoughts are not truly clear.

>> No.21451355

houellebecque said something about how women can't understand the all devouring power of male lust, that takes complete control of a virile man. What a terrible thing it is. The women in my life and strange women on the street don't know that I have had sex with them in my mind

>> No.21451368

If your thoughts do not match your actions, your relationship to them is upside-down: you are working for your thoughts, instead of them working for you.

>> No.21451395

I don’t understand how incels exist? A few hours ago a couple teen girls walked past my place and stopped to ask me for a cig. We get to talking and within an hour I have the one girl’s pants off

>> No.21451411

I am outwardly successful and capable but I spend most of my free time playing video games and indulging in fantasies. I conceal this from my friends and family. I own all the latest vidya hardware and I am probably an addict. When I spend time with my gf I am actually thinking about Gene Wolfe, my Total War: Warhammer II campaign, Neon Genesis Evangelion, or something along these lines. If I had been born before the internet maybe I would have simply killed myself after reading too much Goethe

>> No.21451415

Women honestly don’t know that their male friends would fuck them in a heartbeat if they ever got an inkling of the possibility.

>> No.21451526

Most males are complete animals and think they have to be that way, because monkey see, monkey do.

>> No.21451533

This is the big-brained solution to chronic masturbation: find ways to stimulate your brain more than your genitals. Genital stimulation is limited, intellectual stimulation is not. Get out of your comfort zone, find ways to nourish your creativity and curiosity like your soul depends on it - because it does.

>> No.21451548
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You'd probably like Norah Vincent's Self-Made Man, incredible book by, dare I say it, an honorary male.

I've had to explain to several otherwise intelligent women that men don't have the same dating prospects they have. What I mean is, they literally did not understand that scarcity is a factor for average men. I remember one having a near existential crisis when I told her, when the guy calls you a second or third time even though you didn't have a very good date, remember, he's not just thinking "do I want her y/n?," he's thinking, this is the only remotely viable girl I've gotten to the third date stage in six months or maybe even more, and it could be another three months before I get anything, remember that recent dry spell, god I'm so horny, etc.

She didn't understand this. When it dawned on her that men can't just "go get another date" instantly unless they're the kind of men she swipes right on (attractive or unique), when I told her simply to extend the fact that she swipes left on 99.8% of guys to other women and try to imagine what all those 99.8% of guys are thinking when they finally DO match with a girl they actually find attractive for once, imagine how much pressure is on them to make it work, even if they wouldn't really want it to work if they had other options.

My last gf told me to stop telling my female friends this stuff because she said it destroys women's minds and robs them of their innocence, so I began telling as many women as possible.

>> No.21451578

Not sure if I'm getting catfished or not, and really if it even matters if I am? I like this person at the other end of the messages, we seem to have a connection, so if their images seem a little too good to be true, does it matter? What if they have lied about other things? It's only been a couple days and I feel like I've known this person my entire life, they understand my jokes within seconds and I understand theirs, we shared erotic messages in complete sync I felt like she was underneath me, I could almost hear her breathing...fuck am I falling in love with a goddam illusion?

>> No.21451592

You know some people enjoy being "degraded. People I know have requested to be choked and pissed on. So either your friends are lying about their preferences (very likely) or hes fucking the wrong chicks.

>> No.21451596

Men need to be a synthesis of the two.

Be the man who fucks her in the ass and pisses on her that she wants to settle down with and take care of.

>> No.21451601

You're jealous and you like me.

>> No.21451739


>> No.21451744

Everyone is in varying stages of ignorance. Humility and openness to learning are the most important things. A fool will be the one to find the answer if he's the only person in the room being honest.

>> No.21451964 [DELETED] 

man i just heard a lot of shots, probably like a whole clip, had to have been more than 10. now i'm listening to the police scanner, the cops are trying to find the car with the victim in it which drove off.

>> No.21451979 [DELETED] 

they found it at the hospital, multiple victims

>> No.21452024

I live in a rural area. I hear gunshots all the time, but I know it's just my neighbor shooting at ground squirrels. I am so, so happy I don't live in the city.

>> No.21452101

I'm a white guy. I spent my adolescence and early adulthood in a chinese immigrant community. I have a lot of chinese friends who complain about the conformity and anti individuality of east asian cultures. I have this budding theory that the lack of individuality comes down to their very dense populations and the fact that they all look the same. Theres definitely a very real component to their lack of unique faces which is crushing to their sense of individuality

>> No.21452110

Whys that a big fuck up?

>> No.21452121

The fool with not find the answer.
Being a fool is not the same as being modest or humble.

>> No.21452148
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Personality traits like agreeableness have genetic factors. Not everything can be attributed to culture.

>> No.21452153

And not everything can be attributed to genetics either.

>> No.21452154

A strange female profile sent me a friend request on facebook, with no information about this person besides her name and a couple of real-looking friends judging from some profiles that have reacted to the few bizarre, "meme-y" pictures that are publicly available. I even resorted to figuring out if this person's handle was an anagram to a familiar person's name. Eventually I accepted it just to see what I'd find, and so far nothing has turned up. How spergy would it be to straight up ask why I received this request? Previous relationships have left me a bit paranoid about this kind of shit.

>> No.21452176
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>> No.21452188

You're right

>> No.21452201

picture reminded me of my phimosis which really annoys me. I'm almost 30, doing stretching exercises sometimes for an hour a day, and it seems like nothing makes a difference

I vaguely remember that I got a lot of UTI's as a kid, mainly cause my hippie parents never bothered to teach me proper hygiene...

I think the skin is just really scared, to the point where it doesn't stretch easily. Also frequently it just gets all burned and sore and cracked.

It's just really obnoxious. Makes sex uncomfortable and it's getting to the point I can barely masturbate.

Only said all this cause the cat reminded me of a foreskin. Emotional fulfillment usually makes up for it, thankfully...

>> No.21452209

you have to reconnect with the goodness of your body, you're too in your head

many such cases for autists like thee

>> No.21452210

I’m really unhappy

>> No.21452214

> shooting at ground squirrels
Are squirrels bad? They look cute but maybe they're some kind of plague.

>> No.21452215

that sucks man. I hate that shit

just be more honest before death. I know being truly honest is too much to ask but yeah

>> No.21452218


>> No.21452226

Tried phimocure rings? if you can't do the rings or the two fingers inserted method, dip two q-tips or one q-tip in coconut or olive oil and insert them into the fore-skin. Do frenulum stretch execise as well.

>> No.21452235

you could try to tinkle the ol’ prostate, might let you get your rocks off without irritating your peen

>> No.21452238

you sound like a nasty whore in some giant cesspit of immorality and emptiness like New York or LA

I cannot for the life of me understand what would drive a woman to destroy everything in herself that makes her a woman, and totally unprompted

oh yeah I forgot: women don't know what they are so if the cultural broadcast is to be a whore (to be a man) then they'll just do that without blinking...

I know that it's a naughty word to say whore but the point isn't to like stigmatize you but it's just so lame and pathetic to act the way you do... all of you. it's just nasty and animalistic, do better.

>> No.21452240

I didnt claim anything

>> No.21452246

>Also frequently it just gets all burned and sore and cracked.
This is bad, read the phimosis journey website. You must stop when it does this and let your self heal.

>> No.21452247

Hey, rough sex is fun

>> No.21452248

if you sin intending to "repent" afterwards then the repentance is invalid, obviously

>> No.21452256

yeah just what I thought, a kind of fluoride stare response with a totally flat affect. you realize that doing this will eventually give you a dull look in the eyes and a general global flatness...

>> No.21452271

ground squirrels are bad because they burrow and fuck up your yard. they're also very, very numerous.

>> No.21452278

Since you've never had sex, what do you expect it to be like?

>> No.21452319

I take too much for granite

>> No.21452322

yeah the thing is that it occurs when I'm not even stretching... I think that I just have a weak or overactive immune system. it's like some gut biome shit but I know that nobody used to get problems like this.* I put coconut oil on there but I worry that that doesn't even work IRL, like I can't figure out if coconut oil is antibacterial or not.

* Actually we have no idea if it was a problem in history, people didn't used to be so visually fixated on their own dicks. Although if you look at Greek art they seemed to have taken phimosis as a given, or even considered it more civilized. The funny thing about the phimosisjourney guy is that he didn't even realize it was a thing til after he had 3 kids or so. And his wife obviously didn't care. Amazing what global international high speed pornography does to fuck up the mind. It should be banned and the pornographers all killed or at the minimum imprisoned and asset seizure. Just no reason for a functional state to permit that shit in its bounds. Literally none. To say nothing of the scandalized/soul-destroyed children.

I'm at the point where I can get 2.9 fingers in there with minimal irritation... I bought phimocure rings a long time ago but then threw them out (for unrelated reasons). Maybe I can just buy them again.. when I have more than $7 in my account that is. I wonder what kind of weird penis-loosened autist started that fucking scheme. Dismal grey warehouse in Birmingham full of industrial septic washers repurposed for penises the world over. That is damn gay. But I guess it's all about the money. One time I was watching a video of a guy talking about phimosis, an elderly british doctor, and he started out fine but as the video went on he started to say "cock" instead of the more medical penis and it became this weirdly sexual thing. he was definitely gay.

I'm not into any of that gay shit, never even interested in doing a woman that way. There's just something so disgusting about it and regular sex already seems degrading and dominant enough.

>> No.21452342

I’m disappointed with how things are, how they’ve been.

>> No.21452349

How have things been and how are they now?

>> No.21452352

I don't even know if I'm straight, gay or bi. Something in my mind is preventing me from seeing this problem clearly. I don't know what the solution is.

>> No.21452396
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I'm not very persuasive. At the same time I don't get persuaded that easily either.
But the more I attempt to be persuasive, the more I feel like it has to do with one's character/personality than as a skill. Like there's something innante in you that needs to be cultivated from childhood for you to be the type of person to convice others to do something. All my life I've been more of a live and let live kind of person but I know there will be times I need to change someone's mind for something or someone to get something done. When that time comes, I am more than likely to give up and try to find an alternate solution. If I were to be more persuasive, I would need to change who I am a little in a fundamental level. That's how I feel about this.

>> No.21452407

Could you perhaps be Henry Cavill? But he can't bring himself to conceal his game addiction, so I suppose you're not him. Enjoy your hobbies; they're what makes up most of your happiness in life.

I laughed desu. If they invited you, just ask them why and who they are.
The same shit happened to me today. Somebody made a fake account with no connections, no followers and visited my LinkedIn profile. The fucky thing is that I have a very long and uncommon name so I'm pretty damn sure one of my exes is behind that account. Multiple clues led me to this conclusion, one of them being the city the profile is located in and the facts that I've been a reclusive loner for the past year and that I have only very recently talked to a common friend to the both of us. It's been driving me crazy for the last hour and I'd PAY to know why she would go to the extent of creating a fucking fake account to see my profile when she's supposed to be moving on.

>> No.21452415

Try sucking a dick.

>> No.21452428

If you fap to trannies, odds are that you aren't gay nor bi. Just fucked up. Do you want to lick grown men's sweaty asses or kiss handsome men? You don't, so you're not gay. And not bi either.

>> No.21452434

There's no such thing as gay, straight, or bi. There is only human mating behavior and abnormal human mating behavior.

>> No.21452440

I'm surprised how few fence-sitter bi type guys there are, given how proverbially horny men are. Men either tend to be hard gay or hard straight. You would think it would be pretty normal to get a no homo bj now and then, but not be willing to go full hard gay and kiss handsome men. But nope, finding someone who just wants the occasional bj and doesn't want deep romantic kissing is actually the hardest part of being gay.

>> No.21452443

I guess they're used to sitting on things

>> No.21452446

It's true, as a fence-sitter

>> No.21452500
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When people gleefully called for the job terminations of people who refused the covid vax, what was their long term plan with them/us/me?

Why am I I expected to work again now that they're starting to ease up on vax nonsense in my country (my old workplace still expects you to be double dosed, even if it's from last year despite the narrative being that it lasts 3 months)

What's the deal? Why should I work if I figured how to be pretty comfy this past year? I volunteer once or twice a week and im pretty happy with that.

But what was the deal, what was the end game or long term plan? I just wanted a simple life and they didn't even want me to have that, yet now I'm seen as a bad individual because I don't want to work anymore

>> No.21452505

I had a vision from God he just told me that I'm allowed to do whatever I want
He has chosen me to be the second coming

>> No.21452510

>If you fap to trannies
>Do you want to lick grown men's sweaty asses
>kiss handsome men

>> No.21452518


>> No.21452523

Why the fuck would anyone want to work? Works consumes an entire lifetime and gives nothing in return. The world sucks and isnt worth participating in. The problem with Mike Rowe is that he doesnt look at this and identify a deeper malaise, but instead he just wants to say young men are lazy and entitled. Fuck him.

>> No.21452542

>gives nothing in return

I know, I lost all my sick entitlements and the years I put in amounted to nothing. Was tossed to the side when I became inconvenient. Why would I want to get back into this just to be tossed aside for the next meme.

Also this is a job where they had us out in the covid world any chance they had when there was no vax at all yet after nearly two years they suddenly get rid of you and see you as a "danger" to the workplace, for a vax that didnt even stop transmission and that most employees ended up catching all the same lol.

On top of that im getting to the age where I'm seeing .arriages starting to break down so I'm kind of glad I don't have that burden attached to me. So why should I work if I'm starting to see the juice isn't even worth the squeeze

>> No.21452588


>> No.21452648

I hate to say it man but it's pretty simple. Think of shit on a spectrum. If you want to do things with biological mans, even a little bit, then you're a little bit bi.

Like, that's fuckin it.

>> No.21452654

true, Mike Rowe is a puppet mouthpiece of neoliberalism

that said, work is a part of any honest life. at least in this dispensation

>> No.21452714

I think that work is good and healthy, but waging your life away to barely exceed poverty in some soulless and zombified culture is fucking retarded.

>> No.21452729

>Some manlet psued spent nearly 2 hours trying to explain to me how I wasn’t objectively taller than him
Philosophy was a mistake

>> No.21452800

If you stand far away you appear shorter

>> No.21452829

All human conflict is ultimately theological.

>> No.21452850

Kek he said that

>> No.21452882


>> No.21452898

it gives you a living

>> No.21452915

Not really

>> No.21452918

Your dumb ass ho friends loved it just as much as money bags mcgee did lmao
You probably like the same shit so if you're ever in town

>> No.21452925

then what gives you a living
suggest one way of earning a living without work that will work for most people
protip: you can't

>> No.21452951

>I haven’t read it but-
Can we just shoot people who say this before giving their unfiltered, shit opinions on writing and books? There’s more idiots pretending to know what books are about than there are people reading.

>> No.21452959

>Best friend got engaged
I have aged instantly lads. Don't even feel happy for them, just bitterness that he did it before me I'm such a loser lmao.

>> No.21452973

thats some normie stuff

>> No.21452975

What getting married or having friends? How basic are we talking here?

>> No.21452996

Imagine having a hating in private ass friend like you lmfao

>> No.21453005
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I don't hate him, think it's just bitterness from the fact I was very close to having what he has and Covid made it go to shit. Comparison is the thief of joy I suppose

>> No.21453006

Anhedonia gets larger and larger over time.
All youthful hopes are extinguished by the famine of reality
Time is the great pillager
All feeling is sucked down mosquito holes of entropy
Your truth stands to die with you mute and silent

>> No.21453109

It's good for a man to have responsibility and a role in which he may see his abilities grow over time, beyond his immediate family concerns, so as to ground him in his society and impose a sense of duty in him. When all he can find are positions that do not give him these things he will feel degraded and frustrated with working in general, as many do today.

>> No.21453115

New Ally Law in which he almost dies for real

>> No.21453179

How do you explain this to women without them just getting angry and throwing slurs at you?

>> No.21453194

have you tried not being an ugly, smelly and bitter manlet?

>> No.21453199 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21453219

innocence = spoiled entitled cunt now?

>> No.21453306

They don't really think they're being spoiled, they just don't understand what they're doing.
I think the anon you're replying to is making his interaction up because women aren't able to think in an abstract and well reasoned manner like that.

>> No.21453324
File: 100 KB, 736x607, 3567317bb7aa228271e058af3e770e37--italian-renaissance-renaissance-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little late, but it's a rather strange sci-fi story. Has heavy religious and metaphysical elements too. Also parts of it are told in verse. Also has lots of literary references.

Basically it's very weird and if I ever manage to get it published you'll know it when you see it.

>> No.21453402

I don't remember if this is where one blogposts. I'll assume it is.
You are covered in freckles. All of your face. And so, you have got to be playful, because that is what freckled people are. You must smile. I hate that your thoughts are so closed, yet that is the reason I talk with you so freely. I do not care what you think, because I'll never know, with this black box of yours.
Let's leave all these Yous and Is behind. Let's talk about something less narcissistic than feelings and looks. The world around. The people, art, politics. What's your opinion? A closed-lipped smile. Whatever. Just sit next to me.

>> No.21453422

how is lu su portrayed in the book
is he the understated patrician of the story

>> No.21453613
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there's something I just cant let go of mentally and it manifests in me basically sitting around doing nothing 99% of the time, waiting for the next chance i have to sit and drink alone and eat junk food and maybe smoke some tobacco if im lucky. my mind is bent around these "events" as if it will change everything for me, like it will somehow satisfy me, just one more time and then I can move on, but obviously its never actually satisfying and I feel like im chasing something that will never happen. perhaps its linked to the fact that i have no social life anymore, and when i was younger i went to parties and stuff but never truly satisfied myself by finding a girl . The parties over now though. its been over for years, and I still haven't moved on.

my entire life at this point seems to hinge on me exercising some will power and somehow altering my subconscious to be more goal oriented and rigid in how I cunduct myself instead of sitting around doing nothing waiting for SOMETHING to happen.

hell I dont even know what IT is at this point, what the fuck is going to happen browsing 4chan at 4am every damn night that will somehow change everything and give satisfaction and meaning to my life? what the fuck am I going to find at the bottom of the next bottle and after the next pizza? I just dont dont get it, but my subconscious mind is completely warped around this mysterious ever elusive satisfaction.

i guess my new years resolution will be to fix my sleeping patterns and stick to it. even if i accomplish just that in an entire year it would be an utterly massive step and the key to dealing with just about every other problem I have

>> No.21453707

My farts of late have sounded like I'm legit shitting my pants, and it's kind of based lol. Also my ass is a swamp.

>> No.21453712
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Another bump.

>> No.21453752

I have Tourette's and have sensory issues and am often cracking my fingers in this weird way I've never seen anybody else do. Anyways I'm kind of terrified someday I'm going to break one of my fingers with a brutal compound fracture, but I can't even use my hands without my fingers being freshly cracked, so...

>> No.21454123
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wow Wikipedia, how interesting

>> No.21454172

Have you ever seen the whole e-girl/boy streamer aesthetic irl?

>> No.21454234
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>> No.21454415

Should I just get a PhD? I hate academia, but this is where I've ended up. What am I supposed to do? I hate academia, but this doesn't lend itself to anything, it doesn't add anything remarkable to a biography, it doesn't benefit me at all. So I may as well.

>> No.21454430

i'm thinking about doing an mba as a way to put off starting a business. working full time while i do it should drag it out to like five years. at least my work will pay for it, but lets be real, i'm just doing it because having a boss or professor tell me what to do is easier than having the self-discipline to work for myself.

>> No.21454437

if you're reading this its too late.

>> No.21454446

Who is the most overrated writer of all time?
and why is it Sylvia Plath?

>> No.21454463

so apple music has all these new years eve mixes, and this year it's a lot more diverse, in the past it was mostly mainstream dance shit, and maybe like one breakbeat/jungle guy, but this year it's really diverse, even old hip-hop farts like tony touch etc. but that got me thinking, what do country music people listen to on new year's eve? like do they have mix tapes? if you're in a hill billy club is there dead air between each song? how do you mix country music? apple music usually tries to be inclusive and have some country shit, but there just isn't a new year's mix of it that i see.

>> No.21454480

Christmas music isn't in their genre, as far as I'm aware.
Why should new years eve party music be any different?

>> No.21454519

As much as I hate MBAs, the right MBA can be helpful in regard to your social-professional network and that's important for business owners so it's not the worst idea if it's the right school, but I don't understand why you would want to put off starting a business. If you really want a boss or professor to tell you what to do, it sounds like you don't actually want to start a business.

>> No.21454525

Mark Twain

>> No.21454545

it's incredibly unnerving

>> No.21454582

drinking again

>> No.21454597

I never had any of that "innocence" because all my friends are male and I had to watch them suffer this over and over again. I am the advice giver and listener. Hearing them pour their hearts out or at worst end up in abusive relationships is some of the worst possible pain in a friendship.

>> No.21454613

Hi, me too. What are you drinking?

>> No.21454679

bottom shelf beer. what about you?

>> No.21454739

wow there's been an arrest in those idaho college murders

>> No.21454778

I think sluts are great and should be worshipped.

>> No.21454790

It's been too late for years if you heard this

>> No.21454826

Yes, exactly this. Make it difficult for people to control their anger, and it makes it easy for you to control them.

>> No.21454838
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Hate is a really good motivator. People say you should do things out of love, but I never do it for the love of it. Whenever I am participating in a shit flinging contest on 4chan, ironically by searching for gotchas I learn a lot and think from different perspectives. All of this ends with two anons calling each other faggots or cope accusation with a shitty feeling of wasted time. But gotcha research gives me surrogate knowledge.

Kino. Hate is kino.

>> No.21454952

>phd student and active reddit user
ha ha

>> No.21455006

i have one audible credit and i can't decide what to get from the two for one sale. like every great courses that isn't included free with audible plus is in the sale. the only non-fiction that looked good is that i am dynamite nietzsche biography, but i don't really care about the minute details of nietzsche's life that much. maybe i should get one of those great courses classes on decision making since i can't seem to decide what to get. it's like i want something practical about economics or health, but also something purely comfy like 17th century intellectual history or whatever.

>> No.21455007

I did not read one (1) piece of literature this year.

>> No.21455011

Kraken spiced rum, drinking it straight.
It's nice, it has a nice vanilla aroma.

>> No.21455014

whats the occasion?

>> No.21455031

Kissing shy goth girls

>> No.21455035

No occasion, I was just bored.
Why are you drinking?

>> No.21455061

Boys only go away

>> No.21455072

red scare subreddit

>> No.21455099

same. boredom really increase the consume of alcohol, atleast for me.

>> No.21455110
File: 64 KB, 640x427, AP951898314656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North Korean aesthetics enamor me. If countries were viewed in purely aesthetic terms it would rank very highly. Often you see those pictures of it from space to juxtapose its lack of electricity next to the garishly illuminated, manic overdrive of the South, as if this peaceful quietude were a bad thing in absolute terms. I believe you can make the case that the entire country is an aesthetic piece, minimalistic, sparse, austere and cruel but with occasional touches of color; with nothing wasted and everything intentionally arranged just as an artist's hand would will it. North Korea blends its strange State Ideologies of communism--with its brutalist, spartan aesthetic components, with strident militaristic Songun, and bold Juche and the ornate, imperial lavishness of Kimism and somehow combines it all with a rustic, parochial, almost charming traditionalism . Kim Jong Il, rather quaintly, is said to be born on a sacred mountain under a rainbow. Various locations he visited have been sacrosancted, like out of some ancient literary myth recounting the travels of a sage

>According to author Suki Kim's memoir of her time teaching at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, there are twelve "Wonders of Songun":[14] The sunrise at Mount Paektu (the alleged birthplace of Kim Jong-il); the winter pine trees at the Dabaksol guard post (where Kim Jong-il supposedly launched the Songun policy); the Cheollyeong azaleas (a "frontline" hill where Kim Jong-il visited often); the evening view of Jangji Mountain near the Changja River (a refuge for a young Kim Jong-il during the Korean War); the sound of the Ullim Waterfall in the mountains above Munchon, Kangwon Province (as it is the sound of a "powerful and prosperous nation"); the horizon at Handurebol (the Handure Plain in Taechon County) for this was the location of Kim Jong-il's land reform in 1998 after the famine; Taehongdan County's large fields of potato flowers (Kim Il-sung is said to have fought the Japanese here and Kim Jong-il turned it into the country's largest potato farm); the area around the mountain village of Beoman-ri in Sohung County, North Hwanghae Province (Kim Jong-il rebuilt the village after the famine and is claimed as the "pride of a communist country");[15] the bean (or nut) farming program Kim Jong-un instituted to provide food for the military; the large rice farm in Migok, Sariwon; the Taedonggang fruit farm in Pyongyang; and the Ryongjung fish farm in South Hwanghae Province. A thirteenth "wonder" is reported to have been created in 2016.[15] The first nine of these sites have been heavily promoted by North Korean authorities and have become tourist destinations.[15]

Somehow NK has managed to maintain its soul, its regional uniqueness and distinct cultural identity, while the South has become a globalist mutant, a deranged graffiti wall of various corporate billboards and advertisements and incoherent, chaotic fads.

I should like to continue this thought.

>> No.21455114
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>> No.21455247

I might be autistic but I actually think that kind of thing is interesting

>> No.21455275

You amaze me.

>> No.21455279
File: 272 KB, 1280x853, 1280px-Downtown_Norway_Michigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man no shame, I just thought it was funny for them to choose a random highway in Wisconsin for the article of the day. Sounds like a comfy highway but my favorite part is that there's a city in Michigan called Norway. I did not know that.

>> No.21455439
File: 449 KB, 4480x4480, recursiveselfimprovement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the process that super-geniuses learn to use without knowing it. But I am one hell of a reverse engineer. AND IT CAN BE TAUGHT TO SMALL CHILDREN! This is the grammar of conscious evolution itself; "learning to learn." Using your smarts to grow your smarts. Simple as.

January 1st my friends, I will post a full paper describing everything involved with this, including how to apply it in a process of auto-evolutionary self-help. The name of the thread will be Co-Creative Evolution.

>> No.21455458

I cannot remember a time when /lit/ was so slow. I haven't felt so isolated and alone for years. This feeling is in everything. Even here.
Where are you all? Where have you gone? Did real life come for you at last? You have holidays in your worlds? What am I going to do here, alone, where you left me?
You're all 19 year old boys who read 5 books a year and think you know everything, and all you do is insult me when I am at my most sincere, and when I let my ego out for a stroke, hoping for some inflating words, and yet you stupid fucks are all I have and now you're gone, and this fucking board is slow and stupid and nothing is bumping, nothing is moving, no one is writing a fucking thing and I am here, alone, refreshing and nothing is changing, not one fucking thread is changing, not one fucking thread, where did you go, how dare you have a fucking holiday when I get none, why are you away and I am not, why must I always remain here with myself, my god awful fucking self I can't ever get rid of, shadow to my own fucking self, my own fucking self, where did you go?


>> No.21455487

>I haven't felt so isolated and alone for years.
covid psyops absolutely thrashed society and most people feel this way currently. if that helps.

>> No.21455496

Lately I've been feeling bored and when I try to start something I feel restless and stop. It's like now that it's winter holidays I don't have power to get through the day on just my hobbies.

>> No.21455553

East of the mississippi is so fascinating to me. I've lived out west my entire life. The eastern part of america feels like a different world

>> No.21455557

Hey, I'm 24 and I read far less than 5 books a year

>> No.21455566

/lit/ used to be way fucking slower man. I hate how fast it is now.

>> No.21455578

George Orwell and it's by far not close.

>> No.21455586

Those are the ugly ones.

>> No.21455592


>> No.21455601

Stop writing like a faggot. You sound like me when I am having a panic attack and trying to bait some interaction. Fucking stupid womanly faggot. Now that I am okay, it is fine. Oh you're not doing so well anon? I am doing fine, faaaaine. So it is fine, not bad at all not just for me but for everybody.

>> No.21455627

>trying to bait some interaction
What do you mean? I've been having issues with anxiety lately and have been interacting with people more as a coping mechanism. Come to think of it, I try to remain positive, but may come off as a fucking stupid womanly faggot partly. Is this what you mean?

>> No.21455630

Should I read the Lord of The Rings or should I read a non-fiction book?

>> No.21455638

LOTR is nonfiction

>> No.21455650

Case and point

>> No.21455653

one way to guarantee interaction is to throw shit at them. hate, fears, conflicts are stronger than love, empathy and unity. your post was sincere, i was being a fag on purpose that i am not going to share with, just know that i was being a fog on purpose.

>> No.21455659

I've been shadowboxing while I go for my runs along the road. I find it amusing. I may be mad.

>> No.21455677

I've been ruminating a lot. I went to the wrong university when I was 18 amd it totally upended my life. I'm finally realizing that for most people the first half of life is just a constant, exciting party but for me it's been degrading and alienating. I'm so far off track in terms of standardized milestones (bachelor's degre, career, stable relationships) but I'm even further off track on ever being a well adjusted person capable of healthy relationships and positive outlook. It all comes down to going to the wrong university and totally fucking up my entire mind.

>> No.21455701

Let me rephrase this. Should I read Lord of The Rings or Plato's Republic?

>> No.21455718

Why not both?

>> No.21455786

>hate, fears, conflicts are stronger than love, empathy and unity
You are a fool

>> No.21455792

Well which should I read first?

>> No.21455814

Read them simultaneously

>> No.21455822

Read the first 20 of each and see which one you like the most. If you can't decide read the Republic, I'm reading it rn and would mind to create a thread to discurso it with other anons.

>> No.21455834

keep your zoroastrian beliefs to yourself, i have my own experiences.

>> No.21455965

i hope that knowledge, true or false, helps you move forward to what makes you feel happier, and more expansive as a person. sometimes we need to look back at what we were because we didn't see it as it was and we need to look at it and let it go, but if we don't let it go then we just let it keep fucking us up as we move forward. you can take this as a moment that frees you up and let's you grow. or as something that ties you down.
comparing yourself to others is a way of tying yourself down too. no one can be who you are. that is your goal in life: to be as much you as possible, to find all the edges of you and then move beyond them so you never stop growing.

>> No.21456043

>all lowercase poster
Opinion discarded.

>> No.21456261

The furthest west I've been is Pennsylvania lol.

>> No.21456279

I just found out about the story of Philomena Lee whose child was sold by the catholic church to the highest bidder, and then found out that the catholic church sold about 60.000 babies.

What an absolute meme of a religion, and how profoundly evil and deranged.

>> No.21456302

is the grass greener

>> No.21456418

I'm really at a total loss over what to do with my career

this whole thing has been a wash

>> No.21456446

congratulations on your french citizenship anon

>> No.21456595

Why can't we have a president like Louis XIV?

>> No.21456835

what's up guys. I am a harvard student home for the break and really bored. if you are a) applying to college b) have an SAT 1500+ and c) were not already planning to apply to ivies, let me know and ill write all your essays for you. you just have to submit them and pay the fees (lol). I do this every year and it actually works.

>> No.21457051

>"Alright Zach, that's a print! That's the greatest shot I've ever seen on this film set ever! Good work you'll make it big. Best cinematographer at the age of 24 here! Next future Kubrick!"
>"Thanks I try."
>Actress: "Ohhh Zach, since you are soo nice, do you want to come over to my house to-"
>-Suddenly I get bite on my foot from a spider-
>-I wake up from the dream age 35 punching the walls of my broken apartment-

>> No.21457091

>Blaming an entire religion for the shitty practices that one group of nuns and priests of people in Ireland did covertly with no real analogue anywhere else

I bet tou are the type of nigger that will justify when niggers act like niggers and bix nood all the time or when white people destroy native populations for their own gain amd the native's detriment
Fuck off.

>> No.21457114

The grass is greener on Kepler-1606b.

>> No.21457452

Final poem of the year.

In a child’s dream I saw the demon totem,
with serpent ornaments that seemed in motion,
slithering round the ever blinkless golem,
and it spoke whispering a secret poem,

“ I am from the zenith lonesome,
where from before even broken,
was the first that gleameth golden,
yee before the weavin woven.”

ruined of runes was this some seated odin,
speaking in deafening a heathen omen?
seeking and beckoning to regions spoken,
in Gramarye the grimoires of edom’s gnosis?

“and my image seated holds its
place among the legions oathéd
to a nameless sequence wrote in
thee with stainless dreams unnotéd.”

written in stainless the brain brainless rageth,
am I the I my i’s name nameth sacred?
demon is this but the face faceth naked?
secret as if it the days’ dayless ancient,

“know not I, the famous fadeth,
so am I, the fate it frameth,
opened by, the cages caved in,
go then by, the chain is changeless.”

chasing the trace of night in faintest places,
the shadow’s dimmer-dwimmer blazes ageless,
as a cracked shadow, eye of sages tainted,
flamed not of man nor tree nor braided phrases,

“dead-eyed lost-light, gated-Janus,
echoing voice, planeless spaces,
emrold green void, latent strangeness,
lead-sky all-night, tasteless-sameness”

how long the void avoids the red rose cross knight?
whose head is breath that breathes the speckold frostbite?
fear not the devol nor the devol swordstrike,
even if pierces through its metol rawhide.

“arm raised with the dreadphol Longknife,
blade curved like the gentol dawn’s light,
rays clothe thee like tempol cloth white,
star-wrought thou the vessol moth-like”

cocooned in selfish mind the restphol thoughts fly,
the movements hellish try the vengphol claws grind,
the lucent spell is bind the trembol caused by
illusion’s cell is fine, the pedols soft glide,

“Gold flowers of sevrol gods lie,
Gold Towers of mentol psalms cried,
Gold hours like speshol balms prized,
Gold bowers like spectrol palms rise.”

yes it’s pleasure Edmund Spenser: “ever rest”
heaven’s treasure eben-ezer: center set,
seven measure’s met in Escher: letter’s blest
Helen’s better wedded esther: tender breast’,

“better yes is the splendor met,
effortless with a scepter’s stretch,
shepherdless to the shepherd led,
severest thou, the fetter’s shed.

sound stained now remade in shapes of nectar bled,
I the idol fleshed to makes the texture dressed,
hand and eye one trance that ever gestureth,
wizened mad i gasp and laugh and jestereth, 

“eternal sun the never set,
encircled one the zephyr-breath,
as mad as maat the feather rests,
the man is met and tempereth.”

Hallo, answer would be rarely.

>> No.21457503
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They say I got brains
But they ain't doin' me no good
I wish they could

>> No.21457563

Brains in what? Never-mind. You need "guts" now, is all.

>> No.21457568



>> No.21457590 [DELETED] 


>> No.21458085

The Republic is one of the most important books of all time.
The Lord of the Rings lives in my heart forever.

>> No.21458679

Have you ever published anything? Do you plan to if you haven't?