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21446025 No.21446025 [Reply] [Original]

What made this book so popular? 120 million sold copies is insane

>> No.21446045

children / women with the intellectual capacity of children

>> No.21446194

it's kinocomfy

>> No.21446205

Let's not be too quick to expiate the moronic men who genuinely like this garbage, or the men who pretend to like it to get laid.

>> No.21446209

>120 million
Where do you get that number from? It's been way beyond 500 million. Was 500M 5 or 6 years ago.

And that's btw the sales. I read the books without ever buying them and know other people that did the same. It probably has more than a billion readers at that point.

>> No.21446210

It was the only novel in the Scholastic book order things that wasn't about boring shit like some French fuck's hockey sweater or a girl detective solving mysteries because she was abused

I just wanted one normal fucking book for boys, something with knights or soldiers in it. Year after year, season after season all I got was Captain Poopypants and Inspector Dora and the Sisterhood of the Travelling Panties. I remember just seeing human faces that weren't drawn in overly cutesy cartoon design doing something retarded and thinking thank god, finally, a book for grown ass red blooded second grade men like me. I got even more excited when I saw that it wasn't about a FUCKING sweater. When I actually read the books and realized they were girls' books with no action, and all the "magic" was lame pussy twee shit instead of cool mages and warlocks type stuff, I was disappointed but I read the book anyway because it was all I had. I remember I was halfway through the third one and wishing I were dead when my dad bought me 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and The Hobbit, as of that night and ever since Harry Potter can suck my fucking cock.

>> No.21446226

Wow, you're such a manly man. You probably also liked cars and watching sports and wanted to be a truck driver when growing up.

>> No.21446234

No I liked DBZ and Reboot and Beast Wars and I wanted to be a vet to help animals, I only watched hockey so my dad would like me more because he loved hockey (it didn't work)

>> No.21446256
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Sorry about your Dad, anon. Hopefully your mother appreciated you at least.

>> No.21446272

You weren't fooling him. He knew that your japanese cartoon with weird hair watching ass didn't really like hockey and he hated you for trying to trick him.

>> No.21446382
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All books are essentially a mystery story, set in a very whimsical and comfy setting
The first 3 are genuinely good children's literature
The last 3 aren't bad and are a competent conclusion to the series, but a significant part of their appeal lies in the fact they were written primarly for people that grew up with the other books (I say this quite literally since that audience were essentially teenagers by then and you can note a big shift in "tone" in books 5 to 7)
The 4th book is a mix between 1-3 and 5-7, and therfore kinda the worst of the bunch

>> No.21446384

Nice setting, good characters, first few books are short and to the point.

>> No.21446443
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Any good dad could involve their kids in their hobbies or interests in a very nice way. Hockey is enjoyable to watch and root for teams, they could have shared the experience :(
4th book is probably the best one imo. I like the series a lot. Not crazy about 7

>> No.21446587

>some French (Canadian, actually) fuck's hockey sweater
that's really a great story tho
but not a novel iirc

>> No.21446601
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>hockey is stupid
>books without comicbook action are stupid
>I wasn't myself around my father and that predictably back-fired

you sound absolutely insufferable.
i hope you're quite young. if not, grow up immediately.

>> No.21446613

I never said hockey was stupid, I just didn't like it much. I liked playing sports more than watching. I don't think there's anything wrong with little boys wanting books with adventure, "comic book action" is an uncharitable interpretation.

>> No.21446618

>a girl detective solving mysteries because she was abused
name of the book?

>> No.21446627

what is the sweater book that he's talking about?

>> No.21446630
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>> No.21446638

>a redhead and a niglet friend/love interest
clearly an american book

>> No.21446640
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>> No.21446644

Canada is full of Haitians, anon.

>> No.21446659

>Elizabeth Eulberg was born and raised in Wisconsin before moving to New York City to work in the publishing industry.
it's also a book that came out in 2016. how old are you? 12?

>> No.21446664

>this is literature in Canada
lmao wtf

>> No.21446670

he looks like the turd emoji

>> No.21446694

It's got to be well beyond that number.

>> No.21446697


>> No.21446734
File: 532 KB, 1443x1271, 91xDgEi6njL (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally called the hockey sweater. One of the best kids books ever but non Canadians aren't allowed to read it

>> No.21446745
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Perhaps the best book ever written on the subject of wearing the wrong clothes to a hockey game and being socially alienated for that reason

>> No.21446798
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>realising Canada writes the best kids books
>with the best spelling
Ameribros pretty quiet after this one

>> No.21446843
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>>this is literature in Canada
>lmao wtf

>> No.21446852
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>winner of the governor generals award
>a Canadian bestseller
Uh... lies! Those are just lies

>> No.21448042

The fact that you asked him and not the original anon is so fucking funny, I don't know why

>> No.21448092

Once I discovered The Edge Chronicles I was basically over Harry Potter.
That was like Conan for ten year olds. Monsters, action, death, mutilation, I had a great time.

>> No.21448554

No way it's only 120.

>> No.21448668
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>> No.21450605


>> No.21450665

>What made this book so popular?
If you're asking what made it stand out from others, I'd say >>21446210 highlighted the issue. Other than the Narnia, Oz, and Middle Earth books, there wasn't a lot of fantasy adventure/mystery for kids to enjoy in 1997. You had these shitty stories about dealing with younger siblings, toothbrushes, and whatever. Of course kids didn't want to read. I've read Groosham Grange and it had no heart whatsoever; there was something evil about it. The Secret of Platform 13 was meandering. Even Howl's Moving Castle and A Wizard of Earthsea doesn't capture a young child's attention with its repetitions . Where is the story progression? Where are the stakes?
Here's something to keep in mind
>In 1999, it had sold well, thanks to the sequels, but I think it had sold about 3 or 4 million copies at that point
>Finally gets a movie deal in 2000. Rowling was adamant that she would have a say in what's happening, instead of just handing off the story like so many authors. The movies became a success. Keep in mind Capeshit wasn't being made three a year in 2001
And it went on like that. It helps that Rowling was educated in the classics and borrowed a lot from Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.

>> No.21450761
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You tards it was popular because it's engrossing escapist fiction set in a world you want to be real and filled with charm. The plots were all interesting and mysterious and there are dozens of good characters.
>things like the sorting hat and houses and school competition really appeals to people, everyone likes to think about what they'd be like in the same world
>magical school setting is more interesting to actual kids than almost anything else - you mention Howls moving castle and Earthsea which are both great but they're not as directly spellbinding. I would bet money the Eragon trilogy is more immediately captivating to most interested readers between the ages of 6 and 13 than Earthsea is, and that's an actually poorly written series but it contains a few of the same things rowling uses to hook people
>Harry is an orphan and he's rich, he is the secret heir to magical powers (something more incredible than his actual destiny) and will be undertaking the adventures alone - this all appeals to children especially
Besides that the popularity can be explained by the books being good. I don't give a shit about the movies but the first few are pretty good too, though I didn't like the direction it took at 3 and I haven't really seen any of the others. But having a good series of movies helps a lot. LOTR has the best ever but something like Earthsea or most of them don't.

>> No.21450792

Oh sorry anon I shouldn't have called you a tard I kind of only skimmed your post and thought you were comparing rowling disfavourably with leguin

Her decisions regarding the movies were very good. The first 2 were really good movies and I bet if she just sold them off they would have really been fouled up

>> No.21450828
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>there are canadians ITT who haven't heard warren zevon's hockey song

>> No.21450914
File: 126 KB, 1024x732, 1660917616576885m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for sharing anon, it was Canadian as is your picture

>> No.21451145

It’s a good book. Just try reading it.

>> No.21451162

it's kinocomfy

>> No.21451175

the author sold her soul to satan

>> No.21451256
