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21443786 No.21443786 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to New London Edition

Previous Thread:>>21431659

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21443805

if you read litrpg, xianxia or web novels you are gay

>> No.21443893
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Who are the Shakespeares of sci-fi and fantasy?

>> No.21443896
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As someone who doesn't give a shit about the games where should I start with the Warhammer 40k universe?

>> No.21443935

Eisenhorn and First and Only are good starters, and don't require a lot of background knowledge to enjoy. Plus they're one of the few well written ones out of the bajillion crappy 40k novels. If I were you I'd read the first chapters from both, and whichever you like best start with that.

>> No.21443953

Dan Abnett is the only author in the universe worth reading. He wrote simple stories with a 40k paintjob. Eisenhorn is probably his best.

>> No.21443971

I was afraid to even imagine such a shitty question.
Also, there is a great Soviet writer Alexander Belyaev, who wrote about the Supermen and their life in this society, this is a NATURAL MASTE.
Amphibian Man, Ariel, Lord of the World!
This is really cool!
At the same time, the culture of Raza Kosmisko is being promoted there!
This is what the great Russian-Tatar philosopher and naturalist Tsiolkovsky wanted!

>> No.21444036

>Go into a Barnes and Noble
Holy fuck what a horrible selection. What is all this trash that's put on the shelves?
Gaunt's Ghosts series is good although I think the first book or two might not be the best.

>> No.21444068

Read Xianxia, 1000 chapter minimum. Become strong.

>> No.21444154

Cool thanks anons, I will probably dive into Eisenhorn to start

>> No.21444198

Read Gotrek and Felix instead. It's Warhammer Fantasy, but it's much better than anything in 40k fiction. It's a classic sword and sorcery adventure novel, it's fast, fun, the dialogue is funny and it all just works. William King is a much better author than Dan Abnett.

>> No.21444211
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Harem stories with foxgirls and elves brings me happiness.

>> No.21444269

Reminder that Iron Prince author (and of course, mod) has been crucifying himself defending the progfant's virtue signalling addition of a rainbow flag as their icon/symbol.
>full on "quotes your post in all caps and overuse of lol/emoticons/etc." newfag shit to anyone who disagrees
>"uhhh anyone who asks why is a bigot and causes this flag to remain up for another month ROFLmao xDD"
An outright embarrassment but the most drama on that gay sub since ching ping Tao Wong and his System Apocalypse copyright drama.

>> No.21444278
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forgot my gay attention-grabbing image
more like GAY prince amirite

>> No.21444299

The whole thing has a Uke flag background too.

>> No.21444331
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Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21444339

no one

>> No.21444402

no thanks

>> No.21444428

How long does it take you to finish a book? For me, I like to slow burn my books. I normally read 2 chapters a night so it takes me a month or so to get through a normal sized book

>> No.21444473

Someone help me find the name of a GRRM short story. It was part of a magic themed short story collection, can't remember what it's called either. It was set in a world which was dying because there was too much magic or something. There's a wizard character and a human girl who hates magic and they meet at an inn which turns out to be cursed. That's all I can remember besides some minor plot details and the fact that it had a lot of made up words.

>> No.21444499
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A Canticle for Leibowitz, St. Leibowitz #1 - Walter M. Miller, Jr. (1959)

A Canticle of Leibowitz is three novellas that have minimal overlap due each one taking place roughly six hundred years after the previous one. Its structure is due to it being a fix-up novel composed of previously serialized works that were revised to form a novel. As a general rule, I don't like fix-up novels, though I didn't know this was one until after I read it.

The three parts are concerned with with the Abbey of St. Leibowitz and its residents, though outsiders are also present, and there a few times where the narrative goes elsewhere. The titular Isaac Edward Leibowitz has been deceased for roughly six hundred years and serves no role other than he founded the abbey to preserve human knowledge and was martyred. Sometimes I found the story be so farcical that Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz seemed like a more appropriate reference.

This is very much an idea novel, to the exclusion of almost all else. I suppose it can be read for its post-apocalyptic nuclear fallout setting, but I don't know who would read it for the characters, as they're seemingly only for the functional purpose of delivering the narrative. The central idea, there are several, to me is that humanity is doomed to its own intentional self-destruction, over and over again. It's thoroughly fatalistic, but there are also elements of optimistic wishful thinking that are still with us today, particularly that are currently viable escapes from Earth. I also believe it to be Sisyphean, which may be what I dislike the most about it. The very concept of continually losing progress after much effort and suffering, over and over again, is disagreeable to me.

I'm not able to relate to the effusive praise or awards I've seen for this book, though I also feel the same way about Isaac Asimov's Foundation, of which it bears at least a passing resemblance. There are ideas, passages, and commentary that I enjoyed, but overall I wasn't able to engage with this is in any meaningful way. One of the main reasons for this is that I found it to be too concerned with allegory. They're of the Catholic sort, but there are many secular ones as well. I don't want to emphasize the Catholicism because despite itnearly omnipresent from beginning to end, I felt it was more a thematic choice to support the idea of cyclical history than to be religiously oriented fiction.

I won't be seeking out more from this series or author. The novel is worthwhile, but it's style doesn't suite my tastes. I don't have any issue with saying that others should try reading it and seeing what they think. If you enjoy a low-action novel about religion, long-term preservation of knowledge and tradition, philosophical contemplation, and ideals being more far important than people or anything else, then this may be something you'd enjoy.

Rating: 3/5

>> No.21444531

Nice dubs and another nice review. I was thinking about making this the last book I'll read in 2022, but I'l go for American Psycho instead. Thanks for the warning!

>> No.21444612

your """reviews""" are shit
fuck off

>> No.21444613
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Any recommendations? Want to try out some of these books.
I have read super sale on superheroes, it was ok.

>> No.21444723

If you something more light-hearted, read the Ciaphas Cain's series.

>> No.21444765

>You finished the first book, which sets up the plot, but didn't bother with the second book that has all the payoff? You are quite the odd creature, anon
I'll get around to it. In fact, began the second book, but it was reintroducing the characters. That's when I got the feeling that I had enough for now. I'll come back to it.

The first book didn't feel like it was setting up anything. It started. Some peculiar shit happened. It ended. Sure, some questions were left unanswered. But was the point of the book really to answer those questions? Or just have fun in the quirky gothic playground? I think it was the latter.

>> No.21444851

I'm glad that it was of some use to you, though I'm not sure what you believed the warning to be considering what you'll be reading instead.

>> No.21444873

I've been enjoying Demon's Throne. Kindgom building with demon protag, characters are a bit too flat but I'm okay with that. Audiobook is incredible for maximum coom experience

>> No.21445021

I need more sword and sorcery short story collections. I've read Conan but not really anything else in the genre so hit me with your best.

>> No.21445030

Fafhrd and Gray Mouser.

>> No.21445031

Read the Warhammer Wiki or the Lexicanum and decide which faction you like. Then look for books about this faction and start with them.

>> No.21445061

What the fuck kind of fag shit is this holy shit

>> No.21445067

we are all legends by darrell schweitzer

>> No.21445089

I'm actually quite tired of same old monster girls in every story. We need more haremshit with just human women.

>> No.21445130

Try supreme harem god system

>> No.21445241

the wandering inn is written by an AI

>> No.21445264
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If a book doesn't have incest than I will not read it.

>> No.21445318

Keeping track of a bajilion details and characters is the thing AIs are the worst at

>> No.21445322
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Fantasy with swamp settings?

>> No.21445330

Love this book, ending is sad af no wonder the author killed himself

>> No.21445339
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>> No.21445362

>call out that insipid faggot Baldree
>banned in 9 minutes

>> No.21445411

The ending is quite despairing, yet it may also be the most optimistic part of the book, depending on how one thinks their mission goes.

I thought this was an interesting article

It was 37 years later and probably due to struggling with PTSD for all those decades. The death of his wife may have been what was the direct cause.

Walt was deeply depressed by post-traumatic stress disorder and had been for half a century," says writer Joe Haldeman, who was the closest thing Miller had to a friend in the science-fiction world. "I don't know how many people he felt responsible for killing, but it was a lot."

Miller's longtime agent, Don Congdon, said Miller was "the only client I never met, although we talked a lot."

With his blessing, a deal was worked out with novelist Terry Bisson to complete the book.

"Life is impersonal," Miller wrote. "Eastern religions make clear that personhood is an illusion. There is nowhere for my dead wife to go, because there is no dead wife. To the extent that she exists, she exists inside of me. And outside of me too."

Bruce Sterling argued, "He probably would have killed himself if he had been a plumber. People are always talking about some artist and his tragic life. But life is tragic for any person who's a depressive. There are boatloads of people who live in absolute misery and off themselves and have never done a creative or artistic thing in their lives."

>> No.21445422
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Good lord I just finished reading picrel don't remind me

>> No.21445458

I tried to finish 'Time enough for love' but unfortunately the entire thing is just an old man ranting about the first Gulf War for a long time, people explaining to each other how old they are and how awesome it is to live forever, and then strangers having sex. Boring as fuck.

>> No.21445521

>strangers having sex
Oh good heavens were you scandalized?

>> No.21445601
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66 days left until Lord of Mysteries 2

>> No.21445625
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BAKKER is the KING of /sffg/.

Simple as

>> No.21445639
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>BAKKER is the KING of /sffg/.
>Simple as

>> No.21445687

Reviewanon have you ever done Lies of Locke Lamora, Dying Earth, BOTNS, Finnegan's Wake, or The Name of the Wind?
Also anything by Lafferty

>> No.21445800
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NYA, but this unironically. 2023 is the year of The Apocalypse.

>> No.21445846
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Any story filled with characters, or at least the mc, wearing heavy armours (enchanted or not)?

>> No.21445884


The Ice Dragon?

>> No.21445912

Is that series worth reading?

>> No.21445929

Yes, no, yes, no, I read that before I was writing stuff so it only has a bit that I wrote later. Muir Lafferty, yes, R.A. Lafferty, no. I've read 4 works of short fiction by R.A. but I think they were in anthologies I read before I was writing about them.

Sometimes I note when my opinion diverges from the consensus, but usually I don't. I advise looking at various opinions.



As for name of the wind, I wrote a bit on GR about how nostalgic it made me feel when I read it all those years ago, about a time that was many years before that.

As for the second book:

I've also read and wrote about his other works in the setting.

You can also see more on my Goodreads profile.

>> No.21445955

>answering lots of basic questions in one sentence
This is something I rarely see and it makes me enjoy Soulship much more.

>> No.21445994

Did you reply to the wrong post?

>> No.21445999

A night at tarn house- part of the collection of Songs of the dying earth

>> No.21446004

How many fucking books is that series going to be?

>> No.21446026

Not at all. I only read the very beginning of your post and I am fresh off of a back-to-back Soulship 5 and 6 read so it is recent in my mind.

>> No.21446099
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Wait a minute, he actually bangs his aunt in this book? I'm in.

>> No.21446104

your """reviews""" are shit
fuck off and stop shilling yourself

>> No.21446114

Any fantasy novel with this feel?

>> No.21446115

>"It's a chuds kill an evil tranny episode"
Uhhh lampooner bros are we the baddies?

>> No.21446124

Stop seething just cause you can't write helpful reviews

>> No.21446128

I can see your malding from here chudderino. Where are your reviews?

>> No.21446129

No, because you and the books you review are SHIT and you are are a hack faggot

>> No.21446133

get your head stomped in cunt

>> No.21446140

Not really.

>> No.21446144

Klein never killed any tranny
Trissy was killed by Seq. 0 Primordial Demoness and the other demoness admiral is still alive

>> No.21446214

Dear the one other person who has read Martial World,

In as few spoilers as possible, how long do I have to wait for the Official Certified Eternal Demon Abyss arc and explanations? I'm about to finish the 'fucking up South Sea Region' arc. Feel free to be vague. Is it closer to the middle or the last half of the overall series? And I'm aware that the series has basically an entire backhalf but is it before or after that too?

>> No.21446227

you pseuds wouldn't shut the fuck up about Bakker so I figured he wash trash

boy was I wrong.

>> No.21446230

There's 2256 chapters... what chapter are you on.... I don't remember anything about martial world

>> No.21446231

well adjusted person

>> No.21446244

Fair. Since you made me check, I am currently in book 10, chapter ~723.
The next to last chapter is titled Depths of the Abyss so perhaps I inadvertently answered my own question.

>> No.21446304

Well, that wasn't me, and you still haven't said what I should be writing about instead.

>> No.21446319

Its been a while, probably at the end of next arc if I remember correctly.

>> No.21446333

Anyone read the Black Ocean novels? I'm enjoying them so far.

>> No.21446334

Vaults of Terra and Watchers of the Throne

>> No.21446370
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Saberhagen is under appreciated, someone please shitpost about him so he can be more appreciated

>> No.21446371


>> No.21446376

What are some science fantasy novels like nier automata?

>> No.21446427

Have you read the Nier books?

>> No.21446432

I loved Empire of the east as a kid

>> No.21446451

I read 1 of those so im only 1/3 gay? Thats fine considering porn is 50% gay.

What are some good fantasy novels told from the perspective of the villian actual villain not the "anti hero"

>> No.21446485

arguably The Masquerade by Seth Dickinson

>> No.21446508

Imagine missing out on the new pulp era out of a vague sense of personal embarrassment. The world has passed you by.

>> No.21446523

Me as well. That and I think it was Berserker Planet, with this great Enter The Dragon style tournament sequence have really stuck with me.
What's some other good Saberhagen?

>> No.21446572

Tried reading the sword of truth series but hated the writing style. It sounded like I was listening to a guy pitching his own book, rather than the actual book. Couldn't enjoy it, plus I feel like I already know where the story is going. Should I try Bakker instead? I'm no longer interested in Goodkind.

>> No.21446668
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Cuppa paperbacks in the post this morning, lads.

>> No.21446682

All of the replies are incorrect. Start with Storm of Iron.

>> No.21446702

It's both corny and awesome as fuck
Fair assessment

>> No.21446707

My fantasy novella will be done in a couple months and when it is I'm going to shill it here. Think Melville + Pynchon + Peake + Clark Ashton Smith; spent a lot of time trying to hone my style and write something that I would want to read

>> No.21446723

>spent a lot of time
How much time?

>> No.21446729

Better part of four years, technically seven if you count from when I started reading regularly/"seriously"

>> No.21446731
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If you manage to have even 1/10 of Clarke's mojo it will be readable, but you probably don't desu and yapping about it before you have a first draft is not a good sign. That said I'll be here for the shilling either way. Every anon in here should try their hand at writing something at least once, and it should be encouraged.

>> No.21446739

Thank you my friend

>> No.21446746

The second draft is done, it just needs a third (and probably fourth) draft and then several rounds of editing before I can format it and put it on Amazon. Thanks for the encouragement either way, hopefully its something other anons will enjoy reading

>> No.21446763

Good, good. If you can please don't skimp on developmental, line, and copy editing (in that order to save the most monies). And the cover art has to be a banger or 75% of the autists in here won't bother.

>> No.21446845

Was planning on reading that can you post a paragraph that illustrates that?

>> No.21446861
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The official Mom Protagonist SFF List.
I apologize for the lengthy (ie autistic) list. I may update it later.
>Caught in Crystal (1987) by Patricia Wrede
>The Interior Life (1990) by Katherine Blake
>Raven's Duology (2004-2005) by Patricia Briggs
>Wolfblade Trilogy (2004-2005) by Jennifer Fallon
>Bridge of D'Arnath (2004-2005) by Carol Berg
>The World Gates Trilogy (2004-2005) By Holly Lisle, She wrote Minerva Wakes and the Arhel trilogy, those two books also have mom mc
>Dragonsbane (1985) by Barbara Hambly
>Paladin of Souls and Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
>Sunrunner Saga (1988-1993) by Melanie Rawn starting from book the mc has a son and he becomes the secondary mc
>The Empire Trilogy (1987-1992) by Janny Wurts
>Liveship Traders (1998-200) by Robin Hobb
>Birthgrave (1975-1978) by Tanith Lee
>Heart of Bronze (1997-1998) by Matthew Stover
>Karavans Trilogy (2006-2012) by Jennifer Roberson
>Skinwalkers (2014) by Wendy N. Wagner, about an ex-pirate Axe wielding mom!
>Frostfell (2006) by Mark Sehestedt
>Legacy of Steel (1998) by Mary H. Herbert
>The Traitor Spy Trilogy (2010-2012) by Trudi Canavan
>Sevenwaters Trilogy (1999-2001) by Juliet Marillier
>Blood songs (1987, third book in the Frost trilogy) by Robin Wayne Bailey
>Bloodsong Trilogy (1985-1986) by Asa Drake
>Gypsies (1988) by Robert Charles Wilson
>Child of Time (1991) by Robert Silverberg
>The Wayfarer Redemption (1995-1999) by Sara Douglass, by book three almost every character is pregnant, after book three there's a 20 year time-skip so all the mcs have grown-up children
>The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (1974) by Patricia A. McKillip
>The Keys to Paradise Trilogy (1987-1988) by Robert Vardeman, trio of mcs all of the same importance, veterans of the Trans-War that ravaged the country, one of them is a cat-girl who saves a slave kid and adopts him
>Bitter Angels (2009) by C.L Anderson
>The Great Wheel (1987, book three of the Tredana Trilogy) by Joyce Ballou Gregorian
>Daughter of the Bear King (1987) by Eleanor Arnason
>Night-Threads series by Ru Emerson, portal fantasy about a druggie mom, her sister and her teenage son.
>Frostflower adn Thorn (1980) Phyllis Ann Karr
>Fifth Millenium by S.M. Stirling, Shirley Meier, and Karen Wehrstein
>Spellsong Cycle (1997-2002) by L.E. Modesitt Jr
>The Sword of Lyric by Sharon Hinck, christian portal fantasy about a soccer mom and her son fighting against Not-Satan
>Cradle of Sea and Soill (2020) by Bernie Anes Paz
>Boneshaker (2009) Cherie Priest
>The Gap Cycle by Stephen Donaldson, absolute grimdark kino but like most of Donaldson's work it has a happy ending, the main characters just have to go through hell to get it.
>Dragon Gate by Linsay Buroker, a six book epic about a Mother-son duo
>Memories of Ice (2001 Book 3 of Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson
>To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987) by Robert Heinlein
Bakker is king etc. etc.

>> No.21446884

cringe and garbopilled

>> No.21446901 [SPOILER] 
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the scene when the earth politicians throw the mc in jail just for showing them a picture of his multi-racial family is hilarious. but i don't remember any incest in that one, i do remember that the protag's wife was way older than him and he called her "mama" lol
Book of Swords and book of Lost Swords it's super fun with the concept of the twelve swords, twelve mcguffins that can change the tide of any war and a bunch of characters and gods trying to get a hold of them for their own purposes. amazing action sequences too, one vs one, one vs a hundred, gods vs gods, humans vs gods you name it.

>> No.21446937

Am I allowed to like The Expanse books? I know they're not Arthur C Clarke but I'm enjoying them.

>> No.21446941

Yes, the only good scifi from this century is space opera. real scifi died with dick and heinlein.

>> No.21446942
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Never have I seen a series' covers fall so far.

>> No.21446966

So true. If you want the good covers here in Australia, you need to pay handsomely.

>> No.21447423

>>>All of the Prince of Nothing and Aspect-Emperor ebooks are $3 each EXCEPT The Judging Eye which is $13

Fucking WHY!?!

>> No.21447425

Why do Redditards make such a big deal about "magic systems"? I understand keeping things coherent but magic is either
A. A plot device
B. An aesthetic choice
C. A way to raise a question or a concept
Why do they think it needs to fit X criteria, and do X this and that and have classifications and such and such? Its all bullshit.

>> No.21447431

Because reviewers told them it matters. They're normoids anon, they don't think about it, they just apply whatever arbitrary criteria they're told to.

>> No.21447436

Im sorry was this a soft post or a hard post? Did it adhere to Mormon McGees 48 Laws of Posting?

>> No.21447851
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>> No.21447852

Berserk, Goblin Slayer, literally any mecha anime, later books of Red Rising, Warhammer Fantasy and 40k books, Age of Sigmar books

>> No.21447929
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J. G Ballard
Gene Wolfe

>> No.21447974

Thune's Vision

>> No.21447975

Top stuff mate

>> No.21447982

it's poop

>> No.21447992

Were there any humans on Green before Auk's lander got there? If not, doesn't that make Jahlee among the first human-ensouled inhumi?

>> No.21448013

No. Typhon did not know about the inhumi and would have done everything possible to keep them out of the Whorl if he had.

>> No.21448022

Anon that whole line-marriage thing was an incest engine

>> No.21448034

Another question, how did Scylla get from Green to Blue?

>> No.21448542
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I'm an oldfag that stopped reading fantasy and sci-fi in the 90s and switched to vidya. These past few years I gone knee-deep into webnovels and litrpgs.

What have I missed since the 90s? Is Sanderson actually good? Did Wheel of Time get better? Any must-read recomendations?

>> No.21448551

>Any must-read recomendations?

>> No.21448565

Consider browsing the archives and the charts in the OP for recommendations and answers to your questions.

>> No.21448585

Yes because Green and Blue are just the moon and Urth. The generation ship didn't go to a far away place, it just circled at light speed and with relative time passing Urth and moon changed a lot to become Blue and Green.

>> No.21448600

What are some good seapunk books?

>> No.21448618

a) I'm not seeing many webnovels so I take it with a grain of salt
b) just because something was good in the 00s and 10s doesn't mean that it's better than the old stuff.

I mean , I see the number of titles by Sanderson and I'm wondering "Is he actually that good or are people starving for fantasy , he is good enough and everything else is shit?".

>> No.21448697

And during the countless millennia The Whorl was away "just circling" the people of Urth became Neighbors, created the inhumi, lost the war to them, transformed Luna into Blue, escaped there, lost the war to inhumi on Blue, died out and moved away.
I was asking about actual humans.

>> No.21448757

The inhumu were just mindless blobs before they started consuming human blood.
I don't think so. Why does Horn comment Urth is different from Blue?
But the Whorl travels the universe indefinitely. It's the source of human panspermia. Who knows how long it's been around. The events of New and Short Sun are happening at the same time at different planets.

>> No.21448827

Because Horn was transported to Urth thousands of years before the time of Short Sun. It's happening after Severian did his thing in New Sun. At least that's a quite plausible theory I've heard.

>> No.21448910

But why would Horn travel a chiliad or two in the past? He didn't time travel on Green or Whorl. Besides, Severian is just a tween during the events of the Return to the Whorl. Horn inspired him to write BotNS.

>> No.21448921

Idk, never heard of any of those. We know Horn travelled to Urth during a time when the Torturers were not yet weak and decaying for example and I've never really glimpsed evidence that Severian was aware of these events. Also, if Long and Short Sun are happening near Blue and Green, and Blue and Green are moon and Urth thousands of years after the events of the New Sun, Severina could not have been a child during those events.

>> No.21448990

I wonder when we'll get another WoT epic fantasy series.

>> No.21449020

We have Stormlight Archives :^)
On a more serious note, Butcher said recently he wants to write one after Dresden is finished. Apparently Codex alera didn't count and he wants to write a huge epic fantasy series.

>> No.21449026

>We have Stormlight Archives
I pick the first book up every time I see it but just can't muster any desire to read it. Honestly I might've bought it and it's lost on a bookshelf somewhere.

>> No.21449037

Give me time, I can barely write 1000 words a day.

>> No.21449071

Bro...your college essay?

>> No.21449106

no essays needed in my degree, just equations.

>> No.21449149

my favorite part of /sffg/ is when someone asks a question and that one guy has a meltie

>> No.21449153

Another one whose read MW. I don't remember because it was ages ago.
Weirdly I recall MW kept up the quality better as it went all the way through while TMW starts really strong before petering out into MW callbacks and a mediocre ending.

>> No.21449183

Don't worry, as son as I've published enough successful novels to get the goodwill I need from publishers to do so I'm on it.

>> No.21449198

once Brandon Sanderson keels over from abusing cocaine and I finish writing the Stormlight Archive I promise I will deliver lukewarm, easily digested ebin fantasy

>> No.21449211

I'm seeing a whole lot of Anons promising shit. At least GRRM released his first fucking book.

>> No.21449273

It also took him over 20 years to find success.

>> No.21449389

It's pretty entertaining, simply for being so baffling. Why come to an Indonesian basket weaving forum if any semblance of discussion drives you mad?

>> No.21449404

I usually mistake /lit/ with /lgbt/, I wonder why?

>> No.21449409

bro my erp sessions are like 5000 words on my side alone

>> No.21449427

>What have I missed since the 90s?
Absolutely nothing.
Personally I switched over to chinese webnovels around 2015 and have seen no reason to go back.

>> No.21449428

What are some good "magic wish fulfillment fantasy"? I've read a lot of it already.

>> No.21449433

Anything chinese that mentions a system, golden finger, signing-in or game elements pretty much. (with the caveat that a few of them just use it to market themselves and then write a normal story later on)

>> No.21449760

Shakespeare's defining traits are patriotism, poetry, profundity, playfulness, and prolific. You are looking for an author with a substantial body of work, a sense of humor, a sense of religious mystery, a sense of taste, and a sense of nationalism. That leaves exactly one author for fantasy - J. R. R. Tolkien - and one author for SF - Frank Herbert. Since the 20th century is simultaneously the most atheist and least patriotic, the probability of finding ANY authors within genre fiction to match Shakespeare even by analogy, let alone by actual talent, is astronomically small.

>> No.21449780
File: 2.81 MB, 1920x2048, 1669296173409296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books with male human/female dragon (or really, any sort of monster girl) relationships that: A. don't end in tragedy, and B. aren't e-lit posted to furaffinity?

>> No.21449788

Anons, can you help me remember what book I read. It was a sci-fi story about exploration of a planet with some primitive species that had no iron or any resources. The explorers found something under the ocean and there was a tomb with a printing press. Also that planet had a moon with a strange city-like structure there made of metal. Later they discovered that some space dragons destroy all civilizations once in a while and some advanced species have escaped to other galaxy or whatever.

Was it the engines of god???

>> No.21449796


>> No.21449979

Why do you think so?

>> No.21449989

I'm on draft 3 of what I'm hoping is my debut novel and goddamn, no wonder so many people give up before this point. The first draft is hard enough, then I have to go back and fix all the problems multiple times? It's so hard, because it feels like I'm replacing shit writing with slightly better shit writing.
I'm determined to get there, but I'm not surprised most "writers" just shit something out for nanowrimo and shelve it afterwards.

>> No.21450063
File: 95 KB, 1125x1106, 8sqz9f0rs9e31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books like Half-Life?

>> No.21450121


>> No.21450149

Just imagine how successful the last couple books will be.

>> No.21450158

I have zero motivation to read A Game of Thrones at all.

Its the first book I decided to pick after using /lit/ and I just cannot do it. Its mostly because I already know the story in and out. I've watched the shows. I wanted to finish this before shifting genre but its a slog

>> No.21450165

NOOO you can't read this you gotta read intersectional feminist fantasy

>> No.21450196

You know what's worse? It's an unfinished series, and it's going to stay that way forever. There is no possible incentive to read that edgelord Stephen King-tier torture-porn when it's still totally unfinished after thirty fucking years, with no feasible conclusion in your own lifetime, let alone the author's. Only a complete moron would get invested in such a series, TV show or otherwise.

>> No.21450211

what the fuck

>> No.21450252

Sooo... Bakker is a homosexual, yeah?

>> No.21450278
File: 24 KB, 366x494, mgrM5AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on libgen and download something else retard. What the hell

>> No.21450300
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 6k2cpCvC_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't tell me the best science fiction novel you've EVER read or I will kill your entire fucking family.

>> No.21450304

What else can you expect from some normalfag retard who can't even make himself read the normalfag's holy grail of fantasy?

>> No.21450308

I don't pay attention to threats from ESLs.

>> No.21450313

Do you think a left-wing Canadian man who writes that much gay sex, gay rape, and gay grooming, all presented in a positive fashion as "based masculinity", is straight?

>> No.21450324

I made a typo, fuck you. Tell me now or mommy is getting split down the middle

>> No.21450327

I always had a soft spot for Foundation

>> No.21450335

Imagine being so fucking pathetic that you can't even search for something as basic as a science fiction novel on your own. Maybe spend less time here, you dumbfuck.

>> No.21450340


>> No.21450347

I'm looking for something other than the same 100 fucking titles that are endlessly shilled all over the web, you whiny, cocksucking scumbag.

>> No.21450354

And you won't find them here. So again, maybe spend less time here and search for them.

>> No.21450361

Does anyone remember the name of the book that was the genrefic version of Bloom's Western Canon? I think it was published in the 80s/90s

>> No.21450363

Fuck you, give me recommendations

>> No.21450370

No, why would I waste my time on you when you have the internet to help you search for books?

>> No.21450394

Because you're a worthless fucking faggot who has nothing better to do with your life.

>> No.21450406

seconding this, sounds interesting

>> No.21450408

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Foundation Trilogy (the first)
most of Arthur Clark's books

-Not strictly sci-fi but with heavy sci-fi elements
World of Tiers series
Dungeon Crawler Carl

There are some oldies I forget the names of but these were the ones that stayed with me

>> No.21450410

I'm not the one crying and whining that internet strangers aren't helping me search for books. You know, something even children can do on their own.

>> No.21450418

You are alright
You are scum, be more like >>21450408

>> No.21450423

>be more like
Telling you to read books that are on the chart in the megafolder in the OP? Which you could have done instead of throwing a shitfit when people didn't give you any recommendations?

>> No.21450427

So you wan't to be recomended the genuine best sci-fi, but you also don't accept the natural picks given your request
Alright then
In that case, read: Fourth World by Jack Kirby
Yes, it's a comic book
No, I don't care if you don't like my recomendation
Fuck you, you rat fuck, read it

>> No.21450433

>Looking for something other than the same 100 titles
>Is going to read books that are often in the 100 titles
What was the issue against using google again? Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, the foundation trilogy, and Arthur Clark’s books are often what those list recommends, so I don’t know why you spur them only to accept them when someone here recommends them.

>> No.21450594

>can also see more on my Goodreads profile
I'm kind of a part-timer in this general, where is a link to your GR profile?

Bitch stfu, you annoying faggot incel

>> No.21450615

go to www.goodreads.com
please consider never coming back to 4chan

>> No.21450636

>Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I'm not afraid to say it filtered me. The writing is just too much twee "Look how impossibly dry and clever my writing is" overly British. It was hard to focus on the story with the prose itself acting like a character. Even Terry Pratchett doesn't go that hard doing the same thing.

>> No.21450647

Read this book series as a kid now I want to fuck dragons.

>> No.21450648

>consider never coming back to 4chan
Oh believe me I'm trying to wean myself off it
This entire site has been shit since 2015
Every day about 1000 subzero IQ TikTok zoomers find this place and about 50 intelligent anons (like me) leave or go into permanent lurk mode
Got a 30 day ban on my main ip for posting a joke/wish about killing some whore and I'm not going to appeal it as it will cause enough hassle to me having to use my mobile data that I will post less
I was genuinely only interested in the anons reviews as they are kinda thoughtful and he covers books that I wanted to read anyway

>> No.21450658

Wat are some good Wuxia or Xianxia books?

>> No.21450698

get face smashed in cunt

>> No.21450702


>> No.21450713 [DELETED] 

post your address you little dribbling whore, or a town where you want to get raped
I know I shouldn't even respond to nigger retards

>> No.21450722

The Book of the New Sun, of course. It's also my favorite novel in general.

>> No.21450733

He is some libtard and that's reflected in his reviews. If you are still interested, also consider creating an account on r*ddit, I hear they have a large progressive/feminist/antiwhite book club there, you can discuss n.k jemisin and upvote each other, the review anon is there too. You will fit right in.

>> No.21450735

shut up and update your lists.

>> No.21450764

>this migatard tranny thinks we're not all libtards here
I was the one shitting on jemisin in the last thread
I love how you miga monkeys think you know how we think

>> No.21450788

Shitting? I don't think so, the best you can do towards a nonwhite scum is some mild constructive criticism.

>> No.21450822

Hi Seth. Weapons & Wielders, but they haven't fucked and it might end in tragedy. Also, she has a human form that she's usually in.

>> No.21450859

Solar Cycle

>> No.21450920

>That leaves exactly one author for fantasy - J. R. R. Tolkien - and one author for SF - Frank Herbert.
Neither of those authors have even a drop of humor or playfulness.

>> No.21450935

The Cyberiad

>> No.21450945
File: 21 KB, 256x389, God_Emperor_of_Dune-Frank_Herbert_(1981)_First_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funniest shit I've ever seen

>> No.21450946

How are the Sun Eater books?

>> No.21450955

Yeah it was posted on here a while ago. I think it came out in 97

>> No.21450956

>Those Ixians are so smart, Morty! They knew that being a giant sand-penis, I'd fall in love with a vagina, Morty! True Love has defeated my infallible logic, Morty!

>> No.21450958

I like Emphyrio

>> No.21450968
File: 1.75 MB, 500x281, DecisiveEmbarrassedIndianglassfish-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets cucked by idaho
my sides be like

>> No.21450998

Dream Thief by Stephen Lawhead

Now you must tell me a novel you know of, lest I seize your beloved lady fair and lock her up in a dark and dismal tower for all time. Name a science fiction novel with a well-developed sense of religiosity within its setting, whether in terms of real-world religions expanding into the stars or in the sense of alien civilizations with meaningful religions of their own. And I'm not talking about dungeons and dragons shit with nonsense like "god of thieves with a temple dedicated to him", I mean actual theological or cosmological creativity pursuant to the culture and biology of the alien species.
Answer me NOW or your damosel will be cursed to transform into a hideous crone this very eve, and the only way to undo the curse is to allow yourself to be cucked by a man of the opposite ethnicity to you.

>> No.21451016

Jin Yong. Condor Heroes is a classic.
Cold Glamor isn't that bad either.
Varies but I like Er Gen, Fang Xiang, IEatTomatoes, Cuttlefish That Loves Diving, Cocooned Cow, Wang Yu, Xiao Ding, Chen Dong, Goose Five.

>> No.21451027
File: 164 KB, 327x316, 1670268767445316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wang Ding Dong
how am I supposed to take Chinese literature seriously

>> No.21451030

Dune books

>> No.21451035

>Lin Ming making that favored Realm of the Gods geek butthurt because he casually destroyed the world of the first Concept of Fire
>then did it again even faster

What books are you finishing the year with? I've a few tens of chapters to go in the current Martial World book. I need to knock out my TLM reread but at least I've moved from 30->50%+; so much squandered potential and obvious red flags with all the Wayne introspection. Perhaps I'll catch up on the last 30 chapters of Infinite Realm or maybe it would be better to continue letting it build.

>> No.21451038

A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality if you prefer the novel names.

>> No.21451047

>>Lin Ming making that favored Realm of the Gods geek butthurt because he casually destroyed the world of the first Concept of Fire
>>then did it again even faster
I seriously cannot tell if the people who post this, trying to shill it, are English speakers, sounds like something that I would drop and throw at the garbage first chance I get. Christ.

>> No.21451049

Has anyone read the NieR yorha boys book? is it worth getting?

>> No.21451056

>is it worth getting?
Going to take a shot here, but have you tried reading them and forming your own opinion on them. I'm only asking since it looks like you're interested in them.

>> No.21451063


>> No.21451068

>Media tie-in fiction
>Worth getting

>> No.21451072

A. Dune books were already discussed in this thread
B. everybody already knows about Dune
C. the religious depth of Dune is totally unexplored outside of "Thou shalt not make a machine in the image of a man"
D. your maiden is being devoured by a dragon as we speak

>> No.21451087

>guy gets told to stop shilling chinklit on /sffg/
>tells the guy who roasted him to go to Chinese shill central
we really need a separate general for -xia, webnovels, and litrpgs

>> No.21451090

Rendezvous with Rama

>> No.21451091

man has no talent, and actually it's even worse than that, he has talent for terrible writing, literally with every chapter it gets worse.

>> No.21451092

I was thinking about the chapter where Xia helped 41% a rampaging tranny and all Fors could think about while watching it was accounting and power scaling

>> No.21451098

I'm wondering what other peoples thoughts are on it, I'm interested to hear what they have to say and enjoy reading what people write on subjects. Anti social retard

>> No.21451099

That's fine, she's a manipulative, selfish, money-obsessed whore anyway.

>> No.21451108

Oh, in that case, just go to goodreads if you're after that, don't know why you're here to begin with.

>> No.21451109

I recall Coiling Dragon being pretty good once it got past the first pseudo-euro world, Desolate Era was competent-ish and Stellar Transformations was interesting up until the point where it felt like he was being paid by the word, but he's also one of the earliest Xianxia authors I read to be fair and it's been a couple of years since i've read anything by him.

>> No.21451120

What do you define as playfulness? The game of riddles with Gollum, and the Tom Bombadil sequence was playful. The elves are playful at times, and the entire start of The Hobbit when the dwarves are in Bilbo's home is playful.

>> No.21451122
File: 21 KB, 279x445, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Femoid makes book
>Femoid makes fantasy/scifi book
>Picture of muscly midsection on the cover
>Rinse and repeat

Why the FUCK are they like this?

>> No.21451126


>> No.21451134

Are pecs and a six pack on the cover all it takes? Most science fiction usually doesn't need sex appeal on the cover just to sell.

>> No.21451138

Each to their own, anon. If you don't like xanxia stick to hardleft progressive authors that mainly write cuckolding and feminist stories you enjoy so much.

>> No.21451152

Thanks fren.
>not allowed in the fantasy general
nani? Its not like I only read that stuff I just find it interesting and different to western fantasy.

>> No.21451176
File: 175 KB, 300x300, 1669485968091080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of female authors are busted old horny women. The other half is busted young horny women.

>> No.21451193

The primary purchaser of books is horny middle-aged women

>> No.21451200

>read a wuxia novel
>take a break at chapter 900
>come back years later to a finished novel
>barely remember anything
>have to start from the beginning
Oh God. I'll never read unfinished novels again...

>> No.21451205

And why are you telling us this? We don’t give two shits what you read.

>> No.21451206

Why do wimmin go to books for pussy jollies? Just watch porn.

>> No.21451211

Why do you care? Just fucking ignore it and move on, like most normal people.

>> No.21451223

Just curious, slampig

>> No.21451238
File: 26 KB, 188x320, Guy_Kay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is ggk the most underrated author of fantasy?

>> No.21451240


>> No.21451248

The Sparrow

>> No.21451278

Literal WHO?

>> No.21451280

hack author

>> No.21451313

I do.

>> No.21451356
File: 27 KB, 279x430, D_NQ_NP_721315-MLA29455496424_022019-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a book like the road
>postapolyptic world

>> No.21451365

women's eroticism is more internal than men's

>> No.21451382

Finished The Last Wish and am now moving onto Sword of Destiny. The Witcher books are awesome cause Geralt is just an autistic person. I really relate to him. Yen if a fucking bitch tho why do people simp for her? Maybe shes better in the novels but she fucking cucked him and then bounced.

>> No.21451390

Earth Abides, A Canticle for Leibowitz, and Alas Babylon

>> No.21451420

I googled Bakker again this see whether there are any news and it's the worst possible outcome.
Books out of print.
Website offline.
Family member writes that he went through a lot in the last years and has only a very rough outline for the last trilogy, but that he hasn't worked on it and doesn't plan to work on it, instead focusing on raising his daughter.
Damn. It's really over.

>> No.21451438

Good. Stupid cock-loving faggot.

>> No.21451501

For privacy reasons concerning the group, I have my profile set not to be entirely public. That's one of the reasons I post them here as well. You'll either have to join the group, after which it should be obvious, or have someone link it to you directly because I won't be doing so.

You can see what I've posted here with this:

>> No.21451600

The Forever War by Joe Haldeman.

>> No.21451693

fuck off retard

>> No.21451914

The only acceptable answer

>> No.21452069

thank god, now we wait for bakkerfag to end himself

>> No.21452076
File: 78 KB, 490x498, Melanie-Rawn-covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old horny women
that's when you know it's gonna be kino

>> No.21452179

I should probably join that goodreads group someday, I’ll probably get more discussion out of that group than /sffg/.

>> No.21452190

That's really a low bar to clear.

>> No.21452224

>Anon rightfully calls out shit
>Immediately brings up politics for no reason
The story really must be dogshit if that’s your go-to response.

>> No.21452259

He's reading Machine Translation Chinese stories. It's clear to anyone, or at least anyone who speaks English as a first language, that the stories were always going to be shit.

>> No.21452265
File: 487 KB, 1123x1200, 1668370268921221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on these series

>> No.21452284

You guys can just ignore that fag, he always brings up politics whenever people criticize his dumb Chinese stories. He’s like a broken record when it comes to it.

>> No.21452293

>The series follows Firekeeper, a woman who was raised by highly intelligent and magically enhanced wolves. Her mother tasked the pack with not only her upkeep, but also returning Firekeeper to human society as she is an heir to the throne of Hawk Haven. Human society isn't entirely kind to the young woman, as she is seen as an oddity by some and a freak by others. As the series progresses Firekeeper is drawn ever more into human politics and must contend with the maniacal Melina Shield, who desires power above all else.
Got it from Wikipedia. Hope it helps.

>> No.21452312

Dragon Prince has lots of rape and milfs and Firekeeper has a barefoot mc who doesn't like to shower, also in the sequels the author wrote years after the original saga she marries her wolf, no i'm not kidding

>> No.21452347


>> No.21452363

>he always brings up politics
Yeah, I've begun to notice that.

>> No.21452376
File: 24 KB, 1001x426, hugos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its real

>> No.21452393

Okay, and?

>> No.21452394
File: 29 KB, 473x473, 1510924992186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading scifi written after 1999
are you stupid?

>> No.21452399


What a time to be alive, everybody on the planet bending over backwards to deny reality in one giant retard cult

>> No.21452406

Is there anything more cucked than having a daughter? think about it rationally

>> No.21452413

I always wonder why this general just can’t ignore the Hugos after spending several hundreds threads lambasting them for being worthless.

>> No.21452419

I think at this point, its just an excuse to vent about stupid shit. because every now again you have idiots clamoring about hugos don't mean anything but then post shit like >>21452376 expecting other anons to care. Which just begs the question: why?

>> No.21452454

Old man got me Flowers for Algernon for christmas. Really enjoyed it i see why its considered somewhat of a classic. Idk why no one reccs this when people ask for standalone scifi reccs because it fast reading and pretty short.

>> No.21452455
File: 21 KB, 500x328, disgusted gun frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do NOT talk about the contents of books
>Do NOT notice things about books
>Do NOT read unapproved books

What are you actually here to discuss?

>> No.21452460

>What are you actually here to discuss?
Books. So why don’t you do that instead of whining about the Hugos that you apparently don’t care about?

>> No.21452469

>Idk why no one reccs this when people ask for standalone scifi reccs because it fast reading and pretty short.
Because the people who used to read here have been driven out. Which is why you often see the same books being recommended over and over again.

>> No.21452470

Fuuuuuuuuck, and I just started reading this series this year.
Is The Unholy Consult a reasonable ending?
I felt satisfied when I finished The Thousandfold Thought. I wanted more, but it was a nice conclusion to the Holy War. Though I still don't know who teleported in and murdered the Scarlet Spires Grandmaster. Maithanet?

>> No.21452471

They don't acutally care about scifi or fantasy, they just want to hate women.

>> No.21452490

Who doesn’t hate women

>> No.21452532

People who don't let banal dens of learned helplessness color their very thought processes.

>> No.21452540

>Is The Unholy Consult a reasonable ending?
regarding your spoiler most of the scarlet spires and eleazurs died fighting the cisharium

>> No.21452572

Heterosexual white men

I'm asking for a Quick Rundown from people who have read it, and not just that wolf series but the one I replied to, that dragon prince thing

>> No.21452616

Men who are heterosexual.

>> No.21452674

Sorry im sure this has been asked many times but wheres the cheapest spot to buy books? Ive been getting shit on my kindle but i just find myself preferring real books and picking them up more than i would my kindle even tho it costs me money.

>> No.21452675

Anyone got a book in a posy apocalyptic swttinv but imstead of being cynical its optimistic?

>> No.21452678


>> No.21452686

Wtf I totally butcbered that sentence.

*Anyone know a book with a post apocalyptical setting but instead of being cynical its optimistic?

>> No.21452696

The Kraken Wakes

>> No.21452708

Try googling second-hand bookstores in your area. That's what I do if I want a cheap physical book.

>> No.21452733

Men who are into women. Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay if you swing that way. But yeah, kind of an obvious answer.

>> No.21452753

Thats apocalyptic! Not post apocalyptic!

>> No.21452761


>> No.21452764

>Gets a book recommendation
>Ignores it it’s not 100% what he wants
Just leave, idiot.

>> No.21452766

Are you just pretending to be retarded or something?

>> No.21452771

No he's just American

>> No.21452777

>order a hamburger
>get a hotdog
>How dare you, ungrateful cunt!

The of intellegence of lit posters never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.21452779

Earth Abides

>> No.21452786

Why do retards always resort to food analogies.

>> No.21452789

He's just an American. He can't help it.

>> No.21452795

Americans are literally responsible for the besf literature. So bow down and kiss my feet.

>> No.21452802

Because midwits thinks it makes them smart when it’s bottom of the barrel in terms of analogies. Fucking hell, even children uses them, that alone should tell you everything.

>> No.21452805


I cant relate to the thoughts and culture of the time period. Give me somethimg modern.

>> No.21452807

Then try searching them up yourself, fucking ass.

>> No.21452810

This is why I don't even bother trying to recommend books to other anons. It'll just be a waste of time.

>> No.21452812

You know what? Ill just write the damn story myself.

>> No.21452814

Don’t you have better things to do than to troll on here?

>> No.21452830
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Black Future by Whitney Ryan
He's going to be alone in New Year's Eve so he trolls here to make himself feel better

>> No.21453104

You guys always seem to ignore politics, whenever there is some hardleft nonsense, you will never mention it.

>> No.21453111

Starship Troopers.

>> No.21453146
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>> No.21453203

fantasy is one of the cornerstone genres in fiction, books and literature are perhaps the most accessible and widespread production method for art and storytelling.. there are 8 billion people, there have been hundreds through history, yet one person can run out of worthwhile fantasy to read in a quarter of a lifetime if they try. what's up with that?

>> No.21453245

writing good is hard

>> No.21453369
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>fantasy is one of the cornerstone genres in fiction, books and literature are perhaps the most accessible and widespread production method for art and storytelling.. there are 8 billion people, there have been hundreds through history, yet one person can run out of worthwhile fantasy to read in a quarter of a lifetime if they try. what's up with that?

The internet and modern capitalism has resulted in run to the botttom where writers try as hard as they can to appeal to the most common genre reader, while at the same time not being aware what makes for a good book. Readers prefer known and safestory tropes and cliches instead of new and unknown, making writers write the same books over and over again, just with different settings and characters.

These days you either bow down to extremly american feminized publishing industry which tries to appeal mainly to women and at the same time sets book standards for most of the world...or self-publish, mainly on Amazon, hoping that the fanbase you acquired by writing webnovels will allow you to make ends.But webnovels are Litrpgs and Power Progression genres. Still, you are far more likely to find an interesting and original webnovel than a published book.

>> No.21453546

Earth Abides isn't optimistic. People turn feral after two generations.

>> No.21453595

New thread

>> No.21453759

At least, it always surprises me how this board is always willing to have interminable discussions even about mediocre or outright shitty authors
But never an thread on Guy Gavriel Kay, just because he's obscure