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21443509 No.21443509 [Reply] [Original]

Explain the core of his philosophy in a paragraph.

>> No.21443581

Life-Affirmation taken to the extreme, i.e., life still has meaning even if God doesn’t exist and there is no objective value

>> No.21443614

sleep as comfortably as you can, it is the only meaning to life

>> No.21443619

In his works, Nietzsche questioned the basis of good and evil. He believed that heaven was an unreal place or “the world of ideas”. His ideas of atheism were demonstrated in works such as “God is dead”. He argued that the development of science and emergence of a secular world were leading to the death of Christianity.

>> No.21443624

AI will never get rid of this boring style.

>> No.21443625

Decadence: tiredness: castration: loss of power: democracy: equality: collectivism.

>> No.21443626

dude, just be yourself lol

>> No.21443638

Everything is power relations, and striving in that - that is the meaning of life.

>> No.21443640

eternal return of the same

>> No.21443645

>think for yourself
>do not follow consensus

>> No.21443651

This is a hot take, but I don't think Nietzsche even cared that much about religion and atheism, except in the strict capacity that in his age, Christianity was the predominant mechanism by which people subsumed their individual wills to the greater group. I like to believe that Nietzsche, were he alive today, would have found much more fecund ground for these ideas in observing partisan politics and in the structures of ideology in general.

>> No.21443842

Become who you are

>> No.21443852

No. Nietzsche wrote about too many things in too nuanced a manner to boil it down to one paragraph.

>> No.21443856

What a load of nonsense.

>> No.21443868

Ok fedneck.

>> No.21443874
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hey bros, just finished reading some nietzsche and let me tell you, this dude is a real trip. he's all about this thing called the 'will to power', which basically means we should embrace our primal instincts and strive for personal greatness, no matter what society says. and he's all like 'god is dead', so we shouldn't look to any higher power for guidance. just do whatever the heck we want and become supermen. oh, and he's a big fan of the 'eternal return', which means everything we do is gonna happen over and over again for all eternity. so like, might as well go all out and embrace the chaos, right? #YOLO #FREEDOM #NIETZSCHE4LYFE

>> No.21443879

power is good, not goodness

Captcha: T0RA22

>> No.21443899

be inspired
be creative
be lighthearted
be life affirming
and most importantly, don't let anyone tell you how to be

>> No.21444438

life is good the way it is

>> No.21444463
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What me want good, what people me no like atm bad. That's it.

He was a bitter incel loser, which makes it hilarious that he has become the voice for faggots, troons, and feminists.

>> No.21444468

i could, but i will not

>> No.21444484

Be a faggot and live and die like a bitch

>> No.21444487

Thought comes after action

>> No.21444566

Everything is will to power, which means everything that "is" is not some kind of transcendent Platonic identity or cartesian substance, but an interplay between aimless, tyranical, irrational forces, a primordial discord of multiplicity out of which emerge forces that are active, dominant and forces that are dominated, reactive. There are no laws in nature, since what we percieve as laws are just domination of a certain force at a time; there are no things or objects in the world, since we just rationalize an interplay of forces as things, we objectify them in time; there are no subjects, causes, value judgements that would not be fictions of our drives and limited mental apparatuses or language habits. The reality itself is immoral, blind, purposeless, violent and from this fact revaluation of all metaphysical categories, thinking habits, moral values, political categories follows.

>> No.21444638

This is really where Nietzsche shows he is not worth taking seriously. His view of reality is chaos. Yet, there is too much predictability. No man can stop the sun rising or setting, no matter the strength of his will. He was a fool, like his followers.

>> No.21444645


>> No.21444660

>This is really where quantum theory shows that it is not worth taking seriously. It's view of reality is chaos. Yet, there is too much predictability. No man can stop the sun rising or setting, no matter the strength of his will. He was a fool, like his followers.

>> No.21444693
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He isn't a fool, he wants humanity to grow a fucking backbone and stop being restricted by religions and many laws. Humans are worth more than fucking cogs following orders 24/7 and being the biggest goody two shoes, people should express their originality. Faggots like you suppress what people are capable of.

>> No.21444708

Quantum theory is not chaos, unless you're talking pop science Rick and Morty crap. Again, there is predictability with subatomic particles.

>> No.21444710

just like there is predictability in nietzsches theory you retard

>> No.21444718

Nietzsche was completely unsystematic. His work is full of question marks and dead ends. Anyone who tries to summarize his philosophy shortly is giving you a whitewashed hackjob. His main influence was Emerson. The summarized versions of Neitzsche as this biological will to power guy actually comes from Heidegger. So Nietzsche to most people is Heidegger's summary of Nietzsche, which, as with most of Heidegger, is completely retarded

>> No.21444731

Ok, I was being a dick since this is 4chan. However, his epistemology and ontology are not consistent with reality. You cannot will gravity to stop working. There is not much difference between Nietzsche ranting about an overman and scholastics ranting about angels.

>> No.21444741

>You cannot will gravity to stop working
who even said this you time wasting and iq points slurping demon?

>> No.21444760
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"stop fucking hallucinating and accept reality as it is faggot"

>> No.21444764

>There are no laws in nature, since what we percieve as laws are just domination of a certain force at a time

The first post I responded to. Nietzsche paints reality as chaos, when it's not. And yes, if you read Nietzsche he fights against gravity. He uses it metaphorically, but his followers aren't good at nuance and might take it seriously.

>> No.21444766

kek, made me laugh

>> No.21444782

No, that’s Camus and Sartre

>> No.21444838

But what if you can fight gravity with science? You don't know anything about anything, you can't truly assume we can't defy gravity. Science is complex and things are changing everyday, I like Nietzsche rebellion, it gives me hope for the future.

>> No.21444941

Instead of posting anything snarky, I will just say if Nietzsche gives you hope, embrace that. And by all means embrace rebellion, Anon.

>You don't know anything about anything,

Very true, and if you continue your pursuit of philosophy, this is where you'll end up one day, too

>> No.21445122

People say he is life affirming but all he does is complain. He has interesting insights about how a lot of things we take for granted are actually built on shaky grounds but he is just so whiney. His contrarianism also seems more attention seeking than true deliberation.

>> No.21445131

>No man can stop the sun rising or setting, no matter the strength of his will.
It was all in your head. There is no such thing as the sun.

>> No.21445218
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>> No.21445845
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We destroyed our previous belief systems and have nothing to replace it

>> No.21445894

Do what you want and nothing else

>> No.21445901


>> No.21445923

The only correct posts in the thread, and they all contradict each other.

>> No.21446013

quit drinking alcohol :^) and face the things in your mind that are causing mental anguish head on and you will overcome them and yourself and life all at once

>> No.21446032

You jest but there's an entire section in Thus Spoke Zarathustra dedicated to rejecting this idea.

>> No.21446058
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>humans aren't evolved enough to answer the questions they have yet, but i still love being human. also, i really like early greek plays

>> No.21446072
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>has a paragraph
>anon does it in a picture

>> No.21446117
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Or this guy

>> No.21446120
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>"kill disabled people" - Sneedzsche

>> No.21446127

The ancient nobility saw beauty and truth as one and the same thing. Socrates was not part of the nobility but got taken seriously by a noble (Plato) who went on to create a decadent philosophy that enabled Jews to subvert Greco-Roman civilization. Jesus was some Jewish Buddhist whose entire message was co-opted by the Jews in their political warfare against the Roman government. Nobles and slaves interbred as society collapsed and now everyone is a mix of both by blood. Democracy occurs when the strongest types running a society begin to grow old and die out but it can also lead to a new hierarchy if the competitive energy is channeled properly. Degeneracy is part of every age and is not a refutation of that age but the exact opposite, a signal that the age is artistically and intellectually advanced. Real men want real women and vice versa, not faggots or trannies. There is no universal principle. Your perspective emerges from your will to power.

>> No.21446134

“But why must we use these words upon a slanderous intent has for so long been imprinted”

>> No.21446718

So Nietzsche was basically a suburban woman who shares "live laugh love" quotes on Insta?

>> No.21446736
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Platonism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.21446785

It's not immoral according to Western humanism, it's immoral according to the principle of proportionate punishment, which is what all principles of justice are based on in their penal aspects. This principle goes all the way back to the origins of justice.

>> No.21446831

Literally every single scholar and philosopher disagrees with your interpretation of Nietzsche.

>> No.21446850

Who tf is that?

>> No.21446864

The Cambodian Ubermensch

>> No.21446919

Abstracted morality only serves as an unhealthy subversion of primal power hierarchies You need to be a selfish douche because anything else is a lie against nature.

He heavily influenced fascism even though his followers will get defensive and cry and deny it when you point that out.

>> No.21447855


That is why his name is _hide_ EGGER, overtly hinting on the nature of his game. He 'gestells' the Egg.

>> No.21447985

I crap (((my pants))), but at least I have never even attempted to read and understand Aristotle, Aquinas or Kant, and I don't care about le epic logic.
masturbate, smoke weed and don't listen to your parents, teenage goym.

>> No.21448256

he is a cringe hypocritical retard
he claim to reject morality yet he obviously have values of good and evil , for example his actions clearly showed that he thought that anti Semitism as bad and another example he consider power to be a good and weakness to be bad (it also ironic since he was a cucked skinny fat weakling)
also he was a materialist retard yet at the same time he had schizo dumb takes and his supposed solution to nihilism is braindead and retarded and doesn't work that why most of his fans and fallowers are nihilistic and depressed
he is only impassive for midwits , evola was far far better then this faggot

>> No.21448290

Nietzsche's metaphysics re Heidegger and Deleuze

All the world is will to power, the principle of dispensation for a new evaluation in the wake of nihilism. Our values have until now been derived from the supersensible realm - be it transcendence as in the form of the good, God, or Reason - but our commitment to truth has cut us off from the supersensible realm with the development of science.

Insofar as the will to power is individuated it is individuated in terms of value. Value is the characteristic activity of the will to power, which because there is no doer behind the deed (Nietzsche exposes and avoids falling prey to the grammatical fiction which subjectivises activity as in cases like lightning flashes - there is only the flash ), is as much as saying that value is the will to power.

The will to power engages with the environment (which is itself also will to power) in terms of the conditions of preservation and enhancement for the form of power (value) that it is and interpretations and evaluations derive from these terms. Preservation is its persistence and enhancement is its growth in power. Interpretively, the will to power creates an image of the environment which selectively highlights features relevant to its preservation and enhancement. Evaluatively, the will to power dispenses evaluative judgements on the basis of its activity (more of itself is good, less of itself is bad). These are ultimately linked in that the selectivity involved in interpretation is evaluative and the self-understanding involved in judging oneself to be increased or diminished is interpretive.

Now values are in this world, and not some "true" Platonic world which would depreciate this one. Nihilism is overcome. Become what you are, love fate, etc etc

>> No.21448310


This was as short as I can do and its still shit.

This board and especially this thread is full of fuckwits. Read Nietzsche and get off /lit/

>> No.21448320

well Nietzsche is a postmodernist since he hates truth and is just desperate to salvage atheism (ie death of Judaism-christianity) by trying to use the relativism that the atheists used to take power without falling into nihilism. of course being an atheist he failed miserably. Atheism=nihilism=hedonism forever

his retarded idea was that relativism is true so now people must compete for imposing their values onto others. Ie what you have now with the leftists. This is why socialists of all eras took Nietzsche as their gurus. the nazis and the socialists today idolize Nietzsche.

You really have to be an atheist bug to admire this piece of shit that was Nietzsche.

>> No.21448327
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>> No.21448336

Pseud take

Heidegger inaugurates the metaphysical and not biological reading of the will to power.

While he inaugurates this reading in the scholarship, this thought is still Nietzsche's and can be seen plain as day in his work - especially the notebooks which is what Heidegger draws from in his books on Nietzsche.

Emerson being Nietzsche's biggest influence is peak "Internet philosophy" brainrot from Americans trying desperately to have a culture. Plato, Schopanhauer, Kant and Lange are his real influences

"Oh but he's the anti-platonist par excellence and constantly bashes Kant and Schopanhauer" - yeah that's how Nietzsche's idea of self-overcoming works. You only overcome what you love.

>> No.21448438
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>> No.21450281

>emergence of a secular world were leading to the death of Christianity.
Isn't this an oxymoron? A secular world emerged because Christianity died, not the other way around.

>> No.21450439

Say yes to suffering.

>> No.21450550

>and another example he consider power to be a good and weakness to be bad (it also ironic since he was a cucked skinny fat weakling)
Exactly, he goes on and on criticizing Christianity for being sick or encouraging love of weakness, all of which are just stand in words for immoral.

>> No.21451188

Why would I do that?

>> No.21451379

This. And say yes to life. Nietzsche wants us to live our lives fully. Not rejecting passions, or battles. This will probably end up destroying me in the process. But I think for Nietzsche there is nothing more noble than that end. It’s inspiring stuff but also quite scary.

>> No.21451427

Life-Affirmation taken to the extreme

>> No.21451482

being a pleb filter

>> No.21451505

Minus love, in addition to other things

The irony there is that "live laugh love" is not at all a bad maxim if you thought about it. It's just uninformative.

Separate from Nietzsche I've found this funny to think about. We reject a lot of the optimism and gushing plattitudes we see from normies and old people, meanwhile, they're performing better at life. Flourishing and happiness look stupid from the outside, especially as it becomes more and more foreign to you. Foreign things have this effect. The normies lack aptitude in the areas you excel in and that you have put value on as a result. Maybe they reflect less and occasionally say things that you can discern to be illogical, maybe they're not as good at debating, or at getting first place in Fortnite. Meanwhile they maintain healthy relationships, balance their finances, get promoted at work, master various activities, while you sit here on the internet and call them stupid as you waste away into inaction, practical incompetence, and half-baked pessimism.

As I've gotten older I've arrived at the surreal experience of suddenly recognizing the wisdom and reality in Grandma's facebook platitudes, a reality I was estranged from for the sake of a skeptical, narrow-minded, and unproductive existence that I called "intellectual".

Pay attention to people with good lives. You think they're stupid because its foreign and they lack your strengths, they think you're stupid too, for the same reasons along with a few more.

>> No.21451607

I'll step in to say to you that >>21443651 is right, but perhaps misunderstood.

Religion/Atheism is NOT the significant issue. This applies to the general drift of philosophy as well as Nietzsche, to be honest.

Nietzsche surveys a variety of ways of living with various tradeoffs and perspectival truths. The decisive difference is NOT which involves religion and which doesn't. There's no bottom line to the matter anyhow.

For instance, Greek religion and a non-religious way of life may go in the same thread in Nietzsche's lens, and the "religious" problem being critiqued will range from Christianity to asceticism and various non-religious modes as well. "God is dead" creates a lot of hangups for people, without reading Nietzsche you would assume its followed by a lot of atheist diatribes. He does NOT say much about atheism, as a matter of fact, not compared to any other significant topic in Nietzsche.

Nietzsche provides various analyses of various religions, to the end of various points. They are rarely connected under some sense of the "religious topic". It will more often be an analysis of a society, running alongside analysis of their politics and art as well as their religion. Never is there some rhetoric about how religion is wrong. It's just a creative way of human organization and Nietzsche will like some more than others.

What's significant to his reputation is the "God is dead" and Christianity-as-slave-morality stuff. Sorely misunderstood. "God is dead" refers to a far bigger problem than literal religiosity, it is an issue expressed outside of the religious context. The critique of Christianity, with its problematic otherworldliness and life-denial, is, again, one that goes in the broader thread of slave morality. Christianity, Platonic philosophy, democracy, egalitarianism... There is one current which these things comprise, and it's not a religious one.

In short...The hot take was right. Religion in Nietzsche is just a useful means of analyzing societies. It's just one social institution among others, and again, the "meaning" of religion varies utterly depending on the religion/society in question and the argument Nietzsche is citing it for at the time.

Now if OP meant that Nietzsche finds the subject of religion uninteresting or not useful, that wouldn't be true. His first profession involved extensive study of Greek religion, his central philosophical identity is as a disciple of a Greek god. But OP seems to be saying that religion serves its use more for analyzing the past, and that Nietzsche would refer less to religion if he were analyzing the current state of the world (except insofar as its a product of a history involving religion).

On the practical level, disagreeing with all the scholars does probably mean you're wrong. Not an appeal to authority, just a reality. Sorry

>> No.21451625

Books of rules bad.

Following what you believe in good.

>> No.21452408

Good post anon -- I've found the same. The limitations of writing and understanding are demonstrated fully when in your own personal life platitudes that can seem so banal for so long suddenly take on an actual meaning as you encounter them personally. Wisdom is something very difficult to learn.

>> No.21453505

just be yourself

>> No.21453669

Metaphysics is Idolatry

>> No.21454677

>Cope: the paragraph

>> No.21454899

>You cannot will gravity to stop working

>> No.21454940
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He's basically a Rorschach test and you'll take from him what you want to take from him. You can't treat him like a political theorist because he doesn't offer anything close to a coherent political system, just a bunch of scattered critiques of different thinkers and philosophies. There is something that the right and left can find in him because he contains multitudes. It's true, for example, that he was against socialism, but there are leftist threads that are also against socialism, such as certain variants of anarchism. At the same time he was for instance highly critical of organized religion -- Christianity in general -- which is more of a leftist thing, for example. Nietzche would have also abhorred Nazism because he was anti-nationalist and had a very poor, highly critical opinion of his native Germany. He also loathed anti-Semitism, going so far as to say "I will have all antisemites shot." People of virtually all political persuasions have claimed Nietzsche as on of their own, from anarchists to fascists. Even older liberals like Rawls liked him. You read Nietzche not to pick "a side" but for his unique and incomparable writings about morality, the classics, history, culture critique, religion, philosophy, psychology, and so on. Some of it is quacky, but all of it is food for thought. Only a daft person has to believe everything they read for them to find value in a thinker.

>> No.21455723

Things are not so black and white. Good and evil are the same, but the way we make value judgments makes it so that what is good or evil depends on the circumstances. So, just be yourself and treat your work, and life in general, as art because wallowing in science is a waste of one's own life.