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/lit/ - Literature

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21442495 No.21442495 [Reply] [Original]

My observations have recently led me to the conclusion that there are way more unironic Nazis lurking on this board than I've initially expected. This is deeply disturbing and troubling. Please, go away you despicable cowards.

>> No.21442505

Thanks. I'll pass.

>> No.21442530

most nazis were trans IRL

>> No.21442546

>trying to see if this is real
How much does this guy fucking tweet

>> No.21442659
File: 1.93 MB, 1992x2656, Franz_Kafka,_1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antisemites genuinely don't belong here. If you erased all the Jews from history there would be no Franz Kafka, no Marcel Proust. You can't enjoy literature and hate Jews at the same time.

>> No.21442674
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I waver between different kinds of fascism.

I don't hate Jews, I just think the Jewish question needs to be taken very seriously. Individually they have done some excellent things and they can be great people, but as a group they act parasitically.

>> No.21442680

Well you can, actually, be an anti-semite and enjoy literature. Just like how I do not like black people, but I still think they are funny.

>> No.21442685

I am disturbed by people embracing Schmitt on here. it's just such a degraded antichristian POV. I know it's 4chan etc., but yeah

>> No.21442687

Same for (genocidal) homophobes. Obviously casual anti-Semitism and homophobia are ok (laughing at the way Jews act Jewy and gays act like fags) but you are not lit if you want to erase Proust !

>> No.21442695

>no self-hating schizos and no fags
sounds a lot better already

>> No.21442721

If you're under 24, stop coming here. If you're older, just kill yourself before you inevitably commit a mass shooting

>> No.21442759

Yeah, being a lefty no longer makes you part of the counter culture. It only make sense more and more Nazi defenders would appear in comments today.

>> No.21442762

>posting his opinions anonymously without putting his government name to them
sounds like you're the coward according to peterson

>> No.21442774

>I don't hate Jews, I just think the Jewish question needs to be taken very seriously. Individually they have done some excellent things and they can be great people, but as a group they act parasitically.
Yeah, I sympathize with this. I have nothing against Kafka and others like him.

>> No.21442780
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>> No.21442788

>Individually they have done some excellent things and they can be great people, but as a group they act parasitically.
you're describing wh*tes

>> No.21442803
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>said from within a white country in a white language using a thousand white inventions

>> No.21442808

Can you guys point me towards the shelf or stack threads?

>> No.21442821
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your CTRL and/or F keys broken?


>> No.21442824

>Tfw 23

>> No.21442830

This board is actually pretty diverse politically.

>> No.21442833


>> No.21442836
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Anti-semetism is a natural response to jew behavior.

>> No.21442839
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It's too diverse.

>> No.21442846

This board is so far right it's not even funny.

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.21442851

Yeah, it's a huge mess. No going back now, though. Time to jump ship.

>> No.21442852

Define far right

>> No.21442894

people like joe rogan, donald blumpf (lol, fuck you orange cheeto fashist, eat putins doodoo dick.), jorden petersen, ben shapiro, etc.

>> No.21442902

These people work for and with Jews to undermine our society and culture. They are probably either working for some government Intel themselves or they're surrounded by them. Information police gatekeepers working for Jews aren't far right.

>> No.21442914


>> No.21442961


I took a look at Peterson's Twitter account to verify OP's post, and it turns out that's probably the least retarded thing he said recently. He's shilling posts that claim that bitcoin mining operations stopped people in Texas from freezing to death and calling shitlib journalists running cover for the establishment "fascists". This why the conservative and libertarian to Nazi pipeline exists - no one with an IQ greater than 100 and a moral conscience would willingly associate themselves with the mainstream right clownshow.

>> No.21442978

I'm not far right, I think the state should help support the poor, like it did in Byzantium (only moreso)

>> No.21442991

>bitcoin mining operations stopped people in Texas from freezing to death

>> No.21443113

>there are way more unironic Nazis lurking on this board than I've initially expected.
Yeah, turns out your retarded tranny psyops had no effect on shifting the culture of the board.

>> No.21443168
File: 186 KB, 720x720, 0353015fa0e7c3920a75ec61aa99132a043bdca365c5ca6951822511ab79638f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin miners and texas have a deal to stabilize the electric grid, basically the miners increase and reduce hashrate to utilize texas grid to it's optimum level and when there are huge spikes they shut down miners to keep up with residential demand.

It's a pretty smart way of using excess clean energy that can't be stored to allow more investments there and to also keep fosil energy stockpilles always high for crisis were you simply shut down existing crypto demand.

It's actually 150 iq when you think about it even creates an incentive to capture gas that otherwise would be flared due to being a byproduct.