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File: 105 KB, 1106x1012, tyty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21442410 No.21442410 [Reply] [Original]

>The plural of "you" is "you"

>> No.21442413

yous in ebonics

>> No.21442416

>read modern English bible
>have to turn to the footnotes for every "you" to make sure it isn't plural
KJVchads keep winning

>> No.21442432

It's 'y'all'

>> No.21442450
File: 150 KB, 1024x953, Dee DuH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WeLLCuM Too Da eNGLiSH «LaNGuaGe».

>> No.21442455


>> No.21442465

My biggest fantasy is to start using thy, thine, thou, and thee again in casual speech and writing.

>> No.21442478

Wrong, it becomes an adjective to a plural word, I.E. "You people", or "You all", where the word being modified is plural.

>> No.21442490

Thou art correct.

>> No.21442534

Are you telling me that we are already using a simplified version of english? I thought low IQ negroes were the first ones to use it.

>> No.21442542

That and "ye"

>> No.21442547

Nah we've always been degenerating, just at a much slower rate than... other people.

>> No.21442556

actually it’s “Youse”
t. philadelphian

>> No.21442583

i usually think of chris chan when i hear of y'all

>> No.21442692

The singular of you is thou and the thing is that a plural form can be used as a polite and respectful version when addressing a single individual (it is still sporadically used this way in Slavic languages). And that in English you are using a respectful form even when talking to your kids.. I quite like it, better then fiftillion ways of addressing people in Japanese depending on the exact hierarchical relations.

>> No.21442708

it's yous, or yins

>> No.21442720

I say "y'all" even though I'm a European immigrant living on the West Coast

>> No.21442727


>> No.21442751


>> No.21443411

It's actually, "ya'll niggaz."

>> No.21443431

Where did it come from? Was watching Goodfellas again and "youse" was all over the place.

>> No.21443444

You is the plural of thou, but people stopped using though, likely due to the popularity of the London dialect which had lead to the typical usage of the more polite plural form even when apeaking to a signle person.

>> No.21443501

I sometimes use “of thine” and “thy” if i want to make sure that the person understands who im referring to.

>> No.21443505

Which is correct?
>I am thou, thou art I (Persona)
>I am thee, thou art me (For Whom the Bell Tolls, Hemingway)

I've read that forms of "to be" should link two
noun phrases of the same case, whether this is nominative or accusative.
>I believe that he is I.
>I believe him to be me.
So does this rule apply or should it be a more typical "subject (nominative) verb object (oblique)" structure?

A grammar or style guide recommendation would be appreciated.

>> No.21443618
File: 461 KB, 449x537, 1671509506477458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"aught" means either "everything" or "nothing" depending on the context

>> No.21443661

I'm going to do this. This sounds especially useful in environments where I get worried that I'm going to call someone the wrong name/can't remember their name.

>> No.21444077
File: 22 KB, 461x671, ye-yiz isogloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it originated in Ireland and was brought by Irishmen to the USA. Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans often live in close proximity.

>> No.21444099


>> No.21444227

It's youx

>> No.21444260

Y'all'd've been stupid to miss this one yepper

>> No.21444494

This is definitely a frog

>> No.21444506

Wrong, mate -- it's 'youse'.

>> No.21444539

>¿Porque? Por que.
>Bebe, bebe!
>¿Comó como?

>> No.21444551

Por que as a sentence fragment wouldn't mean 'because' like you're saying, it would have to be 'porque si'.

>> No.21444574

those whom block mine light and fill mine sight

>> No.21444580

When will "accessible translation" dummies learn?

>> No.21444583

"Yous" started with white people in Chicago.
>Youse guys
Black people don't even say it, they say y'all

>> No.21444593

Terrible post, Kevin

>> No.21444602

The Scottish were most likely saying it before there even was a Chicago

>> No.21444798

> (((y’all)))
> (((folks)))