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/lit/ - Literature

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21442382 No.21442382 [Reply] [Original]

thank you for your patience. i had trouble figuring out the software to create this list and then my pc crashed but it's finally here! enjoy, /lit/bros and thank you to everyone who voted. see you next year.

>> No.21442404
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The only book i had read from this is Brave New World...

>> No.21442405


>> No.21442418

It took you so long to change 2018 to 2022 huh? You are really dense.

>> No.21442419

Better list than years past

>> No.21442423
File: 278 KB, 1069x1574, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's the classic /lit/'s best of list (2014 - 2021)

>> No.21442436

I know damn well this isn't the real list since Gormenghast isn't on there

>> No.21442438

it's actually there

>> No.21442442


>> No.21442445

What is 'best' here? Influence? How much the collective jerks it to the text?

>> No.21442449

>Two votes for Vonnegut
>Slaughterhouse-5 on the list
Care to explain?

>> No.21442451

I'm not blind, anon. You can't fool me. The position for almost every other book on the list is also wrong, and some books shouldn't even be on it

>> No.21442452
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C&P over Brothers K still annoys me 4 years later

>> No.21442454

is stoner really a canon novel now? it's been on many of these lists but even though it's an old novel from the 60s, it only got popular with the 2000s republishes.

>> No.21442458

I had to make some adjustments to make it more Reddit-friendly. Also my votes count 10x more than yours.

>> No.21442461

Sage and ignore this thread. It's the same degenerate that's been trying to derail the list for the past 2 weeks. This isn't the real list

>> No.21442463

And where is Absalom, Absalom?

>> No.21442464

sure, why not. moby-dick only got popular like 60 years after it was published.

>> No.21442467

>This isn't the real list
Where is the real list, then? It's been two fucking days. Is he drawing by hand every cover or what?

>> No.21442482

>Only 3 good books in the top 20
Yep, /lit/ has shit taste

>> No.21442485

Unfortunately I had to remove problematic books and instead I included Capital by Marx. Comrades unite!

>> No.21442487

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place."Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.

>> No.21442489

>it's the real tripcode

>> No.21442492

The Divine Comedy
The Bible
Don Quixote

>> No.21442514

where is this from?

>> No.21442517

>all four James Joyce books
holy BASED

>> No.21442538

Same /tv/boomer spamming genre shit all over the board.

>> No.21442555

I know Journey didn't make the list, and Demons has. You can't fool me, fag

>> No.21442589

Yep, /lit/core remains more or less the same after all these years, kinda unsurprisingly. It's interesting to see 2 or 3 titles that made the break and hadn't done it before.

>> No.21442607

Where is Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler? I can't see it in the list.

>> No.21442612

it's a meme /pol/chud book so it was removed. i added Capital by Marx to educate the incel chuds.

>> No.21442616

You're right. This shit doesn't make any sense

>> No.21442617

kys you goddamn tranny

>> No.21442625

you vill eet ze bugs, /pol/cel.

>> No.21442696


>> No.21442703

it's pasta by Nabokov.

>> No.21442767

Family Guy Season 8

>> No.21442814

Moby dick again at 1....
But makes sense since lit does not read, how on earth is Moby dick always first place? Boring book.

>> No.21442817

Is lolita just a meme or is it really that good?

>> No.21442840

Its's good but overrated as fuck.
The prose is superb, but the second half is boring and the pedoshit is weird.

>> No.21442842

It's very good. Nabokov is one of the all time greats.

>> No.21442848

>Crime and punishment is great, but the axe murdering of women is weird
Maybe literature isn't for you, anon.

>> No.21442856

>The prose is superb, but the second half is boring

>> No.21442859

Probably not.
Also I hate Crime and Punishment but I love TBK desu

>> No.21442869

The list is from 2018. OP has edited it to 2022. For all the newfags who don't get it.

>> No.21442874

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.21443019

looks better than the one with hitler/the bible/heidegger in it at least

>> No.21443071


>> No.21443468

>Storm of Steel
>no Kant though
Good list. Probably the best in /lit/ history since it has some resemblance to /lit/s genuine interests (that arent just kindled by one dude) and doesnt just try to copy some pretentious conservative college prof’s hypothetical top 100 list.

>> No.21443473

Remove Infinite Jest

>> No.21443557


add the placement as points of the books you voted for, so if you voted for the number 1 placed book, you get 1 point, if you voted for the book placed at 100 you get 100 points etc. Add the total of the books you voted for to see how much of a mindless pleb you are.

>You get 0 points for books not in the list because they probably were shit books
>It's good to like books at the bottom of the list
>If you voted for books at the top of the list you have no personality

>> No.21443649



>> No.21443810

I really hope this is fake

>> No.21443837

>Dostoevsky again
I hate this place

>> No.21443843

It's obviously fake, anon. It's a list from a different year

>> No.21443898

No trip, fake image

>> No.21443905

I mean, in theory, there's no reason for that list to change that much between years anyway.

>> No.21443916

>why can't I hold all this dadrock

>> No.21443917

Blame Jordon Peterson

>> No.21443921

Not to sound too contrarian but is The Hobbit really so much better than other children's books or is it just good because of the lore surrounding it from other sources? Is it really better than other adult books?

>> No.21443922

The list will change quite a bit this year judging from what I've seen so far, although some staple picks will obviously still be around the same spot

>> No.21443931
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none of books i chose were mentioned

>> No.21443933
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The last two digits of your post is the next book you have to read/reread.

>> No.21443937
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Carsonbros snubbed again. Maybe next year...

>> No.21444135

Sure fuck it roll

>> No.21444217

>no Metamorphoses by Ovid
>no Odes by Horace
>no Saramago
>no Balzac
>no Histories by Herodotus
>chockful of yankees
This board is dead.

>> No.21444266

Meme I'd say. Prose is great, but it doesn't have much else going for it.

>> No.21444280

It's not the real chart. He has no trip

>> No.21444293

It’s disturbingly common for authors to only get popular and seen as classics once they’re dead. Applies to a lot of others in this list. It sucks. Someone needs to go back in time and tell them that it wasn’t all for nothing. It’s genuinely upsetting.

>> No.21444363

Don't expect books written by stand up comedians to make the list

>> No.21444424
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So many people replying to an obvious fake...

To anyone that asked where the original list is:
I unfortunately have to inform you that it is not coming. The real t122 OP died around 32 hours ago because of a climate change induced myocarditis.

>> No.21444550

>>no Saramago
hardly an essential writer

>> No.21444620

Book of the new sun is way too high up

>> No.21444626

he is a good writer though, you have to admit, certainly better than fitzgerald or sartre or hesse or conrad, jesus, so many bad writers in the top 100....

>> No.21444631

it's nice to see some surprises, let us have some fun, don't be a nigger anon

>> No.21445013

They're dead, they don't mind

>> No.21445065

Sartre is shit but Saramago is not better than Conrad.

>> No.21445531
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>The Iliad in the top 10

>> No.21446035

What a fucking trash list. Keep the Bible and Hitler and whatever the fuck. It's what makes this place special. You made it /r/truelit top 2022 but worse.

>> No.21446223

I'm relatively new to /lit/. The books I've read from this chart were read before I really checked this board often.

I've read the following:

>Some of the stories from Labyrinths and I know there's overlap between that Borges collection and Fictions.
>Notes from Underground
>Brave New World
>The Lord of the Rings
>The Hobbit
>Slaughterhouse Five
>Of Mice and Men

I'm presently reading the Crying of Lot 49 and am enjoying that quite a bit. I picked it up about 5 years back but it didn't click with me then but I'm getting a lot more out of it now, it's quite funny and I like the characters a lot so far.

Any suggestions on books I should really read having responded well to most of the novels I listed above that aren't listed in this chart in particular?
My favourites from the list were Dubliners, Metamorphosis and Notes from Underground. Most of these were read when I was an adolescent, so maybe I'd see them through an entirely different lens now like with what's happened with Lot 49 (I'm a 21 year old zoomer retard who read Dubliners at 15 to be a tryhard but actually really enjoyed most of the stories).

The only book I have a strong intention of re-reading from that list is Dubliners anytime soon, though.

Some of the books on the priority reading list (next few months) are Blood Meridian, Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man (if I enjoy Dubliners as much or more than I did when I first read it), the Stranger and the Trial.

>> No.21446225

As a newfag, I've been had.

>> No.21446264

That's sad. Can we start another voting soon

>> No.21446357


>> No.21446755
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>> No.21446770

the Bible is there, faggot.

>> No.21446774

What's the point of democracy if I always lose?

>> No.21446826

Already read it, reroll

>> No.21446855

Ada better get onto the real list

>> No.21446928

Also read it, reroll. Last try

>> No.21447426

see, that's where you're wrong boyo

>> No.21447427


>> No.21447460 [DELETED] 

>I cant believe x beat y last year
>fix that by voting for y or q
>just to beat cursed x
>shit list brah

>> No.21447461


>> No.21447468

Nope, not reading that again.

>> No.21447496

the actual 2022 list is trash because the bible got number 1 cause of noreads memelords

>> No.21447810

Missed the voting again
Fucks sake

>> No.21447821


>> No.21447842

Rolling rolling rolling, rawhide.

>> No.21447991

So you are saying you have your 2023 books chosen for you? Lucky.

>> No.21448666


>> No.21448673

Forgive me Jesus for my digits of the Devil.
Also I’ve already read steppenwolf. Reroll. >>21443933

>> No.21448686


>> No.21448699

Give me something good!

>> No.21448702

Lets go

>> No.21448792
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post bully scores. I got 36/100

>> No.21448816

its fake list dumbass

>> No.21448822

Why would you blank out the ones you've read and not the other way around

>> No.21449025


>> No.21449079

I needed something new to read.

>> No.21449204
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Can somebody prompt openAI to compile a legit /lit/ list for 2022


>> No.21449227

Roll the bones

>> No.21449231

where's dosto's Demons? I know for a fact it appeared quite often in the excel spreadsheet

>> No.21449262

Let’s see if this gives me any inspiration

>> No.21449321

My prompt:
>The top 10 books of all time, as ranked by 4chan's /lit/ board in 2022:
The list:
>1. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
>2. Ulysses by James Joyce
>3. Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
>4. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
>5. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
>6. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
>7. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
>8. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
>9. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
>10. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

In OP's fake list, these are ranked 2, 5, 1, 18, 70, 37, 58, __, 26, and 2, respectively.

>> No.21449324
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No one here really thinks that Moby Dick is the greatest book ever written... right? I know that the rank is based on votes, but surely no one here actually thinks that.


>> No.21449362
File: 475 KB, 800x1076, froggirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanx fren :3 Can you add another 20 prompting something alike
>The top 20 books of all time, as ranked by 4chan's /lit/ board in 2022:
The list so far:
>1. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
>2. Ulysses by James Joyce
>3. Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
>4. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
>5. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
>6. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
>7. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
>8. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
>9. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
>10. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

>> No.21449384


>> No.21449459

This list is clearly missing Mein Kampf, the Bible and at least one of Homer's works. Therefore, drop Invisible Man, The Great Gatsby and The Catcher in the Rye. However, 7 out of 10 isn't too shabby for a newfag

>> No.21449539

>The top 25 books of all time, as ranked by 4chan's /lit/ board in 2022:
>1. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
>2. Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
>3. The Bible
>4. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
>5. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
>6. Ulysses by James Joyce
>7. The Iliad by Homer
>8. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
>9. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
>10. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
>11. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
>12. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
>13. 1984 by George Orwell
>14. The Odyssey by Homer
>15. The Aeneid by Virgil
>16. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
>17. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
>18. The Stranger by Albert Camus
>19. The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
>20. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
>21. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
>22. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
>23. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
>24. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
>25. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

>> No.21449770
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Would like to take this opportunity to thank OP for all his had work :D

>> No.21449799


>> No.21449813

Exactly! But I'm waiting the actual top 100 of this year.

>> No.21449814

Fuck off rolling

>> No.21449853


>> No.21449903


>> No.21450052

>iliad ahead of the odyssey
as it should be, based /lit/ finally gets it right

>> No.21450119


>> No.21450129
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Oh shit isn't it like six volumes?

>> No.21451581
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>> No.21451589
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Uh, can I reroll?

>> No.21451602

fuck it i'll roll

>> No.21451629


>> No.21451634

Not a single book I voted for made the list

>> No.21451637

Read 80/100

>> No.21451653


>> No.21451669

Most of these I picked up and dropped on account of them just being boring, normal mundane life trash stories. /lit/ has awful taste in literature.

>> No.21451674

this is not the real thread.
you may find the official chart in the thread below.

>> No.21452628

Is the tunnel any good?

>> No.21452649

>mein kampf
>my diary desu
lmao official my ass

>> No.21452652

considering the majority of contributors to the thread were disregarded for not using Google docs, how many people actually contributed to this list? Like five?

>> No.21452656

agree. recommend me 5 books.

>> No.21452666

so much highschool lit

>> No.21452671

god forbid high school kids are taught good books.

>> No.21452717

None, because this isn't 2022s list, it's 2018s. Go to the real thread

>> No.21452945


>> No.21453069

How is that surprising? Some of the most commonly taught books in Highschool/College are actually very good, like Frankenstein and Moby Dick