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/lit/ - Literature

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21441814 No.21441814 [Reply] [Original]

Obviously AI will never completely replace writing, but after thinking about it for awhile, I've come to the conclusion that the only readers freaking out about this are genreshitters, and it actually makes sense: AI will make it possible to churn out hoards of barely comprehensible genre trash for them to gobble up; just put your five favorite tropes in as a prompt and BOOM: no more trawling through the self-published section on Amazon looking for that one book with two reviews that contains what obscure weird niche blend of tropes you'd been looking for: you can generate them yourself!
In all honestly, the AI generated stuff won't be much better than Ernest Cline or those GoogleTranslate'd Chinese webnovels or LitRPG or whatever the fuck garbage you retards are reading. With enough training it might be able to reach Sanderson's level (which is an incredibly low bar for any human writer, but for AI it will be a magnificent feat).

>> No.21441888

I don't see anything wrong with eating bugs if you like seafood. I mean they're practically the same no?

>> No.21441921

Decapoda and Hexapoda split like 500 MYA.

But that’s not the point, the point is being coerced and encouraged by the elites to eat bugs like we’re yellow cattle.

>> No.21442024

Moviebob is the ultimate consoomer its so funny

>> No.21442039

Mabye the hardest I've ever laughed in my life was watching the bob mob phenomenon occur in real time on /tv/ as people saw the screenshots and caught on what the bit was. Everybody spontaneously knew why it was funny and how to push it further. I fucking love /tv/ so much.

>> No.21442043

>bob mob phenomenon

>> No.21442055

>the point is being coerced and encouraged by the elites to eat bugs
that hasnt happened though

>> No.21442057

Lindsay Davis during one of her periodic manic episodes decided to cancel Bob for being slightly socially retarded and calling her his friend too often in retweets or some shit, Bob being a good natured retard autist folded immediately, but some guy said made an account calling himself part of the "bob mob" and saying she fucked with the wrong fanbase

>> No.21442061

kek shit I meant Lindsay Ellis, I barely remember her name because I only know her from /tv/

Lindsay Davis seems like a lovely woman who writes historical novels

>> No.21442070
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>> No.21442327

fucking kek I remember hearing about this too
Didn't she leave YouTube or something?
Moviebob is just another in the long list of strange internet autists I love hearing about. It's basically misery porn for me, watching these absolute failures and sorry excuses of men bumble through their sorry lives. I'm not much better but they inspire me in a strange way

>> No.21442697

I don't even really care about whether consuming things is bad. We consume food so who cares

>> No.21443164

/// I don't understand this form - it's all couched in legal terminology /// These countries are on the brink of cataclysmic famine /// The government has turned a minor local problem into a full-blown regional conflagration /// There's a famous statue by Rodin, which shows the soul of a young woman striving to break free of the flesh of an old crone /// He gathered up the twigs and cast them into the fire /// Educational reform was one of the main planks of their election campaign /// He looked unusually chipper this morning /// All the rest is not evidence, it is just scurrilous gossip and rumour /// Trying to read between the lines of CEO departure statements is a longstanding parlor game for investors, journalists and academics who study succession /// Our fashion editor gives you the lowdown on winter coats for this season /// Sarah was squalling in her crib /// The stilted conversation turned to whether horse-drawn carriages were superior to riding on camel, horse or elephant /// He started issuing peremptory instructions /// Cut it out, you two – I'm tired of listening to you argue! /// The lift is driven by hydraulics /// Bubbeleh, you've got to stop stressing about what other people think /// Whether they had been successful or not was a moot point /// She tried to hit me up for a loan till payday, but I didn’t have any money to give her /// The president's trip had all the trappings of a state visit /// He gets astonishing levels of media attention and that is a cross the young player has to bear /// His avuncular image belies his steely determination /// After a sudden burst of activity, the team lapsed back into indolence /// Such controversies have waxed and waned but continue to this day /// International support has given rise to a new optimism in the company /// Further analysis showed the absence of pathogenic bacteria /// The septuagenarian brothers are still heavily involved in the running of the business and they have no desire to relinquish control /// Later on, she would prevail on somebody else to chauffeur her home /// Was the newspaper report bylined or was it anonymous? /// A proper and contrite apology is needed /// This is daytime television at its most anodyne /// He hurriedly had several wooden castles built on mountains and in dales /// Her behaviour towards her employees is completely beyond the pale /// The chips, fried in dripping, were better than the cemented fish they accompanied /// Up-country traders and porters were makers of their own destiny, and were not hapless casualties of change /// Her second movie followed close on the heels of her successful film debut /// The analysis needs to be more granular /// These shops are offering the physical accoutrements of polite manners - lace, gloves, linen underclothing, snuff, and gentleman's powdered wigs /// That lawsuit was just a blip compared with what was to come /// There are still a few kinks to be worked out of the plan before we start production ///

>> No.21443245

Nobody is going to read anything I write regardless of AI saturating the market because I am a heterosexual white man

>> No.21443295
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An AI could never create crime and punishment in the time crime and punishment was written you know? It is only capable of creating art that is contemporary or antique, never cutting edge. So you are right. It can churn out mindless garbage that is aesthetic.

This is besides the point, but has anyone realized that AI art has proven the point that aesethics are objective? And if aesthetics are objective that is a long way of saying God is real? If beauty is objective then it is the force preference of some author rather than some chaotic natural force of movement.

>> No.21443305

>What is a nematode

Lol, lmao

>> No.21443309

>Obviously AI will never completely replace writing

It already has, your favourite author is AI, you perceive it to be a "real writer". That's the essence of AI you can't differentiate between man and machine.

>> No.21443310

>Didn't she leave YouTube or something?
yes, but not because of bobmob but because of woke zoomers, the same people she spent her entire adult life fluffing up

>> No.21443321

Wrong. True AI will write the greatest works of all time catered right to your taste. You will think it is great writer, in fact there is no way to know that an AI revolution didn't happen 1000 years ago and is creating your reality and everything in it.

>> No.21443375

But it would good if it did

>> No.21443378

Are the elites going to make us eat bugs before or after they reduce earths population to 1%? Or is that a different group of elites?

>> No.21444397

>true AI will…
Wild speculation with no evidence at all. I hate when people make wild statements about the future as if we are on the brink of utopia.

>> No.21444421

Can we just genocide white women? What value do they have besides being whores and traitors