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21441490 No.21441490 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deconstruct all this bullshit? Is there an Asian Nietzsche or some other deconstructionist that deals with this?

>Good books

>> No.21441876


>> No.21441919

>Is there an Asian Nietzsche
No, his brand of autism is specific to Germans.

>> No.21442012

tfw when no chinese gf

>> No.21442621

The problem is all the deconstruction of this is from a pussy leftists/feminist perspective. There has to be some Asian who was a rebel to all this shit.

>> No.21442782 [DELETED] 
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« 零 »

>> No.21442913

Yes it’s called legalism. Read Han Fei.

>> No.21443192

>Han Fei
Does he explain why the other systems are bullshit?

>> No.21443476

When the people exert wisdom and talent, they will suffer disasters; when the sovereign exerts them, the state will be in danger and on the decline. So, conform to the way of heaven, act on the principle of human life, and then consider, compare, and investigate them. Where there is an ending, there is always a beginning. Be empty and reposed, keep behind others, and never assert yourself before anybody else. For the calamity of the ruler originates in self-assertion.

Are you fucking kidding me? Collectivist fucks.

>> No.21443512

China is the scariest place on earth. Such an old civilization of tired souls that have lost all pride and individuality. All the noble souls were eradicated from their genes.The nation of slaves; the anti-nobles par excellence.

>> No.21443517

The entire asian culture is collectivism written in different styles of calligraphy. what did you expect

>> No.21443533

But why? Where is the fire? The egoism? Do they even have men over there?

>> No.21443547

They evolved to not be able to drink milk. That says a lot. Agriculture is the devil.

>> No.21443555
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Part One.

Asian Studies minor here, with a triple major in PSS (Psychology and Social Science duel major) BS, History BA, and Administration of Criminal Studies BA. I'll try to sum this up in how my Asian Studies department head and text books summed this up. .....Except for Mohism, which is not studied much in the West.

Okay, for Taoism, Confucianism, and Legalism they are summed up from two events in Chinese history. Taoism and Confucianism are religions, and I'll touch on that, but they are also philosophies (that you can't really separate from their religious aspects, but atheist Westerners do anyway). These three were shaped by the Waring States Period, which was basically Mad Max Beyond the Thunder Dome for Ancient Chinese. Then the second thing was the Qin dynasty, which took an ultra fascist position that individuals are meant to serve the state in all ways, and be punished and killed in the most brutal ways. This was the philosophy of Legalism. This is basically Hitlerism, Stalinism, North Korea, and Joe Biden vaxx policies wrapped into one.

Taoism and Confucianism were forming around the same time. Actually, Taoism is much more ancient, if you take out it's philosophy. It's basically Shamanism for Chinese and how to control your ghostly energy. But it started to develop a side philosophy because of politics. It politics were anarchist and libertarian. I was to fuck off into the woods, and eat mushrooms and fuck bitches, while you cultivate your ghostly energy. But also to fuck the beast system of government, in anyway you could. Most rebellions against the Chinese governments in China took on Taoist flavor.

Confucianism was sort of the middle ground. The state was important, but more important was the family. And then scholars came next. Learning and family. The dad was head of the family, but he shared that position with his wife. Older sibling over younger sibling was another tier. It was a two tier system over every other step, five steps in total. The King and the citizen were at the bottom. Confucianism is the centrists of Chinese history, but they have been co-oped by Commies into "Neo-Confucianism which is like Neo Liberalism. ... Oh, Confucians also believe in a monotheistic God called Tian/Heaven, but it's much more ethereal and is both a God and a place at the same time. They don't worship him though, but worship their ancestors and learning, which is basically their idea of worshiping God. They rarely mention him or it. Most Confucians are also Taoist. There is a popular Chinese saying that basically goes like this, Confucianist in the weekday, Taoist in private on the Weekend, and Buddhist at death.


>> No.21443566

>Agriculture is the devil.
But are we all going there? I'm so sacred that the fir will run out. What made is wasn't just hunting and bad weather but constant war with neighbouring tribes. This is what Nietzsche wanted to replicate and what Hitler actually manifested. The joy of war - to have selection again - to breed a noble species of free men.

>> No.21443575

Yes, ummon:

>A monk asked Ummon, "What is the Buddha?" "It is a shit-wiping stick," replied Ummon.

>> No.21443588
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Part Two.

Buddhism came in much later, and was a slow creep. The defining moment in Buddhism was during the Tang Dynasty, when a very powerful Empress had to lay down the law, because Confucianism see women as secondary, (so does Buddhism, but not in an administrative way like Confucianism) and had to drive wedge between the Confucian palace scholars (Eunuchs are another problem in China, but the onions boy Palace Scholars are not necessarily the Eunuchs). She declared her Tang Empire after her hubby died as Buddhist, which was blowing up. She is seen as sort of a Elizabeth the I figure to some Chinese, and Satan to others.

Real societies need something stronger than Shamanism or a Scholar religion to keep them united from outside threats. Buddhism has certain "don't fuck with me characteristics" that Christianity and Islam does, but in a different manner. It also adapts to societies well and can easily change, since it's not a religion that has many heresies like Christianity or Islam against it's core tenants. Christianity and Islam have break aways, Prots, Cath, Orthobros, ... and then Shiites and Shias, etc. ... Which Buddhists, this is even more fluid.

They are Theravada (The core Buddhism tenets to the south, in places that like Thailand. Then Mahayana which is basically Chinese Buddhism and Korean and Japanese, and then Vajrayana which is Tibetan and Mongolian. To go into these three would be too much of a religious conversation over philosophy.

What you need to know for Mahayana, is that it's Buddhists with North East Oriental characteristics, basically Buddhism for Chinese and countries similar in history. Going into it's religious aspects would get insane. But for Philosophy, all you need to know is that it's a Salvation religion for Chinese seeking to purify their sins through other ways than fire and war, but through peace and serenity. It's also a religion of their death. It answers where Chinese go when they die, which Taoism and Confucianism, much more worldly religions are not good at answering.

All of these are religions, and you would be foolish to see them as neutered philosophies. .... But Platonism is also connected to Paganism, and Christians, Agnostics, and Atheists ignore that all the time, so whatever.

Don't know much about Mohism. It seems to be a equality philosophy that lost out in the battle for thought, because it was limp wristed against the religious philosophies of China.

>> No.21443616

Is there a way to reverse this decadence?

>> No.21443646

Those motherfuckers, it's like Christianity on steroids.

>> No.21443679

You mean westerners.

Asian women are so hot.

>> No.21443682

No. Not really. Actually, this is not the controlling force of China right now. Maoist Communism is. And before that, China was controlled by the Manchus under the Qing. .... I think the Ming was foreign too, Jurchens or something, but I could be wrong. And the Yuan dynasty was Mongols. There hasn't been a Chinese ruling force since the Song Dynasty, or the Ming if I'm mistake about their rulers. The Nationalists were never able to beat the Japanese completely, and then the Western Jew influenced Commies took over.

These are all philosophies of the oppressed masses of China, and they are discarding them for Christianity, because that's even more counter rebellious against the CCP ultra materialist philosophy. The fastest places Christianity is growing, is in Africa and China.

If you wanted to stop this decadence, you would install authentic Anti-Neo Confucianist Confucianism and Taoism. Buddhism has it's feet cut off by the Maoists in the 60's the most, their monasteries and temples were important to them. There was a Christian Warlord that went around destroying them in the 20's and 30's, and then the Commies finished the job. So, you would need to build up authentic Chinese Buddhism from the ground up in China.

>> No.21443685

Kys, Drump dick-sucking imbecile.

>> No.21443690

Yeah but just imagine your chink son that has no soul staring you in the fucking face. You'd have to beat that motherfucker everyday to show him what pride means.

>> No.21443698

Hang yourself, christcuck.

>> No.21443697

I can just tell you'd love to suck my cock right now.

>> No.21443714

Isnt your small brain suppose to hate homosexuality?

>> No.21443715
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>> No.21443724

That copium you consume in your mother's basement must be really GOOD.

>> No.21443727

Only those not immune to it hate it. My sense of cleanliness is too developed to ever fuck someone in the ass.

>> No.21443730
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>> No.21443751

What about the Dionysian druggies like Hunter Biden?

>> No.21443771

Well, the CCP Commies is the one growing opium fields and lacing them with fentanyl. It's not Cynic Taoists. Cynic Taoists got their ass blasted to the by British forced Opium traders, now Maoists are returning the favor. But the philosophies above are basically subjugated oppressed philosophies that haven't held power for a long time. As far as I know, Hunter Biden is not a Cynic Taoist and neither are his Neo-Maoist suppliers.

>> No.21443790

>oppressed philosophies that haven't held power for a long time
Untrue, they ARE China.

>> No.21443796

It's crazy how badly asian women mog white women.

>> No.21443811

We need to invade China, castrate all the men, and within a few generations we'll breed out the decadence from that exhausted culture.

>> No.21443814
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How small your worldview is. China is a highly fractured country culturally. Some of the Chinese dialects are not even mutually intelligible. How do I know, I speak Mandarin, and I am a White guy. I can't speak Cantonese, which some of the best Kung Fu films are in. I can't speak Shanghaiese or Hakka. You literally fell for the One China "We are united" bugman propaganda myth. China is more like the European Union than it is the USA. Tibetan, Uighur, Zhuang, and Mongolian, all spoken regionally in the country, are not even in the same language family as Sino-Chinese, let alone dialects.

You have to be over 18 to use this website.

>> No.21443829

Yet they all follow collectivism. They have no ego; no soul.

>> No.21443845
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Same could be said of the West. We used to be an Individualistic society, but that was only a generality. Our society is now filled with over simplistic bug men like yourself that only see the world in Black and White.

I would say the Song Dynasty was highly individualistic. Nothing is new under the sun,

>> No.21443854

>Han Fei
Is supposed to be China's Machiavelli yet he reads like a Buddhist monk.

>> No.21443876

A fairly western centric narrative. Not saying you're wrong. You got the facts, but not the interpretation. For one thing, China doesn't really view religion the same way the west does with christianity. The religious aspects of Daoism are often intermingled with Zen Buddhism, and most people take it very pragmatically (ie. when we need it, we do the rituals and everyone is happy, otherwise who cares). The religious aspects are mostly retained in Taiwan, but even there young people these days see them as superstitions that only dumb people attend to (mostly kids who fail at the education rat race. There's a derogatory term called "8+9" which denotes temple apprentices made up of delinquents). Confucianism has its religious aspect yes, but most Chinese do not experience it that way at all. The most popular criticism against Confucianism among the youth in China/Taiwan is precisely the kind of Nietzschean critique >>21441490 was asking for, ie. it's a political tool used to enslave people into submission etc etc., and this of course annoys neo-confucians to no end. Nonetheless, these 'religions' in China are better seen as cultural assets similar to how christianity has seeped itself into the foundation of western civilization, as in even though people disavow it, nonetheless they are still conditioned by it through various social and cultural institutions. Precisely owing to this, it's very difficult for a westerner to have any in depth understanding of China.

>t. chinese anon

>> No.21443885

Well, I never read Han Fei. I learned all this from Asian History professors, not Philosophy teachers.

Legalism, Han Fei, believe in forcing others to do these things. Buddhists believe life is suffering, and NOT to increase that suffering. Any denialism in Buddhism is mostly self denialism, not forced. One has to come to the Buddha.

Also, Machiavelli didn't believe in what he actually wrote in The Prince. He was a prisoner of the Medici and was put in a jail cell and had his fingers broken. When he got away from their influence, he went back to Classical Liberalism and Democratic beliefs. Most people never heard of that back story, because it's suppressed by statist propaganda that what to make the Prince's forced memes into reality.

>> No.21443889

I want to introduce my peepee, how does it feel?

>> No.21443901

Seethe more :))
American Christianity is the funniest to troll.

>> No.21443906
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>You got the facts, but not the interpretation. For one thing, China doesn't really view religion the same way the west does with christianity. The religious aspects of Daoism are often intermingled with Zen Buddhism, and most people take it very pragmatically (ie. when we need it, we do the rituals and everyone is happy, otherwise who cares). The religious aspects are mostly retained in Taiwan, but even there young people these days see them as superstitions that only dumb people attend to (mostly kids who fail at the education rat race.
>t. chinese anon

You would say that as a Chinese, since Taoism has a secrecy aspect, that is connected to your race. Taoism is full of secret societies and other such things.

Don't worry, I'm not trying to out your religions secrets as a highly observant observer. I'm just trying to not make Westerners not fall into complete comparisons with things like Platonism or Collective/Individualist Hegelian dialectics.

Of course I'm going to get some things wrong with interpretation, I'm a White boy, and therefore an outsider. But other posters, not you, on this board need to stop seeing China and other East Asian countries beliefs as bizarro versions of their own philosophies.

I think Chan/Zen Buddhism is easier for Westerners to practice, but, yes, it has a similar convergent philosophy with neutered Western philosophical Taoism that doesn't have the original mysticism that relates back to Chinese culture and Han identity.

>> No.21443909

Said the one whose want strangers to suck his dick. Instead of larking as christcuck go out and meet a nice dude to fuck the living shit out of you.

>> No.21443910
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>> No.21443915

Ignorance is slavery just like being a slave to capitalism and dopamine-seeking habits. Seethe more faggot.

>> No.21443920

Bluepilled af.

>> No.21443924
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>> No.21443928
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>> No.21443949

You're a woman.

>> No.21444149

>it's core tenants
such a scholar you are

>> No.21444158
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If you know, you know
If you dokt know, you don't know
Simple as
- Confucius

>> No.21444176
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Typo on a Mongolian yak shaving board. I'll live that I got tenet and tenant mixed up.

>> No.21444189

Daoism is the eastern Nietzsche. It's like asking if there is a Nietzsche for Nietzsche

>> No.21444200
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China, even the concept itself of China, is nearly incapable of translation into Western thought. The Western geopolitical experience is a universal empire collapsing into personal rule of private fiefs, and then the ruled subjects of those fiefs identifying with the fiefs instead of their rulers. The Chinese empire is a permanent feature of Asia. Even when foreigners conquered China they became Chinese. China is basically a living fossil, a civilization from antiquity, but it is not safely locked in a museum. I have met Chinese people who think of themselves and their families as hundreds of years old, who know and care enough about what jobs their ancestors had in the middle ages to tell you about them. Every Chinese person to be sure, is not like this, but how many Westerners conceive of themselves, their families, or their countries as some sort of eternity? The dominant Western country, the United States, is almost entirely descended from people who elected to divorce from their homelands, cultures, communities, and so forth. An American and a Chinese person might as well not even be considered nationalities. An American is stateless (even the name of his country is plural) and a Chinese is the state. In other words, China has been breeding its people for thousands of years, while the average Western government emerges from some catastrophism or other of the last few hundred years. That is not to say China is without catastrophic traumas, but the result of these is always to reinforce China as an idea. Even the Maoist dynasty are clear on this, they demand all highways of trade are routed to the center of the universe, that any breakaway provinces be brought back under the fold. On the surface this is mistaken for nationalism because again China does not really translate to Western thought—the truth of the matter from a Chinese view is non-dual, that the world is China and China is the world.

>> No.21444206

You have to go all the way with it. Who are the anchor tenants of Buddha-Field Shopping Centre?

>> No.21444236 [DELETED] 

local religious rituals, traditions and practices can't be bullshit. this isn't like western religion where it's based on universal dogma

>> No.21444240

Well according to the Vimalakirti Sutra, and several other sutras revealed to me in dreams that are only written in Heaven, their names are Gregory Borski and Chaim Sternberg, they run a video game arcade and a bike repair shop respectively.

>> No.21444271

A billion slaves with no purpose.

>> No.21444455

They exist to promulgate their civilisation. In the long term nobody really runs China, China runs them.

>> No.21444651

Chad yes