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21440044 No.21440044 [Reply] [Original]

Has /lit/ read Revolutionary Demonology by Gruppo di Nun? English translation came out last week, courtesy of Urbanomic.

What did I think of it?

>> No.21440064
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>Revolutionary Demonology
Nice oxymoron. If you are seriously in the loop enough to even have this dogshit book appear on your radar you should seriously reconsider your friend group or profession. Yeah lol im not going to "Appease the beast" to bring about "cosmic love". Those two concepts are antithetical and satanic to compare.
This book is for pseuds who want to be edgy by learning about shit they have no business opening themselves up to. Let God and Jesus handle these sorts of battles, you will only suffer greatly for giving demons any sort of computation in your mind.

>> No.21440088

I’d rather turn to Coulianu and his sort of bridge work with Machiavelli. This sounds like too much larp for wiccans and their D&D playing boyfriends.
Not for me anyway

>> No.21440092

What was it translated from? Babyrapingsatanistese?

>> No.21440101

>Let God the father and lord Jesus handle this!
Wud is dis? Babygagagoogooweeweewoowoo
Hahaha. Wow. Threatened by this?

>> No.21440114

I don’t talk to baby raping Satanists

>> No.21440117

>Strives for the entropic disintegration of all creation
>Make peace with the darkness
>Nourish the great beast
You are a fool and will burn in hell if you practice the teachings of this book unironically.

>> No.21440126 [DELETED] 

HA! You still haven’t. I’m the one suggesting the rationalist Coulianu stuff. Actual magic is just psychology+pharmaceuticals+self endurance

>> No.21440135

Link me to it. No, I'm not paying a penny to these grifters/OP.


>> No.21440148

>retarded newfag shilling xer shitty book
Kill yourself tranny. This book is utter dogshit and the people writing it are worse losers than the most miserable spic /pol/tard incels. I'm not Christian either, you're just a painfully obvious newfag who does not belong here. Now die of aids.

>> No.21440155

HA! You still haven’t. I’m the one suggesting the rationalist Coulianu stuff. Actual magic is just psychology+pharmaceuticals+self endurance

You’re a schizophrenic fool for fearing this larpers book and mistaking me for advocating it. The beast of “civilization” is nourished by the likes of you

Liking Coulianu is declared “tranny” by the internet clerical defense force! Oh noes! Curses!

>> No.21440158

This. I'll read it but no way I'm paying for this hack shit. Where is the free download?

>> No.21440162

I don't know or care who that is, you dumb fucking faggot. You don't belong here, you belong on r3ddit, or on twitter with you tranny freak buttbuddies, shilling your garbage book that nobody cares about. Go back.

>> No.21440164
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>Oh noes! Curses!

>> No.21440167

I'm not afraid of this dumbass book I am worried for my fellow man who ignorantly hands himself over to the beast willingly. "Nun Group" lol - you're pawns of satan and yet he still hates you beyond belief and will never save you when Christ returns. Baal will abandon you once it has eaten your immortal soul and you will be cast into the lake of fire for the second death.

>> No.21440175

you sound incredibly homosexual

>> No.21440184

>antifascist satanism
Yall lgbtqs are wildin

>> No.21440185
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fucking hell

>> No.21440192
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>The name Gruppo di Nun mirrors Evola’s Gruppo di Ur, whose writings are a prime example of alchemical ultra-fascism.

>> No.21440193
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weaponized autism

>> No.21440194
File: 95 KB, 400x648, FC746FA3-5443-45B5-BB0B-3E6B7CA086EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizophrenic christards don’t belong here. This is a literature board and if you can’t take the variety of books to choose from, you need to leave.

There’s no beasts but the systems you people support, like the Catholic Church of Child Molesters International.
This book, as I started out saying, looks like silly crap for D&D world-building

Here’s the book I was thinking of. The spells of persuasion, charisma. That’s magic.

>> No.21440198

...ACK! ;p

>> No.21440200

Satanism is an offshoot of Christianity and demonology is a Christian occult science.

>> No.21440210

And just as hokey

>> No.21440233

I said in my last reply to you that I wasn't Christian, dumb tranny.

Go simp for niggers and get of my /lit/, leftist subhuman.

>spirituality inverted
>parodying Traditional names
Guénon literally predicted this.

>> No.21440247

If you haven't realized yet that God is real and so are the angels and demons then you are pretty far behind the curve. Hopefully you aren't a boomer or millenial because if you are still a satan worshiper at that part of your life there's no saving you basically. Same thing goes for the freemasons. The left hand path has been in control for many many years now so a "revolution" in favor of darkness is really more of a "reinforcement" don't you think? You really think a Pope who says gay marriage is okay and gets a black eye is NOT part of the left hand path? That the silence of many "Catholic" priests or even their crimes represent the actual faith in Jesus Christ?
You fear what true Christianity will bring to you when it revives itself and casts out all the wicked satanists and occult witchcraft-practicing faggots who propagate damnation for worldly gain.

>> No.21440249

On twitter, looks like the authors are literally a bunch of antifa trannies and soyy cucks, whining about muh alt right pepe meme magic (and donald drumpf is a fascist). This is the most unintentionally funny shit i've seen for awhile.

Btw, where is the free link? Don't tell me these halfwits are trying to make money with this crap...

>> No.21440314

>Believes in demons
You’re some kind of dopey Abrahamic faith. I don’t care. You’re just as wrong about the assumptions you’re making about me.

I don’t worship ghosties. Raised in it, escaped their sickness. I keep saying as much. Read Against History, Against Leviathan, and leave homosexuality alone, schizophrenic

>> No.21440344

What was it translated from?

>> No.21440408

>came out last week
>has /lit/ read

Like everyone else in the anglophone world, no, I haven't. But I've been vaguely interested in Gruppo Di Nun ever since they were interviewed on Vast Abrupt. A lot of occult accelerationist thought has become very explicitly reactionary and I'd be interested in hearing another side. Not that I'm an expert by any means, but it does seem like the Western esoteric tradition always ends up in either a traditionalist or fascist formation. Leftism coming out of the liberal tradition seems necessarily atheist (or rather, post-Protestant). I'd be interested in learning about an illiberal leftism that can somehow align with esotericism.

>> No.21440440

Abrahamic faiths are cancerous. Part of a semitic virus plaguing the West. You probably simp for jews and mooslem savages though. Like a leftist fag.

>> No.21440449


>> No.21440458

Nice shillpost. Nobody is paying for this garbage, the authors are communists anyway. Give me a free download.

>> No.21440462

>Abrahamic faiths are cancerous. Part of a semitic virus plaguing the West
And the Middle East, Africa and the south East islands.
> You probably simp for jews and mooslem savages though. Like a leftist fag.
By not wanting to kill them all? Is that “simping” to you now?

>> No.21440469

what? you give me one

>> No.21440474

>You can’t be serious. Oh god I want this so bad. Give me a free download
It came out a week ago apparently. Buy it yourself and spread it or stfu, weenordog

>> No.21440490

Africa is already a toilet, the middle east became a toilet thanks to african admixture, and released the semitic virus.
>By not wanting to kill them all? Is that “simping” to you now?
Wait so you're actually in favour of removing them all from the West or at least stripping them of their citizenship?

>> No.21440501

Never heard of it. Looks like schizobabble. What's the point?

>> No.21440505

>I feared and hoped to find here a sort of Italian aping of the CCRU, a mysterious organization with a very active cult, and in various ways there is: esotericism, LARPism on the verge of embarrassing, philosophical masturbations (one of the great legacies of George Bataille ), cosmic pessimism, and a strong sense of shame mixed with fascination that accompanies the reading. This very heterogeneous collection hardly seems to have a "mission" to accomplish or anything to prove (as the introduction kinda implied), it seems like a mishmash of interests from authors who couldn't wait to discuss with someonex (horror films , southern gothic, the Madonna) joined together by the glue of a shameless catastrophism. Among the best moments, a curious genealogy of the Dark polo gang's sound, the journey into chemistry written by one of the authors (and it seems that this is merely the "side hustle" of her career as a chemistry, which is impressive, and it's always good contaminating science and philosophy). The observations on Bathory and Darkthrone are excellent and fascinating, but perhaps I would have preferred it all to be a polished article by Ondarock instead of a book. The worst part for me however, this unsustainable Mainlanderrian nihilism which also claims to be positive or even optimistic.

>> No.21440506

Why would I pay money for this garbage? Even when the book/author is good I rarely pay money for it. In this instance the book is presumably little more than shit smeared on a page, by antifa communist soyy cucks and trannies whining about blonald blumpf.

>> No.21440507

Let me guess
>Wilhelm Reich metaphysics + Crowleyan outlook + fat Wiccan faggot who owns a bookstore in San Francisco and goes on "magick" podcasts writers

>> No.21440514

>I'd say it's a personal opinion, but I don't see anything happy about entropy, liberating yes, but I wouldn't make it my flag. When I'm in Naples I don't think about the imminent destruction of Vesuvius, and the human and joyful warmth of the city exorcises it. Pynchon exorcizes in "entrhopy", and in his subsequent writings, the most extreme moments of abandonment and disintegration with strong moving "human" moments. Well I must exorcise this nihilism to which I have been so obscenely exposed. I reject its universality, and at the same time I want to reject all this current of thought. Deleuze is taken from behind and inseminated to generate Landian monsters of deterritorialization (without -ri). Speculative realism etc. it is something of a laughing stock of contemporary philosophy. Fisher is much closer to communism than Negri and the workerists he admired (a l/accelerationism in my opinion, but following much more traditional and mature philosophical thinking, not like the uber-racist Land whose ass is still kissed). I therefore claim the Fisher of acid communism instead of the edgy version of him. Even Plant understood that one should have nothing to do with all "this". The part where this movement seems to have had the most success is Twitter, where at least it's fun to follow it (and where you can also find a high component of schizophrenia and psychosis). I therefore want to disown these false idols and turn away as have many high philosophers whom I admire much more. I do it because I think I would grow more by following this more "institutional" path, without indulging in the divertissements of lemurs, numonologies, and other facetsmm', but I also do it for myself, because I don't think I can support this so extreme, macabre, nihilism between exaltation of suicide and the coping mechanism, which almost wants Lovecraft's demons to be real. Here, to protect myself I want to deny all this and consider it very imaginative literature, also because it is absolutely useless in terms of practice, to be placed next to books for bored and rebellious young people, for mall-goth adolescent phases from which one enters and exits.

review: nice book but I wish it didn't exist

>> No.21440519

Unadulterated cringe, guaranteed to be written by a millenial dyke.

>> No.21440524

schizobabble can be fun to read sometimes I'll read this if I can do it for free
why tho

>> No.21440536

I'm not good enough at writing to explain why, something about the "awkward" and "quirky" style reminds me of a rick and morty-watching dyke in her 30s with a useless degree, and all her eggs drying up. It is quite sad. These lifestyles are harmful, yet they are encouraged by the anti-white media.

>> No.21440542

Oh. No more cobalt for your batteries than.
I’m just saying these religions are just as much a problem for the rest of the world they infect. Wtf is your problem, you little scab?
>African admixtures
Strident racist boy. The purity myth is your problem.
I am in favor of global environmental renewal and the abandonment of what ails it. People would, for the most part, go back to their “motherlands”, language, cultural affinities. The ravages of the capitalist economic drivers are why people have to immigrate. Morons don’t seem to understand nationalist “citizenship” is the problem

Some people like schizobable

>> No.21440547

>or stfu,

Sit on your hands

>> No.21440570

I know what you mean but it's closer to a cheap copy of Land's style than anything written reddit lesbians or whatever

>> No.21440603

>literal retard simps for nonwhites, whines about "racism" on 4chan.
Africans are a plague on humanity. Take a look at crime stats, you dumb tranny. Not to mention low IQ, no impulse control, being fucking ugly, etc.

>> No.21440611

You wish it was like Land's style. It was writtem by a dyke. I can see for myself.

>> No.21440623 [DELETED] 
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Go back you dumb faggot, racism is completely natural and is present in all normal societies. BIPOC don't need white tranny losers like you to simp for them, in fact it is insulting and they would kill you if they could.

>> No.21440650

>Wants a return to nature and and community
>thinks this is “simping for darkies”
>muh crime stats
Step on a rusty nail, dunce. Racism is the plague infesting your head

>> No.21440656

This piss doesn't hold a candle to the Ur writings.

>> No.21440686

Thanks for the rec, will check it out, and if I can will share it

>> No.21440697

Actually the idea of racism in the sense you use it is a modern construct. The races are different, some are meant to rule and others are meant to serve. This was understood in all normal (Traditional) civilisations. You claim you want to return to nature but your entire worldview is derived from comfortable bourgeois ideals that you have been conditioned with since childhood. Being offended by "racism" (the shocking affirmation that different races exist) is a perfect example.

>> No.21440714

>waah waysism
Shitty bait.

>> No.21440732

>ha! You couldn’t possibly be NOT be racist, brew!

>Actually, racism is a *modern* concept…
>proceeds to be a racist
Goddamn you people are stupid. Don’t forget to step on that rusty nail

>> No.21440744

>literally no argument
>getting intellectually destroyed by chuds on /lit/
No wonder you're so upset. Go back to r3ddit and cry about "racism" there, you dumb dyke (yes i can tell).

>> No.21440784
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>Racist who denies all arguments that conflict with his faith in racial superiority and purity
>never read a book in his life
>”Ha, where’s the argument? Ha! Destroyed!! You mad”

>> No.21440794 [DELETED] 
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I've learned by now what you ought to do is ask forgiveness instead of permission. We can debate whether it was a good idea or not after getting rid of all the black people.

>> No.21440811

>thinks she made an argument
You had a tantrum and started crying about racism, sjw snowflake style. Try again, refute>>21440697

>> No.21440814
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>the Western esoteric tradition always ends up in either a traditionalist or fascist formation

>> No.21440816
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>illiberal leftism

>> No.21440822

>redditor arguing with a cartoon version of events in xer head

>> No.21440829

Crowley was fascist af, at least according to leftists. He believed in order (cosmos). That is inherently oppressive. Fuxk you racist.

>> No.21440920

>no, i do not worship christ
you chinless faggots are all the same

>> No.21440938

What is it with twitter leftists and mocking people's appearance?

>> No.21440941

I know, it's very intolerant.

>> No.21440945

Confirmed chinless chud

>> No.21441138

Is Crowley not a crypto-fascist? I don't know much but I know Land and other CCRU heads were obsessed with him in the post-Warwick era.

I don't use fascist as a value judgement. Just to suggest a certain strain of revolutionary essentialism - which can certainly transcend racial categories (or not)

>> No.21441163

But yet you still go to Mass and confession every sunday?

>> No.21441193


>> No.21441263

He couldn't possibly. That's where all the baby rapers work

>> No.21441305

>y-your ugly
Good argument.

>> No.21441312

40 year old retard detected

Lol she ran away

>> No.21441322

Chids are right wing, right wingers have racially superior physiognomy. Dysgenic whites are all left wing.

>> No.21441371
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I read Urbanomic books, not because they’re a high quality publisher, but because they have a cool logo and ultimately that’s more important

>> No.21441376

Theyre sjws aka arch-cringe

>> No.21441386

They published Nick Land even after he became a race realist, highly irresponsible behaviour from so-called sjws

>> No.21441435

I enjoy being vindicated in my claim that antichrist was the driving force of modernity from the beginning. took this long for the mask to slip

>> No.21441447

paganism is a joke & a mistake. there are no modern pagans, it's no longer tenable... just hyper modernist edgelords posting about racism (an entirely modern invention) from their moms' basements

>> No.21441453

>schizobabble can be fun to read sometimes

nah man. this dumb shit unironically poisons you. I cannot read any fucking "theory," it's such gibberish brain poison. it's bad.

>> No.21441455

>Land's style

Land's style fucking sucks dude, it's beyond fucking corny...

"Coldness be my god" is geniunely so cringe inducing it makes me shift in my seat and raises my blood pressure, inducing a cold sweat... IT'S JUST SO FUCKING RETARDED. Even "darkness" being a god makes more sense than fucking coldness... it's not even good poetry, let alone theory.

>> No.21441463

Just more escapist occult shit that doesn't actually work.

>> No.21441475

I wish reality was as interesting as schizos make it out to be. The worst thing is if you actually pull some threads the biggest reward you get, aside for the money, is living rent free in people's head by virtue of being important. You're just the same schmuck you always were, but some people out there either hate your guts or think you're based. Knowing either of those things can be true, again, entirely by virtue not of your actions but of you standing in the limelight, is the only reward you get in your life time.

>> No.21441482

traditional nations had no sense of race in the modern sense you describe. Aristotle's natural slaves were *all* non-Greeks, there was no gradation between ethne

and countless blonde / white / aryan people were enslaved by meds throughout antiquity. it doesn't reflect the modern system at all.

>> No.21441499

it works if you do normal actions to help it along
I'm not kidding -- occultards say that unironically... that's how low-IQ they are

>> No.21441525
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occultists think history is cyclical, therefore they are right wing in nature because they do not believe in progress.

>> No.21441583

Wow, just like christ larpers online.

>> No.21441585

>Walter Benjamin is rightwing now

>> No.21441626

>I enjoy being vindicated in my claim that antichrist was the driving force of modernity from the beginning. took this long for the mask to slip
Yeah, you shouldn’t be taken seriously. Fuck off.

>> No.21442131

They're far more pathetic than you think.

>> No.21442159

I had it wishlisted despite me being sort of fascist

>> No.21442163

modernity has a lot of good things but it also saw more people defecting against Christ than ever before

>> No.21442255

>t. hubrati

>Personally speaking, my knowledge of the occult is mainly informed by the works of Spare, Grant and Carroll but also by gnosticism, H.P. Lovecraft and anti-cosmic black metal. I’ve always been too lazy and solitary to engage with ritual magic or numerology – although I find geomancy and divinatory practices very intriguing. My interest for “swift magick” originates from practical necessities: how to radically shift perspective in less than two minutes?
lol lmao

>> No.21442435

>my knowledge of the occult is mainly informed by the works of Spare, Grant and Carroll but also by gnosticism, H.P. Lovecraft and anti-cosmic black metal.


>> No.21442466

I don't practice magic. That said, i have verified some elementary teachings given by Evola/the Ur writings regarding the "subtle body" which he cunningly hides under the word "magic".

>> No.21442470

The order of nine angles is the only Satanist group that's not made up of autistic larpers.

>> No.21442477

>Aristotle's natural slaves were *all* non-Greeks,
That's hella racist m'dude.

>> No.21442864


Refuted by Guenon.

>> No.21442993

only in a very rough sense... he had a blind spot there, he was only human. apparently even Alexander didn't listen to his tutor on this, as belligerently trying to enslave all mankind on his fun conquest romps would have caused his empire to fall apart even faster than it did

>> No.21443036

Wait, so ancient civilisations actually held your postmodern moral worldviews? Imagine that.

>> No.21443041


>This group of autistic larpers is the only group of autistic larpers that's not made up of autistic larpers

>> No.21443158

>They published Nick Land
They're not like other SJWs. They're cool, edgy, unpredictable alt-SJWs. Like, wow: they even read Deleuze.

>> No.21443306

O9A infiltrated the government of Montenegro, which is not impressive as far as intelligence operations are concerned, but pretty good for a several hundred strong decentralized group of wackos. Yes, they are not your average group of larpers
Plus, they're actually malevolent antihumanist theistic satanists. All of these fake revolutionaries can't hold a candle to them.
You can find an archive of their material on the archives, they've been discussed here

>> No.21443315

>Actual magic
Why don't you conjure up a job junior

>> No.21443337

> psychology+pharmaceuticals+self endurance
Kind of debunking hokum there, buddy. Why don’t you conjure up a beer and shut up

>> No.21443836

This doesnt come out until Feb 2023, correct? There's no way to access this until then?

>> No.21443934

It's available now at Urbanomic's website

>> No.21443974

>it works if you do normal actions to help it along
kek, yeah, I remember during my edgy occult phase in my late teens, I often tried various sigil rituals and ceremonial rituals to get something via magical means. It didn't work, obviously, so I posted to an occult forum asking for direction, and aside from the usual cop-outs that render the whole affair unfalsifiable, I fondly remember the three or four posters telling me that I can't just sit on my ass, that I have to do what I'd do to achieve my goal if I didn't have magic available -- in other words, achieve something through normal things and then delude myself into thinking that magic had something to do with it.

>> No.21444018

It's always funny to see retards like yourself get "disillusioned" because you unironically expected to do Harry Potter shit.

>> No.21444026
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Shut the fuck up you pretentious pseud tranny peices of shit. Who the fuck takes this bullshit seriously I hate you all so much.

>> No.21444051

Sembra molto un libro del cazzo, ditemi della tradizione e dei maestri degli autori, del contenuto pratico e possibilmente delle cose che ha da insegnare questo libro, poi cambierò idea.

>> No.21445159

Just because Benjamin didn't see History as a teleology didn't mean he saw it as a cycle. If anything, he emphasizes the historical subject being able to act in the present knowing about the historical event as a monad rather than a temporal whole.

>> No.21445228

A thread where everyone is encouraged because they are sure no one has read it yet. I bet all these link requestings are anxious calls to make sure everyone hasn't read it.