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21439601 No.21439601 [Reply] [Original]

The ESL anon is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an ESL anon and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

How does one become truly fluent in a different language after the elasticity of youth wears out?

>> No.21439606
File: 154 KB, 624x778, Robertcarteriii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when: regaining my fluidity by reading Dubliners as an ESL. There are hordes of unwashed anglos out there who would not be capable of this.

>> No.21439619


>> No.21439622
File: 1.43 MB, 1067x1466, Joseph_Conrad-remastered_to_black_and_white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after the elasticity of youth wears out?

>> No.21439628

What is "true fluency"? Lots of native speakers are grunting subhumans.

>> No.21439630

Using little tricks like this is called playing with the language, trying out different clothes one might say.

>> No.21439635
File: 19 KB, 1162x480, 816afca9-dc39-4277-91f4-bb58d1d7181a_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, obviously it's possible to become fluent after the elasticity of youth wears out, which is why it's proposed as a question. it's so that someone might propose an answer. if i didn't believe it was possible, i wouldn't have asked it. you're being awfully defensive.

>> No.21439638

your use of this "little trick" is quite poor, i'm afraid.

>> No.21439643

an adroit command of a language, one which will sail over any suspicion that the speaker is not native, bonus points for an accurate accent, but accents are not entirely necessary.

>> No.21439659

It got ya bucktooth showin n foam forming, drool drippin so was not for naught, heh. Experimentation keeps the mind lean and mobile.

>> No.21439682

>How does one become truly fluent in a different language after the elasticity of youth wears out?
Live in the country.

>> No.21439687

The thrashing you deserve cannot be doled out by mortal hand.

>> No.21439692


>> No.21439698

Not as long as there's people like you to upset so easily

>> No.21439720

Violently rip into my behind, hold me by the biceps or at the waist, pound into me this thrashinguwu and sow the seeds of submission deep into my holy land as I gasp for air emitting shrieks stolen from dying and charred babies of bomb raids.

>> No.21439796

Idk how things are in your culture, but you're coming across as being really cringe. You should tone it down. I'm not upset, I just want to help an anon out. You do you, though

>> No.21439820

You sound like a whiny cunt in any culture.

>> No.21439841

not really if you're sensitive enough, if anything i gets more sensitive to words that might not even be really offensive irl but i definitely cannot know

>> No.21439845

I'm trying to say to you that this "elasticity" is yet just another "science" meme. If anything an adult will learn a language sooner than a newborn child.

>> No.21439877

I'm sorry but this is one of the most ridiculous opinions I've ever seen. You genuinely believe an adult can learn a language more effectively and completely than a child? The whole concept of ESL is that those who speak english after learning it as an adult are usually so inept that one can instantly tell when someone was born immersed in it or not. This entire thread is contingent on the fluency acquired by being exposed to the english language as an infant.

>> No.21439886

it's a joke, Joseph Goebbels wrote that of the jews, and i've replaced the instances of "jew" with "ESL anon", furthermore, in retrospect i should have had the shrinking ESL anon say "i been found out" but hey, hindsight is 20/20

>> No.21439896

just read Krashen
I can't be assed explaining essentials to a mere newb such as thyself

>> No.21439902

i know there's supposed to be some reference there. tho it's still true there are some worst kinds of esls that might even think racial slurs toward them are friendly greetings i hate my countrymen so much

>> No.21439928

a cursory glance at his five popular theories offers nothing to suggest that there isn't a supreme advantage to being born immersed in a particular language, and in fact makes it quite clear the limitations of learning a second language by qualifying various end stages of second language development with "close to native speakers", signifying the obvious truth that native speakers have the distinct advantage in the language, again, because they were exposed to it from infancy.

>> No.21439933

ah, i see what you're saying. yes, i can imagine that's frustrating, but it's good to note that one might be able to take pleasure from what is meant to be a slur, which backfires on the person using it to hurt them.

>> No.21439952

Look kid, I gave you all the info you need to learn the english language properly. If you're just looking for excuses go back to your father. I'm sure can teach you a thing or two about that.

>> No.21439986

oh, i see, you think i'm one of you. how amusing. this thread was devised to attract ESL faggots such as yourself so that you may discuss methods which you might use to mask your lingual deformities, not that i might attain what which i have relished since i was two years old, namely, an astonishingly powerful grip over the most pervasive language on the planet.

this makes your ill-tempered arrogance all the more amusing, given that you cannot tell your peers from the true natives. you clearly have much to learn, pajeet.

>> No.21439998

*that which. hohoho, wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression, though i doubt you would even notice had i not said anything.

>> No.21440040

I refuse to believe this was written by anyone older than a high school student.

>> No.21440047

>I refuse to believe this was written by anyone older than a high school student.
it's even worse, it was written by an ESL larping as a native anglo speaker

>> No.21440048

t. jelly faggot

>> No.21440049

shush pajeet, go to your corner.

>> No.21440050

Yeah yeah, peanut butter jelly time you infant.

>> No.21440057

i see someone's mutability has evaporated. no, that's a different meme entirely. good try though!

>> No.21440063
File: 120 KB, 599x834, 1671788543886306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ESL anon is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an ESL anon and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>How does one become truly fluent in a different language after the elasticity of youth wears out?

>> No.21440077

the jeet, he fumes. unsurprising given his tendency to consume asafoetida

>> No.21440127

You might be an IQ-500 troll, in which case I salute you for your meticulously horribly written post. If you're being even the smallest bit serious, though, then as your friend and lover I've gotta let you know that you're insufferable and your writing is horrendous. It's not at all "astonishing" - you think and write line an anime character. You can improve, Anon. Just take yourself less seriously.

>> No.21440136


>> No.21440170

you're trying so hard.

>> No.21440181

ty ily u too

>> No.21440251

There are more distinct posters in this thread than a quick glance reveals.

>> No.21440272

I want to be a perceived as a foreigner. I will not change my accent, I will not change my sentence structuring and I'll definitely not stop using gallicisms.

>> No.21440278

I picked up english automatically and as if by osmosis by 10 because im not a retard. I learnt nothing in English classes, so i consider myself naturally fluent as if it was my second language, instead of identifying as an ESL.

>> No.21440288

Same but I do say it's my second language, because it is.

>> No.21440381

What is "true fluency"?

>> No.21440392
