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/lit/ - Literature

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21439082 No.21439082 [Reply] [Original]

We're all anonymous here, so you can be honest:

Have you ever showed a girl a book to impress her? Or a stack? Or your bookshelf?

>> No.21439088

I haven't talked to a female that isn't my relative since leaving school. It's been 7 years

>> No.21439092

>Have you ever showed a girl a book to impress her? Or a stack? Or your bookshelf?
It doesn't work that way. Ignore the /lit/-pimp copypasta at your own peril:

The way to win the bookhoe has been amply demonstrated in this scene from the movie After:


Here are the steps:
1. Don't be ugly. Don't be a manlet.
2. Don't say anything about being a lit dude. Only simps try to impress in that manner. In fact, you must allow yourself to be misjudged as a total bad-boy deadbeat.
3. The bookhoe must discover your collection herself and realize she's misjudged you. People value their own discoveries more than the fronts that people present. This also creates a certain guilt, which is very powerful, because when we feel that we've wronged people, assuming we're not psychopaths, we're driven to make amends.

Now then, proceed to ignore my advice completely, and go have more lousy dates as you try to Hegel-bomb women with your self-satisfied, vagina-drying erudition.

>> No.21439094

No, because I don't think owning or reading books is impressive.

>> No.21439096


>> No.21439099

Yes, I've discussed literature with women, showed them books, borrowed some (never got any back) and even wrote short stories and poems.
After extensive and intense experience with several women in my naive days (16-24) I've come to conclusion that they're subhuman and haven't talked to any outside my family or services in years.

>> No.21439102

there was once a girl i knew, a genuine 10/10 in the prime of youth, she fucked a guy whilst on meth quite near me, and it inspired in my drunk love a wild story i wrote describing the moment to come. i remember reading it aloud to her the next day, and i think somehow it drove itself into her skull, since she often later invited me several times to be a third wheel while she fucked other men. obviously this wasn't all that enjoyable for me, and once i realized what she was doing, i closed contact with her.
here's the story,
and a poem,

She looked at me for a moment locked in time
eyes, emerald gilded sunspots through shattered glass,
this ore a boon, alloyed spirit held at length,
winds of change spewed from Eden's maw,
eyes now further than the stars littering the empty sky,
those eyes, now sultry soil.

i was, oh god, must have been 15, 16?

>> No.21439116

I share books with people in general. I don't make it a point to try and use them to impress. Women do generally seem impressed by my books, however.
You're a shady person with poor morals, and inaccurate views.

>> No.21439134

Apparently, normies think reading books is NPC behavior.

>> No.21439138

The last girl I dated seemed to be into literature, although she admitted it was just modern novels. I tried to get her into Guenon(PBUH) and Evola, spoke of how politics are fucking retarded if not guided by trascendental principles, that most people are dumb hylics even though she was a leftist-centrist woman. I still fucked her so it wasn't a complete lost, but I will never know if she read Evola and Guenon(PBUH) or not.

>> No.21439146

lmao women are insane

>> No.21439148

whats best guenon book?

>> No.21439156

Yes, did not work. Only people who are into literature are impressed or interested in what you read, others will find it indifferent, or annoying if you don't have any other topic to talk about.

>> No.21439157
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i post the book im reading on my snapchat story so the girl i have a crush on will see it and think im smart for reading

>> No.21439161

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyADt6-o8kg [Open]
>catches a girl snooping around your room
>corners her and hold her arms
>doesn't even try to rape her
What is wrong with men nowadays?

>> No.21439181

Don't know. I've never read him. Just 4chan posts and his wikipedia page.

>> No.21439183

jesus christ anon

>> No.21439187

She never responds to those stories, does she? You just do it just to see the little eye symbol that she saw it, so you feel like she noticed you, don't you?

>> No.21439188

>People value their own discoveries more than the fronts that people present. This also creates a certain guilt, which is very powerful, because when we feel that we've wronged people, assuming we're not psychopaths, we're driven to make amends.
This has been my experience with women as well. Funny how much the "dark triad" shit actually fucking works, like 100% of the time.