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/lit/ - Literature

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21438620 No.21438620 [Reply] [Original]

Books can never be the supreme art form because language is inherently too limiting.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words but that's completely false. There is in fact no amount of words that can amount to the worth of a picture.

>> No.21438621


>> No.21438651

"a green cartoon frog"
see how stupid you sound, anon?
literature is a fundamentally superior artform because it requires the entire foundation of all the other arts to pierce the veil of mankind's illusions. no other type of work can force one out of their sphere of context more easily, except the true OP artform, Song. it takes the highest form of literature and combines it with music, an unambiguous, indefatigably perfect string of notes that has followed us since lifeform first respirated, that can conjure more emotion, intimacy, astonishment, than any two bit photo or impasto mural could ever seek to inspire with its mercilessly diminutive scope of living colors. your graven idols are the lowest of artistic scum, the most pretentious timewasting act, and it's why your artform was the first to crumble under the pressure of AI's widening grasp.

>> No.21438654

What's up with frogposters and moronic takes

>> No.21438657

If a piano is falling on your head would you rather me tell you to get out of the way or would you rather me draw a picture of you under the piano along with a little animation of you stwpping to the side?

>> No.21438659

That's why video games are the evolution (and replacement) of all art forms - they combine them all and add INTERACTIVITY.
Ditch virgin boomer books today, start playing chad zoomer vidya asap.

>> No.21438668

>he's too young to realize that the only thing that makes a game tolerable is a quality soundtrack why don't you YIPPEE your way out of this board

>> No.21438703
File: 122 KB, 925x1200, Johann-Sebastian-Bach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the most cliche yet dumbest take I've seen all week. Go back to your shitty ass movies and video games you fat ass nerd.

>> No.21438747

Problem is there is a severe lack of intellectually stimulating video games. Plus, ALL art is beneath philosophy. Literature is the deepest art form by far, something like film can be good for abstraction. So few video games use the interactivity to do something unique though.

>> No.21438850

Books aren't the perfect artform as they require the reader to be involved in the process of imaging everything and reading at their own pace, it's like sheet music being praised heavily instead of the actual song it's stupid obviously it's limited.
This is why comic books are better

>> No.21438851

No because thousands of people are involved the artist's vision is lost there. A vidya is much more limited than a novel

>> No.21438854

>Autistic aging memesters have retarded opinions

Truly inconceivable

>> No.21438857
File: 241 KB, 800x1026, 17b_Bach-Bild_von_'Gebel',_vor_1798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21438860
File: 108 KB, 438x365, dce3bd10bd5da9a9daaf72e4245e002652fd81a4d2cef5660bc7396b222bfca3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art of memory
Only books really time travel, speak across the ages to frens in disparate places. Statues bring you into presence of a figure, but the word speaks.

>> No.21438863

god didn't task anyone to draw a fuckin picture, anon.
there's a reason why he used songs and books.

>> No.21438869

>letters aren't pictures with extremely specific themes attached to them arranged in such a way that they build metapictures within the latent space of the mind
imagine being this cognitively underdeveloped

>> No.21438872

Books get lost over time and across countries as words meanings change. Books are extremely limited, a word like "tree" could have vastly different meanings to someone from the countryside vs someone from the city. A picture of a tree would show exactly what the artist means

>> No.21438876

People with low IQs like you might thing words have specific universal meanings and will conjure up the same ideas in everyone's brain but it's false. Books aren't a science there is nothing specific about language besides some rules which you are allowed to break.
It's not like maths where writing something gets the same result, the reader's involvement is huge in a book the input might be the same but what they read and imagine will always be different unless they are NPCs like you

>> No.21438878

>A picture of a tree would show exactly what the artist means
We both know that's straight up false.

>> No.21438881

>babby's first brush with ambiguity
how are you coming to the conclusion that you can even respond correctly to that post?

>> No.21438882

>paintings *must* represent that which exists

>> No.21438892

We are talking about the limitations of novels and this is a big one
nobody said that retard

>> No.21438900

I dunno mate, you make ambiguity determinate through force of will. If I finger fuck your cock, it is now a vagina, the size of my index finger.

>> No.21438905

ambiguity is not a limitation of literature, but an advantage. look above and note what another anon suggests is the missing function of these artistic works when he praises video games. interactivity. the gap between intention and reaction is ambiguity, and it allows the individual to interact with and adhere to the ideas thus presented. you're complaining about one of the best aspects of literature, the intercourse.
ambiguity is frightening, i realize, and when someone has problems with a desire to control all outcomes, it steadily grows into a terrifying prospect for them, that they won't be understood, that they will be misinterpreted entirely, but the key is that once you unleash a text on this world, you have lost all measure of control over it, and certainly the way it shall be modeled in the minds of those who read it. the greatest authors in history realize this, and play with it, they *use* that ambiguity as a space for innovation and experimentation, and literature would be destitute, bereft of personality, were it to lose that aspect.

>> No.21438911

if a docked penis is a pussy to you, it's no wonder your generation is so confused. what a pitiful existence!

>> No.21438944

"A green and mouthy cartoon frog, the dentist's lampada in his eyes."

>> No.21438946

>Spends 16 hours a day with an inner consciousness that takes the form of language
>The language is defined by the best ideas and expressions which were able to take form from those who dedicated themselves to the study and craft of literature
> His entire existence and identity were shaped by the evolution of ideas, communication, and their consequences
> “Wow I can’t consoom literature as quickly as a picture while I’m scrolling through social media for instant stimulation. Wow I could get more likes on this app if I painted a Pokémon instead of expressing a meaningful idea. This must be a true reflection of value.”

Stay in the dark. Understanding isn’t for everyone.

>> No.21438958

visual novels fix this

>> No.21438963

I don't know what a lampada is, so you've failed to use words to describe a picture. Owned!

>> No.21438972

Shut up pseud you clearly don't understand what we are talking about

>> No.21438981

ouch, must hurt having to deal with a cogent response to your poorly thought out attempt at an argument. i thought you had left for good, wb.
i hope that you maintain your pursuit of knowledge and look back on this day as one when you got btfo, as it will mark your maturity into manhood!

>> No.21438991

>>Spends 16 hours a day with an inner consciousness that takes the form of language
there are manys ways to think besides language, undeniably ironic and stupid conclusion to your post

>> No.21438994

Maybe I should draw you a picture clearly the use of words has lead to your own incorrect interpretation of the discussion

>> No.21438996

Agree with you about the rest, but philosophy is useless

>> No.21438997

Low IQ people think everyone else thinks like them

>> No.21438998

Stupid frogposter

>> No.21439015

It’s all swirling in there bud. There’s many ways to think, but language is one of the most accessible and primary, and is often beneath the surface of cognition even if other symbolic structures are at use. Glad to hear you larp as an object rotator tho and that you’re currently rotating triangles and shit while you process this linguistic information. Can’t wait to hear your triangular response which will be magically translated into words when you reply.

>> No.21439019

please do!

>> No.21439024

not that anon, but i agree with him that there is an ur-language that transcends the written word. it really is hard to dissolve the word once thought is fit to it, but there is a stunning soundless, wordless, pictureless thought that exists beyond, and is an inexpressible hinted at by some of my favorite writers, one instance of this is the real life of sebastian knight, very close to the end of the novel. you'll know it when you see it.

>> No.21439032

I’m glad a book rec came out of this pedantic shitposting. Thanks.

>> No.21439041

no problem, if we're not here to discuss literature, what the fuck is this place for?

>> No.21439081

no other art medium can touch the inner depth of human soul like literature you dumb fag. Film and photography are phenomenological arts and they have their own limitations. They can't represent the inner depth like literature.

A picture worth a thousand words, yes but it is a picture of real life not a photograph or a fucking film.

>> No.21439106

Comic books :)

>> No.21439107

visual novels. they have everything novels have in addition to sound, music, and images (none of which are required)

>> No.21439260

This abstract space, freedom and silence which literature gives you is really unique. I don't know how I can express that feel.

>> No.21439263

Nobody is saying it isn't unique or good

>> No.21439279

Film and photography are the language of usury and child pornography