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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2143851 [Reply] [Original]

I hate this board. No one ever wants to talk about books. It's all OMG you still read that young adult shit or some other stuck up bullshit. Books are fun regardless of who the book was meant for. I love The Giver, a book I read when I was like 10, and I'd read it again if I could find a copy. Fuck the haters. I read Star Trek and Star Wars books cause I like the settings and characters. I don't expect mind blowing literature. Just fun.

>> No.2143857

great tell me more about yourself

>> No.2143863

I'm an out of work heroin addict with a PHD in fucking your mom.

>> No.2143865

Keep going.

>> No.2143873

Would be better with "I AM THE 99%" at the end.

I liked The Giver too, though I was too young to realize that the boy died at the end. Shit made lots more sense when I read BNW later.

>> No.2143874

Everybody reads art because they find it fun, you're not special in that regard. It's also fun to shit on bad art, and everyone loves doing it. If you happen to like art that's considered bad, weathering people shitting on it is just part of the program.

>> No.2143877
File: 129 KB, 610x785, getadamnjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would be better with "I AM THE 99%" at the end.

>> No.2143889

Shouldn't it be "live within your means", not "live beneath your means"?

>> No.2143891


What a stupid cunt.

>> No.2143900

Not really. The whole protest and everyone involved is a joke.

>> No.2143899

Every image against Occupy Wall Street that I've seen has been either a classic example of missing the point, or has been so bad that it's practically making a point FOR the protesters.

>> No.2143897
File: 45 KB, 460x605, 99percent 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the cliche, but in this case, it's probably, "Live beneath your means so you have some leftovers tucked away for your kids and old age."

Kudos for D&E completing the derailing of a thread that didn't have much of a point to begin with.

>> No.2143906
File: 26 KB, 362x500, some talentless asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is a place for bitter elitists with narrow tastes to talk about things they love. This is how it has ALWAYS been. /lit/ was born out of the desires of people from various other boards to talk about books.

>> No.2143909


lol it's Mencius Moldbug's daughter

>> No.2143912


Do you have any idea the going rate for a quality escort? If I were a successful technician I would condition my unplanned bitch daughter to near-deprivation so I can continue getting my jimmies.

>> No.2143917


>things aren't completely fucked beyond belief yet so we should be satisfied with how things are

I prescribe this dumb bitch a 9mm to the head.

>> No.2143918

He doesn't die.
Apparently, "Messenger," a companion novel, reveals that he and the baby survived.

This is according to Wikipedua, however, so take it however you want. I read The Giver years ago and I've never read Messenger, so I don't claim to be an expert.

>> No.2143921

Coz Feds are middle-aged dads still stuck to spamming Usenet era textbook fallacies thinking they are mad trolling and convincing anyone. Cannot into seamless propaganda

>> No.2143928

That makes me a little happier, I guess. I'm not sure how I feel about that book having a sequel, though.

I'll have to look that book up some day--thanks for letting me know about it.

>> No.2143942

I don't think it's a direct sequel, from what I've read it's just set in the same world. There's another book, "Gathering Blue," that's set in that world also, I think.

>> No.2143949

This is a literature board, not a book board. So take your textbook download requests, write-my-essay-and-give-me-a-handjob requests, your stupid OMG Harry Potter is really good and GOT has themes opinions elsewhere. I've heard /b/ is always looking for more buttmad idiots to troll.

>> No.2143974


>buttmad idiots

Oh the irony.