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21437614 No.21437614 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he do it?

>> No.21437644

crippling depression

>> No.21437652

Probably had a profound sense of his inadequacy to doing anything significant artistically or societally. As the culture kept rotting around him and as his own work failed to measure up to the greats of his own esteem, he felt crushed and lost.

>> No.21437669

Once the rape allegations dropped he knew he had no chance to make it to Wimbledon

>> No.21437671

His work surpassed his contemporaries and it’s not even close

>> No.21437691

He changed his antidepressant prescription and took it very bad.
Same reason why so many americans get deranged.

>> No.21437694

>His contemporaries
So? His was a trash era. He knew that.

>> No.21437726

He couldn't help himself. He just had to write even if he knew it was shit.

>> No.21438044

He should have imitated his art and done it with a microwave.

>> No.21438047

he read the liber azerate and realized it's time

>> No.21438050

He had no discernible talent

>> No.21438325

i wouldn't doubt that bloom contributed to his suicide

>> No.21438429

oh come on, he was at least in the top 10 authors alive at the time

>> No.21438450

Do what?

>> No.21438465

now he's not even a top 1000 writer dead

>> No.21438476

Such is life

>> No.21438658

Unironically bipolar disorder and borderline schizophrenia. Read his books for ten seconds with this in mind and you will understand why he did it. It was beyond excruciating for him.
t. Bipolar

>> No.21438662

He was tired of being a conservative incel.

>> No.21438714

Post a dfw passage you really like that shows he was this good

>> No.21438917

Anyone have any resources on hanging oneself? I spent awhile trying to decipher the importance of drop hanging vs strangulation RE the pain of both. The idea of slowly feeling myself lose consciousness, even if lasting only 10~ seconds, terrifies me.

>> No.21438945

>have to stay alive forever so as not to be subsumed under the greatness of one's predecessors
Soon people will live forever and we'll have an arms race between who's greater: the living or the dead.

>> No.21438956

That's unfair, he's at his worst in short, glib quotes. You have to swallow the entire bloated, numbing mess to really appreciate him.

>> No.21438987

Dude literally wrote like 10,000 pages about why he did it

>> No.21438988

now there's a gem of a thought.

>> No.21439322

You're a fucking pussy

>> No.21439329

Never had the makings of a varsity athelete

>> No.21439374

It was a 4 dimensional part of the structure of his last novel. He was a character in The Pale King, and he real world suicide should be thought us as a meta component of the book. I know an Anon has written a thesis on this topic.
>Wallace in his final hours had "tidied up [his] manuscript so that his wife could find it. Below it, around it, inside his two computers, on old floppy disks in his drawers were hundreds of other pages—drafts, character sketches, notes to himself, fragments that had evaded his attempt to integrate them into the novel."[4] On her blog, Kathleen Fitzpatrick reported that the Pale King manuscript edited by Michael Pietsch began with "more than 1000 pages... in 150 unique chapters".
>The Pale King's subjects are "loneliness, depression and the ennui that is human life's agonized bedrock, 'the deeper type of pain that is always there, if only in an ambient low-level way, and which most of us spend nearly all of our time and energy trying to distract ourselves from' [quoting Wallace]... The Pale King dares to plunge readers deep into this Dantean hell of 'crushing boredom

>> No.21439385

>literally ended multiple marriages by banging coeds and grad students
pick one

>> No.21439404

I remember the first time I attempted suicide. Good times.

>> No.21439411

I've been choked unconscious and didn't feel a thing.

>> No.21439426


>> No.21439458

>tfw attemptlet
It's not even almost over...

>> No.21439463

It's the panic prior to the actual loss of consciousness. I don't like the idea of trying to grapple with the rope in sheer terror.

>> No.21439471

Doesn't he write about addiction, drugs, mental illness and a society gone awry?

>> No.21439473

You can’t be this dumb

>> No.21439485

There's gotta be an easier way to know why he did it than read his complete works

>> No.21439492

Give it a few years.

>> No.21439496

If you insist on this idea, use benzos to sedate yourself beforehand but I reckon if you truly wanted to exit a bit of grappling with life itself would not prove an obstacle.

Don't kill yourself! Follow Buddha's teachings or something preferably.

>> No.21439500

Read his wikipedia and surmise his thematic content

>> No.21439555

He was killed by the Mossad

>> No.21439637
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hanging yourself is one the most overrated ways to do it it has been specially damaged by the whole -ACK! meme too

>> No.21439706

To cope with what was coming. Infinite Jest was a glimpse (a bit dramatic and overly stylistic but still a glimpse) into contemporary America.

>> No.21439719

>And of course all this time you’ve probably been noticing what seems like the really central, overarching paradox, which is that this whole thing where I’m saying words can’t really do it and time doesn’t really go in a straight line is something that you’re hearing as words that you have to start listening to the first word and then each successive word after that in chronological time to understand, so if I’m saying that words and sequential time have nothing to do with it you’re wondering why we’re sitting here in this car using words and taking up your increasingly precious time, meaning aren’t I sort of logically contradicting myself right at the start. Not to mention am I maybe full of B.S. about knowing what happens — if I really did kill myself, how can you even be hearing this? Meaning am I a fraud. That’s OK, it doesn’t really matter what you think. I mean it probably matters to you, or you think it does — that isn’t what I meant by doesn’t matter. What I mean is that it doesn’t really matter what you think about me, because despite appearances this isn’t even really about me. All I’m trying to do is sketch out one little part of what it was like before I died and why I at least thought I did it, so that you’ll have at least some idea of why what happened afterward happened and why it had the impact it did on who this is really about. Meaning it’s like an abstract or sort of intro, meant to be very brief and sketchy ... and yet of course look how much time and English it’s seeming to take even to say it. It’s interesting if you really think about it, how clumsy and laborious it seems to be to convey even the smallest thing. How much time would you even say has passed, so far?

>> No.21439745

He knew he was shit. If only he had done it before ever writing anything. White idiot with a durag.

>> No.21439751
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>> No.21439755

What a fucking faggot, holy shit. Like, I'm stunned at how fucking annoying this is. How do you write an "annoying" suicide note?

>> No.21440711

It's so funny reading shit like this and realising that you've the exact same thought processes as people who are ostensibly great successes, even if they do then kill themselves.

On the one hand it's consoling knowing I needn't anticipate any changes affecting my way of leading my life; yet on the other, it's saddening knowing that people who are like me yet have lives better in every respect still failed to make it to the end of the tunnel under their own power—especially one such as DFW who leveraged his position to get so much poon.

>> No.21441125

He came to the realization that his arguments were wrong. “Connection” doesn’t matter. All that matters is good food and sex with bimbos. All that writing and intellectual hoop jumping could never lead him out of his depression because the exact things he fought against were what could. My opinion.

>> No.21441134

Turns out living your life to plunge your penis into as much vagina as possible isn't very fulfilling.

>> No.21441182

Did DFW really fuck a lot of women?

>> No.21441308

It's not his suicide note. It's him writing from the perspective a guy from his class that committed suicide.

>> No.21441391

If you impregnate them and keep fucking their growing bodies it is, otherwise it’s spiritual bulimia.

>> No.21441558

>Unironically bipolar disorder
How could his bipolar disorder have gone unnoticed?

>> No.21441644

I don't want to :(
Meh, anything else?

>> No.21441652

Wait that's his suicide note? Jesus christ

>> No.21441671

He realized that he had no discernible talent.

>> No.21441740

Not everyone's bipolar disorder is like Kanye Wests. Often bipolar is diagnosed as depression because many take their manic episodes to be a relief and not an additional affliction.

>> No.21441757

No it isn't. His suicide note has never been made public. Do you always immediately believe everything you see on the internet? That has to be an even more confusing life than normal

>> No.21441773

kek. Thanks for giving me a laugh, anon. Only worthwhile post in this thread.

>> No.21441780

Calm down I was asking

>> No.21441789

Okay is the first one true? It sucks anyway

>> No.21442305

It's from Good Old Neon