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21437366 No.21437366 [Reply] [Original]

Gary Inmendham is a fucking genius.

>> No.21438754


>> No.21438843

Does he believe in genius? Didn't he make a video saying that the notion that humans are smarter than animals was just an anthropocentric bias?

>> No.21439045
File: 85 KB, 1280x1001, model-breeders-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Inmendham BTFO

>> No.21439228

I hate this fucking cunt, isn't he doing physics videos these days

>> No.21439834

I knew a nu-atheist, antinatalist type years back who was really into this guy until one day he started making schizo videos about how he discovered some kind of revolutionary mathematical formula that would change physics forever. What a dork.