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21436919 No.21436919 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related was drivel, but just deep enough that it introduced millions of unsuspecting normies to Stocism. Is there anything like it (modern/accessible second-hand distillation of classic philosophy, easily recommendable) but actually good?

>> No.21436951

The Bible

>> No.21436969

Fuck all the pretentious fags here
>If book old and dusty and boring and hard to read, good
>If book new and shiny, exciting and well written BAD

>> No.21436996

Yeah but pic related wasn't bad bad because it was written recently, it's bad because it's literally just a blog post where the author repeats himself constantly with with uncited anecdotes stretched to 200 pages, and the author drops "fuck" every sentence.

>> No.21437037

>because it's literally just a blog post where the author repeats himself constantly with with uncited anecdotes stretched to 200 pages
So every single selfhelp book ever written?

>> No.21437042

Yes (affirmative)

>> No.21437085

Define “well-written.” Short of some bullshit circular reasoning, I don’t see any fair or correct definition that can be applied to this book. That’s not to say this book is bad, especially for the nonreader, but words have meaning you absolute faggot.

>> No.21437100

>post asking if anyone knows a better version of a book I liked the concept of
>thread erupts into an argument about classic vs modern literature
Guys come on

>> No.21437132

Shut up nobody cares

>> No.21437484

Tried to read a few pages of this book and literally could not do it. It was like an eighth grader that just learned curse words was trying to write something profound. The fact that it's as popular as it is explains a lot about society.

>> No.21437531


>> No.21437557

You sound like the kinda guy who would really like The Alchemist, OP.

>> No.21437599
File: 162 KB, 1702x1384, wine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alchemist is my favourite book

>> No.21437838

I liked Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig ; the narrator / main character is a philosopher asking the question "what is 'quality' or 'the good.'' It's pretty accessible.

>> No.21437897

kek my mom bought me that book for my birthday a few years ago after she saw my cutting scars

>> No.21438119

no need to cut yourself, god loves you and your body is your temple...unironically, read then new testament will help you much more than that awful book. Hope youre doing better anon

>> No.21439085

Nietzsche's critique of stoicism is spot on. Stoicism is a tyrant. To be a slave to that is sad, the whining of Marcus should be enough to turn anyone off it..

>> No.21439869

What's wrong with stoicism?
Not defending the book, it's 1 page of advice stretched out over 200 pages by a self-absorbed cunt of a writer.

>> No.21440069
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what about ryan holiday books?

>> No.21440305

>modern/accessible second-hand distillation of classic philosophy, easily recommendable but actually good

That's an oxymoron