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21436783 No.21436783 [Reply] [Original]

>profit is... LE BAD
What's his fucking problem?

>> No.21436789

He was gay. Profit is based. Buying things is fun.

>> No.21436793

Profit is disgusting.

>> No.21436797

Capitalism is so cute. You earn little monies at your silly little job and you get to go around and buy cool stuff to play with.

>> No.21436798

He was a NEET who never worked a day in his life pretending as though he knew anything about the economy for idiots to worship him.

>> No.21436804

it's like le heckin vidya gaymes

>> No.21437137

Exactly, it provides the masses with a meaning and life path. Success, money, consumption. Other systems failed to account for man's thirst

>> No.21437347

Hating people who made it, which springs eternal as a motive of leftist crybabies everywhere

>> No.21437362

His main contribution is how he applied the dialectic method to political economy. It is an epistemology appropriate to the content it is studying.

>> No.21437554

Read a history book, retard. People in pre-modern times had rich and meaningful spiritual lives. If consuming is what gives you meaning you should just kill yourself already.

>> No.21437716
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>Buying things is fun
>it provides the masses with a meaning and life [consooming products]
lmao even.

>> No.21437724

No its not. You cant just take a carefully detailed philosophical idea and just shoehorn it into a political context entirely different and call that good faith truth seeking.

>> No.21437749

he has been refuted by carl schmidtt

>> No.21437848

I never understood Marxists going WHERE DOES LE PROFIT LE COME FROM????? like it's some big mystery that only "stealing value" from the worker can explain. I trade you something I have in return for something you have that I value more, you agree because you value the thing I have more than the thing you have, now we both have something we value more than what we had before, because values and preferences are subjective and vary from person to person. That increase in value that just happened? Profit. Bada bing bada boom.

>> No.21437900

He has almost nothing but sympathy for Capitalists.

>> No.21437915
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>I trade you something I have in return for something you have that I value more, you agree because you value the thing I have more than the thing you have, now we both have something we value more than what we had before, because values and preferences are subjective and vary from person to person.
That describes any market exchange which existed well before Capitalism. Those interactions produce what you might call "subjective value" but it has no connection to Capialist commodity production. Commodities are by nature useless to the producer. The dude who own a nerf gun factory doesn't need the 10000 nerf guns he's producing every day. They have no value to him and would rather be destroyed than used by the producer. And yet still they are produced and sold only because of the value from consumers. So where does the "value" of the commodities to the producer come from? It comes from the opportunity cost of employing their labor and Capital in more profitable industries. In other words the floor of all prices in Capitalism is directly related to the price of labor.

>> No.21438266

What happened was he saw that political economy actually does function in a dialectical way. It wasn't shoehorned in.

>> No.21438548
File: 92 KB, 768x870, Main Currents of Marxism, Kolakowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more complicated than that. Start here.

>> No.21438723

ricardian economics and he was a bad person
read his correspondence with engels, this mf asked him for money in the same letter when he replied to the news that engels mother died

>> No.21438898

Even if i ignore the irony, the cool stuff is built by poor asian young adults, slaving their life away for low wages, in asian factories. This is coming back on us one day, one way or an other.

>> No.21438910

You didn't understand how value is created. Even worse, you are even boasting about your own ignorance.
It pisses me of to have to write this again. But value is created during production, not circulation.

>> No.21438919

Money is just an exchange ticket you dip

>> No.21438977
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Marx doesn't make value judgements like this in Capital. He shows that profit is just correlative to unpaid labor wages. Actually, he spends a lot of time arguing against "Utopian Socialists" like Proudhon who resist capitalism based on moral criteria (not in Capital so much but mostly in The Critique of the Gotha Programme or The Poverty of Philosophy) which he considers a reactionary, uncritical, and unscientific point of view.

btw should al bel very obvious to anyone who has even the most basic understanding of his thought

>> No.21439000

Profit is just another word for exploitation. Those "profits" are wages stolen from workers.

>> No.21439003

"I took an economics 101 class and profit is when you get more stuff"

>> No.21439014

>value is subjective


>> No.21439023

it is though

>> No.21439078

>like it's some big mystery
it was, the entire field of economics was trying to explain it in different ways. you can see that documented here https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1863/theories-surplus-value/
>now we both have something we value more than what we had before
you're confusing economic value with personal wants. if I trade an ounce of gold for its current price in dollars, that doesn't make the ounce of gold or the amount of money rise in value. they're still equivalents on the market until the price of an ounce of gold changes
>That increase in value that just happened? Profit.
that's not profit. profit is an increase in money.

>> No.21439145

Are you retarded? The value is in the fact that those nerf guns cam be exchanged for goods and services

>> No.21439149
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ITT: marxists failing to understand that you can create objects and render services for people other than yourself

>> No.21439170
File: 15 KB, 802x416, 8ADEA0D5-863E-46D3-AA2B-766C6163F585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marxists unironically believe this

>> No.21439200

Pre-capitalism meaning and goals were provided by your parents and social institutions institutions that took their place. If those ties loosen, you have to put something else in their place.

>> No.21439221

They only loosen because capitalism is pushed in its place.

>> No.21439233

You need to have a signpost above the dead body with "socially necessary" and then it would be correct

>> No.21439242
File: 86 KB, 598x711, 7199881F-29AD-4B87-993F-E94E1C8D5B5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are retarded
Those morals were alive and well for a century after “capitalism” showed up
They only went away due to the world wars
You sound like some pinless mfs

>> No.21439243

>Those "profits" are wages stolen from workers.
How can you steal something they never had to begin with?

>> No.21439280

capitalism didn't show up fully developed
that anon transforms the legal category of theft into a moral category. only in the moral realm can you steal something from someone even if they don't actually possess it.
and then he tries to use that moral category to explain an economic fact. but that's obviously not how science works:
>Do we really know any more about 'usury', when we say it contradicticts 'justice éternelle', 'équité éternelle', 'mutualité éternelle', and other 'vérités éternelles' than the fathers of the church did when they said it was incompatible with 'grâce éternelle', 'foi éternelle', and 'la volunté éternelle de Dieu'?

>> No.21439300

Turns out basing an entire society off of private profit leads to issues. Who would have guessed?
Now that will be $100,000 for your doctor bill and remember to drink your corn syrup American.

>> No.21439323

>Turns out basing an entire society off of private profit leads to issues.

The issue is the ideology of perpetual growth.

>> No.21439347


>> No.21439412
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Enlighten us how do you objectively measure value

>> No.21439437

Marx goes too far, but the typical 4chins anti-wagecuck posters are closer to him than they may think.

>> No.21439440

But America has quite strong economic regulation, no? To twist a commie meme, real capitalism hasn't been tried before, while pretty much every sort of government regulation has been.

>> No.21439461
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the ideology of perpetual growth is the direct result of basing entire society off of private profit. in such case, the basic economic goal of an individual as a property owner is to multiply the abstract wealth their property represents. and since there's no logical limit to this multiplication, the rule for it is "as much profit as possible, as quickly as possible, rinse and repeat"
see pic
economic regulation for the purpose of supporting private profit on the scale of the entire economy

>> No.21439548
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loled at image

obviously value isn't objective either

rather it's a product of contingent market forces - forces which are not based around "choices" or "decisions" but which are a complex matrix of material transactions

Marx explains all this very clearly in his "commodity fetishism" chapter

value comes from human/natural sources but through its organization into a market, values take on an inhuman/unnatural (but still very real) power

and again, that's not a moral judgement