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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 958 KB, 2159x2808, 5DA88110-3DDD-4F58-BFD7-227E0216F2BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21434586 No.21434586 [Reply] [Original]

What books did you get for Christmas?

>> No.21434593

>No other sizes of this image found.
good for you op. Merry Christmas

>> No.21434599

>comparing the marriage ring to the One Ring
Ominous. Anyway merry christmas you sloppy faced fuck.

>> No.21434633

Happy for you, OP. Merry Christmas. I don't have it with me right now but I bought myself a collection of Shelly's prose and poems.

>> No.21434645

Happy for you, OP. I got a 10 inch tablet. And so I also bought Readera Premium

>> No.21434646
File: 631 KB, 2068x1828, europes top 100 masterpieces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pic related from my sister, it's fantastic. I've been on a travel kick trying to see all the world's best art so this is great for my planning. And it's semi hard cover (a little floppy) which keeps it nice while I travel with it (already wrecked one paperback...).

My brother also wrote a fantasy book that I'm reading as his beta reader, so that's kind of cool to be the first person to read it.

>> No.21434648

oh wow, someone saved my pic from last year

>> No.21434649

I ship Tanner and Angela and I hereby declare the ship name to be Tangela. Please make sure to include this when you get married on all the invitations and everything.

>> No.21434655

So many of you fools got gifted Tolkien this year. Do you all have the literary tastes of a 14-year-old boy or is it just the guys taking photos of their gifts who do?

>> No.21434658

it says 2022 at the top basedboy

>> No.21434660

>Rick Steves

>> No.21434669

haha, that's really sweet. I'm a KHV neet. Good luck, hope we can all love ourselves at least.

>> No.21434675

Neat. I love art books.

>> No.21434684

Please expand on that, what's wrong with that person? I thought it was from a tv show or something but I don't watch tv so I don't know.

I figure it's at least a good way not to miss something super duper famous.

Yeah I wasn't big on art books before but now that I've seen them in person I kind of want some of at least my favorite artists. So far I have an artbook of Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings and two from the San Severo Chapel museum in Naples (fantastic, highly recommend it. If you have to choose between Pompei and that museum I'd recommend San Severo Chapel).

>> No.21434703

I buy one art book every once in a while. I have one of Dalí, one of Magritte, one of Hieronymus Bosch. They are relaxing to see and sometimes they inspire some ideas. Thanks for the rec, /lit/bro,

>> No.21434728

My first kiss was with a drunk girl. She literally just started kissing me out of nowhere. She also held my hand later on when we dated for a bit. There was another time a drunk girl held my hand and gave me a hug in front of her boyfriend (who was the DJ of the club we were dancing at). But I’ve never had unprotected sex and I’ve never been loved so I think kisses and handholding are a bit overrated. Get near drunk girls and sexy contact might happen.

>> No.21434740

Illustrated edition of Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf and a Sword Woman by Robert E. Howard, was reading the former earlier. Merry Christmas anons!

>> No.21434751
File: 462 KB, 1350x1800, fs-bm-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21434768
File: 4 KB, 225x225, eh42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seeing your face serene and sloppy in the morning
>serene and sloppy

>> No.21434779

like "darashinai"

>> No.21434936

I didn't receive a single gift for Christmas.

>> No.21435000

I got Butcher's Crossing.

>> No.21435014

I'm very happy for you, OP. You have a wife or fiance who loves you and is clearly intelligent.

>> No.21435019
File: 3.20 MB, 4000x3000, 20221225_233552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21435174

who made that cover, it's incredible

>> No.21435497
File: 346 KB, 816x785, 1669772195611074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My step-sister gave me Lolita, but I'm more of a Flowers in the Attic enjoyer.

>> No.21435503

Not him, but it looks like the Folio Society. I dig their I Am Legend print.

>> No.21435509
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 1571260272309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Seneca books because she knew that I am learning Latin

>> No.21435513

See that filename? It means the pic is from Twitter or Facebook or Reddit or something like that.

>> No.21435519

Holy fuck it must have taken her all day to come up with that pseudo-intellectual message

>> No.21435527

I got Dan Brown's Deception point from a coworker and Dune from my sister.

>> No.21435530

I got an anime light-novel (I don't actually know what that means), but she bought it in Italian.

>> No.21435537
File: 30 KB, 564x704, 1671611745868510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf got me no longer human & lolita

>> No.21435542

yeah I know I'm jelly as fuck too bro

>> No.21435543


>> No.21435549

no that's just an iphone filename

>> No.21435558


>> No.21435576

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21435580

That's iphone nomenclature you outrageous fucking retard

>> No.21435600

Same thing. If you have iphone you're from social media

>> No.21436213

nice gift you got there, op. Enjoy it. I hope you get out of the friendzone soon.

>> No.21436221

This is the kind of cringe shit you’d expect from a couple DINKs with fur babies who insist on putting a “dog grandparents” bumper sticker on their parents’ vehicles.

>> No.21436228

Are you a homosexual?

>> No.21436244


Why are you sharing that with all of us? You're a schmuck. Also yr thumb is fat

>> No.21436248

Very wholesome. Thank you for sharing, OP. It brought a smile to my face.

>> No.21436250

Can love like this still be found today? Are zoomer women capable of such love?

>> No.21436326

One Fat Englishman (60 pages in. Pretty funny so far)
Akenfield: Portrait of an English Village
Memoirs from Beyond the Grave (2 Volumes)
The Open Road

>> No.21436334

GOD I wish I had a gf

>> No.21436356
File: 2.76 MB, 4608x3456, books 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love basketball, football and baseball. Someone definitely stole the Mannings book from a library

>> No.21436417

the thorn birds and crime and punishment from mom. Not much, because I have a lot to read and I buy them thorugh year

>> No.21436480
File: 342 KB, 632x617, thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww, I wish I had what they ha--

>> No.21436489

Who did that cover? I have that shitty field picture that's terrible.

>> No.21436516

>what's wrong with that person
He's a bit cringe being a shallow tour guide for Murican boomers. Though for a subject like this it doesn't really matter.
> I wasn't big on art books before but now that I've seen them in person I kind of want some of at least my favorite artists
If you're only gonna read (instead of looking at pictures) one art book I recommend Gombrich's Story of Art. The Phaidon one is well illustrated and the perspective (while slightly progressive in his day) is classical western canon by today's standard.

>> No.21436520

It's the Folio Society edition. The artist is Gérard DuBois who also illustrated their edition of The Road. Those two are all the McCarthy they've published so far.

>> No.21436524
File: 3.76 MB, 365x450, cassavetes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck? Is this another Shrek situation?

>> No.21436657

Will print and try binding House of Leaves. Would it count as a Christmas present?
Cleaned up the only half-decent pdf in existence. Test pages look fine, although I don't have high hopes about the end product.

>> No.21436665

Sure why not.

>> No.21436708

None, but my father gave me 10 bucks and my mother 40.

>> No.21436716

What the duck?

>> No.21436881

Would that guy be bad in a thumb war or would he be really good