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21431659 No.21431659 [Reply] [Original]

Rudolph Uprising Edition

Previous Thread:>>21427384

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21431705

bakker is gay
wolfe is a hack
tolkien is shit
and rowling makes trannies go ACK

>> No.21431745

Where's the recent criticism of Wolfe coming from? He was rather respected here.

>> No.21431758

Overall, I found nothing unique in Wolfe. Perhaps it's because I've read quite a bit of odd fantasy; if all I read was mainstream stuff, then I'd surely find Wolfe unpredictable, since he is a step above them. But compared to Leiber, Howard, Dunsany, Eddison, Kipling, Haggard, Peake, Mieville, or Moorcock, Wolfe is nothing special.

Perhaps I just got my hopes up too high. I imagined something that might evoke Peake or Leiber (at his best), perhaps with a complexity and depth gesturing toward Milton or Ariosto. I could hardly imagine a better book than that, but even a book half that good would be a delight--or a book that was nothing like that, but was unpredictable and seductive in some other way.

I kept waiting for something to happen, but it never really did. It all plods along without much rise or fall, just the constant moving action to make us think something interesting is happening. I did find some promise, some moments that I would have loved to see the author explore, particularly those odd moments where Silver Age Sci Fi crept in, but each time he touched upon these, he would return immediately to the smallness of his plot and his annoying prick of a narrator. I never found the book to be difficult or complex, merely tiring. the unusual parts were evasive and vague, and the dull parts constant and repetitive.

The whole structure (or lack of it) does leave things up to interpretation, and perhaps that's what some readers find appealing: that they can superimpose their own thoughts and values onto the narrator, and onto the plot itself. But at that point, they don't like the book Wolfe wrote, they like the book they are writing between his lines.

>> No.21431760

Then there is the fact that every character you meet in the story turns up again, hundreds of miles away, to reveal that they are someone else and have been secretly controlling the action of the plot. It feels like the entire world is populated by about fifteen people who follow the narrator around wherever he goes. If the next two books continue along the same lines, then the big reveal will be that the world is entirely populated by no more than three superpowered shapeshifters.

Everyone in the book has secret identities, secret connections to grand conspiracies, and important plot elements that they conveniently hide until the last minute, only doling out clues here and there. There are no normal people in this world, only double agents and kings in disguise. Every analysis I've read of this book mentions that even the narrator is unreliable.

This can be an effective technique, but in combination with a world of infinite, unpredictable intrigue, Wolfe's story begins to evoke something between a soap opera and a convoluted mystery novel, relying on impossible and contradictory scenarios to mislead the audience. Apparently, this is the thing his fans most appreciate about him--I find it to be an insulting and artificial game.

I agree with this reviewer that there is simply not enough structure to the story to make the narrator's unreliability meaningful. In order for unreliable narration to be effective, there must be some clear and evident counter-story that undermines it. Without that, it is not possible to determine meaning, because there's nowhere to start: everything is equally shaky.

At that point, it's just a trick--adding complexity to the surface of the story without actually producing any new meaning. I know most sci fi and fantasy authors seem to love complexity for its own sake, but it's a cardinal sin of storytelling: don't add something into your story unless it needs to be there. Covering the story with a lot of vagaries and noise may impress some, but won't stand up to careful reading.

>> No.21431762

Bakker is DA KING

>> No.21431769

incel contrarianism

>> No.21431796


>> No.21431813

People are being contrarian about Wolfe because a nice Twitter microcelebrity keeps spamming him, and the fandom is beginning to fill up with retards and midwits.

It's time to gatekeep.

>> No.21431821

>there is simply not enough structure to the story to make the narrator's unreliability meaningful. In order for unreliable narration to be effective, there must be some clear and evident counter-story that undermines it. Without that, it is not possible to determine meaning, because there's nowhere to start: everything is equally shaky.
Lol this such a perfect 110 IQ midwit trying to sound smart critique. You couldn't come with something like this on purpose, this man got filtered so hard

>> No.21431848
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>> No.21431902

>bro.. let's just like... do christmas but violent
>noooo wayyyyyyy
i hate "art" like OP. let me guess.. rudolph is sick of being ordered around by santa? santa's just some evil taskmaster? lmfao fuck off.

>> No.21431935

Have any of you gentleman read a scifi or fantasy book with a detective, and mysteries that aren't rubbish? You can't say Dresden Files.

>> No.21431939

Try Icarus Hunt.

>> No.21431950

Isn't Dresden Files the series where that "wow this tweens girl had a plump rump but luckily I'm not a pedo so it didn't bother me" image collage came from?
You can try Glen Cook's Garret P.I. but I don't read what you're looking for and it's all I can think of immediately so I cannot attest as to its quality.

>> No.21431974
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>scifi or fantasy book with a detective
Nigga, cmon...

>> No.21431977

didn't ask for rubbish

>> No.21431984
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I suppose I should've mentioned I read this already. Something must've gone awry with my mood organ again, apologies. If you know of any similar ones I'm all for it.

>> No.21431995
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Get a hold of those fucking digits, lads.

>> No.21432004

Just read more Dick.

>> No.21432052
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Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21432059

I liked the robot detective novels. They are by-the-numbers mysteries. But a lot of people can't stand Asimov when his books lean more on characters than ideas (even though these lean on ideas, too).

>> No.21432068

yep, that's dresden

>> No.21432075

Only people who haven't actually read his books shit on him. Ignore hateposters.

>> No.21432319

Do the exact opposite of what this anon says, he is a spider.

>> No.21432342 [DELETED] 

It's just the thread schizo. There's one guy who's wasted a solid year+ of his life shitting up these threads in every way he can think of. I know because the jannies were so asspained they tried to niggerig a shadowban on him and he came crying to /g/
Keep pissing in that sea of piss bro.

>> No.21432344
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Gun, with Occasional Music

>> No.21432361
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Detective novels used to have the best covers desu

>> No.21432373

You are mistaken, I have never made a single post about Wolfe or any of his work on 4chan.

Your obsession with this general, shitposters, tracking them across different boards, constantly begging others to report it and crying about why no one is discussing books is hilarious.

>> No.21432399

Why are Wolfe fans so insecure?
If you compare your mid-tier sci fi/fantasy novel to proust and borges doesn't be surprised when people start making fun of you and the books you love so much

>> No.21432420
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>> No.21432467
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>Asimov's ideas
>Asimov's characters
Asimov is legitimately unreadable for anyone who experienced any other kind of sci-fi. He exists in this limbo between soft and hard sci-fi, is the worst of both worlds, and could only have come to prominence in the 50s, when the genre was read only by children or weird professional nerds from RAND Corp.

>> No.21432485

I've read Proust in high school and I highly prefer Wolfe.

>> No.21432487

Do androids dream of electric sheep is kino.

>> No.21432543

Read Terry Dowling.

>> No.21432729

dangerously redpilled post, don't let the jews see this one

>> No.21432790 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21432798
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>> No.21432877

Currently reading Spellmonger 1. It's generic, but nice. Thanks whoever recommended it in the last thread. I think it would be slightly more relatable if the main character was not portrayed as some ultra chad, but it's fun.

>> No.21432892

Chain of Chance

>> No.21432913 [DELETED] 

it will get with book 2

>> No.21432926

>it will get with book 2
It will get what? Good? Terrible? Sir, please do not leave in suspense like this.

>> No.21432943

it will get better with book 2

>I think it would be slightly more relatable if the main character was not portrayed as some ultra chad,
I disagree, there is a trend nowadays to have a weak clueless child as a protagonist in every new sff novel, and look where that got us, there has been no new releases worth reading.

>> No.21433230

Finished Between Two Fires.
Good setting and premise, but the dialogue blindsided me by the contemporary sounding curses, I almost stopped reading it there. Despite that I enjoyed the rest of the adventure and the "christian" based fantasy stuff was neat if a little thin. The ending was weak and I felt it undermined the rest of the story.

Thomas and Delphine get to live (in an alternate time?) relatively normal lives after all that? I did like the relationship between them and felt the climax should have went down differently, it feels lacking the way it is.

>> No.21433268

are we entering into a decade of fantasy recession? seems that after the success of PJ's lotr and GOT that fantasy was rejuvenated and many fantasy books were adapted into movies and television, but it also seems that every single one of them is flopping and to be blunt, they just fucking suck. The Witcher, Rings of Power, Wheel of Time, they're completely horrible, bland, boring, every negative adjective you can think of.

Point is, will that slow down these fantasy IPs getting bought out by the big studios and fantasy's mainstream popularity?

>> No.21433295

>fantasy's mainstream popularity
As novel genres go, fantasy is like a distant 3rd place in popularity, and the few that get into the mainstream consciousness tend to do so alongside big adaptations. Despite the talk about Sanderson, he's still nowhere near the best-selling fantasy author lately (that's probably Maas?). ASOIAF got a boost from the show, for sure, but it's still not exactly the highest selling.

>> No.21433300

Between two fires is overrated imo. I agree that the adventure was nice but yeah the ending was weak and the book felt very jumbled and confusing at times. Not the horror masterpiece some people make it out to be

>> No.21433312

I'm going through this book now, and it's not bad. Overall it's doing more right than wrong, but I do agree with the curses; they're always cringe, and on the whole it would read better without them. All in all for something that came out in 2012 I fully expected this to be a dozen times crappier than it is.

>> No.21433382

Araminta Station
The City and The City

>> No.21433413

>the book felt very jumbled and confusing at times
I agree, specifically when a POV change or short time skip would happen. Overall it was easy to follow and the pacing was consistent until the final part when a new POV is introduced that slows it down a bit.

Another thing I liked about it was the way the demons were handled. Some of the encounters with them were really well done especially the ones that leaned on the psychological tormenting (mass and individual) as opposed to the physical torment. One encounter in particular stood out to me as really well done.
The book is good enough to recommend with a forewarning about the dialogue if you can get past that it's enjoyable.

>> No.21433782

Posted this in the chart thread, thought to post this here as well.
Does a chart/guide for Robert Heinlein's Future Histories series exist? One that shows all of the relationships between the novels, suggested reading order, and notes about the themes of each? The only thing I can find is a table published very early in his writing career.
I have read most of the novels of series and none of the short stories, so I could not craft the chart myself.

>> No.21433804

Fantasy is bad for live action because fantasy world are almost completely foreign so capturing that requires tons of money that no one wants to risk which means playing safe by being generic and pleasing to the masses as much as possible.

>> No.21433816


>> No.21433855

I got a $50 B&N giftcard for Chrimbus, what books should I get?

>> No.21433864

None. Trade it online for cash or another gift card and pirate the books.

>> No.21433902
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>> No.21434006

Trade it for eBay bux on cardcash and get a used Kindle

>> No.21434010

Maybe I want to use it to buy books? you fucking faggots.

>> No.21434032
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Is Lord of the Mysteries anti-Christian?

>> No.21434053

Is there a terms for “overrelying on Chekhov's gun” or something that talks about the use of essentially extranious information?

have almost finished return of a king, and something that I have recognized that I liked, and something that is often lacking in some other books like warhammer fantasy novels (i know, not fair), is the time taken to describe things that don’t necessarily have any narrative reprocessions, but make the world feel more natural. like when Sam and frodo set up a password that never really comes into play, but makes sense in the situation.

for some reason, from a meta pov I expected for that to have an implication, but I was actually refreshed when it didnt. it kinda broight to ming how route these meta principles have become in my mind. And in retrospect Tolkien seems to have often done this, adressing an immediate concern of something to make things seem more “real” rather than narratively convinient.

Of course there is a balance here between cutting the fat and slathering with butter.

>> No.21434106

I find it difficult to call any East Asian media "anti-Christian" (unless it's whiny "Asian"-American liberals or actual CCP propaganda) due to their cultures' complete lack of comprehension of what Christianity actually is and their utter unwillingness to engage in research to find out anything about it beyond pictures of nuns and cathedrals on google images. Generally I find any antipathy towards Christianity within Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, or whatever media to be purely incidental as a result of this, and not the result of any intentional malice or hostility towards Western traditions, any more than a Kenyan author would have towards Eskimo religion.

>> No.21434114

It's conservation of detail. You don't want to have too much that isn't important to the core narrative of your book, because you're effectively muddying the waters. The Sam and Frodo password stuff serves its purpose as a character moment, rather than as set-up, so it's still relevant to the narrative. You can briefly touch upon irrelevant topics, but going into them when they're not relevant can often seem pointless. People don't care about what's not important to the book. That said there's absolutely room for unnecessary stuff, but if you're gonna have that, you may as well have it be important in other ways (characterisation and the like).

>> No.21434120

kinda this, but they can sometimes have broad stroke anti/pro christian by surfacelevel appreciation. Not a nitzchian critique or something, but reducing it to a ying-yang deal, or order/chaos, or something else that completely misses the mark anyways and addresses a seperate concept almost entirely..

>> No.21434155

because you are an idiot

>> No.21434465

True, there's also a superficiality to East Asian culture that is fixated on coming up with learned quotes that seem "deep" purely for their own sake, the way that Call of Duty games think it's such cool fucking shit to put some random historical quote from Napoleon or Caesar or Patton or whatever before a mission starts. They think that some random quotation from the Bible looks profound on the surface level as some thought-terminating cliche, like a Zen Buddhist koan, but don't actually care about the meaning because the meaning is utterly beside the point.

Now to be fair, this sort of pretentious twaddle occurs in the West, but for an entirely different reason: postmodernist westerners are subverting it for the sake of cynical pessimist blather, whereas easterners sincerely think its beautiful without being concerned whether or not they comprehend it.

>> No.21434522

>lampooned backwards

>> No.21434533


>> No.21434543
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Oy vey, a very westerncentric point of view! You just assumed they don't comprehend it, check your western supremacy and do better next time!

>> No.21434568 [DELETED] 

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger CHINK GOOK nigger

>> No.21434707
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I only have time to read 2 or 3 of the following Stephen Kings. Which should I pick?
>The Long Walk
>The Dead Zone
>Pet Sematary

I've read: Fairy Tail, The Stand, and 'Salem's Lot.
I own, but haven't yet read: It, Misery, The Shining

>> No.21434723

To clarify, I definitely will read the ones I already own, too
Just working out which other couple/few books to buy, to get me through the holidays

>> No.21434748

based rec anon

>> No.21434775
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Looking for a series that is very lewd and rapey.

>> No.21434804


>> No.21434826

Hey anons, where are you getting your books from? Zlib is no longer accessible on Tor, LibGen has a limited library, as does rulit, even Amazon does not have the books that I am looking for, particularly obscure works by Jack Vance, any pointers?

>> No.21434838
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>> No.21434841

my diary desu

>> No.21434873

You can find obscure stuff in the fantasy torrents thread on /t/. I download stuff from there if I can't find them through Google.

>> No.21434895

Something like Malazan with all the rape, genocide, and bullshit in it. Karsa Orlong did nothing wrong.

>> No.21434918

Night's Master

>> No.21434920


>> No.21435159
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I think I made a mistake in attempting to read female erotica. Yes, it's objectively better written (women on average write better, this is a fact only a schizo would reject), but reading about sexuality and relationship dynamics from promiscuous, desirable woman turned out to be a rather noticable hit to my mental health. I might vet female erotica harder next time, to read one focused on romance or adventure with romance, rather than this reverse harem stuff.


Title: A Lady of Rooksgrave Manor
Author: Kathryn Moon
Rating: 4/10

The premise of the book is simple - a young and pretty maid in victorian London(?) is a wicked, lustful girl, fucking and ruting with pretty boys at every opportunity, which cost her multiple jobs. Eventually, a tall and handsome doctor with broad shoulders invites her to his office for obvious reasons, where they immediately fuck. However, in the middle of the coitus the man turns into a big monster. She doesn't mind much, which leads for her being invited to work in a Rooksgrave Manor, place where adventurous young women 'service' monster men.

This book is almost exclusively porn. Seriously, there is very little plot, if at all. Majority of it is just the main character being fucked in different positions or combination of partners. Despite how well-written the book is (on a technical level), it did raise my opinion of typical male Harem Erotica. In a typical male erotica book the protagonist has adventure, rivarly, fights for what he believes, etc. Fucking is an addition to that, the girls have to be given at least symbolic courting. In this book the protagonist is wanted and desired from the get-go.

Female sexuality is different from male, that is obvious for everyone with three brain cells. However, the protagonist in this book has no real character traits or personality aside of being a whore. Her character starts and ends with wanting to fuck handsome men, multiple at times, especially monster men. There is nothing more to say about her. Every handsome, powerful man metaphorically falls to his knees in front of her due to her being so fuckable; it's not even about beauty, I don't think the author called the protagonist beautiful or pretty even once. Still, she is extremely desired by everyone, all men care about is spoiling her and talking how her constant urge to fuck makes her special.

This might be the most radical Female Fantasy you will ever read - woman just has to exist and want to fuck, and everyone calls her queen and love of their life. Maybe it's because lately I've taken significant amount of mental damage due to loneliness and going into the Blackpill rabbithole, but reading this book literally drained life from me. There are male equivalents of this book, but they are extremely niche. Meanwhile this is the most popular female erotica book I've seen.


>> No.21435195

What are some other authors apart from PKD who draw you into a Schizo paranoid mindset where you are not sure the narrator just got caught up in his own imagination or stuff is really happening? Those are my favorite moments in his books.

>> No.21435202
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>Yes, it's objectively better written (women on average write better

>> No.21435207
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>> No.21435216

I guarantee this "blackpilled mentally damaged intellectual" actively spends money on onlyfans

>> No.21435320
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>Self-report on not being well-read

Every, literally every person that reads anything beyond top books is aware of the difference between an average male writer compared to an average female writer. Better handling of the prose, more vivid and evoking descriptions, more naturaly flowing dialogue. And no, I don't actually prefer female writers because I don't find the topics and focus of their stories to be compelling to me as a man, but to claim they aren't better writers is a sign of mental retardation. Unless you are a teenage boy you already heard about the differences between male and female brains and how it is expressed in communication and better verbal intelligence.

I don't care much about 'natural' dialogues or vivid descriptions because I read for ideas and interesting topics - which autistic male schizos are more suited for - so I read mostly men. But there's a reason why the entire industry is ran by women and most of the writers being female. But I guess I should expect dumb autists to be clueless about reality.

>> No.21435347
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I don't read average books so I wouldn't know

>> No.21435381

>requiring this much effort to defend your 'truthful' and 'obvious' point
i believe you bro

>> No.21435413
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>Schizo paranoid mindset where you are not sure the narrator just got caught up in his own imagination or stuff is really happening
J.G. Ballard and Kobo Abe

>> No.21435446

how do i find good sci fi recs when all the awards and pop culture websites are infiltrated by culture warriors?

>> No.21435477
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>> No.21435478

Thanks will check them out!

>> No.21435520


>> No.21435540

Is Foundation that bad? I've been wanting to read the first three, assuming they aren't terrible and hold up OK.

>> No.21435553

Why do so many fantasy/sci-fi authors look like absolute creeps? The kind of people you would find if you were to knock on the door of an illicit sex dungeon

>> No.21435574

Thank you for your thoughts. That's an interesting reaction that you had. Maybe you imagined yourself as the woman overly much because you didn't identity as the monsters?

Other then that I think the exaggerate. I don't read as you do, but I think such sex heavy fantasies are probably relatively common. I also don't think the male equivalent is niche. I've read tons of erotica on websites, not published books, where the entire point is sex for masturbation. I don't read it for any other reason. I used to have some listed on my Goodreads, but I removed them long ago.

As for the book being popular, I don't think so, not even for self-published. Depending on how loose the definition is of erotica or erotica romance, something like Fifty Shades of Grey was originally fanfiction, then self-published, then traditionally published. I'm certain there also many monster sex only books that are far more popular. I can agree that it's the most popular you've seen though.

You've made a good attempt, but it does seem you've led yourself astray by attempting to find better writing. There's probably male-oriented erotica written by women, but that's probably difficult find. At least outside of manga anyway.

Ever since I've been adding more and more women in Goodreads, I've definitely been seeing more and more erotic romance in my activity feed. I find it interesting what they have to say about it as well.

I think it's a shame that what you've written I'd only here, but do as you do.

>> No.21435596
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It's boring as shit obsolete 50s sci-fi. Asimov was not a good novelist, even if you make an argument that he was a good essayist. It's not "bad", it's just completely archaic on a conceptual level. Having a somewhat interesting setting is one thing, but you also need characters that are well-developed and well written, and Foundation has neither of those things.

It's very telling, that when they tried to yassify Foundation for the TV show adaptation in 2021, the most interesting parts of it ended up being the new original characters and plotlines written specifically for the show - because everything that has to do with the Foundation proper is boring as shit, just like the books themselves.

>> No.21435651
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>Maybe you imagined yourself as the woman overly much because you didn't identity as the monsters?
I didn't find any of the 'monster' characters particularly respectable. A proffesor of psychology, a rogue and thief, a sophisticated vampire... there were 7 men overall, and all of them were more or less the same, tall and handsome. The only difference was the nickname they were using for the protagonist and how they prefered to fuck her. Literally NPCs. INB4 male erotica is similar, IT IS NOT. Male Writers at least try to give each girl a personality, even a rudimentary one.

>As for the book being popular, I don't think so, not even for self-published. Depending on how loose the definition is of erotica or erotica romance, something like Fifty Shades of Grey was originally fanfiction, then self-published, then traditionally published. I'm certain there also many monster sex only books that are far more popular. I can agree that it's the most popular you've seen though.
There are different kinds of erotica, how heavy on sex they are, etc. This book is almost exclusively porn, which is a big difference when compared to books like Fifty Shades of Grey. I haven't read it, but from what I understand it had an actual plot. I read male erotica that was just porn (i.e. Hellcats), but it is extremely niche. Most of male erotica has plot, with fucking being a goal or an important part of it. The difference in popularity of pure porn literature is dispropportionate.

>You've made a good attempt, but it does seem you've led yourself astray by attempting to find better writing. There's probably male-oriented erotica written by women, but that's probably difficult find.
I recently read an entire series Domestic Decay by Anya Merchant. For men, by a woman. And I quite liked it, despite it feeling a bit rushed a bit towards the end. It was actually surprising how good characterisation and plot was there, even if clearly inspired by Worm. But the author has a focus on taboo and incest, which isn't exactly my preference, even if well-written.
There was also 'A Soul to Keep,' a recent hit about a normal girl getting with a monster, which was decent.

If you know any good female erotica authors that don't write about vapid pretty girls getting stuffed by hot guys just for existing, I'm all ears.

>> No.21435673
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The Radix Tetrad. Highly recommended if you're a fan of the Dick.

>> No.21435735

One look at that author's instagram, and you just know she fucks dogs.

>> No.21435745

because they are, and you would

>> No.21435746

Which would disgust you in a way that is far too uncomfortablely pleasing for you to admit that it does.

>> No.21435774

cool story dog fucker

>> No.21435792

woof woof bow wow yip yap aroooooooo

>> No.21435805

Supreme Harem God System. Guy gets isekai'd and fucks women to get power

>> No.21435816

>I recently read an entire series Domestic Decay by Anya Merchant. For men, by a woman.
These kinds of books are often ghost written under a recognizable name. Anya Merchant is likely not a real woman. The same goes for women's romance. Quite a few are probably written by men with pen names.

>> No.21435824
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Books with rape dwarves?

>> No.21435834

These highly specific subreddits tends to have pinned posts with tons of detailed info and keep track of everything ongoing.

>> No.21435857

subbed :3

>> No.21435890
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>mfw God Emperor of Dune
What the actual fuck was this thing?

>> No.21435895

I want to write a sffg novel with an incel as a main character. Do you think it's publishable or they will tell me to fuck off?

>> No.21435904

Just don't call him one, and you'll be fine.

>> No.21435910

Not even webnovel readers likes incel books

>> No.21435936

your """reviews""" are shit
fuck off

>> No.21435945

It's self-publishable.

>> No.21435953

You might as well have an unapologetic SS officer as an MC. That would garner the same reaction by normies and publishers. So no, your MC MUST have sex at least once before the narrative starts and at least twice in the actual book.

>> No.21435959

Your persecution complex does you no favors.

>> No.21436113

>incels are socially acceptable
Come on

>> No.21436149
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Basically I'm just gonna not write any of them having sex (my characters)
I know... UGH I know.....
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's just that I'm not writing it is all


>> No.21436164

Based incel monk.

>> No.21436179

Altered Carbon
Galactic Bounty

>> No.21436398

Ask /sffg/

>> No.21436459

Unironically obscure reddit and discord groups

>> No.21436545

Already got all the Tolkein that really matters.

>> No.21436651

I know one that seemed to be written by a woman with the help of her husband.

>> No.21436755
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books that look like this?

>> No.21436760

Prince of Nothing

>> No.21436816

Nothing comes close. Not yet

Don't listen to this moron.

>> No.21436864

I think generally the concept of ‘god’ in Asia is very much different to what we see in the west.

In the west gods are very much something greater than a human. Even going back to the greeks you can see that. With more modern literature you can also see it in the works of Lovecraft or Tolkien.

In Asian literature gods seem more human in their ways. At least in Japanese stuff they show up all the time and behave more like a spirit would do in western stuff. Even in Youjo Senki which features the Christian god as an antagonist he’s just a petty cunt, certainly nothing compared to the merciful one in the New Testament or the wrathful Old Testament one. Thankfully he’s just a minor character as the French are far worse.

>> No.21436918
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No matter how hard I try I can't fucking stand reading novels written in first person, and I can't explain why.

>> No.21436943

Two problems. One, you hate yourself. Two, you can't stop self-inserting.
These two come together and you get a self-loathing man who can't stand novels written in the first person because he can't help self-inserting. You hate the protagonists of these books because you feel like they're written in such a way as to portray you, the reader, instead of their own character.

>> No.21436949

What the other poster is saying is pretty true, Asimov is definitely a fossil and his prose and characters never advanced beyond serviceable, but the Foundation trilogy, End of Eternity, and a lot of his short stories are still a lot of fun to read. They're short with taut plots and fun twists.
It's only when you read something longer by Asimov, like The Gods Themselves or the robot murder mystery novels, that his flaws become egregious.

>> No.21436952

Isn't The Gods Themselves considered his masterpiece?

>> No.21436963

Duma Key was good

>> No.21436981

By morons maybe

>> No.21437004

>not yet
I’ll have to write one then

>> No.21437028

I may not be able to explain clearly why it is that I dislike first person, but I do know it has nothing to do with any of that homosexual, pseud psychoanalysis of yours. You couldn't self project harder if you tried. I don't self insert, and still enjoy reading other stories in different points of view.

>> No.21437044
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>calls it pseud psychoanalysis
>proceeds to say i'm projecting

>> No.21437049

>of yours
Learn how to read.

>> No.21437051

Too based

>> No.21437055

>>of yours
who are you quoting?

>> No.21437059

As time goes on, you will contemplate it and not only will the message become clear, so will your life.

>> No.21437066

Based Sanderson

>> No.21437070

bottom left frame is currently the hardest thing in the fantasy zeitgiest.

>> No.21437088
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>> No.21437134

Is this from a video game?

>> No.21437151
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I've been binge reading coomlit with catgirls and elves for weeks now. I'm no different from goodread karens anymore

>> No.21437157

Anything good?

>> No.21437159

I haven't been to/lit/ in around 4 years. I'm one of the original Wolfe shills. I spent a large part of this year rereading his novels. New Sun for the 4th time, others 2nd or 3rd time. Just finished a collection of his short stories today. He's amazing and I keep coming back for him. In fact, I'm here in the thread now because I need to find some new authors of similar caliber. Read most of the good stuff that was being shilled here way back. Lieber, Peake, Tolkien, Lafferty, Kipling, Eddison, Howard, C. A. Smith... Wolfe is still my favorite of those and it's gotten difficult to get a fix of someone who at the same time has such a breath of imagination, such an ability to write convincing characters, who has a meaning to all of his greater works.

>> No.21437162

Dark Souls run through an AI

>> No.21437167

It's all good.

>> No.21437175

They didn't do it with Dark Souls alone. They used a bunch of fantasy movies from the 80s as well.

>> No.21437183

Kingdom of Heaven is definitely in there, maybe game of thrones as well

>> No.21437184

I've enjoyed Heretic Spellblade a lot and I do recommend it for the fellow coomers here

>> No.21437199
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The blond woman's face looks exactly like Michelle Pfeiffer in the movie Lady Hawke.

>> No.21437336

I read something else by the same author and while it wasn't BAD, it just sort of felt very uncompelling. I admit I have to lower my standards a little for this sort of stuff but I just wasn't interested in any character he wrote.

>> No.21437419

Try Robin Hobb
Black Leopard Red Wolf felt a bit Wolfeian to me. Great book. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel.

>> No.21437580


>> No.21437607


>> No.21437631


>> No.21437728

>"Me," Anasûrimbor Serwa replied, smiling with the cruelty of the peerless. "How many hundreds will die," she asked, "for saving you?"
>"Drop me then," he croaked.
Brings a tear to my eye watching Sorweel become a gigachad page by page.

>> No.21437805

Neural Wrath was ok and Demon's Throne is a guilty pleasure.

>> No.21437986

Finally finished the Eye of the World. Holy shit was it slow the first 2/3. Inn after inn after inn. I liked the last bit though it got pretty interesting. Idk if im gunna make it through the whole series though. The pacing was pretty slow like barely anything happened at all for 60 percent of the book. Also does this get any more gritty? Its pretty pg13. Maybe its because the last fantasy author i read was bakker….

rip green man…. Also why was the forskaken ones cord white and sort of transfer to rand? Shoulsnt it have been black like baazamon’s? Please dont tell me if its a spoiler. Thanks .

>> No.21438056

The Waste of Time

>> No.21438111

i dont think that gets expanded upon, the channeling and cords do continue to be a thing, but i dont think the colour becomes an important point

the whole point though is theres a taint upon the male power, so maybe just think of it as a white cord with the taint coating it

the first book is definitely slower, the pace picks up, it definitely goes beyond pg13, no spoilers but theres a point where an entire army is systematically exploded from the inside out

>> No.21438162
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>> No.21438199

Warhammer is peak fiction, both fantasy and 40k surpasses everything else I've ever read, and I've read the classics like dune and lotr

>> No.21438223

I'm a fan of both, particularly Dan Abnett and William Kings contributions, but have many I would put above them. Among them..
The Broken Sword
The Deep
Assassin's Apprentice
Corum and Elric
Song of Ice and Fire
Jack Vance

>> No.21438280
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Why not try Wolfe's main inspiration - R.A. Lafferty

>> No.21438305

How is that book

>> No.21438336
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Lafferty is the GOAT no one knows about

>> No.21438343

Thank you, good to know. Also nice trips

>> No.21438403

If I've only read Lafferty's short story about the alien that comes to earth and has a set of Kafka-y adventures, but didn't particularly enjoy it, what else should I read by him?

>> No.21438445

Try Past Master or Okla Hannali. If you don't like those drop him

>> No.21438486

I've actually read Lafferty this year as well. Past Master some time ago, but his short stories a few months back. As it goes, some were better than others, but the best ones were excellent. Especially To Ride a Tin Can and 1000 Grandmothers.
As for Vance, I've read a lot of his works. Dying Earth was very good, but Lyonesse and Cadwall Chronicles I enjoyed even more. Those don't get talked about enough.
I know this is a shitpost, but Gotrek and Felix are actually surprisingly good adventure fantasy. It's a poor man's Fafhrd and Grey Mouser, but as there's only so much of those, you I'd say this is a solid replacement once you've finished those.

>> No.21438670

Because they're drawing from different sources. Baalzamon was drawing directly from the Dark One to channel, not the One Power. Not all Forsaken have that privilege.
It diverges quite heavily from the PG-13 start in later books.

>> No.21438700 [DELETED] 

>Gu Master Big Beard shook his head: “How could I not be clear of my injuries? Don’t cry, child, crying is of no use to us.”
>“I was once young like you, and had big dreams.”
>“Unfortunately, my aptitude was too bad, and I finally sank into this current state.”
>“This world is too big, while we are too small.”
>“When I was a child, I wanted to be a grand hero, like those legendary figures of the righteous path. When I was a youngster, I wanted to be a clan leader. When I was an adult, I was satisfied with becoming a clan elder. When I was a middle aged man, I was exiled from the clan, I felt that I could live by myself just as well, I was satisfied with just raising my Gu worms and myself.”
>“Do you know what I want now?”
>Fang Yuan wept softly: “What?”
>“I just want to quietly lie down inside a quiet room and slowly recall the past, until death comes to take me.” Gu Master Big Beard had a self-mocking expression.
>“Then, then should I leave?” Fang Yuan did not know what to do.
>“Leave. Let me be here alone, I don’t want others to see my dying appearance.” Gu Master Big Beard said.
>Fang Yuan slowly stood up and hesitantly walked to the door.
>At this time, Gu Master Big Beard spoke once again: “You must have read <<The Legends of Ren Zu>>. There is a chapter which tells the story of the miniman walking out of Ordinary Abyss.”
>“We are all minimen, and we all want to walk out of Ordinary Abyss.”
>“You must continue on, Fang Yuan.”
>“Continue living, continue persevering.”
>“It is a pity that all my Gu were destroyed in the battle. This is my advice to you, my only gift. To us minor characters, crying is of no use, no one will hear us even if we shout, we can only persevere by ourselves.”
>“Persevere until you accomplish great feats, become extraordinary. Either that, or embrace death.”

>> No.21438717

It's ran by women because women write and read average or below average quality novels. So, in the context of trashy fantasy, chick lit and urban wine mom stuff, you are possibly correct. But in terms of worthwhile novels and non fiction, it's even difficult to find a woman who wrote something worthwhile.

>> No.21438744
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>> No.21438787
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can never tell if people post this shit ironically or not

>> No.21438793

If you've never had your pupils constrict, scalp go numb, and couldn't help but lampoon internally, are you even reading SFF?

>> No.21438830

Is the Southern Reach trilogy worth reading?

>> No.21438840

Eh, not really. I honestly think the movie is better.

>> No.21438894
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I am having an absolute blast.
Do I have shit taste?

>> No.21438907

By the looks of the cover, yes. But it's fine to enjoy shit from time to time.

>> No.21438916

>Do I have shit taste?
No, you're just free from the canon™

>> No.21438925

It's just a 1:1 ripoff of Crystal World and other Ballard books and Roadside Picnic.

>> No.21438976

Where should I begin with those books?

>> No.21438979 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21438980

Read the Gotrek and Felix novels by William King, then ignore everything else because. 40k in its entirety is trash, and the Fantasy stuff written by other authors is also trash.

>> No.21439022
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I should start a chudlit channel.

>> No.21439065

Probably the same as Bakker, where sffg was super praiseworthy for a while, it spread beyond the general, so when the inevitable counter movement came, it wasn't just sffg, but also the people who hate sci fi and fantasy in general. Basic movement and counter movement, the cycle goes on.

>> No.21439147

Bakker has always been hated (not like it's difficult to see why). SFFG was never generally praiseworthy of him.

>> No.21439155 [DELETED] 

There are no trannys, no progressives, no gays, no sjw and no roasties mentioned in that passage. Surely it must have been posted ironically to mock those who like it and take it seriously.

>> No.21439195

you are a pea brain

>> No.21439251


>> No.21439352 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21439391 [DELETED] 
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new Krake just dropped

>> No.21439499

>(not like it's difficult to see why)
Why? I'm just starting to get into the third book of Prince of Nothing, and in general I liked it. What are the criticisms of Bakker?

>> No.21439527

His prose is too difficult :(

>> No.21439549

For a third grader maybe. The main problem is that it's just full of gay shit

>> No.21439554

His idea of literature is what 11 year olds consider deep and cool. It's the Naruto of fantasy.

>> No.21439631

I don't know about that, it's just seemed like an edgier Dune to me.

>> No.21439686

I've avoided him because of the cringy shills on this board, but edgy Dune doesn't sound bad.

>> No.21439775

I can't find fuck-all that's worth buying with a $50 B&N giftcard. I bought Voyage to Arcturus ebook for like, $2 and I'm at a complete loss at what else to spend it on.

Science fiction is such feminist lgbtq sjw bullshit spewing anymore I don't know why anyone bothers with it anymore and Fantasy is just the same swords n' magic Tolkien apeing shit it's always been.

Fuck all of you, books suck.

>> No.21439794

>Kobo Abe
>J.G. Ballard
>Gene Wolfe
>Brian Evenson

Sounds like a you problem desu senpai

>> No.21439795

try coomlit, at least they can make you horny

>> No.21439801

Lowest of the low

>> No.21439807

I don't want to be horny, I want to experience epic journey and adventure.

>> No.21439808

Don't bother reading fantasy written by women, or starring women
it's all cuck fantasy, if you have a male mind, reading these books will only make you suffer, and if you like them, maybe it's time to come out of the egg or something I dunno.

>> No.21439812

Piranesi was pretty alright, included nothing of what you're bitching about here

>> No.21439813
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No, the lowest of the low is MTL webnovel

>> No.21439814


>> No.21439836

Go worship more mentally ill bussy then, you clearly salty about females incel loser, lmfao.

>> No.21439846

Post an example

>> No.21439853

To women authors, the foundation of any story is drama, personal relationships and sex, it could be portrayed in the very dirent manner or it be could indirect, but the focal point is always that.

>> No.21439863

Read Piranesi, it proves you are wrong here. Not even shilling, it's just so devoid of everything you're assuming here that it makes you look stupid.

>> No.21439870

you read the golden yarn, didn't you

>> No.21439885

Look, anon
it's very simple
if you read a book written by a female author that has elements of romance in them, KNOW that they will cheat or get cucked, just don't get invested.

>> No.21439912

knowing that why would I even make a decision to read something like womans fantasy?

>> No.21439984

The only authors I actually buy are the few new wave / 80s revival greats who aren't dead yet and self-pub coomlit from Amazon. Publishers are just another globohomo propaganda arm. They don't expect to make money and you shouldn't pay them.

>> No.21440031


In general this is true but C.J. Cherryh is pretty solid and has a consistent, thoughtful, and moral mind. Might just be a pseudonym for a male writer, but whatever

>> No.21440041

>Jemisin won all the awards, and justly so, for the books of her Broken Earth trilogy, of which this is the first. The books might take place in a far future on a world that is not our Earth, but clearly they also connect with the here and now, with themes of climate change, environmental degradation, racial injustice and the burdens of the past. A daring second-person narration and a complex, admirable but not always likable hero make this book much more than the sum of its themes.
why are they always like this

>> No.21440053
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>> No.21440054

There isn't much cringe besides Cnaiur.

>> No.21440066

Final Empire is very mid and feels like every popular YA dystopian novel written in the mid 00s. It has some cool scenes here and there, and you can tell Ian Brandon Sanderson was heavily influenced by God Emperor of Dune while writing it but I have no idea why the series became as popular as it did.

>> No.21440082

The left side of this graph makes no sense. This is just a picture with other pictures on it

>> No.21440089

Actually retarded

>> No.21440110

Nice bait post in the form of utter nonsense in every way.

>> No.21440133


It's fine, anon. The awards used to be a good way to find things to read and now they are a good way to find out what to avoid.

>> No.21440202
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who are your favoroutye authors of "odd fantasy" then?

>> No.21440216
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I'm drunk, forgive typos1

>> No.21440236

Publishing a book is a gay hassle. Just self-publish. It is way better.

>> No.21440265 [DELETED] 

faggot Iron Prince author currently crucifying himself on /progressionfantasy because he's a mod and they decided to virtue signal and put up a rainbow flag on a book discussion forum
like newfag "quotes your post in all caps and calls you a child" behavior lol r/ProgressionFantasy/comments/zwc9df/why_is_the_icon_lgbtq_isnt_this_about/

>> No.21440312

Does anybody ever work together on this general?
In regards to talking about ideas, I mean.

Some examples of some "twilight zone" type of sci-fi stories I've been thinking of writing.
1. A man and woman bring home their firstborn child, who is enrolled in a pharma trial from the wife's place of work. The child is given a nanomachine shot that is designed to help them, vaccinate them in one shot, and facilitate proper development of the child's mind and body. Eventually, the father catches on that something is wrong, even finding the newborn standing up and walking while the black cloud of bots swarms around him. When he gets his wife, the child is back inside of the crib.

>> No.21440319

>A man and woman
Stopped reading there

>> No.21440320

I had a whole bunch written down at one point.

2. A story where the aliens invading a planet are the human beings. The story would start by giving a look at the planet and global civilization that is then attacked by humankind.

>> No.21440321

Have you considered browsing something called a "catalog" and checking out the WRITING general thread, newfriend?

>> No.21440324

kek. Tell me how to make it better, anon. Two girls? Two guys? lol.

3. A story about a group of colonists abandoned by humanity as we spread out into the stars. They are forgotten for a thousand years, marooned without contact. When they are discovered, the human worlds believe them to be aliens.

>> No.21440328

>kek. Tell me how to make it better, anon
By going to the writing general, since that's its entire purpose.

>> No.21440341 [DELETED] 

Oh, yes. I could post it there, too.
I just like the sci fi/fantasy generals. Maybe someone will post some with me for fun. Otherwise, I am just shitposting while at work and about to eat some buffalo wings.

Everyone on the /sffg/ seems to want to be a cunt. That will never deter me. I will only post more, mein friend.

4. An idea for more of a kid's book. A child sees a UFO crash in the field near his farm. He comes upon a working ship with a dead pilot. By getting into the ship, the child is 'coded' to teh ship such that no other pilot can operate her. He then goes on adventures and meets the alien civilization.

>> No.21440346

>about to eat some buffalo wings.

>> No.21440362

It's probably the regular routine spammer, just stop responding to it and giving it attention.

>> No.21440391 [DELETED] 

5. A story about an alien crash back in the 1960s. The military responds to a massive crater in teh new mexico desert. Called in as an expert, Dr Amogus watches as a second ship crashes. They retrieve the dying pilot and bring him to Area 51, where it is determined that the pilot is both dying and bloating up to an extraordinary level. Soon, Dr Amogus realizes that the pilot might not be what he seems. (hint, the pilot is a bomb set to explode and destroy the humans capacity to experiment on the alien race.)

>> No.21440405

This guy is autistic even for 4chan

>> No.21440407 [DELETED] 

6. A rancher in texas finds a huge section of the hidden rockwall. What is queer is that the wall was never known to have extended so far. The young man finds a stair deep into the rockwall, where he is taken back to just before the comet impact of the younger dryas. He doesn't realize it, however, and comes up to find that his ranch is completely changed. He meets a friendly giant and they go on adventures.

>> No.21440444 [DELETED] 

7. The story of the first ever trans human-pig hybrid. Created in a lab as a male, the hupig's dream is to one day be a sow with many humanpig babies suckling her titties.

>> No.21440465 [DELETED] 

checked my own trips.

8. An alien from a strongly masculine and patriarchal civilization arrives on earth to see if we are advanced enough to join their coalition of sapient empires. He finds that we are all ruled over by matriarchal kikes and females. He immediately starts a purge of all humanity.

>> No.21440489
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Me again again.

Removong Gene Wolfe who is the best fantadsy author?

>> No.21440504 [DELETED] 

9. A story about the last straight couple on earth, kept secure and comfortable inside of a zoo within a megalopolis superstructure. The woman still wants to 'find herself.' Eventually, the last straight man actually kills her and goes gay.

>> No.21440515 [DELETED] 

>But compared to Leiber, Howard, Dunsany, Eddison, Kipling, Haggard, Peake, Mieville, or Moorcock, Wolfe is nothing special

>> No.21440517
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is this gaem the same universe you guy are talking about? or am I a faggot?

>> No.21440535
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> tolkien
so bvious, buty there is truth to it

Yes, I read that, sorry if your are OP, I was hoping to get othger cobntributions from other anons

>> No.21440553

Bakker > Wolfe > Tolkien

>> No.21440576
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I only read ythe furist book from bAkker but I'll have to finish the series!

>> No.21440655

write a story about man who got fed up with world and just started pursuing what he really wanted (arc 0), he became an AI researcher who created advanced AI, it was a long and difficult process with lots of struggle(arc 1), after that he connected his mind to an AI, there were issues and setbacks, many people tried to stop it, but eventually he succeded (arc 2), next step was to control useless irritating humans, using advanced scientific method with some deception like nano bots being injected to every human under the pretense of vaccine, eventually after the last of stragglers are injected, matrix tier system is created (long arc 3), attempt to educate and improve human psyche through matrix removing all previous memory and letting humanity have a fresh start in the matrix while at the same time controlling them and secretly guiding them to a right path, initially results are promising, many people are receptive to change and improved way of life but some are resisting, however later the whole experiment fails when human destructive human nature shows itself and almost destroys the very substance of the matrix (long arc 4), mc is uncertain for the first time in very long time, what to do next, after many considerations mc decides to abandon any future plans to change humans for the better, after some challenging scientific research, the level of mc-ai understanding reaches new levels and a way to go past the very quantum limits imposed by our reality is found, human race are unworthy to be saved, so they won't be, a way to extract their very essence of life is devised, humans still find a way to resist, many heroic characters appear but they all fail partly because of other selfish humans mc extracts their life essence, then abandons his own last shred of humanity to finally erase humans from the very fabric of existance, mc then uses pure life essence and transcends into a superior being (arc 5 + conclusion).
There are several themes, one of them is human struggle, and betrayal, plenty of people in time of great danger show huge potential and sacrifice for greater good while many others try to capitalise on it, manipulate the heroes to save themselves (after making deal with mc), of course they are being used, they help mc to destroy the leaders and the heroes and instead of promised rewards they get death. One example, some courageous men become pillars of it humanity but then some strategically placed roasties turn them into dumb unthinking coomers and trick them into white knighting that way destroying any chance of survival.

>> No.21440660
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based drunkard

>> No.21440670

Bakker takes too much from Wofle to be placed above him. It's clear he's so impressed by Wolfe he can't help to take too much, even miniscule details Wolfe pays little attention to or motifs he explores in few sentences. It's also clear he made a very big mistake by limiting himself to fantasy - the concepts that work so effortlessly well in Wolfe's science-fantasy world simply lack the intuitive, laconic meaning in Bakker's and become obtuse no matter the prose - but then again, that can be attractive to people who are satisfied by mere promise of deeper subtext without knowing if there actually is any. To people who aren't adult enough to be humanists.

>> No.21440692

checked and baste. I read this while i ate my buffalo wings. Good ideas, anon.

>> No.21440727


I've thought about writing a story where a war veteran dies and enters purgatory, despite knowing that he is a good enough man to enter heaven. He realizes that he is there to guide his fellow veterans towards teh light of God. Adventures abound.
And another story based upon the discovery of a parasitic organism that lives in colonies. The organisms are very small. THey secrete a sort of slime that responds to the electromagnetic frequencies sent out by all living beings. The slime of the parasitic colony can move on its own and is often brought into action by the negative thoughts of a nearby organism. Terrorists break into the facility that is experimenting on the goo. They release it onto a planet with a burgeoning human population. The main character is in a race to stop the goo from taking over and destroying the world.

>> No.21440750

I have drubnk a whole bottle of Jamesone!

>> No.21440756

These are fine but I don't see deep motivation for character to do anything, I hate stories without mc having a deep motivation to do whatever that he is doing, just floating about in bug infested world trying to survive is very Walking Dead tier.

>> No.21440782

This is me again, The Drunkardrd lol..
whos is the best fantasy short story writer, bar the obvious tolkien/wolffe/etc.?

>> No.21440790
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forgot imagine

>> No.21440791

Yes, I would have to work on the motivation. The purgatory one is straightforward. The mc loves his battle buddies and wants to help them overcome whatever is keeping them in that plane.

For the other one, the mc would have the motivation to save his world. Maybe it starts with the mc warning against bringing the colony on world for fear of its escape and violent colonization of their new world. Then, it gets a loved one killed. The mc then has it out for his former company, and he wishes to expose them to the world, as well as stop the outbreak once it begins.

It is also set up first as short story. The colony organism could just kill the mc and take over the world in the end.

>> No.21440853
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Just remember you will never read another book from these guys.

>> No.21440939

I used to love Michael Crichton. Truly, it was a terribly sad day when he died. My buddy, who grew up reading the same Crichton books as me, called me to tell me that he couldn't believe it.
GRRM is just fat and gay now. Why isn't Bakker going to write anymore sequels though?
Also, I have written my first two books. Just had a guy in the store tell me that his brother was really enjoying the first one. That is a very nice thing to hear, even if the guy was lying his ass off. Really nice.

>> No.21440959

>six years since The Unholy Consult
Is he having trouble with his publisher or something?

>> No.21440983
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New Wolfe collection upcoming.

>> No.21440996

I won't be reading it because Wolfe is a hack

>> No.21441065

Been trying to keep up with this, but I don't use reddit. Anybody know of a harem series with an older male MC that isn't ex-military Adonis? Tired of reading about young men written by old men.
I might try out Simon Archer's "Fat Guy Wins", but that MC is probably le 20 years old as well. Any suggestions would be good.

>> No.21441073

thank god never read any of their books anyway

>> No.21441099

why does it need to be so specific?

>> No.21441145

The irony for me is that it doesn't seem like it should be such a specific request. I'm burned out on the archetype is all, and especially academy settings.

>> No.21441355

I just finished the second book and I like it a lot. Especially Annihilation I found really good. The mystery kept me reading and the writing kept the parts where nothing was happening interesting.
I've heard people saying the second is way worse but I enjoyed it and look forward to the last book.

>> No.21441407

This is why I prefer standalone books.

>> No.21441484
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Necromancer School story

>> No.21441516

Any book is standalone if don't care about the complete story and if the book is mostly self-contained.

>> No.21441601

Fang Yuan is fucking evil holy shit

>> No.21441621

>Fang Yuan was someone with not even a hint of morality.

>He left Hu Mei Er in the lurch, not giving a hoot to beauty. He was boorish, unreasonable, easily killed people and treated life with contempt.

>He killed Tyrant Heng Mei and other two, each time he smashed them into minced meat, his savage and ruthless nature was clear from this.

>He deceived Xue San Si and broke his promise in front of everyone, but was still proud of himself. This was even more terrifying.

>It shows that he did things without any restrain or lower limits, he could betray someone as easily as snapping his fingers with not even a trace of guilt in his heart.

>> No.21441636

we need more heroes like this

>> No.21441643


>> No.21441645


>> No.21441707

Fang Yuan, every liberal's, every anti white feminist's, coomer author's worst nightmare.

>> No.21441721
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Is it based or is it just another /sffg/ meme?

>> No.21441734

It is strange
Mc is a legit villain but the world is fucking ruthless, even the supposed good guys boiled living human beings in a pot to cultivate or smt

>> No.21441769

That doesn't really answer my question. Sounds generic

>> No.21441798

Yeah, it's your edgy grimdark thing, you either like it or not

>> No.21441843

>Is it based
yes, the novel is based.

>is it just another /sffg/ meme?
at this point, yes it is a meme, and it's also worth reading, because it's good.

>> No.21441940

thank god i don't read modern fantasy

>> No.21441972 [DELETED] 
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I don't know, anon. im reading Dragon Prince rn and it's pretty good, protagonist, the titular dragon prince, is a virgin and his hot and single sun-witch aunt makes fun of him and teases him constantly, same with his tomboy older sister. feels like amazon coomlit but it's actually written by a feminist woman in the late 80s.

>> No.21441979

sounds awful. Take a lap.

>> No.21441982

damn dude gottem'

>> No.21441997


>> No.21442071

No, it's shit. Every single character bouls down to some variation of "seething bugman", including the nain character.
There's nothing particularly unique about the protagonist, either. From the way people talked about him, i expected him to actually have something going on, but in reality his entire mindset boils down to the typical chink "fuck you, got mine" attitude.

>> No.21442086

Lies. The main character is literally the very opposite of seething. I don't think he got angry even once.

>> No.21442090

Fantasy has been dead for over 30 years.

>> No.21442094
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Not so.

>> No.21442103

Sanderson revived it

>> No.21442122
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nah but /lit/ was born dead

>> No.21442134

I hope anon who tried to argue against Iron Dragon's Daughter having gnostic elements got the help that he needed.

>> No.21442142


someone did that? lmao holy shit

>> No.21442153

Any of y'all read Expeditionary Force? I just got done with book five and was internally debating about whether or not to continue the series. I've been liking it well enough; it's got a neat world and the story concept was unique enough to pull me in, but it feels like there's never really change in the status quo. They've had their same, beat up to hell ship for five books now, and it hasn't been upgraded at all (and, in fact, has been continually degrading). There's been no moving forward. They haven't gotten on good terms with any of the alien species. It's justified why, but part of me wonders why bother having all of these different alien races if you're not gonna let the main characters be on speaking terms with any of them.

>> No.21442168
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Was it a good conclusion?

>> No.21442171

it's not a good series.

>> No.21442187

why not? what's a good series, then?

>> No.21442199
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>Expeditionary Force
>part of me wonders why bother having all of these different alien races if you're not gonna let the main characters be on speaking terms with any of them.
ugh... let me ask you, how many women on board this ship

>> No.21442211

Many? Like, definitely less than half, but a decent chunk I think.

>> No.21442293
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The sole purpose of aliens in scifi is to have something fun to kill.

>> No.21442374

Death to the xenos

>> No.21442520

Does anyone have the website with alot of the 40k audiobooks streaming? I can't seem to find it

>> No.21442571

did u tried youtube.google

>> No.21442578

Yes no success it was something like 40kaudio.com but nothing comes up now.

>> No.21442595

Damn I was just curious about Tolkien's children

>> No.21442596

There is a ton of them on audiobookbay

I just finished The Night Land, it was fun and weird but you know what I really liked? That part the guy was alone talking to himself like a school shooter while surviving against all kind of shit. Any books about that, isolation and monster fighting? Something good, not litrpg or shit like Mountain Man.

>> No.21442603

Damn. Lewis you monster.

>> No.21442608

Yeah the other sit was just streaming which I prefer to torrenting but thx

>> No.21442667

his publisher got gobbled up by a bigger publisher that is all about being PG13 and squeaky clean. And of course bakker doesnt wanna self publish or anything.

>> No.21442690

Don’t bother asking, its not even his review. It’s from some goodreads guy named JG Keely that Wolfe-haters keep on shilling.

>> No.21442743


>> No.21442819

>more stories by Catherine Pepinster, unwed (((liberal Catholic)))
>Pope Francis not liberal enough
>sex abuse, sex abuse, sex abuse, muh welfare
Catholocism is the My Little Pony of religion. You don't even have to care about the source material to like it. The absolute foot stamping, impotent rage it garners makes it a treasure.

>> No.21442923

I've read shadow the hedgehogs fanfiction that were better written that that, so its not based.

>> No.21442939

Have you tried Amazon? They usually have a good selections of audiobooks

>> No.21442946

He most likely doesn’t want to pay for things.

>> No.21442953

Posting that chinese garbage just proves his point. Nothing more soulless and creativity bankrupt than their stories.

>> No.21442956

Jesus, then why do people here try so hard tk shill it if it’s absolute dogshit?

>> No.21442959

Just one shill though.

>> No.21442974

>soulless and creativity bankrupt
I will take "soulless" and creativity bancrupt over modern progressive garbage full of modern creativity and modern soul.

It's shit only to liberals who seethe at main character.

>> No.21442990

I really don't see people shilling it. outside of maybe two people, and since they're go to in shilling it is usually political, I can only gander and assume it's terrible all around.

>> No.21443066
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And why would you assume that quality is a prerequisite to fanaticism?

>> No.21443210

Realistically how much more do you think he would add? I'm only on White Luck at the moment.

>> No.21443220
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Pure dark entertainment.

>> No.21443252

It's way more than that.

>> No.21443432

There's only the one obsessed anti-shill who got raped by Fang Yuan and has to mention it every thread.
Probably the same guy that spams ironic Bakker posts to try to get a rise out of people.

>> No.21443731
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>> No.21443803

New thread