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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 356 KB, 1079x887, Screenshot_20221225-031304_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21430198 No.21430198 [Reply] [Original]

Ask me anything lit related and I will ask it AI.

>> No.21430246

Ask it to explain why it's the best translation. Ask which is the best Russian translation of Plato.

>> No.21430249
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>> No.21430251

Ask it whether it's possible to meaningfully discuss literature without also discussing philosophy.

>> No.21430255

why is op such a faggot

>> No.21430262

Soulless and dreadful. Formulaic and predictable.

>> No.21430265

best Homer translations

>> No.21430270

what is the connection between buddhism and existentialism

>> No.21430271
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>> No.21430272

These language models are trained on the internet, obviously it would be racist against Russians.

>> No.21430275

Ask it why Nabokov was such a cunt about Don Quixote.

>> No.21430276
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>> No.21430280
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I assume you meant german?

>> No.21430284
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>> No.21430288
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>> No.21430328
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That's pretty good

>> No.21430343

Still waiting on this one

>> No.21430349
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Stop hating moron

>> No.21430359
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This thing will become by new lit buddy

>> No.21430371

What is the best musical key? What is the most pleasing time signature?

>> No.21430386
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>> No.21430410

Is IQ a good way of measuring intelligence? If not, then by what means of measuring makes best for measuring intelligence?

>> No.21430417

Why does 13% of the population commit 50% of the crime?

>> No.21430423
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>> No.21430428
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>> No.21430438

Who is the greatest Author?

>> No.21430446

Which AI is this now?
A different one to chatgpt?

>> No.21430452
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>> No.21430454
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>> No.21430462

What are the major themes in Niels Lyhne by Jens Peter Jacobsen, and in what way do the themes relate to Nietzsche's philosophy?

>> No.21430472

What are the best arguments against the five modes of scepticism?

>> No.21430483
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>> No.21430488
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>> No.21430493
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Thank you. Here is what it gave me:

>> No.21430502

4chan will be 80% AI "content" by mid 2023. Expect nothing by chat bot generated OPs and imbeciles reposting their discussions with equally braindead chat bots. Just like how 80% of 4chan is currently reacting to twitter posts.

>> No.21430506

Neo-Platonism argues that the Forms are permanent, and thus are outside of time; Is eternity simply permanance experiencing itself?

>> No.21430507
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>have been translated into English making them much more accessible to American readers than they are to Russian readers
Why has nobody made a Russian translation then?

>> No.21430508

Holy shit, I’ve been interested in Jacobsen since Rilke mentioned him. Never heard his name here. Is Niels Lynne worth reading?

>> No.21430512

This thread is better than all of the threads I've seen in the past month excluding the Classical Languages thread.

>> No.21430514

Elaborate on the philosophy of Rabelais

>> No.21430516
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>> No.21430521
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>> No.21430522
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what are the consequences of AI being anglotards?

>> No.21430528

Most definitely. I rather you first read the two short stories "Mogens' and "Mrs.Fonss" in his collection of short stories. Jacobsen is not a "believer", and instead is more of "humanist" if you will. I would tell more, but it's better if you read it yourself.

>> No.21430530

It's an anglo world, you're just living in it.

>> No.21430549
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I only know 2 kek

>> No.21430553

Thank you. They’ve skyrocketed up my list of books to get soon

>> No.21430556

Nice. The laughing Nietzsche of sorts

>> No.21430564
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>> No.21430584

Mostly hackneyed and trite responses with little insight. Worse, some of them are just bullshitted or factually incorrect, like how it said unlike existentialism buddhism doesn't view the world as bleak (when it literally places suffering at the root of sentience). People who don't understand how AI works are going to think the "magic disembodied robot voice" knows all and take it at face value. All and all a neat little search engine wrapper but only mediocrities would feel intellectually threatened by this

>> No.21430587

For Niels Lyhne, get the one translated by Hanna Astrup Larsen. It is the one I read, and it is—I believe—better than the Penguin Classics translation.

>> No.21430589

Did David Foster Wallace have any discernible talent?

>> No.21430592

I know... and I hate it.

>> No.21430595

Hermann Hesse wasn't Jewish

>> No.21430600
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>> No.21430606

Ask: how did Adi Shankara retroactively refute Buddha?

>> No.21430614

Don't know anything about Buddhism, but the AI said that Buddhism doesn't view the world as inherently bleak. That is, the world itself isn't bleak, but we make it so. Did you misunderstand, or is the AI wrong in this regard as well?

>> No.21430617
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>> No.21430628

What are Walt Whitman’s thoughts on the soul and death?

>> No.21430634

what would baudrillard think about tik tok?

>> No.21430641
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>> No.21430642

Ignore that retard. He sees the word “suffering” thus associating bleakness with it and thinks he’s some major “blacklill” intellectual because he had heard of Cioran despite never reading him.

>> No.21430645

>Plato: Sämtliche Werke
it's German, so it's supposed to be Platon

I don't get what's the point of this "AI" anyway. It says generic things that seem true but literally don't exist. (That Russian translator doesn't exist, Voß is indeed the best known German translator of Homer, but no Droysen ever translated Homer.)

>> No.21430646
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>> No.21430650

>it's German, so it's supposed to be Platon
Schopenhauer also wrote "Plato"

>> No.21430654

It still sounds like an AI (or undergrad essay), but it's not wrong.

Would Yukio Mishima have enjoyed the Yakuza video game series?

>> No.21430656

What would Henry David Thoreau think of modern day New York City?

>> No.21430660
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>> No.21430665
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>> No.21430673

he didn't
ctrl+f "platon"

>> No.21430681

Interesting. Droysen translated Aeschylus and Aristophanes but indeed apparently never translated Homer

>> No.21430684

Either it's a modernized version or I confused him with Spengler. I remember reading Plato from someone and it's one of those two.

>> No.21430686

Does it matter? Duden says it's Platon, so it's Platon.

>> No.21430715

Did Cellini have a high opinion of himself?

>> No.21430726
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I broke it lol

>> No.21430732
File: 274 KB, 1036x1500, Conrad-Platon-Conrad-Hrsg+Platons-Ausgewählte-Werke-Deutsch-von-Schleiermacher-In-fünf-Bänden-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Spengler, you can check his original editions on archive.org. Which isn't how Germans used to spell it, e.g. pic is from 1918
This, basically.

>> No.21430736

I tested it against my various schizo-philosophical ideas that I will one day bless /lit/ with. This is good training for that faithful day.

>> No.21430798


>> No.21430921

You're a soulless troon and I hope you kill yourself so your family can have a real Christmas next year.

>> No.21430949

It’s correct about G and D, C is meh
Good response on time sigs

>> No.21431131

What role does the chemical analysis of Italian translations of the Mullah Nasrudin’s poetry play in the anthropology of Uighurstani politics?

>> No.21431214

What are the greatest Dutch writers from the 20th century.

>> No.21431228

This could make sense, anyone translating a foreign author is likely to do so in a contemporary vocabulary, while the natives read it in outdated 19th century prose, this could make the author more readible in translation.

>> No.21431234

AI proves again Jews cant write.

>> No.21431371

Soulless and dreadful. Formulaic and predictable.

>> No.21431470
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>> No.21431474
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>> No.21431477
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>> No.21431559
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>> No.21431958

Let's see if it works well on more obscure data.
Ask it "What other books consider the concept of the plane of self-materialization espoused by Mitchell Heisman?"

>> No.21431991

>outdated 19th century prose,
you are generally right, but Dostoyevsky is still highly readable for the modern Russian

>> No.21432098
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>> No.21432100

>This phrase is not intended to be taken offensively

>> No.21432110

how do i get laid?
>but thats not /lit/ relate-

>> No.21432117

Yeah, why is AI such a faggot?

>> No.21432135

Simply go to the gym and squeeze a girl's ass, and then you will be laid on the floor by her bf. Peace be upon you, brother.

>> No.21432138
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>> No.21432254
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>> No.21432333

Haha, it invented books. They don't exist. What's the AI?

>> No.21432337

Incredible... you can basically get an insight into the mainstream, mid-witty position on any topic.

I don't understand, is this bot scanning what we say about these authors here on 4chan as well?